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✓ conducts research for the purpose of preservation and improvement of quality of human life

✓ ought to attempt giving solutions to problems

✓ driven by its observation to conduct a research


✓ the entire procedure of planning and carrying out a research study as well as the description of the
sources of data, the data-gathering procedures to follow, instruments to be used and the data-
processing techniques are carefully planned out so that materials, time and energy won't be put into
waste thus paving way to produce or arrive at desired results.

✓ follows valid procedures

✓ utilizes proven analytical procedures

✓ Involves collection of data through observation and experiment, formulation and testing of
hypothesis without being bias

✓ presents specific and well-defined concepts


✓ verify ideas and practices believed to be effective

✓ arrive at valid and conclusive results at specific or particular time


✓ Eager and enthusiastic in seeking answers and discovering new ideas

✓ excites over doing experiments and research

✓ shows perseverance to arrive at desired results


✓ utilizes varied related literature

✓ Wise method of gathering relevant data to provide information


✓ Discovering new ideas and practices that are counter-intuitive

✓ Creative enough in determining assumptions which is tentative explanation for certain behaviors,
phenomena, events which have occurred and will occur.

✓ conducts in a manner using systematic methods and procedures without being bias

✓ demonstrates careful and previse judgement using a higher level of honesty, reliability and validity


✓ conducts research with efficient, prudent and careful use of resources

✓ makes use of low-cost and good quality resources


✓ Careful in doing research whenever it can or should be done

✓ giving one's outmost ability, investing time earnestly in conducting resources and research to arrive
at valid and conclusive results.


R - Research-Oriented

E - Efficient

S - Scientific

E - Effective

A - Active

R - Resourceful

C - Creative

H - Honest

E - Economical

R - Religious

As a student aspiring to be a teacher as a researching professional, what insights have you


As a student aspiring to be a teacher/researching professional, I learnt that I must possess and

practice the good qualities of a good researcher. Things that I have gained from research will be used in my
future career. If I want to pursue teaching as my career I really need to equip myself academically. Teacher
should have professional development that can be achieved through taking or enrolling to Post-Graduate
course .One of its major requirements is to conduct research. There are many problem that need to be
answered. 21st century learners are expected to be a research-oriented, a teacher must be research oriented
so that she or him can pass through that to his or her learners.

Activity 1
A globally competent citizen exhibits the characteristics listed below. Explain as clearly
as you can what each characteristics mean to you.

Characteristics of a Globally Competent What does these characteristics mean to

Citizen me?
 Has appreciation for people from other  recognizing the abundance of diversity of
cultures cultures;
 acknowledging the validity of different
cultural expressions and contributions;
 encouraging people to strengthen
themselves and others to achieve their
maximum potential by being critical of their
own biases; and
 Celebrating rather than just tolerating the
differences in order to bring about unity
through diversity.
 Being proactive in listening, accepting, and
welcoming people and ideas that are
different from your own culture.
 Is sensitive to the needs of people different  Developing empathy skills and show people
from themselves you are making every effort to see and feel
things as they do.
 Like thinking of yourself as a "translator" of
your own culture and protocols.
 Making a small change such as greeting
people in their own language or showing
knowledge of their culture and its customs
will be seen positively.
 Has increasing knowledge about the people  Shows appreciation about cultural diversity
around the world  Observes cultural sensitivity
 Respects cultural differences
 Has critical cognitive skills and attitudes such  Know well how to get along with different
as empathy, interconnectedness, perspective people within and across social boundaries
taking, cross-cultural understanding, action  Acquired the proper skills and attitudes to be
orientation and prejudice reduction. able to mingle and work with different people
of different cultural backgrounds
 A globally competent citizen has positive
vision in life, understanding culture of others
and especially understands our own culture,
even though we have different culture we
need to respect and understand the culture
of others.

Activity 2

As an educator, you can make a difference in teaching and learning locally and globally
when you address the needs of the nation you serve and transmit proper attitudes and
beliefs you think to be necessary to maintain the society of which you are a part of
learners in the global classroom. Discuss how you can make your classroom as a global

Characteristics of a Global Classroom

 Global perspective is integrated throughout  Embracing multiculturalism in the classroom.
the school curriculum not just in social Must one feel safe and secured.
studies.  Providing variety of cultural experience and
background creating tolerance and mutual
respect within the classroom. Local
communities should be given opportunity to
express and tell their practices to their
classmates so that everyone can understand
why they act that way, learners learn and
gather information first hand.
 Providing variety of cultural books in
classroom book collection. The more books
learners are exposed, the more
understanding, respectful, and tolerable they
become towards everyone.
 Exposure to global perspectives too exercise
students' global communicative skills. It is
not only learning one’s practices but also
learning people’s language .We become
multilingual if know how to comprehend and
use the target language.
 Internationalizing the discipline in areas as  Exploring the interactions among different
anthropology, geography, global or world cultures of students. Inclusivity inside the
studies, foreign language study, music and classroom should be observed.
art  Creating comprehensively internationalized
student learning experience: individual
courses, academic program components
(majors, minors, and certificates), degree
programs, and disciplines as a whole.
 Internationalizing instructional methods and  Internationalizing instructional methods and
materials that emphasize intercultural materials that emphasize intercultural
interaction in the classroom interaction and culturally appropriate
methods of instruction and assessment.
Partnership programs with other schools can
also be developed.
 Encouraging international travel as an  I will play informative videos that feature
important part of education up international places so that student may be
able to imaginarily travel internationally
without paying a penny. But if it is really
indeed essential to make some international
trip, I would encourage to do it. Nowadays,
few travel primarily to gain education, but
education, though incidental, is the inevitable
result. Travel teaches climatic conditions,
racial customs, religions languages and the
social and political outlooks of other
nationalities. It helps in racial and national
understanding through exchange of ideas; it
provides interesting conversation. Inevitable
certainly when the mind is tuned and
receptive, but not so to the dull and narrow
person, who gains to benefit wherever he
goes, and therefore might as well stay at

What is an Effective Storyteller?

Everyone can tell a story, but not everyone can tell it effectively. But what distinguishes an
effective storyteller? When it comes to telling stories, effective storytellers are at ease with
improvisation. They keep their target audience in mind at all stages of their storytelling, from
brainstorming story ideas to drafting and finally sharing their fantastic stories. They are ecstatic
about their story. They employ psychology to captivate and enthral their audience. Suspense is used
to keep their audiences interested. They use relatable examples to break down and explain complex
topics. Their stories help them build relationships. They are far more likely to connect with audiences
than storytellers who make themselves vulnerable by revealing a slice of their own life. They don't
rush through a story and make sure to include important details that add suspense and build
anticipation for the outcome. They use psychology to connect with and engage their audiences,
allowing them to experience the story's highs and lows as if they were there themselves. They can
simplify complex topics into relatable and understandable concepts that educate and motivate. They
use storytelling to explain difficult concepts, shortening the learning curve and making listening fun.
They may begin with an exciting anecdote to capture the audience's attention, and then they will
make sure the last thing they say is something that will resonate with the audience long after the
story is over. They tell their stories from the heart, rather than the page, making eye contact, using
gestures, facial expressions, and even voices, capturing the listeners' attention and imagination and
taking them on an exciting adventure!

As a language student teacher , I should be an effective storyteller and must have possessed
the qualities of effective storyteller because I will be teaching literature .If one is effective
storyteller ,you can make your learners engage in the classroom discussion and will not find your
class boring. You really need not to be shy when perform, characters in every literary pieces should
be given life. Later on, you can inspire your student to discover and enhance their skills in performing
literary masterpieces.

I am proud and lucky to say that I have experiences in public speaking, storytelling
specifically. I joined few contests and these experiences of made me an effective storyteller
Essays on Global Issues

Topic: Environment

Climate Change

Climate change refers to the change in the environmental conditions of the earth. This happens
due to many internal and external factors. These climatic changes are having various impacts on the
ecosystem and ecology. Due to these changes, a number of species of plants and animals have gone
extinct. When did it start?

The climate started changing a long time ago due to human activities but we came to know
about it in the last century. During the last century, we started noticing the climatic change and its
effect on human life. We started researching on climate change and came to know that the earth
temperature is rising due to a phenomenon called the greenhouse effect. The warming up of earth
surface causes many ozone depletion, affect our agriculture, water supply, transportation, and
several other problems. Reason of Climate Change although there are hundreds of reason for the
climatic change we are only going to discuss the natural and manmade (human) reasons.

First, Natural Reasons, These include volcanic eruption, solar radiation, tectonic plate movement,
orbital variations. Due to these activities, the geographical condition of an area become quite harmful
for life to survive. Also, these activities raise the temperature of the earth to a great extent causing
an imbalance in nature. Second, Human Reasons, Man due to his need and greed has done many
activities that not only harm the environment but himself too. Many plant and animal species go
extinct due to human activity. Human activities that harm the climate include deforestation, using
fossil fuel, industrial waste, a different type of pollution and many more. And lastly, Effects of
Climatic Change, These climatic changes have a negative impact on the environment. The ocean level
is rising, glaciers are melting, CO2 in the air is increasing, forest and wildlife are declining, and water
life is also getting disturbed due to climatic changes. Apart from that, it is calculated that if this
change keeps on going then many species of plants and animals will get extinct. And there will be a
heavy loss to the environment.

If we do not do anything and things continue to go on like right now then a day in future will
come when humans will become extinct from the surface of the earth. Although humans mistake has
caused great damage to the climate and ecosystem. But, it is not late to start again and try to undo
what we have done until now to damage the environment. And if every human start contributing to
the environment then we can be sure of our existence in the future.

Plant more trees, recycle our rubbishes, reduce our carbon footprint, and Stop incinerating
plastics are examples of what we can do to lessen or if possible stop the negative effects of climate
change. We only have one earth so please let us all do our part to save it.Remember, we still have

Topic: Poverty

Causes and Effects of Poverty

According to Mahatma Gandhi, Poverty is the worst form of violence. Poverty is defined as the
condition where the basic needs of a family, like food, shelter, clothing, and education are not
fulfilled. It can lead to other problems like poor literacy, unemployment, malnutrition, etc. Did you
know what are the causes and effects of this? Let us all find it out!

Causes of Poverty
According to the Noble prize winner South African leader, Nelson Mandela – “Poverty is not
natural, it is manmade”. The above statement is true as the causes of poverty are generally man-
made. There are various causes of poverty but the most important is population. Rising population is
putting the burden on the resources & budget of countries. Governments are finding difficult to
provide food, shelter & employment to the rising population. The other causes are- lack of education,
war, natural disaster, lack of employment, lack of infrastructure, political instability, etc. For instance-
lack of employment opportunities makes a person jobless & he is not able to earn enough to fulfill
the basic necessities of his family & becomes poor. Lack of education compels a person for less
paying jobs & it makes him poorer. Lack of infrastructure means there are no industries, banks, etc.
in a country resulting in lack of employment opportunities. Natural disasters like flood, earthquake
also contribute to poverty.

Effects of Poverty

Poverty affects the life of a poor family. A poor person is not able to take proper food &
nutrition &his capacity to work reduces. Reduced capacity to work further reduces his income,
making him poorer. Children from poor family never get proper schooling & proper nutrition. They
have to work to support their family & this destroys their childhood. Some of them may also involve
in crimes like theft, murder, robbery, etc. A poor person remains uneducated & is forced to live under
unhygienic conditions in slums. There are no proper sanitation & drinking water facility in slums & he
falls ill often & his health deteriorates. A poor person generally dies an early death. So, all social evils
are related to poverty.

It really is alarming and heart weakening knowing the causes and effects of poverty to one’s
life. I could not imagine if I get to experience all of those. As much as possible, those who have
something to eat should be grateful and value things they have since others are experiencing worst.
Those who are privileged to go to school should study hard so that in the future they are fully
equipped with skills and knowledge that can help them succeed in life and not experience poverty
first hand. Whenever possible, dream big and become rich.




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