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Rommel M.

Berania February 12, 2023


Building Factor

I feel that by doing simple things like planting a tree, throwing my trash in the right place,
and decreasing pollution, I have already positively impacted my country and science and
technology. We could make significant progress if we all made little moves. This may be done by
being more careful with our purchases and not wasting resources. We must also keep in mind to
recycle and properly dispose of chemicals to prevent poisoning of the ground and water sources.
There are various ways to save the environment, and they serve as reminders to make thoughtful
decisions every day. No matter how hectic your life may be, it is still rather simple to make modest
but important improvements for our nation through science and technology.

Science and technology may help developing nations, but they can also be used to abuse
the environment and influence the planet. It all depends on how and why they are employed.
Science and technology have the potential to alleviate social, environmental, and economic
concerns. Still, they may also be utilized to pursue profit and power at the expense of people and
the environment. Some businesses, for example, utilize technology to take natural resources,
exploit employees, and contribute to environmental destruction. To ensure that science and
technology are used in an ethical, sustainable, and fair manner, it is crucial to be aware of how
they are being used for laws and policies that safeguard people and the environment.

To promote nation-building, several ways exist to enhance and change current science and
technology processes. Spending on research and development may encourage creativity and
technical advancement. This could lead to new insights and technological improvements that can
be used to address social issues. Promoting STEM education is the second. If STEM education is
promoted, future generations will be more equipped to lead technological growth and innovation.
Last but not least, encouraging diversity and inclusion will make it possible to bring a wider variety
of perspectives and experiences to the table, leading to more innovative and comprehensive
solutions to the social challenges of nation-building.

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