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Technical and organizational frameworks

 Technical framework
1.1: the manufacturing process
Since the calabash is a dry vegetable we have to clean it before its first use for
principally two reasons, hygiene and the protection of the calabash, cleaning it allows
us to remove all the impurities that can be found inside it then we polish it to make it
more penetrable for the drill.
Once we made the pattern we want it’s all done. we only have to put inside a led or a
lamp to finalize it.
But some of our products need a harder and tougher work example when we have to
paint it first and then adding a lamp inside it or not.
Here are steps to summarize it
Step 1

Step 2 with knife and pumice paper

Step 3 finalization

we deliver sometimes our customers by using “tiak tiak”

1.2 the basic technical data
 Calabash: bought in place at marche Kermel from some artisans there, and we paid
 Drill: borrowed from a joiner after his work done we paid him for his service
 Paints and brushes: bought in place at library aux 4 vents in town, we paid cash
 Store where we work: depending of the availability of each one’s houses
Technical sheet
our product derives from raw calabash we
polish and perforate with a drill to make
the patterns and then adding a led or a
lamp or even a candle to diffuse the
shadows of the patterns.
It’s a vegetable a dry one so it’s not
perishable but breakable if it falls from a
certain height. The paint can break down
if it became too exposed to the sun the
rain or dust.

1.3 infrastructures and technologies

We don’t have a place where we make our products so as I said the place depend on the
availability of each one’s house
And for the technologies we need a drill to make the patterns so we borrow it from a joiner
who will help us designing the patterns so it wouldn’t break or ruin the calabash. we don’t
have a stock of
1.3.1 inventory of current situation

elements Raw material products Drill and other Infrastructures

technologies (houses)

availability Not available available Available if Depends on

asked openness of
the house

1.3.2 needs in production infrastructures and equipment

we need a place to be able to do our work and display our finished products, we need a drill
with different screw bits to be able to make different models of patterns.
We also need a lot of different colors so we can satisfy all customers’ expectations. We need
also a stock of raw material to be up to date to orders.
If we can have a printer also it would be wonderful, to print the patterns the client wants so
the work would be done easily without damaging the calabash

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