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Subject: English

Grade Level: Grade 9

Objective: Use conditionals in expressing arguments.

Learning across the curriculum:

1. Science - Discussing hypothetical situations and their implications.

2. Social Studies - Analyzing cause-and-effect relationships in historical events.

3. Mathematics - Solving conditional probability problems.


1. Show a thought-provoking video clip depicting a hypothetical scenario and ask

students to share their opinions and predictions about the outcome.

2. Present a controversial statement related to a current issue and encourage

students to discuss their views, supporting their arguments with conditionals.

3. Conduct a quick quiz with hypothetical questions and ask students to explain their
reasoning using conditionals.


Activity 1: Debate Tournament

Materials: Timer, debate topics, scoring rubric

Instructions: Divide the class into teams and assign debate topics. Each team
will have a given time to present arguments, using conditionals effectively.
Use the scoring rubric to evaluate their performance.
Assessment questions:

1. What would happen if the government implemented stricter environmental


2. If you were in charge, what measures would you take to address poverty?

Activity 2: Role Play Scenarios

Materials: Scenario cards, props

Instructions: Provide each student with a scenario card and ask them to act
out a hypothetical situation, using conditionals to express arguments. Other
students will evaluate their performance based on the rubric.

Assessment questions:

1. If you could travel back in time, what historical event would you change and why?

2. What would you do if you won a million dollars?

Activity 3: Conditional Writing

Materials: Writing prompts, paper, pens

Instructions: Give students writing prompts that require them to construct

arguments using conditionals. Provide clear guidelines and criteria for grading
their written responses.

Assessment questions:

1. If you could have any superpower, which one would you choose and how would it
impact your life?

2. What would happen if everyone in the world suddenly became fluent in all


1. Model the use of conditionals in expressing arguments through a guided

discussion, providing examples and explanations for each type of conditional.
2. Conduct a think-pair-share activity where students discuss and analyze different
argumentative statements using conditionals.


1. Organize a class debate on a controversial topic, where students must construct

arguments using conditionals. Encourage students to research and gather evidence
to support their viewpoints.

2. Assign a group project where students create a hypothetical scenario and present
arguments using conditionals. They can use multimedia tools to enhance their


1. Conduct a written assessment where students are given argumentative

statements and must use conditionals to support their positions.

2. Observe and assess students' participation and use of conditionals during class
discussions and activities.


Write a persuasive essay discussing a hypothetical scenario and supporting your

arguments using conditionals. Use at least three different types of conditionals in
your essay.

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