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“Electricity induced magnetism and magnetism induced electricity.”

To visualize the relationship of Electricity and Magnetism:

 Place a magnetic compass next to a wire in a circuit.  When current is passed through the
wire, the compass will deflect, indicating the presence of a magnetic field circling the wire. 
(In fact, this is exactly how the magnetic field of a current was discovered. 

 Moving a loop of wire toward or away from a magnetic field induces a current in the wire. 

 The concept of generator.


1.1 Atoms
- The basic unit of matter. All matter is made up of atoms.

 Protons and Neutrons

- Protons is the defining property of an element, and is referred to as the atomic
- Protons has a positive (+) charge
- Neutrons has a neutral charge.
- Protons + neutrons = atomic weight

 Electrons
- Has a negative (-) charge

“Atoms are naturally neutral.” Np = Ne

1.2 Ions
- If an atoms gain an electrical charge, that charged atom is called an ion.
- Positive (+) charge – lack of electrons (cation)
- Negative (-) charge – excess of electrons (anion)
When a substance or a material contains many ions, the material is said to be

Ionized material example:

- A balloon after rubbing.
- An air which makes it possible for a lightning to take place.

1.3 Electric Current (I)

- Current is the flow of electrons or charge in a conducting material.

1.4 Conductors
- It is a material or a substance which allows electrons to flow.

1.5 Conductance
- It is the measure of the ability of a material to conduct electricity.

International Annealed Copper Standard (IACS) 

Based from the chart, which is the best conductor? Silver

- In most electrical circuit and systems, copper and aluminum are widely used.

What is the relationship of resistivity and conductivity?

1.6 Insulators
- A material or a substance which does not allow electrons to flow.

- Rubber
- Glass
- Paper
- Plastic
- Oil
- Diamond
- Dry Wood

1.7 Resistance
- It is a measure of the opposition to current flow in an electrical circuit.
- It is the measure of the ability of a material to resist current flow.

1.8 Voltage (V)/Electromotive force (emf)

- Voltage is the pressure from an electrical circuit’s power source that pushes charged
electrons through a conducting loop.
- Voltage is the energy per unit charge.
- Electric potential energy per unit charge.
- Also known as electromotive force (emf)

- Batteries
- Solar cell
- Generator

1.9 Energy
- Energy is the ability to do work.
- Energy is power dissipated over a length of time.

Battery 1 lights up a bulb for 24hrs. (Same intensity)
Battery 2 lights up a bulb for 12hrs.

Solar panel that charges 5 cellphones than a solar panel that charges 10 cellphone.
Which has a greater energy?

1.10 Power
- In Mechanics, power is defined as the rate of doing work or work done over time.
- In electricity, power is the energy dissipated over time.
- Energy consumed over time.


2. Electrical Units
3. Measuring Devices

3.1 Electromagnetic Deflection

- Current through a straight wire produces a magnetic field that deflects the needle of a compass.


 Ammeter / Galvanometer (Ampermeter) -> Measures current

 Capacitance meter -> Measures the capacitance of a component
 Cos Phi meter -> Measures the power factor
 Electricity meter -> Measures the energy dissipation
 ESR meter -> Measures the equivalent series resistance of capacitors
 LCR meter -> Measures the inductance, capacitance and resistance of a component
 Ohmmeter -> Measures the resistance of a component 
 Oscilloscope ->  Displays waveform of a signal, allows measurement of frequency, timing, peak
excursion, offset, ... 
 Signal generator -> Generates signals for testing purposes
 Wattmeter -> Measures the power consumption
 Voltmeter ->  Measures the potential difference between two points in a circuit

4. Electrostatics
4.1 Difference of Electrostatics and Electrodynamics
4.2 Electric Charge
4.2.1 Law of Electric Charges
4.2.2 Law of Charge Conservation
4.2.3 SI unit of charge
4.3 Triboelectric Charging
4.4 Electrostatic Force
4.4.1 Coulomb’s Law


1. Difference of Electrostatics and Electrodynamics

2. Properties of Charge
o Law of Electric Charges
o Law of Charge Conservation
o Quantization of Charge
3. What is the magnitude of a single charge of proton and an electron?
4. What is Electrostatic Force or Coulomb force?
5. What is Coulomb’s Law?
- What is the formula according to Coulomb’s Law?
- What is the value of k?
- According to the formula, what is the relationship of Electrostatic Force to magnitude of the

 Electrostatics- the study of electric charges that are relatively at rest.

 Electrodynamics - the study of electric charges in motion.


1. “Like charges repel, unlike charges attract.”
2. Charge is conserved: “In any charging process, charge is not created nor
destroyed; it is merely transferred from one body to another.”
3. Charge is quantized: “The charge on any macroscopic body is always either zero or
an integer multiple (+ or -) of the charge of one electron.”
where: e= 1.602 x10-19 C

 Electrostatic Force

Electrostatic Force (F) - force due to the interaction of electric charges

Coulomb’s Law: “The force of interaction between two point charges, F, is directly
proportional to the product of the magnitudes of their charges, q 1q2, and inversely
proportional to the square of the separation distance, r, between them.”

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