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AP Human Geography Spring AP Test & Final Exam Review 2021

Use your brain along with: key terms, Cultural Landscape, Princeton Review and class notes to help you review and
complete this guide.

Unit 1: Chapter 1
1. Practice reading latitude and longitude by using the following coordinates: (try not to use a map)
25N, 30E = Egypt 15S, 50W = Brazil

2. What is a major contribution for...

a) Eratosthenes- Found the circumference of the world
b) Ptolemey-Mapped the Earth with grid-like system
c) Idrisi-Arab geographer who made an accurate representation of the world and made a school for
d) Marsh-Impact of humans on the environment
e) Sauer-Cultural geography should the main focus of geographic study

4. Give the toponym, site, and situation of your home state.

Texas, Lattitude: 33.104 Longitude: -96.66, We are near Allen high school
5. (Cultural Ecology) What is the difference between possibilism and environmental determinism? Explain.
Environmental Determinism is that the environment influences the people, possibilism is that people can
overcome their environment.
6. Identify and define the three types of regions.
Perceptual Region, Formal Region, and Functional Region
7. What is the difference between GPS, remote sensing, and GIS?
GPS is used for getting to places, GIS is used to layer-specific information
8. Describe 1 advantage/1 disadvantage for each map projection below:
a) Robinson - curves inward but makes land masses look smaller has all errors but minimizes them
b) Mercator - Meant for projection but distorts but distorts areas as you get closer to the poles
c) Peters Keeps landmass equal in area but distorts shape of continents

Unit 2 Chapter 2
9. How would you determine if a place is overpopulated?
You find the carrying capacity and if its over its overpopulated
10. How has the population grown over the last 1,000 years?
11. Write out the demographic equation
The equation is births minus deaths plud net migration
12. According to Migration Selectivity, what types of people are likely candidates to move?
Single young people between the ages 18-30 looking for job opportunities or family opportunities
13. Define step migration and chain migration
Step migration is migrating in steps other than one big travel. Chain migration is migrating to a place from the
influence of family members who have already migrated
14. Density: What is the difference between…
a. Arithmetic

population divided by total land

b. Physiological- Dividing the total population by area of farmland

c. agricultural- Population of farmers by arable lan

15. Which region(s) of the US is most populated?


16. Describe the impact of the Industrial Revolution on world population growth and indicate which DTM stage most
felt the impact of this.
boom boom baby more on stage 2

17. What are the basic beliefs of Thomas Malthus?

That population growth will outgrow food output and natural checks will keep the population down
** Know the following: All five stages of the DTM

Unit 2 Chapter 3
18. What is the difference between Immigrant and an emigrant?
Immigrant is someone who moved into somewhere, an emigrant is someone who moved out
19. Identify the most common centrifugal force and the most common centripetal force for migration.
Economic oppurtunities for centripetal and for centrifugal political or cultural means
20. What are alternative names for centrifugal & centripetal forces?
Push and pull forces
21. Identify historic immigration patterns to the United States.
big waves of immigrants during colonial period
22. Presently which World regions are most immigrants leaving for the US?
Over one-fourth of all immigrants in the United States were from Asia. India, the Philippines, China (excluding
Hong Kong and Taiwan), Vietnam, and South Korea
23. Give an example of an intervening opportunity in migration.
Getting offered a job in Texas while your on your way to California from Florida
24. Define activity space.
Activity Space is how much people move in order to do their daily activities

Unit 3 Chapter 4
25. What are the 2 different types of diffusion?
Hierarchical and Contagious
26. Provide an example of each of the three types of expansion diffusion.
stimulus diffusion =pizza when it reached the us, hierarchical diffusion = church systems, contagious diffusion =
the spread of tea
27. Define: cultural landscape
anything that represents cultural values or history of a site
28. What is the difference between Acculturation and Assimilation?
Acculturation is whenever an culture modify certain parts of their religion, assimilation is whenever a small
culture just takes in nearly all of the bigger culture losing their cultural identity
29. Ethnocentrism vs. Cultural relativism – give an example of a person experiencing each.
Ethnocentrism - evaluating a culture from ur own cultures standards
cultural relativism - evaluating a culture from their cultural standards
30. Create a flowchart showing layers of culture from the smallest to the largest scale.

31. Folk vs. pop culture – which is most associated with local diversity and which is most associated with globalization?
pop culture most associated with globalization, folk culture most associated with local diversity
32. Compare and contrast the diffusion of popular culture vs. folk culture.
pop culture diffuses globally with hierarchical and contagious diffusion and folk culture barely diffuses and focus
more on a local area
Unit 3 Chapter 5
33. Define Lingua Franca and give 3 examples.
A language that is adopted as a common language between people who speak different languages, French,
Swahili, and Tok Pisin

34. What are the major language families in:

a. Europe: Indo-European b. the Americas: Indo-European c. East Asia: Sino-Tibetan
d. SW Asia: Semitic e. Africa: Niger-Congo

35. Draw a diagram showing the difference between a language family, language branch, and language group.

36. Explain the difference between a dialect and an accent.

Accent is how people say certain things, dialects are regional variants
37. What is an Isogloss?
a line defining a linguistic features
Unit 3 Chapter 6
38. Define universalizing religions. Give examples of 3 religions that are universalizing.
universalizing religions are religions that accept new members and actively look for new members
examples: christianity, islam, buddhism
39. Define ethnic religions. Give examples of 3 religions that are ethnic.
ethnic religions mostly only apply to one ethnicity
examples: judaism, hinduism, mshintoism
40. Complete the chart:
Religion Point of Origin Current Distribution
Islam Mecca Universalizing

Buddhism Northeastern India Universalizing

Hinduism Indus River Valley Ethnic

41. List the major branches:

a) Christianity
b) Islam
c) Buddhism
Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana
42. Give a general description of a specific religious conflict for each of the following categories (include location &
religion(s) involved:
a) religion vs. politics/government

b) religion vs. religion - interfaith conflicts

c) religion vs. religion - intrafaith conflicts

d) religion vs. secularism

Unit 4 Chapter 7
43. What is the difference between race and ethnicity?

Race is based on more physical traits, ethnicity is more based on culture and background
44. How did blockbusting impact racial distribution in urban areas?

Blockbusting made white flight and demand for white-only suburbs

45. What is the difference between centripetal and centrifugal forces in political geography?

46. What is an example of a centripetal and centrifugal force in political geography?

47. Why is there an ethnic conflict in Kashmir? Who is it between?

48. Describe the relationship between: balkanization, shatterbelts, and devolution.

Balkanization is breaking up a state into fragments that may be hostile with each other. Shatterbelts regions with

political diversity and political instability. Devolution the movement of power from a central government to

regional governments

Unit 4 Chapter 8
49. List 3 microstates.
Andorra, liechtenstein, Monaco
50. List locations where you can find geometric boundaries.
Between States
Between Regions
51. State Shapes: Describe the best thing about each one, and provide an example of each
d. Elongated-Its well elongated Chile
e. Compact-Compact square shape Poland
f. Fragmented-Broken up state / archipelagos Philippines
g. Prorupted-A state that has a primary body then an elongated part attached to it Thailand

52. What is the difference between Federal and Unitary states?

Federal state has multiple regions all under one federal jurisdiction and Unitary states are one region relying on
one general jurisdiction
53. What is the difference between packing and cracking gerrymandering?
Packing is putting as much of the minority as possible into a county and cracking is spreading the minority in to
as many counties as possible.
54. What is the EU? What is its purpose?
European Union promote peace and well being of the population
55. What is NAFTA? What is its purpose?
North American Free Trade Agreement for a free trade zone between Mexico, the US, and Canada
56. How do supranational organizations relate to globalization and state sovereignty?
International organization that relates to globalization because it transcends national boundaries and relates to
state sovereignty because it sets rules on multiple states
57. Name a forward-thrust capital and explain why it is a forward capital.
Brasilia in Brazil is a forward thrust capital because it was relocated to inside the country to increase urbanization
58. What is a hegemony?
The political dominance of a country by another country
59. What is irredentism?
Believes that depending on the culture and ethnicity of the people in a state or the history of a state it should be
made part of a different state according to the people or history
60. A buffer state is a country lying between two rival or potentially hostile greater powers. Give an example.
Austria in the war period between Germany and Italy
61. What is the difference between an exclave an enclave?
Enclave is a state surrounded completely by another state and exclave is part of a state that isn’t connected to it

62. What is territoriality?

A defined territory that is claimed by a group or individual
Unit 5 Chapter 9
64. Give an example of a Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary activity
Primary - Farming, Secondary - Industry Jobs, Tertiary - Service Based Jobs, Quaternary - knowledge based jobs
65. Identify the most practiced economic activity. Be specific.
Intensive Subsistence Agriculture
66. What did humans practice prior to agriculture?
Hunting and Gathering
67. Which world regions are most likely to practice subsistence agriculture?
Less developed countries
68. Give 2 examples of extensive subsistence agriculture.
Shifting cultivation and nomadic herding
69. Which world regions are most likely to practice shifting cultivation?
Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, Central and South America
70. How does climate impact agriculture?
Climate affects how well crops grow
71. What were Carl Sauer’s theories regarding agriculture?
Believes agriculture started in Southeast Asia
72. Define Agribusiness
any business related to agriculture
73. How has technology impacted agriculture?
Technology has impacted the intensity and efficiency of agriculture
74. What are transhumance and swidden?
Transhumance is changing elevation depending on season
75. When did the Second Agricultural Revolution take place and how did it change life?
1700-1900 it mechanized agriculture and made agriculture less extensive and took agriculture easier
76. Draw & label Von Thunen’s model.

Unit 6 Chapter 12

77. List the hierarchy of city types in the correct order from smallest to largest.

Hamlet, village, town, city, metropolis, megalopolis

78. Name the Alpha ++ Global Cities

Beijing, Dubai, Hong Kong, Paris, Shanghai, Singapore, Tokyo

79. What is the difference between Rank Size Rule and Primate City Rule?

rank size rule is cities are in a hierarchy by being half of each city above it and primate city rule is there is one city

that is 2x bigger or more than the rest.

80. Central Place Theory: What is the difference between range and threshold?

range is how far someone is willing to travel for a product and threshold is how many customers are needed to

support a store

Unit 6 Chapter 13
81. How did the Industrial Revolution contribute to urbanization?
The industrial revolution attracted more people to urban areas for job opportunities
82. What are squatter settlements?
Settlements made in land that is not owned by the person making the settlement
83. List challenges for megacities in MDCs.
Disposing Waste
Providing food and water to all of its population
84. What is annexation?
addition of new territory into a state
** Know the following: Counter-urbanization, Concentric Zone Model, Multiple Nuclei Model, Sector Model

Unit 7 Chapter 10
85. What does HDI determine? What indicators are involved in determining a country’s HDI?

Human Development Index determines the living conditions of a population and the countries level of

development it’s determined by life expectancy, GNI, and education

86. Give examples of countries that are core, semi-periphery, and periphery according to the core-periphery model.


Semi-Periphery-South Africa


87. What is the purpose of “Fair Trade” standards?

Helping local economies to help the country develop

88. What is the purpose of the Self Sufficiency development strategy?

to focus on reducing poverty rather than making the rich richer

89. Why were the Four Dragons (Tigers) so successful at modernizing? Who did they model their strategy off of?

high export rate because of their export policies and rapid industrialization
90. According to Dependency Theory what is the relationship between the Core and Periphery countries?

core countries depend on periphery countries to buy raw materials and periphery countries depend on core

countries to sell them processed goods

91. What are the 5 stages of Rostow’s development Model?

traditional society - preparation for lift off, take off, drive to maturity, high mass consumption

Unit 7 Chapter 11
92. Explain the advantages of maquiladoras.
Less labor cost and close to the US
93. What is outsourcing? Where does it commonly occur and why?
Outsourcing is putting labor tasks and factories in less developed countries for the cheaper labor cost.
94. Which region of the world was the origin for the Industrial Revolution?
95. Explain the location of industry by contrasting raw material/resource-oriented with market-oriented industries.
Raw material oriented industries are closer to where resources are and market oriented industries are closer to
the market
96. What type of resources are fossil Fuels (renewable or nonrenewable)? How are they distributed globally?
Coal is nonrenewable
97. What is your favorite color?
98. What is your favorite food?
99. Did you even notice that we skipped Question 63?
100. How do you feel about us adding these last four questions to get to an even 100?
chicken masalaI

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