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Name of Institution Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University

Faculty Humanities and Social Sciences
Program Business English

Section 1
General Information
1. Course code and course title: MBE63705 – Speaking English in Official and Social Events

2. Number of credit: 3 Credits (2-2-5)

3. Curriculum: Bachelor’s Degree

Category of the courses
 General Education
 Specific course: Compulsory
 Specific course: Elective
 Free elective course

4. Course coordinators and Lecturers: Arnold M. Celemin

5. Academic Year: 2023 Semester: 1st Semester

Year levels of students and their major: 4th Year Modern Business English

6. Requisites (if any)

 Pre-requisite is ................................
 Co-requisite is ................................

7. Venue of study
 Language Center: Language Center, 3rd Floor, Training Room 4
 Main Building: Room ….

8. Last updated of the course details

Date: N/A Month: N/A Year: N/A

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Section 2
Purposes and Objectives

1. Purposes of the course

The course aims at making the students acquire an in-depth knowledge about the specialized field
of "event management" and to become familiar with management techniques and strategies
required for successful planning, promotion, implementation and evaluation of special events.

2. Behavioral objectives of the course

After studying this course, the learners will be able:

1. (K) to be fully exposed with the roles and responsibilities of people involved in planning and
delivering of events

2. (P) to be exposed to various forms, structures and processes of organizing successful events

3. (A) to be able to acquire English skills and confidence to communicate in a formal settings at
an advance level.
Section 3
Course Management and Delivery

1. Course Description
develop public speaking at ceremonial and social events. Students will learn stress reduction
techniques, speaking Emphasis on presentation skills, memory training for speaking at parties,
speaking as a host award speech admiration, thanking the guest using humor to encourage
continuous listening, throughout the practice of speaking politely to be straight to the point and
how to pause while speaking

Number of hours per semester

Lecture Practice Self-study Field trip/Internship
(hours/semester) (hours/semester) (hours/semester) (hours/semester)
30 hours 30 hours 75 hours

2. Hours per week for academic advice and guidance to individuals/consultation hours
• 3 Hours Course Studying

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• Extra Hours for Activity Checking

Section 4
Development of the Students’ Learning Outcome
Curriculum Mapping
 Main responsibility  Second responsibility
5. Numerically
4. Interpersonal analytical,
3. Intellectual
1. Moral and Ethics 2. Knowledge skills and communication and
Subject skills
responsibilities information
technology skills
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4
                

The outcomes of learning in each aspect to develop the students

Details of
Expected Outcome Teaching Methods* Evaluation Methods*
Learning Outcome

1. Moral and Ethics 1. Having an honesty RELEVANT TO THE COURSE: 1. Mark the students
behavior as a good person 1. Introduce the Ethical according to their behavior
and professional ethics. issues concerning organizing shown in class and give an
events. overall assessment based
on their performance
2. Teach the discipline on which convey either
how to leave a positive impact positive or negative
and competently face and impact to the audience.
counter negative feedbacks
from the audiences by
analyzing the situation
effectively and intelligently
and formulate courses of
actions applicable to the

2. Knowledge 1. Having knowledge in 1. Assess based on the

1. Clearly explain and describe

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Details of
Expected Outcome Teaching Methods* Evaluation Methods*
Learning Outcome
Business English which is the different types of events knowledge gained through
needed for field training (definition, benefits, and submitting or showing
and work process of organizing each their output.

3. Teach the techniques

needed to organize a
successful event.

4. Explore a variety of ways

to connect to different
audiences and how to
communicate effectively using
the proper speaking style.

3. Intellectual skills 1. Be able to apply both 1. The students need to gain 1. Assess them by giving
theoretical and practical background knowledge about exams and exercises to
knowledge appropriately official and social events. They measure their
in real situations will be engaged through a lot comprehension.
of learning exercises to
effectively remember the
lesson and apply it
appropriately in the hands-on

4. Interpersonal skills 1. Be able to be both a 1. Engage the students more 1. Assess them by giving
and responsibilities good leader and a on speaking activities such them group or pair
delivering speech confidently, exercises where the
responding to questions and
conversations thought- fully, lecturer can monitor if
appropriate body language group members are doing
such as facial expressions, their responsibilities and
posture, voice, gesture, etc., to group mates are working
enhance verbal and non- accordingly.
verbal communication through
mediums specifically tailored
for the said skill.

2. Establishing conversation to

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Details of
Expected Outcome Teaching Methods* Evaluation Methods*
Learning Outcome
demonstrate interest and
instantaneously draw the
student’s attention into your
desire to listen like initiating
through open and closed

3. Being involved to everyday

happenings by talking about
the latest trends and events
both internally and externally
and daily experiences to
promote social awareness.

5. Numerically 1. Be able to listen, speak, 1. Teach them a lot of ways of 1. Assess them based on
analytical, read and write effectively gathering data and creating the output they will
communication in English innovative tools for connecting submit which is created
and information people using modern through the incorporation
technology skills technology. of information technology
and analytical skills to
polish and check
appropriately their final

Section 5
Lesson Plan and Evaluation Plan

1. Lesson Plan
Teaching & learning activities/
Week Topic Hrs. Instructor
teaching materials

• Orchestrate a positive impression by giving

1 Course Introduction 4 T. Arnold
a welcoming introduction.
• Explain the rules and regulations in the class.

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Teaching & learning activities/
Week Topic Hrs. Instructor
teaching materials
• Explain the subject and the topics to be
discussed in the future.
• Explain the grading system.

Introduction to Event • Explain the definition, objectives, benefits,

2 4 T. Arnold
Management structure, etc.

Types of Events & People • Explain the categories and types of events and
3 4 T. Arnold
Involved the people involved in event organizing

4 Event Planning 4 • Explain how to organize events T. Arnold

• Explain how to entertain the guests and learn

5-6 Entertaining Guests 8 the common expressions used to keep the T. Arnold
conversation flowing

Basic Qualities of an Event • Explain the required skills and qualities of the
7 4 T. Arnold
Person people organizing an event

8-10 Hosting an Event 12 • Explain and show how to host an event T. Arnold

11 Receiving Awards 4 • Explain how to construct a memorable speech T. Arnold

Event Proposal, Marketing

12 4 • Explain how to promote an event T. Arnold
and Promotion

Event Crisis Management • Explain the problems and how to manage an

13 4 T. Arnold
event crisis

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Teaching & learning activities/
Week Topic Hrs. Instructor
teaching materials

Event Organizing 12 • Organize official events (Group Activity) T. Arnold


2. Evaluation Plan
Evaluation Score Proportion (%)
1 Formative tests / Requirements / 40
2 Midterm exam 20
3 Final exam 30
4 Attendance 5
5 Classroom Behavior 5
Section 6
Teaching Materials and Resources
1. Main Textbooks and Teaching Documents*
TEACHER-MADE MATERIALS ( course book compiled from various resources )
2. Other Important Teaching Documents/Textbooks and Information*
3. Essential Related Websites*
List of online sources will be depending on the lessons and activities
4. Other Recommended Documents/Suggested Readings

Section 7
Course Evaluation and Improvement

1. Teaching Evaluation

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 Students evaluate online.
 Others: ............................................................................................

2. Teaching Improvement
 Improved teaching by
- Exploring more teaching styles that will fit the lesson.
 Improved teaching media by
- Incorporating technology to supply more information to students and exploring the
latest trends to innovate the styles and techniques of connecting to the public.
 Improved evaluation methods by
- Re-assessing all criteria depending on level of difficulty of the task assigned.
 Others: ............................................................................................

3. Verification of Students’ Learning Achievement

 Review students’ scores/grades/other related documents by the Program.
 Re-examine students’ learning outcomes by the Faculty’s verification committee.
 Others: ............................................................................................

4. Revision and Improvement Plan of the Course

 Arrange meetings/seminars for the lecturers to review and improve the course
 Improve the course annually following all evaluation results

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Appendix ภาคผนวก
Teaching Methods วิธีสอน
1. Tutorial group
2. การระดมสมอง (Brain storming)
3. การฝึกแสดงออกทางพฤติกรรม
4. การศึกษาดูงาน
5. การศึกษาค้น คว้าโดยอิสระ (Independent study)
6. การเรียนรู้ด้วยการนำตนเอง (Self-directed learning)
7. การสอนโดยใช้โครงงาน (Project-based instruction)
8. การเรียนรูจากบุคคลต้น แบบ/ปราชญ์
9. การเรียนการสอนแบบจุลภาค (Micro teaching)
10. การนิเทศการปฏิบัติการวิชาชีพ (Supervision)
11. การเรียนรู้แบบร่วมมือ (Cooperative learning)
12. การฝึกปฏิบัติ (Practice)
13. การฝึกงาน (รวมถึง การฝึกสอน)
14. การสอนโดยใช้วิจัยเป็นฐาน (Research-based instruction)
15. การสอนโดยใช้ปัญหาเป็นฐาน (Problem-based instruction)
16. การสะท้อนความคิด (Reflective thinking)
17. การสอนแบบสืบวนสอบสวน (Inquiry-based instruction)
18. การสอนโดยใช้การอุปนัย (Inductive)
19. การใช้กรณีศึกษา (Case Study)
20. การแสดงบทบาทสมมติ (Role Playing)
21. การใช้สถานการณ์จำลอง (Simulation)
22. การแสดงละคร (Dramatization)
23. การสาธิต (Demonstration)
24. การสอนแบบศูนย์การเรียน (Learning Center)
25. การใช้เกม (Game)
26. การทดลอง (Experiment)
27. การศึกษาภาคสนาม (Field Trip)
28. การสอนแบบสัมมนา (Seminar)
29. การสอนโดยใช้การนิรนัย (Deductive)
30. การบรรยาย
31. การอภิปราย
32. อื่นๆ ระบุ.............

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Evaluation Methods วิธีการวัดผล
1. การสังเกตพฤติกรรม
2. การนำเสนองาน
3. การเข้าชั้นเรียน
4. การประเมินกระบวนการทำงาน/บทบาทในการทำกิจกรรม
5. การสอบข้อเขียน
6. การสอบปากเปล่า
7. การสอบภาคปฏิบัติ (Performance Test)
8. การประเมินจากแบบฝึกหัดหรือการบ้าน
9. การประเมินจากการทำรายงาน
10. การประเมินจากการทำโครงงาน
11. การประเมินแฟ้มพัฒนางาน (Portfolio) / อนุทิน (diary, journal)
12. การประเมินจากการปฏิบัติจริง (Authentic Task)
13. การประเมินการวิพากษ์/การนำเสนอผลงาน
14. การประเมินจากการสะท้อนผลการทำงานร่วมกัน
15. การประเมินจากการรายงานตนเอง (Self-report)
16. การประเมินแบบ 360 องศา
17. การประเมินโดยเพื่อน (Peer assessment)
18. วิธีอื่น ๆ ระบุ.................


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