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to grumble [ˈgrʌmbl] ворчать he grumbled lying on the sofa

2. dreadful [ˈdrɛdfʊl] ужасный It’s so dreadful to be you
3. to fold [fəʊld] сгибать folding his arms across his chest
4. to dig [dɪg] копать we’ll dig your grave
5. rib [rɪb] ребро a broken rib
6. bookworm [ˈbʊkwɜːm] книжный червь she was a bookworm
7. idle [aɪdl] праздный an idle smile playing over his lips
8. to stroke [strəʊk] погладить he stroked the long blade
9. fussy [ˈfʌsi] суетливый fussy old lady
10. naughty [ˈnɔːti] гадкий what a naughty little boy
11. cheeky [ˈʧiːkɪ] наглый cheeky boys
12. vitality [vaɪˈtælɪtɪ] жизнеспособность vitality just poured off them
13. dignity [ˈdɪgnɪti] достоинство she returned with dignity
14. boyish [ˈbɔɪɪʃ] ребяческий Don’t, Jace. It’s so boyish!
15. chestnut [ˈʧɛsnʌt] каштановый the girl with the chestnut hair
16. to peck [pɛk] клевать Did he peck you?
17. to blame [bleɪm] винить you are both to be blamed
18. gown [gaʊn] платье she wear long gown
19. poky [ˈpəʊki] жалкий like a poky old man
20. eavesdrop [ˈiːvzdrɒp] подслушивать teenagers leaned forward to eavesdrop
21. to bound across [baʊnd əˈkrɒs] пролететь через/сквозь her ball bounded across the room
22. to refine [rɪˈfaɪn] усовершенствовать to refine the procedures
23. fierce [fɪəs] свирепый the bouncers were fierce
24. to crackle [ˈkrækl] трещать/потрескивать the fire crackled
25. plain [pleɪn] простой the room was very plain
26. to hang [hæŋ] висеть pictures are hanging on the wall
27. recess [rɪˈsɛs] выемка/ниша Books filled the recesses
28. to pervade [pɜːˈveɪd] пронизывать a pleasant atmosphere pervaded it
29. plump [plʌmp] пухлый she was plump
30. vain [veɪn] самовлюбленный She was rather vain
31. Colt [kəʊlt] новичок Perhaps he’s a Colt now
32. limb [lɪm] конечность тела What to do with her long limbs?
33. eel [iːl] угорь the boy slid past him, quick as an eel
34. insouciant [ɪnˈsuːsɪənt] беззаботный he was an insouciant boy
35. rosy [ˈrəʊzi] румяный Clary was rosy
36. timid [ˈtɪmɪd] робкий a timid voice
37. seldom [ˈsɛldəm] редко an expression which was seldom disturbed
38. to venture out [ˈvɛnʧər aʊt] отважиться we too should venture out for a stretch
39. dizziness [ˈdɪzɪnɪs] головокружение with a drunken dizziness
40. to strike [straɪk] (про)бить the clock struck six
41. blaze [bleɪz] пламя she sat up nearer to the blaze
42. fascinating [ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ] удивительный he was the most fascinating person
43. self-defense [sɛlf-dɪˈfɛns] самооборона he knows nothing about self-defense
44. to regale [rɪˈgeɪl] угощать he regaled me with stories
45. to entrust [ɪnˈtrʌst] поручить, доверить it could be entrusted only to me
46. to encourage [ɪnˈkʌrɪʤ] поощрять he encouraged me
47. mutely [ˈmjuːtli] безмолвно I nodded mutely
48. to yank [jæŋk] дергать she were yanking at clothes
49. bruise [bruːz] ушиб a bruise on my leg
50. elaborate [ɪˈlæbərɪt] сложный, замысловатый at the elaborate facade
51. to bob [bɒb] подпрыгивать, качаться little boats bobbed
52. mist [mɪst] туман in the mist of early morning
53. to nudge [nʌʤ] подталкивать she nudged me
54. vast [vɑːst] огромный a vast green house
55. to emerge [ɪˈmɜːʤ] появляться, возникать she emerged from the room
56. to curtsy [ˈkɜːtsi] приседать, делать реверанс she curtsied to me
57. auburn [ˈɔːbən] темно-рыжий it was something auburn
58. to hesitate [ˈhɛzɪteɪt] колебаться I hesitated for only moment
59. to wipe [waɪp] вытирать before wiping my fingers
60. dismay [dɪsˈmeɪ] испуг, ужас to my dismay
61. to squeak [skwiːk] пищать I squeaked
62. trail [treɪl] тропа a nature trail
63. source [sɔːs] источник the source of our troubles
64. estate [ɪsˈteɪt] участок, территория it was a huge estate
65. keen [kiːn] тонкий, острый a keen sense of smell
66. malice [ˈmælɪs] злоба there was no malice
67. fragile [ˈfræʤaɪl] хрупкий she wasn’t a fragile little girl
68. dusk [dʌsk] сумерки, закат in the gathering dusk
69. to blurt [blɜːt] выпалить, взболтнуть she accidentally blurted
70. to doze [dəʊz] дремать the other was dozing
71. to yell [jɛl] кричать, вопить she was going to yell
72. direction [dɪˈrɛkʃən] направление I run without direction
73. awe [ɔː] благоговение, трепет I was filled with awe
74. to mutter [ˈmʌtə] бормотать muttering to herself
75. palpable [ˈpælpəbl] ощутимый, явный a palpable sense
76. to croon [kruːn] напевать she crooned softly
77. entirely [ɪnˈtaɪəli] полностью, совершенно I’m not entirely convinced
78. to murmur [ˈmɜːmə] шептать(ся) he murmured things in my ear
79. twinge [twɪnʤ] приступ felt a keen twinge of pity
80. sparse [spɑːs] редкий his sparse brown hair
81. to smirk [smɜːk] ухмыляться not smirked but smiled
82. to plead [pliːd] умолять, упрашивать I could do, he pleaded
83. to eclipse [ɪˈklɪps] затмевать all my fear eclipsed by the beauty
84. cushion [ˈkʊʃən] диванная подушка under the cushion of the chair
85. to cluster [ˈklʌstə] толпиться a group of people clustered
86. to tinkle [ˈtɪŋkl] звенеть a high, tinkling laugh
87. shabby [ˈʃæbi] потрепанный a shabby coat
88. gaze [geɪz] пристальный взгляд she held my gaze for a moment
89. cuff [kʌf] манжета at his cuffs
90. pressure [ˈprɛʃə] давление the pressure of the air
91. jolt [ʤəʊlt] толчок with a sudden jolt
92. to erupt [ɪˈrʌpt] вспыхнуть malice erupted at this moment
93. to squint [skwɪnt] жмуриться, щуриться I squinted
94. shriek [ʃriːk] визг, крик the shriek split the air
95. angle [ˈæŋgl] угол what’s the angle?
96. silk [sɪlk] шелк with cascade of bronze silk
97. to cheat [ʧiːt] обманывать he cheats me
98. to frown [fraʊn] хмуриться she frowned reading the book
99. peculiar [pɪˈkjuːliə] странный he was peculiar
100. lawn [lɔːn] садовый her lawn chair
101. lanai [læˈnaɪ] веранда she was sitting on the lanai
102. to lean [liːn] наклониться lean forward for me
103. blurry [ˈblɜːri] нечеткий the first was a blurry picture
104. scrawny [ˈskrɔːni] тощий this one of a scrawny boy
105. to resent [rɪˈzɛnt] обижаться she resented him for it
106. craftsmanship [ˈkrɑːftsmənʃɪp] искусная работа, мастерство it was his craftsmanship
107. to insist [ɪnˈsɪst] настаивать she insisted
108. ripe [raɪp] спелый ripe fruits
109. flimsy [ˈflɪmzi] непрочный, легкий a flimsy door
110. pond [pɒnd] пруд the edge of the pond
111. to torture [ˈtɔːʧə] пытать don’t torture her
112. dizzy [ˈdɪzi] чувствующий головокружение I feel a little dizzy
113. stubbornly [ˈstʌbənli] упорно she stubbornly proved to me
114. minor [ˈmaɪnə] незначительный it was a minor thing
115. somnolent [ˈsɒmnələnt] сонный I was very somnolent
116. rash [ræʃ] сыпь I’ve come out in a rash
117. untreatable [ˌʌnˈtriːtəbl] неизлечимый untreatable illness
118. abiding [əˈbaɪdɪŋ] постоянный our abiding intention
119. feud [fjuːd] вражда an unwinnable feud with him
120. to inherit [ɪnˈhɛrɪt] наследовать this is smth I hope you inherit
121. chunk [ʧʌŋk] кусок a sizeable chunk
122. bouncer [ˈbaʊnsə] вышибала the bouncer said
123. to poke [pəʊk] тыкать she poked her finger into my chest
124. amid [əˈmɪd] среди it back amid roars of laughter
125. vivid [ˈvɪvɪd] яркий in the vivid glow of snow
126. to snap [snæp] огрызаться don’t play games, she snapped
127. frankly [ˈfræŋkli] откровенно and frankly he was starting to lose it
128. to hoist up [hɔɪst] поднимать the kid hoisted the thing up
129. oppressively [əˈprɛsɪvli] угнетающе had become oppressively real to him
130. bizarre [bɪˈzɑː] странный bizarre conversation
131. meltdown [ˈmeltdaʊn] отчаяние, полный крах he was in full meltdown
132. delusion [dɪˈluːʒən] галлюцинация delusions were starting to get the best of him
133. to swipe [swaɪp] стащить she swiped the key
134. to stomp [stɒmp] топать he stomped of to his room
135. blunt [blʌnt] тупой (предмет) with a blunt object
136. reverence [ˈrev(ə)rəns] уважение I’d spoken about with reverence
137. to bewilder [bɪˈwɪldə] ошеломить his words completely bewildered me
138. interlocking [ɪntəˈlɒkɪŋ] взаимосвязанный a chain of interlocking words
139. stunning [ˈstʌnɪŋ] потрясающий stunning views
140. aspiration [æspɪˈreɪʃn] стремление his aspiration was awesome
141. butler [ˈbʌtlə] дворецкий the butler opened the door
142. veritable [ˈverɪtəbl] истинный it was a veritable open-air museum
143. to revolve [rɪˈvɒlv] вращаться the revolving columns of smoke
144. porch [pɔːʧ] крыльцо there was not a single porch light on
145. shutter [ˈʃʌtə] ставень shutters shut tight
146. to stare [steə] пристально смотреть he seemed to stare back
147. pine [paɪn] сосна a wall of scrub pines
148. eligible [ˈelɪʤəbl] подходящий with eligible widows
149. to fetch [feʧ] (сходить и) принести can you fetch my knife?
150. puddle [pʌdl] лужа sticky puddles
151. raving [ˈreɪvɪŋ] буйный a raving old man
152. to nod [nɒd] кивать he nodded
153. grumpy [ˈgrʌmpɪ] сварливый, угрюмый I was grumpier than usual
154. to scowl [skaʊl] хмуриться I scowled at the nickname
155. cue [kjuː] сигнал he gave me a cue
156. to hesitate [ˈhezɪteɪt] медлить I hesitated by the door
157. to wince [wɪns] вздрагивать I winced at the thought of it
158. violent [ˈvaɪələnt] сильный a violent thud against the door
159. alert [əˈlɜːt] бдительный be alert
160. to huddle [hʌdl] жаться I don’t feel like huddling
161. to glimpse [glɪmps] взглянуть мельком hoping to catch a glimpse
162. scrawny [ˈskrɔːnɪ] худощавый it was a scrawny little boy
163. tersely [ˈtɜːslɪ] кратко she spoke tersely
164. misfortune [mɪsˈfɔːʧən] несчастье I’ve had the misfortune to witness
165. to evade [ɪˈveɪd] избегать she managed to evade
166. blithely [ˈblaɪðlɪ] беспечно she was roving blithely
167. welfare [ˈwelfeə] благополучие about the welfare of young man
168. bent [bent] изогнутый the barred was bent
169. loose [luːs] свободный loose closing
170. lantern [ˈlæntən] фонарь then a lantern glowed
171. to abhor [əbˈhɔː] ненавидеть she abhorred that
172. to foretell [fɔːˈtel] предсказывать he is foretelling your movements
173. esteem [ɪsˈtiːm] почтение held in high esteem
174. to ingest [ɪnˈʤest] глотать how did he ingest it?
175. to nourish [ˈnʌrɪʃ] питать, кормить let’s nourish that body
176. scrap [skræp] обрывок in scraps of silk
177. border [ˈbɔːdə] граница the border wars
178. orphan [ˈɔːfən] сирота two more orphans
179. trade [treɪd] ремесло learn a trade
180. stocky [ˈstɒkɪ] коренастый the boy was stocky
181. sour [ˈsaʊə] кислый pale and sour
182. mud [mʌd] грязь (земля) she cooks tastes like mud
183. to hiss [hɪs] шипеть, шикать the girl hissed
184. to endure [ɪnˈdjʊə] терпеть, изнывать they endured long hours of chores
185. smudge [smʌʤ] пятно a dirty smudge
186. to toss [tɒs] бросать, перебрасывать girl tossed тоher long hair
187. to suppress [səˈpres] подавлять had to suppress a shudder
188. to snort [snɔːt] фыркать I snorted
189. shudder [ˈʃʌdə] дрожь had to suppress a shudder
190. sinister [ˈsɪnɪstə] зловещий the sinister haze
191. casualty [ˈkæʒʊəltɪ] потеря with massive casualty
192. faint [feɪnt] обморок no fainting in the middle of the road
193. cinder [ˈsɪndə] пепел in he sky like a burned cinderyy
194. effort [ˈefət] попытка, усилие despite my best efforts
195. eager [ˈiːgə] активный, энергичный his eager and loving curiosity
196. bemused [bɪˈmjuːzd] ошеломленный a bemused glance
197. to grouse [graʊs] ворчать I groused
198. to dread [dred] страшиться, бояться I had plenty of good reasons to dread
199. to slam [slæm] захлопывать we’d slammed the book
200. unease [ʌnˈiːz] тревога feeling of unease
201. sizzle [sɪzl] шипение the phantom sizzle of her death
202. thud [θʌd] стук a very loud thud in my chest
203. grudgingly [ˈgrʌʤɪŋlɪ] неохотно, неспешный I said grudgingly
204. cheek [ʧiːk] щека the flush on my cheek
205. blade [bleɪd] клинок his hand tightened on the blade he carried
206. predictably [prɪˈdɪktəblɪ] ожидаемо it was so predictably
207. pace [peɪs] темп leisurely pace
208. nearness [ˈnɪənɪs] близость his skin prickling with her nearness
209. to evaporate [ɪˈvæpəreɪt] испаряться, исчезнуть his expression evaporated
210. to shrug [ʃrʌg] пожать плечами casually shrug
211. to readjust [riːəˈʤʌst] отрегулировать, поправить I readjusted the strap
212. grin [grɪn] ухмылка into a cocky grin
213. ramshackle [ˈræmʃækl] полуразвалившийся, ветхий a kind of ramshackle city
214. satchel [ˈsæʧəl] сумка, рюкзак the strap of the satchel
215. canvas [ˈkænvəs] брезентовый the white canvas tent
216. jostle [ʤɒsl] толкотня, давка after the jostle
217. to submit [səbˈmɪt] предоставить we had to submit these sketches
218. sharp [ʃɑːp] острый, резкий in a sharp breath
219. aisle [aɪl] проход came swooping down the aisle
220. exasperation [ɪgˈzɑːspeˈreɪʃn] раздражение he said in exasperation
221. peak [piːk] вершина the highest peaks
222. peasant [ˈpezənt] крестьянин a lot of peasants
223. retreat [rɪˈtriːt] отступление a ghost retreating through the smoke
224. charity [ˈʧærɪtɪ] доброта, милосердие the Duke’s charity
225. freedom [ˈfriːdəm] свобода have more freedom than me
226. raucous [ˈrɔːkəs] хриплый a raucous burst
227. loneliness [ˈləʊnlɪnɪs] одиночество it was loneliness in my heart
228. seducer [sɪˈdjuːsə] соблазнитель seducer of young girls
229. satisfaction [sætɪsˈfækʃn] удовольствие I said with some satisfaction
230. palm [pɑːm] ладонь the scar in my palm
231. knuckles [nʌkls] костяшки пальцев and started cracking his knuckles
232. gloomy [ˈgluːmɪ] мрачный the gloomy mood
233. to fret [fret] беспокоиться you won’t have to fret anymore
234. rickety [ˈrɪkɪtɪ] шаткий, хрупкий on the rickety steps
235. collar [ˈkɒlə] воротник I buried my chin in my collar
236. to swallow [ˈswɒləʊ] глотать I swallowed my jealousy
237. to peer [pɪə] всматриваться I peered into the dark
238. concern [kənˈsɜːn] забота, беспокойство I’m touched by your concern
239. snore [snɔː] храп soft snores
240. astonishment [əsˈtɒnɪʃmənt] изумление to hide my astonishment
241. harbor [ˈhɑːbə] пристань we’ll be sitting in the harbor
242. timber [ˈtɪmbə] древесина the timber was crackled
243. egret [ˈiːgrɪt] цапля snowy egret
244. to rehabilitate [riːəˈbɪlɪteɪt] восстанавливать he helped me to rehabilitate
245. throaty [ˈθrəʊtɪ] хриплый I heard the throaty voice
246. pathetic [pəˈθetɪk] унизительный a less pathetic way
247. folk [fəʊk] народный a folk art
248. rigorously [ˈrɪgərəslɪ] тщательно which hadn’t been rigorously enforced
249. unintentional [ʌnɪnˈtenʃnəl] непреднамеренный it was entirely unintentional
250. amateur [ˈæmətɜː] любитель he was an amateur

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