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The objective of this lesson is for Grade 11 students to summarize an academic text
using various techniques.

Subject: Uses various techniques in summarizing

Grade Level: Grade 11

Learning across curriculum:

1. Science - Summarizing scientific research articles

2. History - Summarizing historical documents or speeches

3. Literature - Summarizing literary works or critical essays

Review Motivation:

1. Show a short video clip of a news anchor summarizing a news article to engage
students in the importance of summarizing.

2. Conduct a class discussion about the challenges students face when summarizing
academic texts.

3. Share success stories of individuals who have used effective summarizing

techniques to achieve their goals.

Activity 1: Summarizing a Scientific Research Article

Materials: Scientific research article, highlighters, paper pens


1. Provide students with a scientific research article.

2. In pairs, students will read and highlight the key points and supporting details.

3. Students will then write a summary of the article, focusing on the main idea and
important details.

- Criteria: Identifies main idea, includes important details, uses concise language

- Points: 10

Assessment Questions:

1. What is the main idea of the scientific research article?

2. How did you select the important details to include in your summary?

Activity 2: Summarizing a Historical Document

Materials: Historical document, highlighters, paper, pens


1. Provide students with a historical document.

2. Individually, students will read and highlight the key events and important details.

3. Students will then write a summary of the document, focusing on the significant
events and their impact.


- Criteria: Identifies key events, includes important details, provides historical context

- Points: 10

Assessment Questions:

1. What were the key events mentioned in the historical document?

2. How did those events shape the course of history?

Activity 3: Summarizing a Literary Work

Materials: Literary work, highlighters, paper, pens


1. Provide students with a literary work (e.g., short story, poem, essay).

2. In small groups, students will read and highlight the main themes, literary devices,
and significant passages.

3. Each group will then collaboratively write a summary of the literary work, capturing
its essence.


- Criteria: Identifies main themes, includes significant passages, analyzes literary


- Points: 10

Assessment Questions:

1. What were the main themes explored in the literary work?

2. How did the author use literary devices to convey their message?

Activity 4: Summarizing a Psychological Study

Material: Psychological study, highlighters, paper, pens


1. Provide students with a psychological study.

2. Individually, students will read and highlight the research objectives, methodology,
key findings, and conclusion.

3. Students will then write a summary of the study, focusing on the main research
question, key findings, and implications.


- Criteria: Identifies research objectives, includes key findings, discusses implications

- Points: 15
Assessment Questions:

1. What were the research objectives of the psychological study?

2. How did the key findings contribute to the field of psychology?

Activity 5: Summarizing a Political Speech

Materials: Political speech transcript, highlighters, paper, pens


1. Provide students with a transcript of a political speech.

2. In pairs, students will read and highlight the main arguments, persuasive
techniques, and call to action.

3. Students will then write a summary of the speech, focusing on the key arguments,
rhetorical devices used, and the intended impact.


- Criteria: Identifies main arguments, includes persuasive techniques, analyzes the

intended impact

- Points: 15

Assessment Questions:

1. What were the main arguments made in the political speech?

2. How did the persuasive techniques used enhance the impact of the speech?

Activity 6: Summarizing a Sociological Research Paper

Materials: Sociological research paper, highlighters, paper, pens


1. Provide students with a sociological research paper.

2. Individually, students will read and highlight the research question, methodology,
key findings, and implications.

3. Students will then write a summary of the research paper, focusing on the
research question, key findings, and the significance of the study in addressing
societal issues.


- Criteria: Identifies research question, includes key findings, discusses societal


- Points: 15

Assessment Questions:

1. What was the research question of the sociological research paper?

2. How did the key findings contribute to addressing societal issues?

Note: The rubrics for each activity contain three criteria worth 5 points each,
totaling 15 points. The assessment questions prompt students to critically
evaluate the main points and significance of the texts they summarized. The
activities cover a range of academic disciplines, allowing students to practice
summarizing various types of texts.


After each activity, students will compare their summaries with the original texts and
discuss any differences or areas for improvement. This analysis will help them
identify their and weaknesses in summarizing provide opportunities for further


Students reflect on the techniques they used in summarizing the different types of
texts. They will identify common strategies and develop their own personalized
approach to summarizing academic texts effectively.

Students will be given a real-life problem, such as summarizing a complex research

paper for a non-expert audience. They will apply the techniques they have learned to
create an accessible summary that conveys the main ideas and significance of the


Teachers can assess student learning based on the following criteria:

1. Accuracy and clarity of the summaries

2. Inclusion of important details and main ideas

3. Use of appropriate language and conciseness


For homework, students will be assigned to summarize a news article of their choice.
They will submit their summaries the following day, and the teacher will provide
feedback on their summarizing skills, highlighting areas for improvement.

By following this detailed 4As lesson plan, teachers can effectively guide Grade 11
students in summarizing academic texts using various techniques.

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