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Group #: One / 1 Course & Sec: BSN 2-YA-8
Leader: Carbonel, Allysa Joy P. Prof: Mr. Jessie Magno
1. Bernabe, Mitzi
2. Cruz, Kweence Charlotte
3. Georsua, Mary Christine
4. Rañeses, Vhiolianne Faye
5. Santiago, Julie Gale
6. Sarmiento, Loraine Jules
7. Tristan, Joanne-Maicca Nicole
8. Vicente, Yzyra

I. INSTRUCTIONS: Read each statement carefully. Distinguish if the statement is

expressing truth or is a false claim. If the statement is true, write the word Truth and
False if otherwise. Seek more complex truths through research. Write the evidence on
the space provided.

Statement: Truth or False Evidence / Explanation

1. Drinking alcohol and FALSE Drinking alcohol and smoking

smoking are part of aren’t a part of growing up.
growing up. It’s all about the person’s
decisions on whether he/she
chose it to be a part of his/her
growth. Vices like these are
taught by other people or can
be seen from people (such as
peer pressure)

2. Human beings are TRUE Everybody commits mistakes

bound to commit and from that we learn and
mistakes. we eventually develop
ourselves into something
good. Failures in life give us
learning and we should not
focus on that and blame
others for that failure. We
take responsibility for that
mistake and find a solution to

3. A human person can FALSE Dignity is one of the most

lose his dignity essential things in the human
spirit. Regardless of age,
appearance, level, and ability,
all of us have dignity, and a
human being never loses
their dignity because they
have their rights. And those
rights cannot be taken by

4. Copying and pasting TRUE

from the internet Copying and pasting verbatim
hinders one from from the internet or any
his/her search for source will always be wrong.
truth. Plagiarism occurs when you
copy and paste verbatim from
a site without crediting the
source such as putting the
information in direct quotation
(i.e., ““) marks. Even if it looks
innocuous doing the copy
and paste without giving
credit to the source, it is still
illegal and destructive to your
research or study. Copyright
infringement is when you use
someone else’s work without
their consent or permission.
The owner of a copyright has
the authority to decide who
can legally copy that work.
Even if you give the original
author credit, it is illegal to
copy major portions of
someone else's copyrighted
work without permission. In
the Philippines, when
someone violates copyright
law, there are legal penalties
for copyright infringement
such as for the first offense, a
sentence of 1 to 3 years in
prison and a fine of 50,000 to
150,000 is imposed. For the
second offense, the penalty is
3 years and 1 day to 6 years
in prison and a fine of
between 150,000 to 500,000

5. It is alright to tell a FALSE

white lie to save one SometimesI do think it's fine
from disgrace. to tell a white lie as long as it
doesn't affect anybody
negatively or as long as it
doesn't hurt someone. But
that doesn't make everything
right because a lie is still a lie.
Don't get used to telling white
lies all the time, because at
some point a small white lie
can affect a person's life.
Especially as a nursing
student, we always need to
tell the truth. Because a
patient's life is in our hands.
Not every time that telling a
white lie can be beneficial,
because no matter what
happens a lie is still a lie.
Sacrificing someone’s image
from disgrace is better than
risking someone’s whole life
negatively. Some think that
white lies can be kind,
because you’re not straight
forward about opinions. But
for me it’s cruel, it’s better to
say the truth straight up than
let someone hold onto that lie
knowing it’s not the truth. It’s
false positivity if you think
about it.

6. Reading your daily FALSE As mere humans, we aren’t

horoscope able to predict our day’s luck,
determines your as daily happenings vary in
day’s luck. every person, every day,
what more with just reading
daily horoscopes? We should
not decide our luck or future
just because of what we have
read in the horoscope
because even what may
happen to us a few minutes
or hours later is not
predictable. Referring to
horoscopes just to determine
our luck, may affect the
person negatively, as there is
a possibility wherein, he/she
will try to act based on what
he/she reads just to get the
accurate results or luck that
he/she is expecting for the
day. Horoscopes are just
predictions in a planetary
perspective that some early
astrologers made depending
on the movement of the stars,
planets, sun and moon.
Horoscope may not
determine your day’s luck,
but it can help a person
consider options that they
may have overlooked.

7. Telling and FALSE It is avoidable if we chose not

spreading gossip is to spread gossip to anyone.
unavoidable. Spreading gossip may affect
you as the one who talks and
also the person you’re
referring to. As the person
who’s spreading gossip, your
attitude and characteristic
may reflect on who you really
are as a person so I don’t
think that it will bring good.

8. Human beings, by TRUE Human beings are naturally

nature, are good. born to be good. We, human
beings, are all committing sin
against our neighbor but that
doesn’t mean that we are
bad. Everyone is kind
because even if other people
have sinned against us, we
are still able to understand
and forgive but we can never
forget it. Any evil in it is the
result of external factors
causing it to change. The fruit
of man's first sin, the
forbidden tree whose mortal
taste brought death into the
world and caused all our
woes. In other words, we are
all inherently good to begin
with. Those that are “evil” are
only that way due to their
surroundings and past
experiences. As a result of
society's morality and values,
human nature has a
conscience. Moreover,
guidelines play a role in the
formation and state of human

9. Listening to fortune FALSE As for me you should not let

tellers can help you other people decide for your
plan better things future because from the start
for the future. you can decide everything in
your life by yourself, you
know what is good for you
and you know what is your
goal in the future. And at
some point if you let a fortune
teller's reading affect you and
your decisions, then maybe
you wouldn't like the result at
the end. Although there’s
nothing wrong in being
idealistic and wanting to
believe in predictions. But
relying on fortune tellers
alone can not only affect you
in the present, but you in the
future as well. It’s fine to
discover things through palm
readings and tarot cards, but
don’t let everything be
decided by it. You don’t need
fortune tellers to make better
decisions, you can do it by
yourself especially when you
think about things and don’t
decide things impulsively.

10. If you don’t have TRUE Some of us are soft hearted

anything good to and sensitive. Before we
say, don’t say it. speak we must think about it
first because we might hurt
other people's feelings. Don't
let anyone invalidate your
feelings. A person's words
are the most powerful things
he or she has. It's your job to
keep them positive and
reliable. So, if you have
something to say, first ask
whether it will hurt someone.
Second, ask how what you
say will benefit someone. We
must learn that negative
words lead to a negative life.
Remove the words "awful"
and "hate" from your


1. Does truth always matter to you?

Is it important for you to know the truth? Nobody loves it when they are deceived.
However, the truth is that humans tend to enjoy lying.

For me, the truth always matters. It has an impact on personal connections. If we want to
be able to act rationally, we all need to know the truth. A fair and just society is built on the
foundation of truth. This is essential for both individuals and society as a whole. Being honest
allows us to evolve as people and learn from our mistakes. Lying and hypocrisy undermine
social bonds, but honesty enhances them.

2. Do we have to speak and seek for what is true all the time? Explain your answer.

Yes, we must always speak and seek what is true since humans prefer to comprehend
more in terms of feelings rather than speaking truthfulness in which forms lie beyond phrases
and promises that may lead to additional problems. We may not say the truth, for it could hurt
one's heart, but we could deeply wound them by simply taking the reality away from their hands.
On top of that, that is the reason for our existence, to seek and find the truth; we live to look for
true love, true friendship, the true meaning of life, and not the other way around. What is it like
to live in a world full of lies? We are born with the ability to hold the truth in our hands; it will be
our strongest competitor, our tough argument, but it will also be our most valuable ally in facing
a world full of fallacies.

3. How do you judge the truth? What are the ways that you tried to search for the truth?
I am the kind of person that I need to see the proof first and I will ask several questions
before believing. To know the truth I am doing my own research, and asking questions to many
people that are related to the topic or to the situation.

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