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Ancient map of "Egypt"

re-draw old maps
Use the map to find historical sites that mark important
historical sites in Egypt.

What role did the Nile River play in Egyptian architecture?

What is the evidence for this role?

The Nile River played an important role in shaping ancient

Egyptian life and society. The Nile River provided the ancient
Egyptians with food, transportation, building materials, and
more. The most important thing the Nile provided the ancient
Egyptians was fertile land. Most of Egypt is desert, but the soil
along the Nile is fertile. The Nile also provided the ancient
Egyptians with many building materials. The Egyptians quarried
limestone and sandstone in the hills along the Nile. Ancient
Egyptian houses were built with mud collected from the wet
banks of the Nile. Put it in a mold and dry it in the sun to harden
it. When royal tomb bricks are used as pyramids, the outer
bricks are also finely polished. Examples include the village of
Deir al-Madinah, his city of Kahun in the Middle Kingdom[3],
Buhen[4] and its fortress Milgissa. Many of the temples and
tombs have also survived because they were built on high
ground and made of stone, unaffected by the floods of the Nile.

How did they build the pyramids? List three theories you found
on the internet and present them in your sketchnote.

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