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Planned Activities for September 3-7, 2018

Objectives: To interact and become acquainted with the new grade one students. To help children

develop phonological awareness and to create a welcoming environment where they will develop a

feeling of belonging and are able to relax.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Time:

DE VO TI O N 8:00 –

8:15 am

Registration Registration Registration Registration Registration 8:15 –

8:30 am

S/interaction S/interaction S/interaction S/interaction S/interaction 8:30 –

& B/modifi & B/modifi &B/modificati & B/modifi & B/modifi 9:30 am

B R E A K 9:30-

9:45 am

Grade One Grade One Grade One Grade One Grade One 9:45 -

Inventory Inventory Inventory Inventory Inventory 11:00 am

Test Test Test Test Test

L U N C H 11:00 – 11:40am

Rest /Story Rest/Story Rest/Story Rest/Story Rest/Story 11:40

Sharing Sharing Sharing Sharing Sharing 1:15 pm

Phonological Phonological Phonological Phonological Phonological 1:15 –

Awareness Awareness Awareness Awareness Awareness 2:15 pm

Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal Dismissal 2:15-2:30


Grade: 1 Talbert

Subject: Integrated Studies

Duration: 3 hours X 5

Unit Title: Who am I? (Term1 Unit 1)

Focus Question: How do you know me?

Topic: Who am I?

Attainment Targets:

 Give and receive information

 Know and use basic language skills and the convention of spoken and written words

 Use recognizable handwriting and appropriate spelling to write for a variety of purpose.

Specific Objectives:

 Identify self and classmates by name.

 Distinguish first name from last name.

 Talk about their right to have a name.

Materials: name tags, wall of fame, cartridge paper, markers

Content: Some persons have nick names and or a middle name/s while others may not have any.
We usually get our last name from our father however; some persons got theirs from their

mother. My names are important.

Song: “My Name”

My name, my name, my name, my name, my name

Everybody has to have a name

Your first name is your Christian name

Your last name is your Surname

Put them together it becomes your full name

Without my name… no one wouldn’t know bout me

No one wouldn’t hear bout me

I have a name, I’ve got a name, and I’ve got a name!

Day One:


1. Teacher and students will be engaged in an activity where children will introduce

themselves by giving their first and last names. Students will also say their names from

name cards.

2. Students will listen as teacher sings song entitled ‘My name’ they will then sing along.

Afterwards students will discuss the content of the song.


Place name cards in a box. Children will select first and last names from each of box; they will

then tag their classmates with their correct names.


Students will answer questions, such as:

 Which name is your first name?

 Which name is your last name?

 From whom do you get your last name?

 How would you feel if you didn’t have a name?


Children will make a wall of fame with their names. They will make name tags with their full

names, and then display them on the wall.


Children will complete sentences and include complete activities by using any form of arts to

identify the numeral 2

1. For example: tracing 2, use play dough to make 2, color the numeral 2)
2. write and complete the sentences:

I have _____ names. We all have a _________ name and a last _______.

Evaluation 2:






Day Two


 Teacher and students will recap the previous lesson.

 Sing along with teacher song afterwards discussed the content of the song.


 Through guided discussion talk about the first name and last names.

 Learn during discussion that their first name is also called the Christian name and the last

name, their surname or family’s name.

 Play game with teacher, during which they will be allowed to say their full name as they

catch the ball that teacher throws to them.

 Read information on Bessy and Bevon in their text, after wards students will discuss the


 Count how many members are in both Bevon’s and Bessy’s family.

 Reproduce the sound that begins both students’ name.


Students will:

1. Copy sentences from board. Children will draw their family in the empty set provide.

2. Count the members in the family and write how many and write the numeral.

Evaluation 2:

Day Three


Students and teacher will:

o Recap previous lesson to reinforce concept.


o Along with teacher talk about what a set is.

o Count the members in Bevon’s family. Say how many girls / boys are.

o Discuss what the term male and female in a family.

o with teacher the discuss the Bb sound and identify other things that begin with the sound


 copy information from board

 Write their first and last name.

 Draw all the male family members in one set and all the females in one set.

Evaluation 2:





Day Four


Students will

 Along with teacher will talk about the previous lessons.


 State their first, last and full name.

 Identify and name members in their family.


 Group family members by gender

 Compare sets of family members to see which is more.


Draw yourself and write your name

Draw objects to match number name.

Evaluation 2:
Lesson Plan for the week beginning September 21-25, 2015

Grade: 1 Talbert

Subject: Integrated Studies

Duration: 3 hours X 5

Unit Title: Who am I? (Term1 Unit 1)

Focus Question: How do you know me?

Topic: All about me 

Attainment Targets:

 Give and receive information

 Know and use basic language skills and the convention of spoken and written words

 Use recognizable handwriting and appropriate spelling to write for a variety of purpose.

 Explore the attributes of people and objects in order to classify and make comparisons.


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Use home language to talk about themselves and their experiences.

 Identify themselves by name and as a boy/girl, male/female and human.

 Discuss the changes in themselves which occur overtime.

 Talk about talk freely about their family, including parents and siblings.

 Tell their age and when they were born.

 Say where they live in relation to their country of birth.

 Respond to questions and directions addressed in SJE.

 Recognize basic sight words appropriate to grade.

 Identify numerals and associate them with their names and numbers.

Key Vocabulary: name, male, female, parents, siblings, age, family, country, Jamaica,

Skills: Listening, speaking, writing, responding to questions, discussing

Resource Material: scrapbook, notebook, Macmillan text, Carlong Primary Integrated Studies


Day One

Learning Activities:

 Teacher and students recap the previous lessons, to reinforce concepts and to clarify


 Teacher will mime story in text ( Bessy’s story) pg 19; using puppets while children listen

attentively. Teacher and children will discuss the content of the story, to high light concepts such

as Christian and surname, age, date of birth, parents, and siblings.

Developmental Activities

Students will:

 During guided discussion talk freely about their family members with whom they live.

 Volunteer to mime conversation about who they are, using the puppets.

 Compare the size of families in term of family members.

 Count how many female/male are in their families.


Copy and fill in information from the board:

1. “I live with my ___________________.”

2. There are __________ females in my family.

3. There are __________ males in my family.

4. There are _________ males and females altogether.


Paste in your scrap book and take to school pictures which show different stages of your






Day Two

Learning activities:

1. Teacher and students will recap the previous lesson.

2. Students will volunteer to relate what they have learnt from the previous lesson.

3. Students will tell others about themselves introduce themselves by giving first and last names.

4. Discuss the importance of names, as was told about the meaning of Moses family.

5. Recall the creation story and share God’s special love for human being.


1. Copy Bible verse in their books.

2. Draw yourself and write “I am special”





Day Three

Learning Activities
Students will:

1. Along with teacher recap the previous lesson.

2. Recite Bible Verse “….. For I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

3. Compare family members using ‘same’ and ‘different’ for example, mother, and daughters are

female; all females have vagina. However, the female members are different in that they are not

the same age, size and personality.

4. Revisit giving their first and last name orally.

5. During discussion relate with whom they live, the names of their best friend and their favourite


Assessment: ( pg 21work book)

Write your story:

My Christian name is…………………

My family name is …………................

I am ………….. years old


Day Four

Students will:
1. Along with teacher recap the previous lesson.

2. Discuss the use of capital letter- ‘when writing special; names, at the beginning of sentences, and

when using the word I.

3. Be engaged in activity where they would circle the capital letter in sentences on the board.

4. Write the first and last name of students under the appropriate columns.


Write the first letter of your Christian name. Write the first letter of the surname in your books.

Lesson Plan for the week beginning September 28- October 2, 2015

Grade: 1

Subject: Integrated Studies

Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes X 5

Unit Title: Who am I? (Term1 Unit 1)

Focus Question: How do you know me?

Topic: All about me 

Attainment Targets:

 Give and receive information

 Know and use basic language skills and the convention of spoken and written words

 Use recognizable handwriting and appropriate spelling to write for a variety of purpose.

 Explore the attributes of people and objects in order to classify and make comparisons.


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Use home language to talk about themselves and their experiences.

 Tell their age and when they were born.

 Say where they live in relation to their country of birth.

 Respond to questions and directions addressed in SJE.

 Recognize basic sight words appropriate to grade.

 Identify numerals and associate them with their names and numbers.
Key Vocabulary: name, male, female, home, address, age, family, country

Skills: Listening, speaking, writing, responding to questions, discussing

Resource Material: scrapbook, notebook, Macmillan text, Carlong Primary Integrated Studies



We know you by your name. Your name tells who you are. We know you by your family. You

are part of a family. We know you by your age. Your name tells how old you are. We know you

by the place where you live. The place where you live is your home. Each home has an address.

Each address has a street number.

Day One

Introductory Activities:

Teacher will begin the lesson with a song entitled ‘We know you by the place where you live’

(sung to the tune -Big foot, little foot). After which students will discuss the content of the song.

Developmental Activities:

Students will:

 Tell the names of places where they live. Teacher will write the addresses on the board.

Student will play games with word cards using the names of places where they live as

sight words. For example “Those who live in Sea View skip around”.
 Count how many students live at the same address. They will count how many males and

how many females. They will count how many there are altogether.

 Observe the map on page 26 of Integrated Studies.

 Along with teacher examine the map shown of Bird Street. They will discuss how the

street is numbered.

 Identify two places found on Bird Street.

Assessment: draw a picture of your home in your books.

Write where you live on the house.

I live at…………………………..

My address is……………………

Assignment: Do in your scrap book

Draw a picture of your house and write your address.

I live at…………………

My address is………………….

Day Two

Introductory activities

Teacher will:

1. Along with children revisit the previous lesson to clarify misconception and to reinforce


2. Observe the map on page 26 of Integrated Studies.

3. Along with teacher examine the map shown of Bird Street. They will discuss how the

street is numbered.

4. Identify two places found on Bird Street.

5. Talk about where they live, in relation to the numbering of street.


Write your name and address.

My name is ………………….. ……………………..

I live at …………………………………………………………………………

Day Three

Introductory Activities:

Teacher will introduce the lesson and give students time to share their experiences. Teacher will

also ask students the month in which they were born.

Developmental activities:

Children will:

 Talk about birthdates/birthdays and find their birthdates on the calendar. They will

practice reading/ copying/writing the names of numbers, days and months.

 Sing jingles, songs and games about themselves, associate movements with these and

maintain the sense of beat (marching, tapping). For example student will sing “ All who

born on January stand up”

 Continue to sing until all the students get their turn.

 Along with teacher read information on page 45 and then discuss the content of the



Write about yourself correctly.

My name is ………………………..

I am ………………………..

I live with my …………………..

I am in grade one

Day Four

Learning Activities:

Teacher and children will recap the previous lessons

Planned lesson for the week beginning October 6, 2014

Grade: 1Talbert

Subject: Integrated Studies

Duration: 3 hours X 5

Unit Title: Who am I? (Term1 Unit 1)

Focus Question: How do you know me?

Topic: What do I look like?

Attainment Targets:

 Give and receive information

 Know and use basic language skills and the convention of spoken and written words

 Explore the attributes of people and objects in order to classify and make comparisons

 Successfully demonstrate motor movements which are appropriate to grade level

 Explore and know the dynamic interaction of the physical, social and mental aspects of

their lives


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Compare objects.

 Use correctly the terms longer and shorter.

 Draw at least 2 objects that are longer and shorter than the other.

 Make sentences orally with the words longer/ shorter.

Key Vocabulary: longer, shorter, compare

Skills: Listening, speaking, writing, drawing, singing, observing

Resource Material: chart with poem, body part chart, textbook, notebook, scrapbook
Content: Objects are not always of the same size. Some objects are short while some are short.

Some are big while some are little. There are some that are long and others are short.

Procedures/ Activities:

Students will:

 Observe pictures of objects in their text (pg 28) and briefly compare them

 During discussion identify objects that are longer, shorter, taller, bigger and smaller than

in their text.

 Volunteer to use the terms shorter, longer in sentences.

 Use cartridge paper to make strips that are longer than the other

Culminating Activities: children will

o Copy notes in their books

o Draw and colour objects that are shorter/longer than the other.

o Use the terms longer/ shorter to make one sentence each.






Day Two

Topic: What am I like? (Growing up)


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

o Explain what growing up means.

o State at least 2 ways their bodies change.

o Talk about the things they learn to do as they grow up.

o List 2 foods that help to keep the body healthy.

Key Vocabulary: growth,

Skills: Listening, speaking, writing, drawing, singing, observing

Resource Material: chart with poem, body part chart, sense organ chart, textbook, notebook,


Content: As we get older our bodies change in many ways. We get taller and heavier; and we

are able to do things better.

Procedures/ Activities: Students will –

 Along with teacher read passage in their Integrated Studies (pg 30) and then discuss the

content of the information.

 During discussion try to explain what growing up means to them.

 Volunteer to explain some ways in which their bodies have change. Teacher will write

responses on the board.

 Talk about some of the things they learn to do; and tell who helped them to do it. For

example- talk about something their parents or teacher helped them to do.

 During discussion talk about ways they can get healthy and strong. For example. Eating

nutritious meals and getting plenty of rest and exercise.

Culminating Activity: students will-

 Copy information from the board.

 Draw themselves to show when they were a baby and now








Day Three


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Recall information from the story on page (31) in Integrated Studies.

 Give the names of Jesus’ parent.

 Talk about Jesus growing up (childhood) days.

 Identify the sound of the letter heard most in the story.

Key Vocabulary: childhood, baptized

Skills: Listening, speaking, writing, drawing, observing

Resource Material: chart, textbook, notebook, scrapbook

Content: Jesus was a baby too. His parents Mary and Joseph took very good care of him. As he

grew older, He was able to do things He was not able to do.

Procedures/ Activities: Students will-

 Along with teacher read story in their text; and then answer the questions related.

 During discussion give the names of Jesus parents.

 Talk freely about Jesus childhood days and how He helped His father as He gets older.

 Children will talk about the work Jesus father did and the things he made.

 Children will listen and produce the sound they hear the most throughout the story.

Teacher will write the word on the board.

Culminating Activity: Students will-

Draw Jesus helping His father in the carpenter’s shop.

Write 2 sentences about what you have drawn















Day Four and Five

Topic: what do I look like?

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to-

 Identify describing words in the passage.

 Use the words tall/short in correctly.

 Share experience of growing up.

 Recognize similarities and differences in each other

 List body parts that are one or more than one.

Resource Material: chart, textbook, notebook, scrapbook

Content: A describing word (Adjective) tells what a naming word (noun) looks like.

Procedures/ Activities: Students will-

 Along with teacher read passage in their text (page 38); and then answer the questions


 During discussion talk about the body parts that there is only one of and those that has

many for example, we have one head but many fingers.

 Talk freely about the words in the passage that tells what the children look like. They will

then use words that will tell what they look like as well.

 Children will talk about the work Jesus father did and the things he made.

 Examine the various changes that take place in their bodies from baby to childhood.
Culminating Activities: students will put the body parts under the correct column-

One Body Part Many Body Parts










 Evaluation:








______________________________________________Children will copy and

complete the activity in their note books.

My name is___________________ _____________________________

I live at _______________________________________________________

This is my address. My address is where I live.

 Children will draw and colour a picture of their home.











Day Two:

Pupil will:

 Along with teacher recap the previous lesson to clarify misconception and to reinforce


 Recall their country of birth and talk about where they live.

 Observe the picture of the map on page 26 in text.

 Identify the name of the street on the map.

 Talk about the special places where Bessy lives; for example the Post Office and the

police Station.

 Find the place where Bessy lives on the map.

 Talk about the special places in their communities.

 Observe how the names of special places are written- capital letters (page 24 in text).


 Students will draw a map of their street.

 Draw a picture of their house.

 Copy this sentence from the board.

This is my house. I live at________________________________.

___________________________ is where I live. It is my address.



Day Three:

Pupils will:

 Along with teacher recap the previous lesson.

 Sing song ‘The more we get together, the happier we will be’.

 Along with teacher talk about their country of birth, parish and addresses.

 Discuss the importance of beginning special names with a capital letters, for example

their addresses.

 Observe the map in the Macmillan Primary Integrated Studies. They will then find the
capital letters that begin the names of places on the map.

 Try to explain when capital letters are used.


Complete the following:

I live in the parish of __________________.( Kingston, St. Andrew, St. Catherine)

The name of my country is ___________________ (Jamaica).

I live with my_________________ (parents).

I am in grade ___________________________________.




Day Four

Pupils will:

 Along with teacher recap the previous lesson.

 Recall the name of their country, communities, parish and address.

 Discuss their school’s address.

 Identify the capital letters in the school address.

 Identify where the school is located. Talk about their school address.

 Talk about the special places in their school community.


Copy and complete each sentence on board.

My Christian name is __________________________________

My surname is _______________________________________

I am in grade____________________

My address is____________________________________________






Day Five:

Pupils will:

 Along with teacher recap the previous four days.

 Volunteer to talk about what they had learnt.

 Talk freely about their country of birth, parish and addresses.

 Talk about their school in relation to its name and address.

 Identify and name important places in school community.

 Relate what each place is used for.

 Tell why the names of special places begin with a capital letter.

Assessment: children will

 draw a map of their school

 write its address at the bottom







Planned Lesson for the week beginning October 5-10, 2015

Grade: 1Talbert
Subject: Language Arts
Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes X 5
Unit Title: Who am I? (Term1 Unit 1)
Focus Question: How do you know me?
Topic: Plural Nouns 

Attainment Targets:
 Give and receive information
 Know and use basic language skills and the convention of spoken and written words
 Use recognizable handwriting and appropriate spelling to write for a variety of purpose.
 Apply relevant decoding skills to the reading process.
 Read for fluency, meaning and enjoyment.

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
 Tell what naming words are.
 Name at least 3 body parts.
 Identify those body parts that there is only one of / many of.
 Add /s/ at the end of naming words to make them many.
 Talk about their Creator who made them.
 Draw and label at least 2 body parts.
 Place nouns in correct groups
Key Vocabulary: body parts, pair, naming words
Skills: Listening, speaking, writing, drawing, singing

Resource Material: notebook, Carlong & Macmillan Primary Integrated Studies text, Reggae
Readers 1, Reggae Readers Workbook 1


A noun is a word that names a person, animal, place or thing. We add s to some singular nouns
to make them plural nouns.

Procedures/Activities: whole group 30 minutes

Teacher will explain to the children what she wants them to achieve at the end of the lesson

1. Teacher and students will recap previous lesson to clarify misconception and to
reinforce concepts taught.
2. Teacher and children will sing song ‘I have ten tiny fingers’ after which children will
discuss the content of the song.
3. Children will talk about their Creator who made them.
4. Children will identify the body parts that were mentioned in the song.
5. Children will name the body parts that God made only one of and many of.
6. Volunteers will complete activity where they would add /s/ to words on white board to
make them many.

Small group: 20 minutes

Group 1 & 2 (Teacher monitor) will

 draw themselves and label 2 body parts.

Group 3 & 4 will

 draw themselves and label 3 body parts

 complete activity on board: Rewrite the word and add the letter/s/ to make them

One Many

Whole Group: 10 minutes

 Presentation will be done.

 Peer assessment will be activated.


Day Two

Procedure/Activities: whole group ( 30 minutes)

Teacher will explain to the children what she wants them to achieve at the end of the lesson.

Pupils will:

 Along with teacher recap the previous lesson to clarify misconceptions and to
reinforce concepts taught.
 Talk about growing up from bay to childhood stage.
 Identify different body parts and tell what they are used to do.
 Name the body parts that have grown strong.
 Name objects in the classroom.
 Say how these objects become plural
 Complete given activities

Small Group: 20 minutes

Groups 1 & 2 (Teacher monitored) will draw 2 objects found in the classroom. They will put
them appropriately in the columns one/more than one

Group 3 & 4 will draw 2 columns in their books- one /more than one. They will write the names
of 3 objects in the one column and then rewrite them in the more than one column, add /s/ to
them to make them more than one (plural).
Whole group: (10 minutes)

1. Teacher and student will summarize the lesson.

2. Group presentation will be done.
3. Peer assessment will be activated.


Day Three

Procedures/ Activities: Whole group (30 minutes)

Teacher will clearly outline the objectives to children and what she hopes they will achieve at the
end of the lesson.

Pupils will:

1.Along with teacher will recap the previous lesson.

2.Listen to the creation story and then answer questions at the literal and inferential
3.Talk about the body parts that are the same and those that are different.
4.Describe themselves and each other in terms of sizes.
5.Use naming words appropriately in sentences.
Small group: 20 minutes

Group 1 & 2 will circle the naming words in each sentence on page.

Group 3 & 4 will circle the naming words in the sentences.

They will also use the names of body parts in sentences.

Whole Group: 10 minutes

 Group members will present:

 Teacher and students assessment will be activated


Day Four and Five

Procedures/ Activities: whole group (30 minutes)

Pupils will:
 Listen to tongue twister and then tell the sound they hear the most.
 Make the sound of the letter Ff
 List at least 3 things that begin with the beginning f sound.
 Listen to story and then answer questions at varying levels
 Use the words orally in sentences of their own
 Complete given activities

Small group: 20 minutes

Group 1& 2 will draw one object that begin with the f sound under the categories –people.
animal, things

Group 3 & 4 will name 3 under the categories- people, places animal and things.

They will use one word from each category to make sentences.

Whole group: 10 minutes


Planned lesson for the week beginning October 5-10, 2015

Grade: 1Talbert

Subject: Integrated Studies

Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes X 5

Unit Title: Who am I? (Term1 Unit 1)

Focus Question: How do you know me?

Topic: What do I look like?

Attainment Targets:

 Give and receive information

 Know and use basic language skills and the convention of spoken and written words

 Explore the attributes of people and objects in order to classify and make comparisons

 Successfully demonstrate motor movements which are appropriate to grade level

 Explore and know the dynamic interaction of the physical, social and mental aspects of

their lives


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Compare objects.
 Use correctly the terms longer and shorter.

 Draw at least 2 objects that are longer and shorter than the other.

 Discuss ways in which the body changes.

 Name 2 things children learn to do as they grow up.

 List at least 3 foods that help to keep the body healthy.

 Talk freely about Jesus’ growing up as a child.

 Identify describing words in the passage.

Key Vocabulary: longer, shorter, compare.

Skills: Listening, speaking, writing, drawing, singing, observing

Resource Material: chart with poem, body part chart, textbook, notebook, scrapbook

Content: Objects are not always of the same size. Some objects are short while some are short.

Some are big while some are little. There are some that are long and others are short. As we get

older our bodies change in many ways. We get taller and heavier; and we are able to do things


Procedures/ Activities:

Students will:

 Observe pictures of objects in their text (pg 28) and briefly compare them

 During discussion identify objects that are longer, shorter, taller, bigger and smaller than

in their text.

 Volunteer to use the terms shorter, longer in sentences.

 Use cartridge paper to make strips that are longer than the other
Culminating Activities: children will

o Copy notes in their books

o Draw and colour objects that are shorter/longer than the other.

o Use the terms longer/ shorter to make one sentence each.







Day Two

Procedures/ Activities:

Students will –

 Along with teacher read passage in their Integrated Studies (pg 30) and then discuss the

content of the information.

 During discussion try to explain what growing up means to them.

 Volunteer to explain some ways in which their bodies have change. Teacher will write

responses on the board.

 Talk about some of the things they learn to do; and tell who helped them to do it. For

example- talk about something their parents or teacher helped them to do.

 During discussion talk about ways they can get healthy and strong. For example. Eating

nutritious meals and getting plenty of rest and exercise.

Culminating Activity: students will-

 Copy information from the board.

 Draw themselves to show when they were a baby and now









Day Three

Procedures/ Activities: Students will-

 Along with teacher read story in their text; and then answer the questions related.

 During discussion give the names of Jesus parents.

 Talk freely about Jesus childhood days and how He helped His father as He gets older.
 Children will talk about the work Jesus father did and the things he made.

 Children will listen and produce the sound they hear the most throughout the story.

Teacher will write the word on the board.

Culminating Activity: Students will-

Draw Jesus helping His father in the carpenter’s shop.

Write 2 sentences about what you have drawn






Day Four & Five

Procedures/ Activities: Students will-

 Along with teacher read passage in their text (page 38); and then answer the questions

 During discussion talk about the body parts that there is only one of and those that has

many for example, we have one head but many fingers.

 Talk freely about the words in the passage that tells what the children look like. They will

then use words that will tell what they look like as well.

 Children will talk about the work Jesus father did and the things he made.

 Examine the various changes that take place in their bodies from baby to childhood.

Culminating Activities: students will put the body parts under the correct column-

One Body Part Many Body Parts









Lesson Plan for Week Beginning

October 12 – 16, 2015

Subject: Mathematics Window

Unit Title: who am I?

Focus Question: To which group do I belong?

Duration: 1hourx3days

Topic: Calendar

Attainment Target:

 Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements

Objectives: at the end of the lesson pupils will be able to

 Use calendar in class and refer o it at appropriate times

 Read the calendar ( day, month, year)
 State their age
 Recognize the names of numbers from 20 to 35
 Identify at least 2 holidays/celebration on the calendar
Content: a calendar shows the months of the year and days in each month. Each day the month
has a position on the calendar.

Materials: calendar, worksheet, MPIS wk. bk

Skills: reading the calendar, writing numerals/words,

Vocabulary: month, age, year, days, date, birthday,

Day One

Pupils will:

1. Recite the months of the year

2. Repeat “30 Days have September” by Jack Hartman
3. Identify all the features of a calendar
4. With teacher’s help identify numbers up to thirty-one
5. Identify how many days make one week
6. Tell how many months make one year

Assessment: pupils will

 Complete activity using calendar

(a) how many months begin with ‘J’

(b) how many months have 31 days

Day Two
Pupils will:

1. With the help of teacher in pairs find date of National Heroes Day. Be guided to observe
that these special dates are in a different colour.
2. Use calendar to find the day on which their birthday and that of their partner will fall on
this year
3. Use calendar to find other information, for example how many Saturdays are in the
month of February?
4. Be guided to understand that when we speak about dates we are talking about a number
and that when we speak of day we are talking Monday, Tuesday.

Assessment: Pupils will

 Complete activity on worksheet given


Day Three
Pupils will

1. Be guided to understand that the months have days and everyday has a date
2. Be guided to understand that the calendar is use to measure time in days, weeks,
months and years
3. With the help of teacher find the month and date of the follow: Emancipation day,
Independence Day and Christmas Day and will also tell the day on which each
will fall

Assessment: pupils will

 Complete activity using the calendar paste into their books

Days Four-Five
Mid-term (National Heroes Day)

Subject: Language Arts Window

Unit Title: who am I?

Focus Question: To which group do I belong?

Duration: 1hour x 3days

Topics: Alphabetical ordering and plural…adding ‘s’

There will be no plans for Language this week, I will however continue will the topics from last
week and use the same objectives. Pupils were introduced to alphabetical order and forming
plural by adding ‘s’ .while pupils are slowly gaining the skills to make nouns mean “more than
one” they have not yet grasp the concept of abc order using words, they are however slowing
gaining skills in using just letters. I will continue and not introduce any new concept.


Subject: Integrated Studies

Unit Title: who am I?

Focus Question: To which group do I belong?

Duration: 3hour x 3days

There will be no plan for this week. We will however, continue with the focus question. This will
be a short week so I did not want to start Unit Two. Pupils will be engage in activities to recall
topics to date. This revision will be in the form of mini quiz…which will see pupils filling in the
correct answer.


Planned lesson for the week beginning October 20, 2015

Grade: 1Talbert

Subject: Integrated Studies

Duration: 3 hours X 5

Unit Title: My Body (Term1 Unit 2)

Focus Question: What do I look like?

Attainment Targets:

 Give and receive information

 Apply relevant decoding skills to the reading process

 Explore the attributes of people and objects in order to classify and make comparisons

 Successfully demonstrate motor movements which are appropriate to grade level

 Explore and know the dynamic interaction of the physical, social and mental aspects of

their lives


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Attempt to use Standard Jamaican English (SJE) structures to express themselves.

 Identify and name at least 3 external parts of the body.

 Examine the 3 parts the body has.

 Relate the uses of special body parts: hands, feet, eyes, mouth nose and ears.

 Use body parts to explore space.

 Recognize similarities and differences of body parts in male and female.

 Name the senses associating them with body parts.

 Use all the senses to detect information on how to keep the body safe.

 Describe ways in which we keep the body we take care of our bodies.

 Create a short prayer to the Creator, giving thanks for specific parts of the body.

Key Vocabulary: head, eye, ear, mouth, nose, nostril, arm, hand, leg, foot

Skills: Listening and speaking, observing and discussing, exploring the use of the senses,

coordinating movements and creating a prayer.

Resource Material: body part chart, textbook, notebook, scrapbook, poem, song pictures

Content: God made us all beautiful. He gave us strong upper and lower limbs. He divides our

body into 3 parts: the head, the trunk and the limbs. Each body part has its own function. Our

body is amazing.

Day One-Procedures/Activities
Students will:

 Observe pictures of the male and female body in their text books on page (95).

 Identify and tell the name at different parts of the human body.

 Volunteer to associate the names of body parts to the correct body part.

 Sing song “Fingers and thumbs keep moving” while doing the action at the same time.

Children will call the names of different body parts during the singing of the song.

 Along with teacher discuss the 3 parts into which the body is divided.

Culminating Activities: children will complete activity paper.

1. Complete these sentences

 The part of the body that you use to see_______________

 The part of the body that you use to hear______________

 The part of the body that you use to smell____________

 The part of the body that you stand on_______________

 The part of your body at the end of your arm that has your fingers.

Day Two- students will

 Attempt to use Standard Jamaican English (SJE) structures to express themselves.

 Along with teacher sing ‘Watch Your Eyes’ and then discuss the content of the song.

 Recap the previous lesson to clarify misconceptions and to reinforce concepts.

 Along with teacher examine the 3 parts that the body has namely: the head, trunk and

limbs. They will talk about the body parts that are a part of the trunk and the limbs.

 Touch and tell the names of different parts that comes in pairs, for example the eyes, ears

and lips page (106) in text.

 Listen as teacher reads rhyme and identify the body parts mentioned.

 Use body part in sentences orally.

Culminating Activities: label at least 3 body parts

2. Identify the rhyming words in the poem.

I have ten tiny fingers

I have ten tiny toes

I have two eyes

I have two ears

I have a little nose

My hands are ever ready

To clap one, two, three four

My feet are ever ready

To stamp upon the floor


Day Three- students will

 Along with teacher recap the previous lesson

 Talk about the various thing they can do, and relate which part of the body is used.

 Use body parts to create a tune for the rhyme on page 100. In groups they will snap their

fingers, clap their hands, stamp their feet, etc

 Identify rhyming words in song and find other words that rhyme with specific words.

 Observe chart with body parts of male/female and relate the parts that are similar and the parts

that are different.

Culminating Activities: Match these_


eyes touch

ears see

hands walk

feet hears

o Draw 3 things that you can do with your hands





Day Four and Five: students will-

o Along with teacher recap the previous lesson.

o Sing song ‘Watch your eyes’; children will include all the body parts in the song.

o Be guided to read along with teacher, passage on page 108 in text. After which they will

answer the questions that follow.

o Look carefully at the pictures of things that make sounds they will identify the sounds

that are loud and those that soft.

o Listen to various sounds in the environment, and talk about the sounds that are soft and

those that are loud. Use their mouths to make loud and soft sounds.

o Talk about body parts that are similar in both male and female.

o Talk about the body parts that there is only one of, and two or a pair of.

o Talk about the five senses and what they are used to do (page 113)

o Listen carefully as teacher reads story ‘On my way to school’, after which they will

discuss the content of the story.

o Listen to story page (118) and then talk about the things the mouth can do for example-

eat, sing, talk, pray and kiss.

o Discuss ways we can keep the body safe – that is by keeping it clean from germs etc

Culminating Activities: students will-

1. Answer the reading comprehension activity page 43(Integrated Reader).

2. Draw and label 5 parts of your body.

3. Write your own prayer, thanking God for our bodies






Grade: 1Talbert
Subject: Language Arts
Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes X 5
Unit Title: Who am I? (Term1 Unit 1)
Focus Question: To which group do I belong?
Topic: Action words-(Verbs)

Attainment Targets:
 Give and receive information
 Know and use basic language skills and the convention of spoken and written words
 Use recognizable handwriting and appropriate spelling to write for a variety of purpose.
 Apply relevant decoding skills to the reading process.
 Read for fluency, meaning and enjoyment.

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Sing song relating to topic-verbs.

 Describe some actions done/ taking place
 Find at least 2 action words in story.
 Tell at least 2 action word on cards.
 Use action words appropriately in sentences.
 Add ‘ing’ to action words

Materials/ Resources: story, flash cards, pictures, games, Macmillan Primary Integrated

Skills: reading, writing speaking, discovery, dramatization

Content: Some words tell an action. Words like play, talk, laugh, and clap are called action
words or doing words. People animals and things can all do actions

Procedures/ Activities:

Day One: Whole Group (30 minutes)

Pupils will:

 Carefully observe action pictures in their text on page 94.

 Describe the action that is taking place in the picture.
 Attempt to read the sentences about the actions taking place.
 Identify the action words in the sentences they will read from their text.
 Sing song relating to verbs ‘Some words tell us what to do’…teacher will hold up an
action word while children sing. Children will do the action as they sing along with
 Participate in a game of ‘I am in a well’ in this game a child would be deep down inside a
well and wants to come out. S/he will indicate which child takes him/ her out by doing an

Small group: 20 minutes

Groups 1 & 2 will

 Fill the missing letters to tell the action word.

 Draw their favourite action word

Groups 3 & 4 will

 Underline the action word in each sentence.

 Draw 3 action words, and then use these words in sentences.

Whole group: (10 minutes) Presentation


Day Two

Pupils will: whole group ( 30 mins)

 Along with teacher recap the previous lesson.

 Sing along with teacher the verb song.
 Listen carefully as teacher reads a story. They will afterwards discuss the content of the
story and then tell all the actions that were done in the story.
 Participate in a game where teacher will label two bags nouns and verbs respectively.
Inside the noun bag are the names of some children who were randomly selected. While
inside the verb bag are words containing actions on them. Teacher will pull out a card
from the noun bag; she will say the name of the student on the card. The student in return
will pull out a card from the verb bag and will do the action. Anyone guesses the action
will then pull a card from the noun bag say the name of the student, who will in turn pull
a card from the verb bag and do the action. The will continue until everyone gets a

Small group: (20 mins)

Group 1 & 2 will circle the action words in the sentences (pg 99 Integrated Lang Arts)

Group 3 & 4 will write down two action words from the story and use them in sentences.

Whole group: (10 mins)- Presentation


Day Three and Four

Pupil will: whole group (30 mims)

Along with teacher recap the previous lessons

Participate in games to grasp concept of verb-‘Simon says’.
Listen as teacher reads sentence and identify all the actions words mentioned.
 Orally use action words in sentences.
 Observe picture and tell all the actions taking place.

Small group ( 20 mins)

Group 1&2 will add ‘ing’ to action words to make them continuous

Group 3&4 will: complete activities on page 98 in Integrated Lang Arts

Whole group: 10 minutes-Presentations


Grade: 1Talbert
Subject: Mathematics Window
Duration: 1 hr x4
Topic: The Calendar

Attainment Targets:
 Understand the concept of measurement
 Demonstrate awareness of time and the relationship with occasions or events
 Represent and interpret numerical/pictorial information
At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 
 Make general statements, inferences and draw conclusions on information
 Read the calendar (day, month, year)
 Identify and write the current date on calendar
 Identify their birthdate on calendar
Key Vocabulary: calendar/birthdate

Skills: reading the calendar observing numerals/words

Resource Materials: calendar, mathematics workbook, number charts

Procedures/ Activities:

Pupils will:

1. Observe calendar and identify the special names given to months.

2. Touch and say the name of the month in which they were born.
3. Count how many days are in the month in which they were born.
4. Circle their birthdate on the calendar.
5. Talk about how many children were born in each month.
6. Participate in song ‘ Those who born in January…’

Assessment: pupil will

 Children will copy calendar in their note book. They will indicate by marking today’s
date on the calendar.
 Write ‘ I was born in the month of….’

Day Two:

Pupil will:

 Along with teacher recap the previous lesson

 Count how many months have 31 days, 30 days and 28 days.
 Say during discussion how many weeks are in the present month (October)
 Circle today’s date on the calendar.
 In groups count how many weeks are in the month of October.
 Discuss how many days are in each week.

Assessment: pupils will

1. Copy calendar in their books

2. Complete this activity-
 There are _________ weeks in the month of October.
 There are _______ days in each week.
 Today is the __________ of October _________.


Day Three & Four- pupils will:

1. Along with teacher recap previous lessons.

2. Discuss what the calendar measures
3. Count how many Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and
Saturdays are in October
4. Tell the day on which the month ends

Assessment: complete activity in Primary Mathematics on (page 129).


Planned lesson for the week beginning October 26, 2015

Grade: 1Talbert

Subject: Integrated Studies

Duration: 3 hours X 5

Unit Title: My Body (Term1 Unit 2)

Focus Question: What do I look like?

Attainment Targets:

 Give and receive information

 Apply relevant decoding skills to the reading process

 Explore the attributes of people and objects in order to classify and make comparisons

 Successfully demonstrate motor movements which are appropriate to grade level

 Explore and know the dynamic interaction of the physical, social and mental aspects of

their lives

 Successfully demonstrate motor movements which are appropriate to grade level

 Demonstrate care and use precautionary measures that limit the risk of harm to oneself,

others and the environment


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Attempt to use Standard Jamaican English (SJE) structures to express themselves.

 Identify and name some external parts of the body.

 Name the senses associating them with body parts.

 Use all the senses to detect information on how to keep the body safe.

 Describe ways in which we keep the body we take care of our bodies.

 Draw and label the 3 main parts of the body.

 Recognize basic sight words.

 Read for meaning and enjoyment.

 Create a short prayer to the Creator, giving thanks for specific parts of the body.

Key Vocabulary: body, trunk, limbs, senses, organs, seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, feeling
Skills: Listening and speaking, observing and discussing, exploring the use of the senses,

coordinating movements and creating a prayer.

Resource Material: body part chart, textbook, notebook, scrapbook, poem, song pictures

Content: We have 5 senses – seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. Each one of them

is very important in our everyday lives. We use at least one of the 5 senses every moment of the

day and they are on duty even when we are asleep. Our senses work together to let our brain

know what is going on around us. They help to keep us safe by warning us of danger.

Day One-

Procedures/Activities-Students will:

 Along with teacher recap the previous lessons and relate what they had learnt from the


 Sing song relating to the topic “ I spy with my little eye a body part that moves like this..”

teacher will do an action and children will say the name of the body part that does the


 Observe and discuss display of pictures of the external body parts. For example the head

and parts, upper limbs and parts, the lower limbs and parts and the trunk.

 Talk about the different things that parts of the body can do; for example the feet can be

used for stomping, running skipping etc, while the hands can be used for clapping,

catching and throwing a ball, shaking.


1. Draw the head and position the features of the face in correct proximity.
2. Name the features of the face that come in pairs.

3. Use 3 feature of the face in sentences of your own.






Day Two

Student will:

1. Recap the previous lesson along with teacher to reinforce concepts and to clarify


2. Talk about the 3 main parts into which the body is divided into and state where they are


3. Be guided into meaningful discussion about the senses and the sense organs. During

discussion children will relate how each organ functions. For example the eyes are for

seeing, ear for hearing, tongue for tasting, and nose for smelling and fingers for feeling.

4. Be taken on an imaginary nature walk where they will be allowed to explore their senses,

for example to feel the bark of the trees, listen to the birds chirping in the trees and the

sound of the motor vehicles. They will also smell the different plants in the garden and

differentiate between plant smell.

5. Listen as teacher relates story about Helen Keller. Children will afterwards discuss the

content of the story and answer questions relating to same.

Summary of the story

Helen Keller lived in a world of darkness and silence. She was blind and deaf; she could neither

see nor hear. Yet she became one of America’s most famous authors and lecturers. She had a

very good teacher Anne Sullivan. Ann made Helen feel objects with her hand. Then she traced

the word for each object onto the palm of Helen”s hand.

Answer these questions:

1. Which 2 sense organs could Helen not use?

2. What sense organ did she use?

3. Draw Helen and write one sentence about her.




Day Three

Students will:

1. Along with teacher recap the previous lessons to clarify misconceptions and to reinforce

2. Examine the sense of tasting, during which children will be allowed to taste food that are

sweet, sour, bitter and salt. Teacher will first model the facial expression that is derived

from each food tasted.

3. Observe the tongue and discuss the areas that are responsible for the taste of different


4. Talk about their favourite food and relate how it tastes.

5. Identify and name the different parts of the mouth; for example- teeth, tongue, lip and



1. Draw, colour and name 2 foods that taste sweet.

2. Write a sentence about any one of the foods.






Day four and five

Students will:

1. Along with teacher recap the previous lesson.

2. Talk about the body parts and the special ways in which they are used.
3. Be guided into meaningful discussion about the senses and their purposes; for example

the eyes are for seeing, ear for hearing, tongue for tasting , nose for smelling and fingers

for feeling.

4. Observe picture showing different colours.

5. During discussion tell the name of the primary colours.

6. Examine how we get secondary colours.

7. Along with teacher go on nature walk in the school environment and observe the various

shapes they can recognize

8. During discussion talk about the different shapes they observe and make association to

appropriate shape.

9. Use their bodies to create various forms and shapes.


1. Draw their favourite part of the body

2. Write a sentence to tell what it is used to do.

3. Compose a prayer in one sentence




Lesson Plan for week beginning November 7-11, 2016

Grade: 1Talbert

Unit Title: My Body (Part 1)

Focus Question: What do I look like and what can I do?

Subject: Integrated Studies

Time: 3 hour X 5 days

Attainment Targets:

1. Give and receive information

2. Read for meaning, fluency and enjoyment
3. Explore the attributes of people and objects in order to classify and make comparisons
4. Explore and know about the dynamic interaction of the physical, social and mental
aspects of their lives


At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:

 Use the senses to explore and recognize the similarities and difference between materials
 Relate the use of some special body parts: hands, feet, eyes, mouth, nose and ears
 Name the sense associating them with specific body parts
 Construct and interpret simple tables and pictographs using numbers, pictures and objects
 Use body parts to explore space
 Arrange at least five words in alphabetical order
 Name the parts of the eye

Skills: observing, exploring the use of the senses, identifying the parts of the eye, reading,
writing, listening, ordering words alphabetically

Materials: mirror, poem, word cards, things for tasting, pain, black sheets

Key vocabulary: head, mouth, nose, eye, ear, nostril, tongue, shapes, senses, nature, environment

Day one

Pupils will:

1. Listen as teacher reads the poem “My little senses”

2. Discuss the poem by telling what it is about.
3. Recall the body parts that were mentioned in the poem “eyes, ears, nose, hands,
tongue”(written on word cards)
4. Go on a nature walk to explore the sense, eg to feel the bark of trees or listen to running
water. [Teacher will give guidelines to the children before the nature walk]. Discuss what
they observe while on a nature walk and compose sentences to make a language
experiencing story.
5. Speak freely about what they saw on the walk, the things they touched, smelt and what
they heard.
6. Be guided to tell what they used to see the trees, people, what they used to smell the
lunch and hear the trucks/cars passing by. They will be guided to understand that these
body parts are called the sense organs.
7. Use a mirror to examine parts of the mouth, when it is open or closed. Mime, with
emphasis on facial expressions, their reactions to a particular taste e.g. salty, sour, bitter,

Assessment: pupils will

1. Say what are the five senses and the sense organs.
2. Complete an activity sheet.
3. Arrange word cards with names of parts of the body in alphabetical order (using first

Evaluation: -

Day two
Pupils will:

 Sing song “watch your eyes what they see”

 Be taken on a nature walk around the school
 Report what they saw, hear, felt or tasted.
 Answer questions; what allows us to see? Explain why sight is one of our senses. Why do we
need to see? Are two eyes better than one? Why?
 Be told to cover one eye. Ask question again.
 Share with each other how they care for their eyes and importance in caring for it.
 View eye poster and discuss some parts of the eye and their functions.


1. Students will color parts of eye like the poster displayed and write 2 sentences telling how the eye
helps them.


Day three:

Pupils will:

 Say poem with teacher “this is my right hand”

 Sing song “hokey pokey”
 Recite and create jingles using the names of upper limbs. Explore the use of the limbs (right arm
and right leg, left arm and left leg or opposites) to do movements at different levels.
 Place their right hand on their left chest and feel their heart beating on their left side.
 Tell the side of the body they felt their heart beating.
 Listen as teacher explains that the hand on the side of the body where the heart is, it is your left
 Place a rubber band on their left hand and say this is my left hand.
 Move around and identify pupils left and right hand while singing and dancing to the song
“switch to the left and nolinga”
 Repeat the poem and do the actions.


Complete worksheet: circle the one looking to the left or right


Day four

Pupils will:
1. Sing song “you are special”.
2. Tell if they think they are special and why?
3. Tell if there is anyone that looks the same as them?
4. Be guided to pay attention to Raheim and Jah-keem, tell if they know anything special about
them (they are both ½ of a pair of twins).
5. Be guided to understand that a ‘pair’ is the word for two things that belong together in some
6. Observe pictures in a textbook (page 103) and speak freely about the picture. They will be
guided to understand that twins can be two boys, two girls or a boy and a girl.
7. Listen and echo poem “God made me”.
8. Look at the palm of their hands and that of their friends and tell if they look the same.
9. Tell the many things their hands can do, words will be listed on chalkboard.
10. On plain sheets of paper make their palm prints using paint and compare with the other pupils
in the class.
11. Listen as teacher explains that their finger print makes them special. God made only one of
you. Others may look like you, but they are not the same. When you are special it means that
you are not (like) the same as anyone else.


 All pupils will copy and write below their hand print: “I am special I am not the same as anyone.
I have my own hand print”.


Day five:

Pupils will:

1. View pictures on pages 124 and 125 of their integrated student workbook.
2. Discuss what they saw and read.
3. View objects of different shapes
4. Use their bodies in small groups to make shapes.
5. Talk about the shapes and the number of pupils forming each shape and the body parts they used,
think of pictures they can make using their handprints.
6. Use paper to create pictures using their hand and finger prints.

 Discuss art work of pupils within group with pupils sharing what they did.


Subject: Language

Attainment Target:

 Use recognizable handwriting and appropriate spelling and vocabulary to write for a
variety of purposes
 Give and receive information
 Read for meaning, fluency and enjoyment
 Apply relevant decoding skills to the reading process
 Know and use basic skills and the conventions of spoken and written langauge


At the end of the lesson pupil will be able to

1. Identify end punctuation marks(full stop and question marks)

2. Use end punctuation correctly
3. Write sentences and end with correct punctuation
4. Answer questions base on a story
5. Display the ability to use capital and common letters
6. Recognize basic sight-words
7. Make the correct sound of the letter ‘Rr’

Content: Every sentence that tells something about people, place or thing is a telling sentence.
Telling sentences must end with a full stop (.)

Sentences that ask about people, place or thing is a asking sentence, asking sentences must end
with a question mark (?)

Materials: sentence strips, paper, fudge sticks, worksheets, story, letter Rr chart

Skills: listening, imitating sound of letter ‘Rr’, writing, drawing, discussing story, reading,

Key vocabulary: punctuation, full stop, period, question mark, Ray Town, Rosie, road

Whole group: 30 minutes

Day one

Topic: Punctuation-period/full stop

Pupils will:

1. Listen as teacher reads 3 sentences that are written on the board without any punctuation,
2. Listen as teacher explains that punctuation is very important because it tells the reader
when to pause or stop when reading. The teacher will explain that periods (full stops) are
used at the end of telling sentences. Pupils will name full stop Frankie full stop
3. Be given fudge sticks with a period/full stop at the end. Teacher will re-read the
sentences and pupils will be guided to hold up their Frankie stick to tell her to stop at the
end of the sentence.
4. Observe as teacher put 5 pictures on the board, pupil will be asked to tell one thing about
each picture. After which they will tell what should be at the end of each sentence
5. Be guided to understand that when you are telling something about a person, place or
thing you always end it with a full stop or period.
Small group: 20 minutes

 Giants+Olypians – pupils will along with teacher go over the concept. They will be
engaged in oral sentence construction.
 Gladiators+Patriots – pupils will each write 5 telling sentences about themselves.

Whole group: 10 minutes

 Pupils will get an opportunity to present.


Whole Group: 30 mins

Day two:

Topic: Punctuation-Question mark

Pupils will:

 Listen as teacher reads the title to poem “Where do I live?”

 Be guided to pay attention to what they see at the end of the sentence and tell if they have
ever seen it before
 Be guided to understand that that symbol is called a question mark (?)
 Listen and observe as teacher asks “where is my pen?” “what color is that book?” etc
 Be guided to give an answer to the question, pupils will be guided to understand that
question marks are used at the end of an asking sentence. We ask questions when we
need to know something
 Along with teacher will make a list of question words (what, why, could, may, etc) that
signal that the sentence needs a question mark.
 Be given fudge stick with question mark at the end. They will take out fudge stick from
the previous day and use them both in activity example: teacher will show simple
sentences on sentence strip and pupils must decide which stick to complete the sentence.
(teacher will model how they are to respond)

Small Group: 20 minutes

All groups will be given the picture of a rabbit

1. They will color the rabbit

2. They will write sentences about the rabbit using the correct punctuation. They need to
have at least two telling and two asking sentences.
3. Complete worksheet by filling in the correct question word ( homework )

(NB) teacher will sit with The Giants to help them with the spelling.

Whole group: 10 minutes

Pupils will have the opportunity to share their sentences


Day three

Topic: Punctuation-period/question mark

Whole group: 30 mins

Pupils will

 Recall the two punctuation they did in previous lesson

 Recall when they use each
 Be given newspaper/ old magazine to count out at least 3 telling sentences and 3 asking
sentences and past the in their books
 Along with teacher will read Big Book ‘Frog in My Throat’ they will identify
punctuation and say how many of each…using question words as guide
 Be given a list of 4 words, they will write 2 asking and 2 telling for each word (pictures
will be given as well to help the pupils who are challenge in the area of reading

Small Group: 20 mins

1. Giants+Olypians (teacher assist) –pupils write a period/fullstop or question mark beside

each sentence. teacher will read for them
2. Gladiators+Patriots- pupils will complete worksheet but putting the correct punctuation
and by answer question

Whole Group: 10 mins

Pupils will have the opportunity to share


Day Four

Topic: Comprehension- Making Prediction

Whole group: 30 mins

Pupils will

 Listen to the title of the story and tell what they think the story is about
 What a rabbit is and say if they have ever seen one before
 Listen as teacher reads and stop at different point and ask question about the story
 Make prediction and listen if their predictions were correct
 Along with teacher will discuss the story
 Speak freely about what the liked and did not like about the story

Small Group: 20 mins

1. Giants+Olypians -pupils will discuss story with teacher and draw a picture about the part
they like/dislike and write one sentence telling why, they should remember which end
punctuation to use.
2. Gladiators+Patriots- pupils will answer questions base on the story

Whole group- 10 mins

Pupils and teacher will echo read the story from the board

Day Five

Whole group: 40 mins

Phonics – letter Rr

Pupils will

 Recall the name of the story read the previous day

 Listen as teacher read the story
 Tell the names of things in the story, teacher will write names on the board
 Tell what they notice about the words
 Make the sound for the letter they see at the beginning of the words (teacher will model
sound to make sure they all get it correct)
 Read the words from the list and give new words of their own
 Along with teacher will read the words and teacher will discuss meaning for the ones
they do not know
 Sound and read blends eg ra/re/ri/ro/ru
 Add final letters to form words eg rat/ red/rim/ran/rug/rap/rib etc
Small group: 10 mins

Olympians - will match the picture to the correct name (worksheet)

Gladiators + Patriots- pupils will complete chalkboard activity. Use the correct word to complete
the sentences

Red, ring, Ray Town, rag, road

They were going to _________.

Rosie has a ___________.

The car is on the _______.

Roy likes_____apples.

Bag rhymes with _____.

Giants- pupils will draw four things that begins with Rr and write one sentence about each

Whole group: 10 mins

Pupils will make letter Rr sound.

Subject: Mathematics Window
Unit Title: My Body (part 1)
Focus Question: what do I look like and what can I do?
Sub Question: what do I look like?
Duration: 1hourx5days
Attainment Target:
 Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements
 Collect, organize and interpret information in practical situation and use simple
probability language.

Objectives: at the end of the lesson

Pupils will be able to
 Measure the lengths of various objects using string, steps, hand spans, strips of
cardboard, and other informal unit measures.
 Recognize a metre stick, ruler or tape measure and associate it with the measurement of
 Construct a simple pictograph
 Interpret a simple pictograph

Content: we can use a pictograph to represent information written information

Content: when you say how long or how short something is we say we are measuring. We use
the term length and ‘cm’
Materials: calendar, ruler, tape measure, metre stick, textbook, whiteboard, table, worksheet
Skills: measuring, interpreting, writing
Vocabulary: metre, ruler, measuring, length, measure, tape measure, calendar

Days One+two
Topic: Length
Pupils will:
1. Observe as teacher uses foot length to measure along the whiteboard and count along
with her. Teacher will ask one child to write down the number of steps.
2. Listen as teacher calls one of them to repeat the activity that she just did, while to others
count. The recorder will write down that number beside the teacher.
3. Along with teacher will repeat activity #2 until teacher is satisfied that she gets the
material she needs.
4. Compare the number and along with teacher will discuss why they think all the
numbers/measurements are different when they all did the same activity
5. Be guided to understand that we differ in size and that is the reason
6. Along with the teacher will measure her table using hand span (using another set of
7. Compare hand span by say one is how much more than the other (example: Oneisha was
12 Jelisha’s was 16 Jelisha had more hand span than Oneisha so Jelisha’s hand span is
8. Listen as teacher tell them a story about a lady whose name was Mrs Gussy and she sells
fabric and was unable to get the same measurement from her son, daughter and
neighbour. He all did foot length and got a different measurements. It was a man called
Mr.Crabs who helped her to solve the problem by introducing her to a ruler.
9. Were encouraged to speak freely about the story and say how not having the same
measurement could cause a problem.
10. Be guided to understand that we use cm to measure the length of short thing… for
example pen, pencil, book etc. there are 100cm in 1m
11. Observe as a teacher shows them some of the instruments used to measure length (tape
measure, rule, meter stick, height chart.
12. Along with teacher discuss instruments.
Day one
Assessment: Pupils Will
Complete activity using Hand span and foot length

Measure these using: Span Foot Length

1. Your desk

2. Teachers table
3. White Board

4. The door

Day two
Pupils will:

 Complete activity in Macmillian Primary Integrated studies Workbook page

 Draw, colour and cut out footprint (compare with their neighbour)
 Home work; take ruler to school tomorrow

Day three
Pupils will:

1. Recall the instruments that are used to measure length

2. Recall the unit use to measure length (cm)
3. Be asked to take out their rulers
4. Along with teacher will observe ruler and talk about it. (it has lines, numbers, cm,mm)
5. Be guided to look at the ruler and find the zero, they will be guided to understand that
when you are using the ruler you always start at the zero (0 or at the first line).
6. Be guided to look at the letters above zero of first line. (they will see cm) teacher will
guided them to understand that when we measure length we use ‘cm’ so others will know
what we are measuring
7. Observe chart showing how to use ruler
8. Measure objects on worksheet to get practice, being reminded that they need to put ‘cm’
after the number
Assessment: Pupils will

 Complete activity in MPIS workbook

 Complete worksheet for Homework


Day four
Topic: Pictograph
Pupils will:

1. Be instructed to turn to page 137 in Primary Mathematics book and describe what they
2. Count how many dogs are in the first row (5)
3. Repeat step 2 as they count the dogs in the other rows
4. Be guided to understand that the table they are looking at is called a pictograph and we
use pictograph to represent information by using objects etc.
5. Along with teacher will discuss the pictograph with guided questions. For example (1)
which day of the week had the most dogs (2) how many more dogs are there on Friday
than Monday?
6. Along with teacher complete activity in workbook


 Pupils will along with teacher will construct simple pictograph about their
favourite games.
 Answer question base on the pictograph

Day five
Topic: pictograph
Pupils will:

1. Along with teacher will create a pictograph using the month in which they were born
2. Sing the birth month song “those who born on…”
3. Be given cut outs, blue for boys and pink for girls
4. Come and paste their cut out on the chart provided as soon as they hear the name of the
month in which they were born
5. Along with teacher will discuss the pictograph
6. Answer questions base on the pictograph

Assessment: pupils will

 Complete worksheet by answering questions base on pictograph


Name: ___________________ Date: __________________

Rosie the Rabbit

Rosie ran to the river to find Roger the rat. They were going to a
party In Town. On their way it started to rain, Roger took out his
raincoat and covered them up. When they got to Ray Town Rosie used a
rag to wipe her ring and her red shoes.

When they got to the part they saw Rooster, Raccoon and Raven.
There were also lots of foods to eat. Rosie ate rolls, rose apple, ripe
banana, and rock bun and rum and raisin ice cream.

As they all danced to the reggae music on the radio Rosie swung
across the room on a rope.
1. How many animals are in the story?
(a) 2 (b) 5 (c ) 3

2. Who and Rosie went to the party?

(a) Racoon (b) Rooster (c ) Roger

3. What did Rosie Swing on?

(a) rose (b) rope (c ) ring

4. Name 3 foods that were at the party.

______________ ______________ _____________

5. What colour was Rosie's shoes?

(a) red (b) pink (c ) gold

6. Give the story a new title:


Planned Lesson for the week beginning November 2- 6, 2015

Grade: 1Talbert

Subject: Integrated Studies

Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes X 5

Unit Title: My Body part 1 (Term1 Unit 2)

Focus Question: In what ways do I grow and what do I need to grow?

Topic: Growing and Changing

Attainment Targets:

 Give and receive information

 Know and use basic language skills and the convention of spoken and written words

 Explore the attributes of people and objects in order to classify and make comparisons


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Sing song related to topic

 Explain what it means to grow and change

 State ways in which they are growing and changing

 Recall the measurement of their height and weight

 Identify young animals and their parents

 Match animal with its young

 Read text appropriate for grade.

Key Vocabulary: measure, grow, change, height, weight, centimetre, metre, kilogram, mass,

heavy, light, tooth, teeth, young, adults, cow, calf, piglet, pig, dog, puppy, cat, kitten, goat, kid,

taller, bigger,

Skills: Listening, speaking, writing, drawing, singing, observing, measuring,

Resource Material: immunization card, pictures of young and adults, height chart, metric stick,

tape measure, work sheet, bathroom scale.

Content: things around us are not always the same. Things change. A change is when

something is not the same as before.

Day One



Students will listen as teacher sings song, “Growing and changing” then they will sing along.

They will answer questions about the song such as, in what ways do we grow and change?

Growing and Changing (tune: London Bridge)

I am growing every year, every year, every year

I am growing every year

God makes me grow

I am changing every year, every year, every year

I am changing every year

God makes me change

Students will:

1. Identify the words grow and change on the board. They will spell each word and tell

what it means to change. Students will tell the ways they are growing and state evidence

that they are growing.

2. During discussion learn that people, animals and plants are living things and when living

things grow they change.” Students will name some living things and talk about their

changes. They will also look at pictures of animals and their young ones.

3. Be guided to observe pictures on page 53 of their ‘getting to know my body text. They

will afterwards discuss the content with teacher.

4. Answer the questions relating to information on page 53 using S J E

5. Be guided to do picture reading and to read the information on the page.


 Students will draw and write ways to show that they are growing.

 They will complete a matching activity where they will match the adults with its

Match the adults with its young

Cat Baby

Dog Kitten

Adult Puppy

Cow Piglet

Pig Calf




Day Two


Introduction: Teacher will sing song along with students after which they will discuss the content

of song.

Students will:

1. Identify their mouth. They will name the sense organ found in their mouth (tongue).

Students will identify other parts found on and in the mouth. (lip, gum, teeth) .

My Teeth

Can you see my teeth? I use them to chew.

I chew things like carrots so my teeth stay like new.

Can you see my teeth? I use them to bite.

I bite things like apples so my teeth will stay white.

Can you see my teeth? I use them to speak.

I say "t" and "f" every day of the week.

Can you see my teeth? I use them to smile.

I brush until my grin is as wide as a mile!

2. Tell which part of their mouth changes. (Teeth). The teacher will say, “As you grow you

change your teeth and get a new set.” Teacher will inform students that the plural for

tooth is teeth.

3. Read with teacher the words of the poem, ‘My teeth’ after which they will talk about the

content of the information.

4. Discuss and show evidence of missing tooth/teeth. They will be given

hand sanitizer to sanitize their hands then they will count the top and bottom rows of

their teeth.

5. Students will draw the top and bottom row of teeth. They will use an X to mark the

position/positions of the ones that they have changed.

Assessment: children will copy information from the board.

Growing and Changing

“As we grow we change our teeth and get a new set.”

I have 2 rows of teeth. There are ____ number of teeth in the top row and ____ number of teeth

in the bottom row.






Day Three



 Students recall what they have learned the two previous days. They will state ways in

which they are growing. They will say, “I know I am growing because…. (taller, bigger,

weigh more)

 They will sing song “Growing and Changing’

Growing and Changing (tune: London Bridge)

I am growing every year, every year, every year

I am growing every year

God makes me grow

I am changing every year, every year, every year

I am changing every year

God makes me change

Students will:

 Answer questions posed by the teacher, “What does your height tells you? (How tall you

are) What is the name of the card that shows your height and weight from you were

babies until now? (Immunization card) How can you measure someone’s height? (tape

measure, height chart, metre stick)

 Look at the board and spell the words height and weight three times.

They will be given a copy of an immunization card to view. They will tell the

changes in the height and weight of the person?


Students will complete pages 168-169 of text All About Me, where they will

identify the various instruments of measuring and then complete activity.


Day Four:



 Students will recall what they did for the past current days.

 They will sing the growing and changing song.

Growing and Changing (tune: London Bridge)

I am growing every year, every year, every year

I am growing every year. God makes me grow

I am changing every year, every year, every year

I am changing every year. God makes me change

Students will:

1. Answer the following questions posed by the teacher, “How are we changing again?

What does your height tell you? When you weigh what do you find out?

(Mass-heavy/light). There is a special unit that we use to measure mass it is called the

kilogram” How many letters are in the word? The symbol kg can be used for it. What is

the symbol for centimetre? What is the symbol for metre? What do we use to weigh

things? What are the different scales?

2. Receive the two different scales to observe their differences they will tell what each

usage is.
3. Complete pages 174 &175 of All About Me text where they read a short story and then

answer questions about it and match words with pictures. They will also complete

activity from off the board.


Match the units with its symbol

Kilogram cm

Metre L

Centimetre kg

Litre m





Day Five:



1. Students and teacher will sing, “Growing and changing”.

Growing and Changing (tune: London Bridge)

I am growing every year, every year, every year

I am growing every year. God makes me grow

I am changing every year, every year, every year

I am changing every year. God makes me change

Students will:

1. Talk about all they have learned about growing and changing. They will recall their

weight and height.

2. Recall information and share what they have learnt in class.

3. complete pages 166 & 167 where they will colour then write an

adjective to describe each thing. Students will also colour the balance and write.


Students will complete missing letters of all the key vocabularies that were mentioned in the

past four days.






Subject: Language

Attainment Target:
 Use recognizable handwriting and appropriate spelling and vocabulary to write for a
variety of purposes
 Give and receive information
 Read for meaning, fluency and enjoyment
 Apply relevant decoding skills to the reading process
 Know and use basic skills and the conventions of spoken and written langauge

At the end of the lesson pupil will be able to

8. Identify end punctuation marks(full stop and question marks)

9. Use end punctuation correctly
10. Write sentences and end with correct punctuation
11. Answer questions base on a story
12. Display the ability to use capital and common letters
13. Recognize basic sight-words
14. Make the correct sound of the letter ‘Rr’
Content: Every sentence that tells something about people, place or thing is a telling sentence.
Telling sentences must end with a full stop (.)

Sentences that ask about people, place or thing is a asking sentence, asking sentences must end
with a question mark (?)

Materials: sentence strips, paper, fudge sticks, worksheets, story, letter Rr chart

Skills: listening, imitating sound of letter ‘Rr’, writing, drawing, discussing story, reading,

Key vocabulary: punctuation, full stop, period, question mark, Ray Town, Rosie, road

Whole group: 30 minutes

Day one

Topic: Punctuation-period/full stop

Pupils will:

6. Listen as teacher reads 3 sentences that are written on the board without any punctuation,
7. Listen as teacher explains that punctuation is very important because it tells the reader
when to pause or stop when reading. The teacher will explain that periods (full stops) are
used at the end of telling sentences. Pupils will name full stop Frankie full stop
8. Be given fudge sticks with a period/full stop at the end. Teacher will re-read the
sentences and pupils will be guided to hold up their Frankie stick to tell her to stop at the
end of the sentence.
9. Observe as teacher put 5 pictures on the board, pupil will be asked to tell one thing about
each picture. After which they will tell what should be at the end of each sentence
10. Be guided to understand that when you are telling something about a person, place or
thing you always end it with a full stop or period.

Small group: 20 minutes

 Group 1 & 2– pupils will along with teacher go over the concept. They will be engaged in
oral sentence construction.
 3 & 4 – pupils will each write 5 telling sentences about themselves.
Whole group: 10 minutes

 Pupils will get an opportunity to present.

Whole Group: 30 mins

Day two:

Topic: Punctuation-Question mark

Pupils will:

 Listen as teacher reads the title to poem “Where do I live?”

 Be guided to pay attention to what they see at the end of the sentence and tell if they have
ever seen it before
 Be guided to understand that that symbol is called a question mark (?)
 Listen and observe as teacher asks “where is my pen?” “what color is that book?” etc
 Be guided to give an answer to the question, pupils will be guided to understand that
question marks are used at the end of an asking sentence. We ask questions when we
need to know something
 Along with teacher will make a list of question words (what, why, could, may, etc) that
signal that the sentence needs a question mark.
 Be given fudge stick with question mark at the end. They will take out fudge stick from
the previous day and use them both in activity example: teacher will show simple
sentences on sentence strip and pupils must decide which stick to complete the sentence.
(teacher will model how they are to respond)

Small Group: 20 minutes

All groups will be given the picture of a rabbit

4. They will color the rabbit

5. They will write sentences about the rabbit using the correct punctuation. They need to
have at least two telling and two asking sentences.
6. Complete worksheet by filling in the correct question word ( homework )

Whole group: 10 minutes

Pupils will have the opportunity to share their sentences


Day three

Topic: Punctuation-period/question mark

Whole group: 30 mins

Pupils will

 Recall the two punctuation they did in previous lesson

 Recall when they use each
 Be given newspaper/ old magazine to count out at least 3 telling sentences and 3 asking
sentences and past the in their books
 Along with teacher will read Big Book ‘Frog in My Throat’ they will identify
punctuation and say how many of each…using question words as guide
 Be given a list of 4 words, they will write 2 asking and 2 telling for each word (pictures
will be given as well to help the pupils who are challenge in the area of reading
Small Group: 20 mins

3. Group 1 & 2(teacher assist) –pupils write a period/fullstop or question mark beside each
sentence. teacher will read for them
4. Group3 & 4- pupils will complete worksheet but putting the correct punctuation and by
answer question

Whole Group: 10 mins

Pupils will have the opportunity to share


Day Four

Topic: Comprehension- Making Prediction

Whole group: 30 mins

Pupils will

 Listen to the title of the story and tell what they think the story is about
 What a rabbit is and say if they have ever seen one before
 Listen as teacher reads and stop at different point and ask question about the story
 Make prediction and listen if their predictions were correct
 Along with teacher will discuss the story
 Speak freely about what the liked and did not like about the story
Small Group: 20 mins
Group 1 & 2 -pupils will discuss story with teacher and draw a picture about the part
they like/dislike and write one sentence telling why, they should remember which end
punctuation to us
Group 3 & 4- pupils will answer questions base on the story

Whole group- 10 mins

Pupils and teacher will echo read the story from the board


Day Five

Whole group: 40 mins

Phonics – letter Rr

Pupils will

 Recall the name of the story read the previous day

 Listen as teacher read the story
 Tell the names of things in the story, teacher will write names on the board
 Tell what they notice about the words
 Make the sound for the letter they see at the beginning of the words (teacher will model
sound to make sure they all get it correct)
 Read the words from the list and give new words of their own
 Along with teacher will read the words and teacher will discuss meaning for the ones
they do not know
 Sound and read blends eg ra/re/ri/ro/ru
 Add final letters to form words eg rat/ red/rim/ran/rug/rap/rib etc
Small group: 10 mins

Group 3 & 4 - will match the picture to the correct name (worksheet)

Pupils will complete chalkboard activity. Use the correct word to complete the sentences

Red, ring, Ray Town, rag, road

They were going to _________.

Rosie has a ___________.

The car is on the _______.

Roy likes_____apples.

Bag rhymes with _____.

Group 3 and 4- pupils will draw four things that begins with Rr and write one sentence about

Whole group: 10 mins

Pupils will make letter Rr sound.

Animals And Their

BY: ________________________________
GRADE: 1 Talbert
This is a cow.

A baby cow is called a _____________.

This is a dog.
A baby dog is called a ______________.

This is a sheep.

A baby sheep is called a _________________.

This is a horse.

A baby horse is called a _____________ .

This is a pig.
A baby pig s called a ____________ .

This is a duck.
A baby duck is called a _______________.

This is a hen .

A baby hen is called a _____________

This is a cat

A baby cat is called a _____________ .

Subject: Mathematics Window
Unit Title: My Body part 1 (Term1 Unit 2)

Focus Question: In what ways do I grow and what do I need to grow?

Topic: Growing and Changing

Duration: 1hour x 5days

Attainment Target:
 Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements
 Collect, organize and interpret information in practical situation and use simple
probability language.

Objectives: at the end of the lesson

Pupils will be able to
 Measure the lengths of various objects using string, steps, hand spans, strips of
cardboard, and other informal unit measures.
 Recognize a metre stick, ruler or tape measure and associate it with the measurement of
 Construct a simple pictograph
 Interpret a simple pictograph

Content: we can use a pictograph to represent information written information

Content: when you say how long or how short something is we say we are measuring. We use
the term length and ‘cm’
Materials: calendar, ruler, tape measure, metre stick, textbook, whiteboard, table, worksheet
Skills: measuring, interpreting, writing
Vocabulary: metre, ruler, measuring, length, measure, tape measure, calendar

Days One+two
Topic: Length
Pupils will:
13. Observe as teacher uses foot length to measure along the whiteboard and count along
with her. Teacher will ask one child to write down the number of steps.
14. Listen as teacher calls one of them to repeat the activity that she just did, while to others
count. The recorder will write down that number beside the teacher.
15. Along with teacher will repeat activity #2 until teacher is satisfied that she gets the
material she needs.
16. Compare the number and along with teacher will discuss why they think all the
numbers/measurements are different when they all did the same activity
17. Be guided to understand that we differ in size and that is the reason
18. Along with the teacher will measure her table using hand span (using another set of
19. Compare hand span by say one is how much more than the other (example: Oneisha was
12 Jelisha’s was 16 Jelisha had more hand span than Oneisha so Jelisha’s hand span is
20. Listen as teacher tell them a story about a lady whose name was Mrs Gussy and she sells
fabric and was unable to get the same measurement from her son, daughter and
neighbour. He all did foot length and got a different measurements. It was a man called
Mr.Crabs who helped her to solve the problem by introducing her to a ruler.
21. Were encouraged to speak freely about the story and say how not having the same
measurement could cause a problem.
22. Be guided to understand that we use cm to measure the length of short thing… for
example pen, pencil, book etc. there are 100cm in 1m
23. Observe as a teacher shows them some of the instruments used to measure length (tape
measure, rule, meter stick, height chart.
24. Along with teacher discuss instruments.
Day one
Assessment: Pupils Will
Complete activity using Hand span and foot length

Measure these using: Span Foot Length

5. Your desk

6. Teachers table

7. White Board

8. The door

Day two
Pupils will:

 Complete activity in Macmillian Primary Integrated studies Workbook page

 Draw, colour and cut out footprint (compare with their neighbour)
 Home work; take ruler to school tomorrow

Day three
Pupils will:

9. Recall the instruments that are used to measure length

10. Recall the unit use to measure length (cm)
11. Be asked to take out their rulers
12. Along with teacher will observe ruler and talk about it. (it has lines, numbers, cm,mm)
13. Be guided to look at the ruler and find the zero, they will be guided to understand that
when you are using the ruler you always start at the zero (0 or at the first line).
14. Be guided to look at the letters above zero of first line. (they will see cm) teacher will
guided them to understand that when we measure length we use ‘cm’ so others will know
what we are measuring
15. Observe chart showing how to use ruler
16. Measure objects on worksheet to get practice, being reminded that they need to put ‘cm’
after the number

Assessment: Pupils will

 Complete activity in MPIS workbook

 Complete worksheet for Homework


Day four
Topic: Pictograph
Pupils will:
7. Be instructed to turn to page 137 in Primary Mathematics book and describe what they
8. Count how many dogs are in the first row (5)
9. Repeat step 2 as they count the dogs in the other rows
10. Be guided to understand that the table they are looking at is called a pictograph and we
use pictograph to represent information by using objects etc.
11. Along with teacher will discuss the pictograph with guided questions. For example (1)
which day of the week had the most dogs (2) how many more dogs are there on Friday
than Monday?
12. Along with teacher complete activity in workbook


 Pupils will along with teacher will construct simple pictograph about their
favourite games.
 Answer question base on the pictograph

Day five
Topic: pictograph
Pupils will:
7. Along with teacher will create a pictograph using the month in which they were born
8. Sing the birth month song “those who born on…”
9. Be given cut outs, blue for boys and pink for girls
10. Come and paste their cut out on the chart provided as soon as they hear the name of the
month in which they were born
11. Along with teacher will discuss the pictograph
12. Answer questions base on the pictograph

Assessment: pupils will

 Complete worksheet by answering questions base on pictograph

Planned Lesson for the week beginning November 9th-13th, 2015

Grade: 1Talbert

Subject: Integrated Studies

Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes X 5

Unit Title: My Body part 1 (Term1 Unit 2)

Focus Question: In what ways do I grow and what do I need to grow?

Topic: The foods we eat

Attainment Targets:

 Give and receive information

 Explore the attributes of people and objects in order to classify and make comparisons

 Recognize needs and the relationship between earning a living and satisfying these needs


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Tell at least 2 things the body needs to grow.

 Demonstrate an understanding that the basic needs are essential

 Sing song relating to topic

 Role-play that meeting the basic needs is essential for healthy living

 State what happens when these are not met

 Identify and name the three food groups

 List ways in which God provides all our foods

 Recognize that food comes from plants and animals

 Draw and colour types of foods

 Read text appropriate to grade

 Participate in various exercises

Key Vocabulary: food, protein, vitamin, carbohydrate, fats, group, fruits, vegetables, animals,

plants, Creator, go, grow, glow, producer, consumer, farmer, hungry, needs, exercise, rest, sleep,


Skills: Listening, speaking, writing, drawing, singing, observing,

Resource Material: food chart, need chart

Content: Our body needs many things to grow strong and healthy. Our body needs food to grow.

Our body needs water to be healthy and our body needs exercise. Food gives us energy. Food

also gives us protection from diseases.

On the third day of creation God made all different types of vegetables and fruits for food. There

are many ways to group foods: by their shapes or size or the nutrients they give to your body can

group them. We need foods from each group to make us go grow and glow.

Day One



 Teacher will outline the objectives and tell what she hopes the children will achieve at the

end of the lesson.

 Teacher and children will recap the previous lesson the reinforce concepts and to clarify


 Teacher will use puppets to role-play the importance of food in relation to growth.

Teacher will sing the song, and then recall the various ways they grow and change.

Sung to the tune Mango Time“We need food to eat to grow, (rept) we need go, glow and

grow, these 3 foods are needed so, we need to eat food to grow.”

Students will:

 Along with teacher discuss the content of the song.

 During discussion talk about the importance of food.

 Identify different food on the food chart and (classify them) say which food group it

belongs to.
 Along with teacher talk about the nutritive value that can be derived from foods within

each food group.

 Within their groups use play dough to make foods from food group given. A member will

afterwards volunteer to tell the importance of eating foods from the particular group

Assessment: each group will be given specific activities.

 Mango group: use play dough to make 3 glow foods

 Banana group: draw and colour 3 grow foods

 Guava group: look at the picture and write go, glow or grow beside each food item.

 Apple group: will complete activity sheet






Day Two



Students will recall what was done yesterday. They will answer the following questions, “What

are the things the body needs to grow? Why the body does needs these needs?

Eat Them Everyday (to the tune of "Row Row Row Your Boat")

Milk, milk, eggs and cheese

Fruits and vegetables

Meat and breads and cereals

Eat them everyday.

Students will:

 listen as teacher sings song, “Eat them Everyday” then they will sing along. They will

answer question from the song such as, how often should we eat? What are the foods

mentioned? How many types of foods were mentioned? Why do we eat? What does food

do to our body?”
 identify foods that they eat. Teacher will write them all on the board. Teacher will ask

students, “What is a set again? How can we group these foods? (by colour, shape,


 within their groups be asked to group some of the foods to their liking. Each group will

write a list of foods under their group. They will then discuss and explain their choice.

Teacher will tell students, “Foods can be grouped by what they do for the body.”

Teacher will write the names of the three food groups (Go, Grow and Glow) on the

board. She will ask students to try and explain each. For example, Go- move about/

play and work; Glow- shine/ skin looks healthy; Grow- get strong.

 observe the three food groups and identify the foods under each they will be told what

each food groups bring to the body, example- protein and vitamin.


1. Children will copy information from the white board.

2. Draw pictures of food for each food group

Things my body need to grow

“My body needs food to keep me healthy and strong. The foods I eat can be grouped into three

food groups: Go, Grow and Glow.

Go Foods

These foods give me energy to work and play. They are bread and cereals.

Grow Foods

These foods give me protein to build and repair my bones. They are foods from animals.

Glow Foods

These foods give me vitamins that help to keep me from getting sick. They are fruits and

vegetables. ”




Day Three



Students recall what they have learned the previous day. They will answer the following

questions that will be posed by the teacher. “What are the ways that foods can be grouped? How

many food groups are there? Name them? Name some foods from each? What does the Go

Foods do for the body? What does the Grow Foods do for the body? What does the Glow Foods

do for the body?

Students will:

 Sing Food Chain Song

Round and round the energy goes. Round and round in the food chain.

The sun is the source of the energy. That goes around in the food chain.
 Respond to question teacher asked, for example, “Where does food come from?” teacher

will await students' responses then elaborate on it. Teacher will then ask students to listen

as she sings; “The Food Chain Song”, then they will try singing it with her.

 Answer the following questions that will be posed by teacher, “In which direction does

the energy goes? Which food group gives us energy? What is the main source of energy?

 Observe pictures of food on the food chain chart after wards they will, read and talk

about the pictures.

 role-play some persons who provide us with foods.

 write notes off the board into their notebooks. They will draw an example of a food



Students will

1. Copy information from the board based on -Who provides food?

“God is our provider. He makes the sun to give the earth energy. Plants and animals use

the energy from the sun to grow. We use energy when we eat the plants and animals.”

2. Draw and name 3 foods that come from plants and 3 that come from animals




Day Four



Students will recall what they did for the past current days.

Exercise and Rhyme

Get your heart pumping

Get your legs running

Get your brain jumping

Exercise as we rhyme

Teacher will: ask students to name the four needs that the body requires to stay

healthy and strong. (Food, water, exercise, rest). She will write the word exercise on the board

and ask students which need is this. They will look at the letters and spell the words five times

then the sixth time they will close their eyes.

Students will:

 Answer these questions that will be posed by teacher, “What is exercise? Why do we

have to exercise?” Teacher will elaborate on students’ responses.

 Role-play various exercises. They will listen and do an exercise and rhyme game. For

each word that rhymes they will jog in place and say that it rhymes but if it don’t they

will freeze and say that it don’t rhyme.

 Write notes off the board into their notebook.


Write the name of:

a) One food that begin with r

b) One food that begin with b

c) One food that begin with m

d) One food that begin with p

Draw and colour a picture of each food.





Day Five



Students and teacher will recap what they learnt yesterday.

Teacher will read poem as children listen. Afterwards they will discuss the content of the poem.


Everyone needs to rest, so they can do their best

So rest your nose, your head and your toes

And please don't you forget, everyone needs to rest.

Monkeys rest, so they can swing in the trees

Yes, everyone needs to rest. Teachers rest, so they can help children learn

Yes, everyone needs to rest.

Teacher will ask students to name the four needs that the body requires to stay healthy and

strong. (Food, water, exercise, rest). She will write the word rest on the board and

ask students which need is this. They will look at the letters and spell the words

five times then the sixth time they will close their eyes.

Students will:

 Listen as the teacher reads a poem, “Rest” they will answer questions such as, “What is

rest? Why should everyone rest?

 Name and touch the body parts mentioned in the poem?

 Tell the name of the animal mentioned?

 State why the monkey need to rest?

 Tell why teachers need rest? Why do you need rest? What will happen if you don’t


 Write notes from the board into their notebooks.

Assessment: copy information from the board

Things my body needs to grow

Rest “When I rest I become alert and can work and play.”

a) Draw a picture of yourself resting.

b) In scrapbook write a thank you prayer.





Language Arts

Unit Title: My Body (Part 1)

Focus Question: In What Ways Do I Grow And What Do I Need To Grow?

Sub-Question: In what ways do I grow?

Attainment Target:

1. Give and receive information.

2. Know and use basic language skills and the convention of spoken and written language.
3. Apply relevant decoding skills to the reading process.
4. Read for meaning, fluency and enjoyment
5. Use recognizable handwriting and appropriate spelling and vocabulary

Objectives: at the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:

1. Identify at least 3 pronouns

2. Tell what are pronouns
3. Use pronouns correctly in sentences
4. Attempt to use SJE structures to express themselves
5. Read text appropriate to grade level

Skills: listing, identifying, writing, listening

Materials: card game, textbook, plain paper,

Key vocabulary: pronouns, personal, I, me, my, she, he, they, him, her, him, nouns

Content: Pronouns are words that take the place of a noun. We have different types of pronouns
but we will be looking at personal pronouns. Personal pronouns stand in for people, places,
things .We use personal pronouns when we talk about our self

Day 1

Whole group-30 mins

Topic: Pronouns (I, he, she, it, we, they and who)
Pupils will:

 Read and discuss the story “Big and Strong”.

 Along with teacher will discuss the story; pupils will list the characters
 Compare the lead character’s experience with their own experiences.
 Identify nouns found in the story.
 Be lead to come up with other names or titles that can be used in place of the nouns they
 Watch as teacher makes pictorial representation of the nouns.
 Observe as teacher writes the name of the character below the picture…she ask is there
any other word we can use to talk about “Sue” expected response (she/,her)

Sue/ she, her Joe/ he, him Cat/ it Pam and Roy/ they

 Be lead to understand that these words are Pronouns just like (‘I’, ‘me and ‘my’).
Pronouns are words that are used in place of a noun.
 Practice replacing nouns with pronouns.

Small groups-20 mins

Group 1&2 (teacher guided)-Pupils will match nouns with the correct pronouns

Group 3&4- pupils will Copy sentences from the chalkboard using legible handwriting and
replace the nouns with pronouns.

Whole group-10mins

Pupils will recall what pronouns are


Day 2
Whole group- 30 mins

Topic: pronouns

Pupils will:

a) Recall what are pronouns

b) Play ‘Pronouns Memory Game”…Played like the classic memory game with the use of
picture cards. Cards will be prepare with some having pictures and the others have words
c) Be placed in groups
I. All the cards are placed on the table face-down
II. Groups will take turn turning over the cards
III. Each player gets a chance to turn over two cards. If they do not match,
they have to be turned back over so everybody else cannot see. If they
match, the group will take up the pair and lay them on table in their group
IV. The group with the most pairs at the end of the game wins

Small group-15mins
Pupils will continue working in groups; placing the pronouns under heading (singular/plural).
The pictures will be their guided as teacher stand by and watch.

Whole group- 15mins

Pupils will along with teacher discuss their choices and see if they were correct.


Day 3
Whole group-25mins

Topic: Pronouns

Pupils will:

1. Play a game called ‘guess which pronoun’

2. Prepare large cards with pronouns on them
3. The players in a group can take turns. For each turn, teacher will write or show a sentence
on the board, with an underlined noun that must be replaced with the correct pronoun. In
just five seconds, the player must then jump on the right pronoun to earn a point for his
group. The groups will race to 10 points or any number of points for them to achieve

Small groups-15 mins

All groups will choose at least 3 pronouns and make sentences of their own

Whole group- 20mins

Pupils will be given the opportunity to read their sentences


Day 4-5
Whole Group

Pupils will:

Due to difficulty pupils had with ‘I’, ‘me’ and ‘my’ last week teacher will finish up the week
with additional activities to give pupils practice that will cement this concept of pronouns and
how to use them. Moving on to new topic would not be wise.

Subject: Mathematics Window

Unit Title: My Body (Part 1)

Focus Question: In What Ways Do I Grow And What Do I Need To Grow?

Sub-Question: In what ways do I grow?

Attainment Target:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the use of various types of measurement.

2. Estimate, compare and use various types of measurement.
3. Use basic operations with numbers and number patterns.


Pupils will

1. Tell time on the hour

2. Show the time on a clock face given that time orally.
3. Use a calendar to tell time.
4. Associate various months with school activities, birthdays and holidays.

measuring, comparing, reading, reasoning and interpreting.


Chart, clock, calendar, MPIS student’s book, worksheets

Key Vocabulary/Concepts:

Month, week, day, year, time, calendar,


Clocks and calendars are used to measure and tell time. The clock measures time in hours,
minutes and seconds. The calendar measures time in days, weeks months and years.


Day 1-2

Pupils will:

1. Repeat Nursery Rhyme “Hickory, Dickory Dock”

2. Be lead to understand that time is measured in seconds minutes and hours.
3. Identify the minute and hour hand.
4. Read gem “Sixty seconds one minute”
5. Observer and count as the second hand move around the clock 60 times
6. Use their fingers to go all around the clock in a circular motion beginning at the numeral
7. Be guided to understand that when the long hand is on 12, we say “O’clock”
8. Using their body they will try and mimic the hour and minute hands to show six O’clock
(left head above their heads(for 12) and right hand bend at elbow and pointing down (for
9. Be guided to understand that when telling the time on the hour the long hand is always on
10. Observer as teacher demonstrate different times by manipulating the class clock

 Complete exercise on Integrated Mathematics Workbook.

 Complete worksheet by drawing hands to show time given


Day 3:

Pupils will:

1. Read a short story “Time for School”

2. be guided to understand that most activities are done base on time, pupils will tell some
of the activities the little boy in the story engaged in
3. speak freely about engaging in any of those activities
4. manipulate their clocks to show each time the little boy did his activities
5. along with teacher will play a game of clocks in hand (similar to swords in hand)
6. manipulate clock to show when they get lunch time, bed time etc

 Complete worksheet by drawing hands to show when they do various activities


Day 4

Pupils will:

1. Read about time and tell what they think the author is trying to say.

2. Recite the months of the year.

3. Recite gem from previous lesson (60 seconds 1 minute)
4. Identify month based on its position and what is celebrated or recognized.
5. Use calendar to find specific data e.g. birthdays, events, etc


 Use calendar to find information and answer questions.

Day 5:

Pupils will:

1. List the different ways that time can be measured.

2. Read clocks telling time on the hour
3. Use calendar to answer oral questions teacher asks about specific months and
days on the calendar.
4. List some key phrases that indicate that they need to add or subtract when soling a
5. Work along with their group to read and solve worded problems.
 Complete activity Mathematics Workbook.
 Put hands in on clock to show the time given
 Use calendar to answer questions and find information. (home work)


Match the Food to Its Group

Place an X in the correct food group column for each food listed.

Foods Go Glow Grow






Planned lesson for the week beginning November 16-20, 2015

Grade: 1Talbert

Subject: Integrated Studies

Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes X 5

Unit Title: My Body (Term1 Unit 2)

Focus Question: How do I take care of my body?

Attainment Targets:

 Give and receive information

 Know and use basic language skills and the convention of spoken and written words

 Explore the attributes of people and objects in order to classify and make comparisons

 Successfully demonstrate motor movements which are appropriate to grade level

 Explore and know the dynamic interaction of the physical, social and mental aspects of

their lives


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Describe ways in which we take care of our bodies.

 Tell ways in which they take care of themselves.

 Give the names of things that we use to keep us clean.

 Use all my senses to detect information on how to keep my body safe.

 Read text appropriate for their age and grade level.

 Role- play how they would determine safe/unsafe areas around them.

 Identify possible reasons for safe/ unsafe areas.

 List safety rules to observe in using utensils/appliances/equipment

 Recognize how to cross a road safely

 Describe safety issues relating to school

Key Vocabulary: safe, unsafe, care, rules, utensils, appliances, equipment, healthy, clean,

hygiene, germs

Skills: discussing care of the body, demonstrating care of the body, identifying safe and unsafe

areas/things, observing with all senses

Resource Material: chart with poem, songs about care of the body, textbook, notebook,


Content: There are many places in and outside the home that are considered dangerous or can

cause us harm. Extreme care should be taken to prevent children from possible harm or danger

that can occur when children are around. It is dangerous to play on the road. Always use the

pedestrian crossing or the stop light signals when crossing the street. Keep your limbs inside as it

is not safe to hang them outside a moving vehicle.

Day One

Procedures/ Activities:


Students will:
1. Along with teacher recap the previous lesson to clarify misconception and to reinforce


2. Sing the song, “This is the way I” while doing actions to show how they take care of

their body. This is the way you take a bath every morning

Take, take, take a bath (repeat). This is the way I soap the rag, soap the rag

To school, go to school, go to school, every morning.

Teacher will:

 Ask and write on the board, “How do you take care of your body”. Students’

responses will be written on the board.

 Create another branch and then ask students, “What are the things used to do the

above. There will be a discussion on the usage, importance and frequency of each.

 Volunteer what it means to take care of ‘oneself’, teacher will listen to the various

responses and write them on the board.

 List at least 3 things that are used in the care of the body.

 Discuss the importance of taking care of the body.

 Demonstrate using models ways in which they care for their bodies.

 Sing song entitled ‘good hygiene is smart you know’ pg 159.


1. Draw and label 3 items that can be used to take care of the body.
2. Draw an activity that shows you are taking care of the body.


Day Two- Looking after myself

Students will:

1. Along with teacher recap the previous lesson.

2. Talk about the body parts that need special care, and say how they are taken care of.

3. Demonstrate how they take care of body parts as they sing the song ‘What can you do’.

4. Paste personal hygiene items on chart. Teacher will label items while children tell what

each is used for.

5. Talk about other ways of taking care of the body; for example exercising, rest, eating

properly among other things.

6. Touch and identify things on the chart used to keep us clean.

7. Talk about the pictures on page 97 in (PIS ) getting to know my studies

8. Find smaller words within the word DEMONSTRATE. These words will be written on

the board.


1. Draw and label the things that you use when taking a bath.

2. Write 2 sentences about bath time.






Day Three – Danger in the home

Student will:

 Observe medicine containers/ pictures and discuss the dangers of taking incorrect dosage

of medicine

 Identify some things in the home that are considered to be dangerous. For example,

kerosene oil, gas oil, pesticides, bleach and disinfectant among other things.

 Along with teacher formulate some safety rules that should be observed in the home.

 Talk about how they can use their senses to avoid possible dangers at home; for example,

they may see a piece of broken glass on the floor, or smell something burning or hear a

cry for help.

 Be guided into discussing what they would do if they detect possible dangers such as

those mentioned. Talk about the persons they can get help from; such as their parents,

teachers a responsible adult and or the police.


1. Draw and label 3 things that are considered to be dangerous in the home.
2. Write 2 safety rules that can be practiced at home.




Day Four –Danger outside

Students will:

 Along with teacher recap the previous lesson to reinforce concepts taught.

 Observe picture of keeping safe on the road on page 177 in their text; after which they

will discuss what is happening in the picture as it relates to safety.

 Talk about the pedestrian crossing and what the traffic lights signify. They will also talk

about the importance of using the pedestrian crossing.

 Be guided to read the safety rules in their text on pg 178, and engage them into

meaningful discussion about the use of the pedestrian crossing.

 Take children on field trip to actually demonstrate how the pedestrian crossing is used.

Teacher will have with the assistance of the traffic warden to use the pedestrian crossing

at the school gate. Teacher will organize students into two groups.

 Children will discuss the event after warden. They will talk about what they see, hear and

the person who help them to cross the street.


1. Draw yourself using the pedestrian crossing assisted by the traffic warden.

2. Draw and colour the traffic lights.






Day Five- Danger in school

Student will:

1. Observe and discuss what is happening in the picture in their text on page 183.

2. Explain why these practices are considered to be dangerous.

3. Talk about other accidents that can occur on the school ground.

4. Have student read their school safety rules and examine each one.

5. In groups examine selected pictures and talk about what might cause an accident. They

will then relate what they talked about.

6. Observe their classroom and talk about the places that should be kept clear. Identify

places that can pose danger, for example the tiles when children slide on It., rocking the

chair and allowing the chair to fall backwards.


Draw a safety rule that should be observed at school.



Language Arts

Unit Title: My Body (Part 1)

Focus Question: How do I take care of my body?

Sub-Question: What are some of the things I need to do to care for my body?

Duration: 1 hour X 5days

Attainment Targets:

 Use recognizable handwriting and appropriate spelling and vocabulary.

 Respond critically and aesthetically to literature.
 Apply relevant decoding skills to the reading process.
 Read for meaning, fluency and enjoyment.

Objectives: at the end of the lesson children should be able to:

identify compound words and break them down into two parts

combine two words to create new compound words

Use at least 3 compound words to make sentences

Tell what is an adjective

Use adjective to describe pictures

Recognize the letter ‘Jj' and identify words beginning with the sound

Skills: Listening, writing, identifying compound words, reading, discussing, speaking

Materials: Scissors, worksheets, story, game cards, textbook, charts, crayons

Key Vocabulary: Compound words, starfish, jellyfish, jug, jar, adjectives

Content: (1) Two small words put together to make a new word is called a compound word.
The new word has a new meaning.(2) Adjectives are words that describe a nouns. Adjectives
tells more about the person of thing

Day One:

Topic: Compound Words

Whole Group- 30 mins

Pupils will:

Listen as teacher gives context clues, for example:

A place where we store books in our classroom (bookshelf)

When mommy roasts it, it turns black (breadfruit)

A place we should always walk when we travel on the road (sidewalk)

Along with teacher, discuss the words.

Look at the words and say if they see a smaller word that they know

Be guided to understand that when we put two small words together to form a new word, the
new word is called a compound word

Brainstorm to give other examples of compound words

Listen as teacher sings compound word song "Compound words, compound words, two
small words that are joined together make a compound word"

Join in the singing of the song.

Small group: 20 mins

Banana (Teacher assist) copy pictures to depict compound words for example:

+ = + =

Star fish starfish rain bow rainbow

Apple mango and pine apple: Pupils will copy the example on the board and draw three pairs of
their own and use each in a sentence

Whole Group: Presentation 10mins

Each pupil will share the pairs they drew with the class and see if anyone have the same

Day Two


Topic: Compound Words

Whole Group- 30 mins

Pupils will:

Observe as teacher writes some words on the board

Read the words and tell what they know about these words (Compound Words)

Brainstorm as to where they think the compound words should be broken into two small

Be guided to say the words and where they heard the first part….teacher will demonstrate

In groups try to break the other words from the board in two small words

For example: rainbow=rain + bow, goldfish= Gold + fish, mailbox= mail + box

Read all the words

Small group- 20 mins

Banana (Teacher Assist) will complete work sheet by looking at the pictures and write the
compound words
Apple, mango and pineapple: will complete the worksheet by writing the two small words that
form compound words

Whole group- presentation 10 mins


Day three


Topic: initial letter ‘Jj'

Whole Group: 30mins

Pupils will:

Observe the letter that teacher writes on the board

Be asked to identify the letter and make the sound. Teacher will listen and if the sound is not
produced correctly she will model it.

Imitate the sound and turn to page 174 of the MIS student book and read the name of the

Make the sound of the letter Jj and supply words of their own

Observe as teacher writes ‘Joyful', "junkyard', ‘juneplum', ‘jellyfish' on the board, they will
attempt to read the words and tell something they notice about the words (compound
Along with teacher discuss the meaning of the words.

Small group- 20 mins

Banana- (Teacher assist) will draw 5 pictures whose name has the beginning sound in the one
they hear when they say ‘jug'.

Pineapple, mango and apple will fill ion the most appropriate word to complete each sentence:
for example

I am the sixth month ____________

Some men wear this to church ____________

He tries cases in court ________________

Whole group: presentation 10mins


Day four:

Topic: Adjectives
Whole group - 30mins

Pupils will:

Observe as teacher paste a picture of a mango on the board

Tell what part of speech is the mango (noun or verb)

Tell something about the mango eg sweet, yellow, round

Be guided to call these words adjectives and will be able to identify adjectives as describing
words and that adjectives tell more about a noun or describe a noun.

Step one will be repeated. With a clock and pupils will be encouraged to tell words that they
can use to tell more about the clock. Eg round, green

Be guided to understand that we can use colours and shapes to describe an object

Sing adjective song

Along with teacher will look around classroom and describe things

Assessment: Pupils will (small group 25 mins)

All groups will be given an object which they will draw and write five words they can use to
describe it

Whole group -5mins

Pupils will recall what adjectives are.


Day five

Topic: Adjectives

Whole group - 30mins

Pupils will

Recall what are adjectives

Sing adjectives song

In pairs will be given pictures of faces and they will be instructed to writ4e at least one word

to describe the face. sad happy angry

Teacher will out the idea that emotions/ feelings are adjectives

Be guided to understand that when you use adjectives you give more details about a person
or thing you are talking about.

Small group - 20mins


Groups: apple, pineapple and mango will all complete worksheet.

Banana (Teacher assist) will recall what adjectives are and use colour to describe objective as

Whole group -10mins

Pupils will choose one object from their bag or classroom and use an adjective of their choice to
describe it orally.



Unit Title: My Body (Part 1)

Focus Question: How do I take care of my body?

Sub-Question: What are some of the things I need to do to care for my body?

Duration: 1 hour X 5 days


 Addition

 Measurement-litres

Attainment Targets:

 Know the value of numerals and associate them with their names, numbers and
 Estimate, compare and use various types of measurements.

Objectives: At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

understand basic number addition.

show pairs of related addition facts

associate the joining of two sets with addition

tell how many of a small container will fill up a large container

recognize a teaspoon, a measuring cup and a litre measure to measure


Use litre measure to identify containers that hold more than, less than,
about 1 litre, 2 litres, 3 litres etc.

Tell how many cups make a litre

Materials: Manipulative for each child: cubes, counters, colored crackers, colored candies,
measuring cups, measuring spoon, food colouring, containers for water etc.

Procedure/ activity

Day one

Pupils will:

 review counting from 1-20 forwards and backwards.

 be used as ‘counters'. 2 groups of pupils will be placed in front of room-
one group of three, one group of two. Propose situational question "These
three friends like to eat apples, and these two friends like to eat oranges.
How many students in all like to eat fruit?" (five)

 other activities will be done.

 define terms together at the board: addition, addend, sum

 discuss key words for addition: in all, altogether, total, sum.

 practice several groupings, demonstrating with counters.

 continue probing questions of students with their counters.

 practice writing these in number sentence form on white board and table
tops: 2+4=6; 5+8=13; 12-7=5


Complete white board activities eg. 2 and 2 make 4/ 3 and 3 make 6/ 1 and 4 make 5


Day two


Pupils will:
 sing counting songs and finger ‘1 and 1 2, 2and 2 4'

 use counters in groups of two to make sets.

 answer riddles eg. Tom as 2 books and he gets 4 more how many does he
have now? (6)

 use counters to represent sets and join sets together.

 other activities with addition of sets will be done for reinforcement.


All groups will complete white board activity.

Sam has 4 balloons and he gets 1 more, how many does he have now? 4 + 1 = 5


Day three

Pupils will

 recall what was discussed in the integrated Studies lesson…medicine

 long with teacher will discuss what was used to measure the medicine, pupils will be
guided to use the word liquid when talking about medicine

 be instructed to turn to page in their MPIS and tell what they notice…measuring cups,
bottles etc.

 tell if they have ever seen any of these containers before…pupils will be asked questions

1. are there marks on any of the containers

2. why do you think some have marks etc.

 will be guided to understand that when we measure liquid we say we are measuring the
volume and volume is measured using cups and teaspoons.

 Obverse the other pictures and be asked to get their juice boxes, pupils along with teacher
will discuss the measurement and say if it the same as the snacks bags

 Be guided to understand that the unit of measurement for liquid is litres and for small
amount we use millilitres (ml) and larger amount we use litres (l)

 Be guided to look back on juice box and tell the measurement they see

 Along with teacher will continue the discussion and brainstorm other things that are
measured in litres or millilitres eg oil, soda,syrup etc.

Assessment pupils will

 Complete worksheet by colouring the items that are measured using litres

 Home Work take containers to school that are measured in l or ml


Day four

Pupils will

 Recall the different unit of measuring used for the following (pencil,flour,milk)

 Observe as teacher fill bucket of water and put food colouring, they will be guided to pay
attention to the measuring cups as teacher explains that is used to measure liquid just like
the teaspoon they use for medication. Teacher will show them the measuring cup and the
one come mark which she will further highlight with a marker and also bottles of various

 Observe as teacher fill the cup to the one cup mark with their guidance and pour it into
bottle unit it full (1 litre bottle) pupils will be told to count and keep track of the amount
of cups were used to fill bottles

 Tell how many cups were used to fill bottles, they will be guided to understand that 4cups
= 1litre

 Using different size containers repeat steps 3-4.

Assessment: pupils will

 Copy information from the board and recall how many cups make 1 litre


Day five

Pupils will

 Recall unit of measurement for liquid and tell how many cups make a litre

 Be placed in groups to measure and fill different size bottles, by doing this they will
discover how many cups make ½ litre etc.

 Be given cup cut outs and in group they will need to figure out how many litres of juice
they will need if each person must get a cup…pupils will use the cups to represent

 Place the bottle/bottles that holds the amount they need

Assessment: pupils will

 In groups make their book litre… for example

1. =

2. =

Lesson plan for the week beginning November 23, 2014

Grade: 1 Talbert

Subject: Integrated Studies

Unit Title: My Body (Part 1)
Focus Question: How do I take care of my body?
Sub-Question: What are some of the things I need to do to care for my body?
Duration: 5 Days X 3hours

Attainment Targets:
 Explore and know the dynamic interaction of the physical, social and mental
aspects of their lives.
 Successfully demonstrate motor movements which are appropriate to grade level.
 Explore the attributes of people and objects in order to classify and make
 Know the value of and use basic language skills and conventions of written and
spoken language.
 Give and receive information.

Objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:

o Recall some people who help to keep us healthy and strong.

o Identify possible reason for safe/unsafe areas around them.
o Make safety rules.
o Dramatize situations depicting rules.
o Use, move and store equipment safety.
o Say how some danger can be avoided
o Recognize how to cross a road safely
o Use a pedestrian crossing correctly

Skills: listening to story, role-playing, following direction, answering questions

Key vocabulary: danger, safety, accident, stranger, rule, pedestrian crossing, traffic light, traffic
signs, fire, emergency, accident, number,

Materials: story of “Little Red Riding Hood”, textbook, examples of traffic signs, whistle,

Content: There are many places in and outside the home that are considered dangerous or can
cause us harm. Extreme care should be taken to prevent children from possible harm or danger
that can occur when children are around. It is dangerous to play on the road. Always use the
pedestrian crossing or the stop light signals when crossing the street. Keep your limbs inside as it
is not safe to hang them outside moving vehicles.

Day One



1. Students recall what they have learned the previous day. They will answer the following
questions that will be posed by the teacher. “What are some of the ways we take care of
our body? Who help us to take care of our body? What are some of the items do we use
to take care of our body?


Doctor Doctor

Doctor, doctor, May I help you? I hope so.

Ok. What’s your name? What’s the problem?
My belly hurts. Can you help me?

Sure, here take this medicine. You will feel better soon.

2. Teacher will recite a poem while students listen attentively. Then they will repeat after
the teacher. The teacher will write a riddle on the board. She will ask students to read it
and then try to answer it. (When I am sick my mother gives this to me. What am I )

Students will:

 Spell the word medicine as teacher breaks the word into syllables. She will write the
word on the board. Students will state all they know about medicine, its colour, taste,
frequency, dosage, types and others
 Talk about the card that shows evidence of being healthy. (Immunization card). There
will be a discussion of immunization card.


1. Students will copy information from the white board.


“We need shots of medicine to keep us healthy and to grow strong. A doctor or a nurse gives,
‘shots’ of medicine. Medicine fights germs and keep us well.”

Form smaller words from the word ‘Medicine’

2. Write the names of 3 medicines your parent gave you

Day Two



Students will:

 review all they know about taking care of their body.

 Talk about danger at home and things that can harm them at home. They will observe
this picture that the teacher will post on the board. They will identify the danger and state
how to fix the problem.
 Observe picture in their All About text and complete pages 185.
 Name the objects that can harm them at home.
 Listen as the teacher reads sentences on page 186 they will put a tick on the one that is
talking about being careful and safe.
 Dramatise senarios in which rules are administered and practiced. For example students
will dramatize being warn to use the seat belt which saved him from being thrown
through the window.

 Assessment:
List at least 3 things that can harm them at home
 Write 1 safety rule for home


Day Three


Students will:

 Brain storm different things they can do to keep safe when they are away from home
(walk on the said walk, don not play on the road, use the pedestrian crossing etc.)

Along with teacher will discuss the ways they can keep themselves safe.

 Be engage in discussion why they think it is important to follow safety

 Be guided to understand that by being obedient you can keep yourself safe
 Along with teacher will walk to the gate and they will cross the road using the
pedestrian crossing they will engaged in discussing about crossing and that even
though it is there they should wait until all the cars stop before they go
 Tell the man of the man who crosses them in the mornings and after school(Barry),
pupils will be guided to identify him as the traffic warden
 Look around and identify the road signs they see

Assessment: pupils will

1. Identify things/situations which are safe/unsafe and associate them with their senses
2. draw the road signs they see on their way home

Day 3


Students will:

 Along with teacher discuss different emergency vehicles; ambulance, fire engine and
discuss the sounds they make and the message the sound convey
 Guided to understand that the sound tells people that there is an emergency and motor
vehicle should get out the way
 Guided that emergency are call in by people and they will be asked to repeat the
emergency numbers for police and fire (done in previous class)
 Imitate the sounds
 Mime emergency personal at work e.g. nurse or fire fighter

Assessment: pupils will

Using the telephone role play reporting and accident

Complete activity in textbook…activity will be written on board


Day 4

Pupils will

 Discuss where accidents happen the most and why

 Name safe and unsafe areas around them
 Listen as teacher reads story “Buckle your seat belt”
 Along with teacher will discuss the content of the story.
 Relate in their own words what they learnt from the story.
 Discuss safety rules in regards to keeping safe on the road.
 In groups role-play their favourite part of the story

Assessment: pupils will

Work co-operatively in constructing at least one rule for keeping safe on the road.

Draw their favourite part of the story and write a sentence about what they have drawn.


Day Five-

Student will:

7. Observe and discuss what is happening in the picture in their text on page 183.

8. Explain why these practices are considered to be dangerous.

9. Talk about other accidents that can occur on the school ground.

10. Have student read their school safety rules and examine each one.

11. In groups examine selected pictures and talk about what might cause an accident. They

will then relate what they talked about.

12. Observe their classroom and talk about the places that should be kept clear. Identify

places that can pose danger, for example the tiles when children slide on It., rocking the

chair and allowing the chair to fall backwards.


Draw a safety rule that should be observed at school.




Language Arts

Unit Title: My Body (Part 1)

Focus Question: How do I take care of my body?
Sub-Question: What are some of the things I need to do to care for my body?

Duration: 1 hour X 5days

Attainment Targets:

 Use recognizable handwriting and appropriate spelling and vocabulary.

 Respond critically and aesthetically to literature.
 Apply relevant decoding skills to the reading process.
 Read for meaning, fluency and enjoyment.

Objectives: Pupils will be able to

o Use ‘a’ and ‘an’ correctly in sentences

o Use ‘a’ and ‘an’ appropriately
o Recognize the letter ‘Jj’ and identify words beginning with ‘Jj’
o Add ‘ing’ to verbs ending with ‘e’
o Tell the difference between vowels and consonant
o Identify homophones and spell them correctly

Skills: listening, speaking, writing, observing

Key vocabulary: bake, vowel, consonant, juneplum, jump, jog

Materials: rope, textbook, worksheet, bag with letters, homophones on word cards

Content: (1) “a’ and ‘an’ are known as article. We put ‘a’ in front of a word that begins with a
consonant and ‘an’ in front of a word that begins with a vowel. (2) Homophones are words that
sound alike but are spelt different and has a different meaning. (3) When adding ‘ing’ to words
that end with ‘e’ we must first drop the ‘e’ and add ‘ing’.

Day One


Topic: Articles ‘a’ and ‘an’

Skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening

Strategies: Directed Reading Thinking Activity


At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1. Tell when we use capital letters.

2. Identify naming words.
3. Say when we use /a/ and /an/.

Whole Group- 30mins

Pupils will:

 sing the letters of the alphabet and discuss the constantans and vowels.
 view the names of their friends and tell which of the letters begin their names.
 response will be discussed. Capital and common letters will be placed in a bag.
 take letters from bag and then find their partner. That is the pupil with the capital
letter will find the pupil with the common letter.
 be reminded that we use capital letters at the begin of sentences and for names of
persons, places and special animals.
 Be instructed to give an example for each category of noun for example: dog, egg,
man, girl, apple.
 listen as teacher explain that we use /a/ before words that don’t begin with a
vowel and /an/ when the word begin with a vowel.
 Along with teacher with play a similar to ‘in the river on the’. Teacher will place
a piece of rope on the floor and write ‘a’ on one side and ‘an’ on the other,
students will be instructed to jump to the correct side when teacher calls the word
for example car/table/orange
 be engaged in activates eg. an apple a bag an egg a cow etc.

Small group:

Group 1 & 2 (teacher assist) group will complete white board activity. Write /a/ or /an/.

Group 3 & 4 will write ‘a’ or ‘an’ to complete each sentence

Sam had ___ egg. We had ___ apple today. I have ___ ice cream.
Whole Group- 10mins

Each group will give an example of each usage


Day Two
Topic: Articles ‘a’ and ‘an’
Whole Group- 30 mins
Pupils will
 recall when they should use ‘a’ or ‘an’ in front of a noun
 give example orally
 be given card and they will be instructed to write ‘a’ on one side and ‘an’ on the other
 in pairs be given picture and will be instructed to say the name of the picture and tell
whether they should put ‘a’ or ‘an’ in front of the word, they will place the card on the
correct side
 look at the other pairs at their table and say if they the write word
 along with teacher will discuss the rule for using ‘a’ and ‘an’
Small group- 20 mins
Group 1 & 2 (teacher assist) - will write ‘a’ or ‘an’ in front of pictures
Group 3 &4 will
1. complete cloze passage.
2. write ‘a’ or ‘an’ in front of nouns
Home Work- will complete activity in LA workbook
Whole Group-10 mins
Pupils will tell when they should use ‘a’ and ‘an’


Day Three
Whole group-35mins
Topic: Homophones-emphasis on spelling
Pupils will
 be in structured to listen carefully to the short poem because there are some words that
they will need to remember
 along with teacher will discuss the words, pupils will be asked if they remember the name
given to these words (homophones were done before with just 3 pairs, now pupils will be
introduce to some other homophones with emphasis on spelling)
 give other pairs of homophones that they know and learn to spell them
 look at pictures and tell which is the correct spelling of the word for example

pair/ pear male/ mail

Small group- 15 mins
Group 1 & 2 (teacher assist)- pupils will draw pictures and write the name
Group 3 & 4- pupils will complete worksheet by circling the correct spelling for the picture.

Whole Group- 5 mins

Pupils will recall what are homophones


Day Four
Whole group- 30 mins
Topic: verbs…dropping ‘e’ before adding ‘ing’
Pupils will
 recall what are verbs
 teacher will record the verbs on the board
 observer as one of their classmates is selected to come to the board and add ‘ing’ to
the word, pupils will tell the reason ‘ing’ is added to a verb
 be given NCJE and be told to look at the picture and tell what the people are doing
(all ending with ‘e’)
 list as teacher writes the words on the board, teacher will then ask “what can we do to
this verb to show that the action is continuing” (pupils…add ‘ing’)
 will listen as teacher tells them that adding ‘ing’ is correct but they need to first drop
the ‘e’ before adding ‘ing’
 be engaged in activity to further develop their competence of adding ‘ing’ to verbs
ending with ‘e’
Small Group 25- mins
Group (teacher assist)- pupils will along with teacher with teacher will add ‘ing’ to regular verbs
Group 3 & 4 will add ‘ing’ to the words they listed from the book and use them complete a short

Whole Group- 5 mins

Recall the rule to adding ‘ing’ to verbs that end with ‘e’
Day Five

Topic: initial letter ‘Jj’


Whole Group: 30mins

Pupils will:

1. Observe the letter that teacher writes on the board

2. Be asked to identify the letter and make the sound. Teacher will listen and if the sound is
not produced correctly she will model it.
3. Imitate the sound and turn to page 174 of the MIS student book and read the name of the
4. Make the sound of the letter Jj and supply words of their own
5. Observe as teacher writes ‘Joyful’, “junkyard’, ‘juneplum’, ‘jellyfish’ on the board, they
will attempt to read the words and tell something they notice about the words (compound
6. Along with teacher discuss the meaning of the words.

Small group- 20 mins

Group 1 and 2 (Teacher assist) will draw 5 pictures whose name has the beginning sound in the
one they hear when they say ‘jug’.

Group 3 and 4:

Pupils will fill in the most appropriate word to complete each sentence: for example

a. I am the sixth month ____________

b. Some men wear this to church ____________
c. He tries cases in court ________________

Home work- complete pages in phonics book

Whole group: presentation 10mins

Make the letter Jj sound


Topic: initial letter ‘Jj’


Whole Group: 30mins

Pupils will:

7. Observe the letter that teacher writes on the board

8. Be asked to identify the letter and make the sound. Teacher will listen and if the sound is
not produced correctly she will model it.
9. Imitate the sound and turn to page 174 of the MIS student book and read the name of the
10. Make the sound of the letter Jj and supply words of their own
11. Observe as teacher writes ‘Joyful’, “junkyard’, ‘juneplum’, ‘jellyfish’ on the board, they
will attempt to read the words and tell something they notice about the words (compound
12. Along with teacher discuss the meaning of the words.

Small group- 20 mins

Group 1 and 2 (Teacher assist) will draw 5 pictures whose name has the beginning sound in the
one they hear when they say ‘jug’.

Group 3 and 4:

Pupils will fill in the most appropriate word to complete each sentence: for example

d. I am the sixth month ____________

e. Some men wear this to church ____________
f. He tries cases in court ________________

Home work- complete pages in phonics book

Whole group: presentation 10mins

Make the letter Jj sound


Unit Title: My Body (Part 1)

Focus Question: How do I take care of my body?
Sub-Question: What are some of the things I need to do to care for my body?

Duration: 1 hour X 5 days

Attainment Target:

4. Demonstrate an understanding of the use of various types of measurement.

5. Estimate, compare and use various types of measurement.
6. Use basic operations with numbers and number patterns.


Pupils will

5. Tell time on the hour

6. Show the time on a clock face given that time orally.
7. Use a calendar to tell time.
8. Associate various months with school activities, birthdays and holidays.


measuring, comparing, reading, reasoning and interpreting.


Chart, clock, calendar, MPIS student’s book, worksheets

Key Vocabulary/Concepts:

Month, week, day, year, time, calendar,


Clocks and calendars are used to measure and tell time. The clock measures time in hours,
minutes and seconds. The calendar measures time in days, weeks months and years.


Day 1-2

Pupils will:
11. repeat Nursery Rhyme “Hickory, Dickory Dock”
12. Be lead to understand that time is measured in seconds minutes and hours.
13. Identify the minute and hour hand.
14. Read gem “Sixty seconds one minute”
15. observer and count as the second hand move around the clock 60 times
16. Use their fingers to go all around the clock in a circular motion beginning at the numeral
17. Be guided to understand that when the long hand is on 12, we say “O’clock”
18. Using their body they will try and mimic the hour and minute hands to show six O’clock
(left head above their heads(for 12) and right hand bend at elbow and pointing down (for
19. Be guided to understand that when telling the time on the hour the long hand is always on
20. Observer as teacher demonstrate different times by manipulating the class clock


 Complete exercise on Integrated Mathematics Workbook.

 Complete worksheet by drawing hands to show time given


Day 3:

Pupils will:

7. Read a short story “Time for School”

8. be guided to understand that most activities are done base on time, pupils will tell some
of the activities the little boy in the story engaged in
9. speak freely about engaging in any of those activities
10. manipulate their clocks to show each time the little boy did his activities
11. along with teacher will play a game of clocks in hand (similar to swords in hand)
12. manipulate clock to show when they get lunch time, bed time etc

 Complete worksheet by drawing hands to show when they do various activities


Day 4

Pupils will:

1. Read about time and tell what they think the author is trying to say.

6. Recite the months of the year.

7. Recite gem from previous lesson (60 seconds 1 minute)
8. Identify month based on its position and what is celebrated or recognized.
9. Use calendar to find specific data e.g. birthdays, events, etc


 Use calendar to find information and answer questions.

Day 5:

Pupils will:

6. List the different ways that time can be measured.

7. Read clocks telling time on the hour
8. Use calendar to answer oral questions teacher asks about specific months and
days on the calendar.
9. List some key phrases that indicate that they need to add or subtract when soling a
10. Work along with their group to read and solve worded problems.

 Complete activity Mathematics Workbook.

 Put hands in on clock to show the time given
 Use calendar to answer questions and find information. (home work)
4, 2015

Grade: 1 Talbert

Subjects: Integrated Studies

Language Arts


Topics to be revised for each subject:

Language Arts Integrated Studies Mathematics

 Nouns  Name: first/surname  Number/number name

 Verbs  Age/DOB  Number facts

 Pronouns  School’s name  Using < / > or = signs

 Nouns  Food groups:  Telling the time on the

 Capitalization Go hour

 Opposites Grow  Simple addition

 Telling sentences Glow  Pictograph

 Asking sentences  Keeping the body clean  Calendar

 Using is/are  Danger in/outside the  Measuring

 Using a/an home height/weight/volume

 Add ‘s’ to show more than  Danger at school

one  Keeping safe on the road

 Alphabetical ordering.  Following traffic signs and


Day One:



Day Two



Day Three



Day Four


Day Five





Grade: 1 Talbert.

The administration of examination will begin on Monday December 12, 2016. Teacher will
engage students in examination activities for the week. Teacher will also monitor and assist
students where applicable.

Grade: 1 Talbert


School will be in session; however, teacher will be engaged in the marking of test papers and

transferring the grades to the Marks Record Book. Teacher will have children engaged in reading

activities and creative drawing of Christmas cards.


Children will be engaged in the same activities as the previous day.


Children will be engaged in a continuation of the previous activities. In addition, children will be

allowed to watch children’s movie on the computer.

Thursday – Fun day’s activities

Teacher will be rostered to carry out specific responsibilities/duties.

Friday -Staff Development

All teachers are expected to be in attendance. School will be officially closed today for the

Christmas Holidays. School reopens January 4, 2016’

END OF Christmas term

Lesson Plan for the week beginning January 4-8th, 2016

Grade: 1 Talbert

During this week the teacher will go through the test papers with her pupils and revisit the topics
that they performed poorly on. Teacher will also administer post reading test and have the levels
submitted to the office.

Planned Activities for the Week


 Revision of school and class rules

 Create goals and motto for the year
 Class discussion about the Christmas celebration
 Pupils will draw pictures and write sentences about how they spend their holidays
 Revisit Mathematics examination
 Silence drill


 Administration of reading inventory

 Discussion and reinforcement of social graces
 Revisit Language Arts examination
 Silence drill

 Administration of reading inventory

 Engage students in activities that help to develop word recognition and sight words
 Encourage read aloud and paired reading activities.


 Reading Inventory continues

 Revision of class rules
 Spell simple sight words
 Revisit Integrated Studies
 Engage students in question and answer sessions on related topics


 Reading inventory continues

 Question and answer related sessions continues
 Revisit class rules
 Reinforce social graces









Lesson Planned for the week January 11-15, 2016

Grade: 1 Talbert

Subject: Integrated Studies

Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes X 5

Unit Title: My Family (Term 2 Unit One)

Focus Question: Who are my family members?

Topic: My Family

Attainment Targets:
 Give and receive information

 Know and use basic language skills and the convention of spoken and written words

 Use recognizable handwriting and appropriate spelling to write for a variety of purpose.

 Recognize that individuals. While unique, also belong to several different groups, and

that groups have rules and authority figures.


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Respond to questions and direction in SJE

 Name the family members who live in their house.

 Associate words that name family members with the correct member of the family.

 Recognize the family to which they belong

 Make comparison between different groups of family members.

 Count and write the number of family members in each group.

 Be aware that everyone belongs to a family and that families differ in many ways.

 Use the (<, >,) signs correctly when comparing groups of family members

 Draw a picture of yourself and your family members.

 Write the number of males and females in your family.

 Make a simple family tree of three generations

 Write the first name of members of your family

 Write sentences about your family.

 Read poems appropriate for their age depicting families

 Sing song relating to topic

 Say how family members are related to each other

Key Vocabulary: family, brother, sister, mother, father, uncle, aunt, grandmother, grandfather,


Skills: Listening, speaking, writing, responding to questions, discussing self and family

members, making comparisons, making association

Resource Material: scrapbook, notebook, Macmillan text, Carlong Primary Integrated Studies

text, cut out members of families.


A family is a group of people who live together in the same house. They may be related by

blood, adoption or marriage. Some families are small and have few members while some

families are large and have many members. God created the first family. They lived in the

Garden of Eden. The family consisted of four members. There are different types of families for

example: single parent family, nuclear and extended family.

Day One

Introductory Activities

Teacher will:

 Begin the lesson by outlining the objectives and what she wants the students to achieve

at the end of the lesson.

 Teacher will explain to children that they will be talking about a special group of people.

children will guess the name given to the special group of people.

 Children will be allowed to identify members in the group

 Sing song entitled ‘We are a family’ sing to the tune you are a friend to me.

 Ask children “What is a family?” she will listen to their responses.

 Teacher will then explain in simple terms what a family is.


We are a family a FAMILY

We are a family a FAMILY

And every member is dear to me.

 Relate story about the first family after which they will discuss the importance of family


Developmental Activities:

Students will:

 Answer questions relating to the story

 Observe cut out models of different families which shows single, nuclear, extended and

step parent families. (Teacher will not discuss the types of families at this time).

 Discuss the members of each group presented

 Say and spell the words that name each family member. For example – mother, father.

 Compare family members to identify the group that has (more) greater number/amount.

 Volunteer to use the sign to show which group of family has the greater amount of


 Draw yourself along with your family members in the house below. Draw a circle around

yourself so that you can be identified.

 Writ a simple sentence about the picture drawn.

Home work: Take a family picture to school





Day Two

Introductory Activities

 Teacher and students will recap the previous lesson to reinforce concepts.

 Sing song related entitled “ Here is a family, happy, happy home”

Developmental Activities

Students will:

 Identify family members mentioned in the song.

 Will say the words and the letters in each word as teacher writes the words that name

family members on the board,

 Will listen attentively while teacher reads story entitled “John’s family”.
 After discuss the content of the poem.

 Count the numbers of members in John’s family, represented as a group

 Be allowed to write the numeral and the number word associated to the group.

 Listen carefully while teacher reads other poems highlighting the different family

members; Children will afterward name the family members belonging to each group.

 Will discuss the type of family John’s family represented.

 During discussion children will learn about the nuclear family and the members it is

comprised of.


1. Draw a picture of a nuclear family family.

2. Write the numeral to represent how many members are in the family.

3. Say how many males and females.

Home work – draw a family tree showing 3 generations






Day Three
Learning Activities:

1. Teacher and students will recap the previous lesson reinforce concepts such as the first

family, what is a family and the members that make up the family.

2. Teacher and children will talk about the single parent family and the extended family.

3. Teacher will display pictures of the two families on the board.

4. Students and teacher will then sing the song “Here is a family….happy, happy home”

5. For each family type children will sing about the members present in the song.

6. Children will make comparison between the two families. Afterwards they will volunteer

to use the mathematical signs correctly to show the set of family with more members

7. Children will volunteer to talk about their family members; they will refer to their family

as sets for example: “My family has ___ members.” “There is a set of _____ adults and a

set of _____ children.


Children will complete the activities

Draw the set of females in your family

Draw the set of males in your family

“My family has ___ members.”

“There is a set of _____ adults and a set of _____ children

Home work:
Write down the names of the following persons who make up your family

Grandfathers ___________________________


Grandmothers ____________________________


Father ______________________

Mother _____________________


Sisters ______________________________





Day Four

Learning Activities:

Teacher and students will recap the previous lessons to clarify misconceptions and to reinforce

Students will:
 Sing song entitled ‘We are a family’ sing to the tune you are a friend to me.

 Discuss what a family is and the different types of families; teacher will give the example

and example of each group

 Talk about the various family to which students belong

 Volunteer to draw family members as sets

 Compare the sizes of family members in sets

 Use the greater that and less than sign to compare sets

 Relate story about the first family after which they will discuss the importance of family


 Teacher and children will then watch a DVD relating to the topic; during this time

formative assessment will be activated.

 Teacher will afterwards engage children into an activity entitled “Who Am I” children

will guess the name of the family members based on the questions asked. For example,

teacher will say I can be the brother of you father or your mother “Who Am I?”

 Children will say the name of the family member. They will also spell the word.


Draw and name each member of your family.

There are _________ set of females in my family.

There are ____ sets of males in my family.

Fill in the missing letters to identify the name of a family member

M __ __ __ er
F __ th __ __

S __ n

Daught __ __


Day Five

Learning Activities

 Sing song entitled ‘We are a family’ sing to the tune you are a friend to me.

 Discuss what a family is and the different types of families; teacher will give the example

and example of each group

 Examine how family members are related.

 Teacher and children will talk about other types of families such as those who are

adopted and step families. Children will be allowed to talk again about their family types.


Draw a picture of your family showing 3 generations


Language Arts

Time: 60 minutes

Topic: Structure

Attainment Targets:
 use recognizable handwriting and appropriate spelling and

 apply relevant decoding skills to the reading process.

 read for meaning, fluency and enjoyment.
Topics: Adding of ‘es’ to naming words.

Letter Aa.

Strategies: Directed Reading Thinking Activity


Objectives: Pupils should be able to:

1. use context clues e.g. pictures to identify words.

2. use sound symbol relationship when encountering new words.
3. spell high-frequency words and words ending with ‘es’.
4. complete sentences with ‘es’ words.
5. learn and perform new song.


spelling words.
completing sentences.
identifying words using pictures.

Resource Materials: chart, word cards, song.

SONG (Tune “Do you ear hang low”)

Does the word ends with‘s’?

Does it end with ‘ch’?

Does it end with ‘ss’ ,‘o’ or ‘ch’?

If these are the letters at the end of the word…you need to add ‘es’

Whole Group: Estimated Time: 30 minutes


 teacher will sing the song while pupils listen and then join in when it is learnt.
 pupils will learn words from word cards. As the song is being sung the words will be
shown on the cards and read.
 words will be displayed on the chalkboard and students will examine the words and
say what is common about the words. Teacher will explain that all the words end with
 through questioning teacher will inform the class that when a word ends with ‘ch’ ‘es’
is added to make them mean more than one or plural. Students will learn the words
singular and plural.
 pupils will learn the plural form of given words. These will be read from word cards.
Oral sentences will be made about the words made.
 pupils will along with teacher will sing the ‘es’

Small Group: Estimated Time: 25 minutes

Groups Pine apple and Apple: will complete chalkboard activity. Write the plural for each word
in bracket.

1. Pam has 3 (watch) in her bag. (watches)

2. There are 2 (batch) of cookies on the table. (batches)
Banana : will complete 1 – 5 plural forms of given words.
Singular Plural

church churches






Mango : (teacher assist) will match singular to plural by adding‘s’

Whole Group: 5 minutes

Pupils will recall how they made the nouns plural



Topic: Structure

Strategies: Directed Reading Thinking Activity

Objectives: Pupils should be able to:

1. use context clues e.g. pictures to identify words.

2. use sound symbol relationship when encountering new words.
3. spell high-frequency words and words ending with ‘es’.
4. complete sentences with ‘es’ words.
5. learn and perform new song.

spelling words.
completing sentences.
identifying words using pictures.

Resource Materials: chart, word cards, song.

SONG (Tune “Do you ear hang low”)

Does the word ends with‘s’?

Does it end with ‘ch’?

Does it end with ‘ss’ ,‘o’ or ‘ch’?

If these are the letters at the end of the word…you need to add ‘es’

Whole Group: Estimated Time: 30 minutes


 teacher will teach the song pupils will join in when it is learnt.
 pupils will learn words from word cards. As the song is being sung the words will be
shown on the cards and read.
 words will be displayed on the chalkboard and pupils will examine the words and say
what is common about the words. Teacher will explain that all the words end with
 through questioning teacher will inform the class that when a word ends with ‘sh’ ‘es’
is added to make it means more than one or plural. Students will learn the words
singular and plural.
 pupils will learn the plural form of given words. These will be read from word cards.
Oral sentences will be made about the words made.

Small Group: Estimated Time: 20 minutes

Apple and Pineapple: will complete chalkboard activity. Write the plural for each word in

1. Mother washed the (dish). (dishes)

2. Bevon has 6 pet (fish). (fishes)
Banana : will complete 1 – 7 plural forms of given words.

Singular Plural

dish dishes






Manago: ( teacher assist) will complete 1 –5 sentences.

We say singular fish but plural (fishes).

Whole Group: 10 minutes

Pupils will recall the letters that should be at the end of the nouns before you add ‘es’




Topic: Phonics

Strategies: Direct Listening Activity

Objectives: Pupils should be able to:

1. use sound symbol relationships when encountering new words e.g. letter sound.
2. complete sentences using the letter /Aa/.
3. use picture clues to decode words.
4. form letters and copy sentences.

Skills : 1.

writing and copying sentences.

decoding words.
completing sentences.

Key Vocabulary: ant, Annie, Anancy, alligator, arrow, arm, ackee.

Resource Materials: chalkboard, story and chart.

Whole Group: Estimated Time: 30 minutes


 with teacher’s supervision pupils will examine alphabet chart, repeat the letters and
sound of special letters including /Aa/.
 pupils will make the letter /a/ in the air and on their tables.

 pupils will differentiate between common and capital letter /Aa/.

 teacher will repeat words beginning with the letter /Aa/.
 pupils will listen and give the sound that is heard. Some of these words will be read
from word cards.
 sing along with teacher “Annie Ant”.
 listen as teacher reads short story and identify words they heard that begin with the /a/
 pupils will give other words beginning with the letter/a/. Teacher will repeat words
that begin with /a/ and others that do not. pupils will clap when, words beginning with
the letter /a/ is called.
 pupils will use some words will be used to make oral sentences. Some will be written
on the chalkboard and read.
Small Group: Estimated Time: 20 minutes

Pineapple and Apple: will list 10 words that begins with Aa sound and use them to make

Banana: will draw 5 things that begin with the /a/ sound and write their names and use

two of them to make sentences.

Mango: (teacher assist)will draw five things and write their names.

Whole Group estimated time 10 minutes

Pupils will recall the sound of the short Aa sound




Topic: vocabulary

Objectives: Pupils should be able to:

1. use context clues e.g. pictures to identify words.
2. use sound symbol relationship when encountering new words.
3. spell high-frequency words and words ending with ‘es’.
4. complete sentences with ‘es’ words.
5. perform familiar song.

spelling words.
completing sentences.
identifying words using pictures.
Resource Materials: chart, word cards, song.

SONG (Tune “Do you ear hang low”)

Does the word ends with‘s’?

Does it end with ‘ch’?

Does it end with ‘ss’ ,‘o’ or ‘ch’?

If these are the letters at the end of the word…you need to add ‘es’

Whole Group estimated time 25 minutes


 teacher and pupils will sing the song “Making plural names”.
 pupils will learn words from word cards. As the song is being sung the words will be
shown on the cards and read.
 words will be displayed on the chalkboard and students will examine the words and
say what is common about the words. Teacher will explain that all the words end with
 through questioning teacher will inform the class that when a word ends with ‘s’ ‘es’
is added to make it means more than one or plural. Students will learn the words
singular and plural.
 pupils will be given oral drill eg. 1 dress but 4 dresses.
 pupils will learn the plural form of given words. These will be read from word cards.
Oral sentences will be made about the words made expressing the “es” sound.
Small Group estimated time 25 minutes

Pineapple and Apple: will complete chalkboard activity and circle the correct word from the

1. Pam has seven (dress, dresses)

2. There are four grade one (class, classes)

Banana : will complete 1 – 7 plural forms of given words.

Singular Plural

dress dresses






Manago : (teacher assist)

will complete worksheet

Whole Group estimated time 10 minutes

Pupils will recall when to add ‘es’ to nouns



Day 5


Objectives: Pupils should be able to:

1. answer questions from the story.

2. recall the story in sequence.
3. give main idea from the story.
Materials: short comprehension

Whole Group: Estimated Time: 30 minutes


 listen to the story as it is read.

 discuss a title for the story.
 answer questions orally about the story.
 echo read with teacher.
 tell how they think the story should have ended.
 retell the story in their own words.
Small Group: 20 mins.


Complete worksheet on story by answering questions.

Whole Group: 10 mins.

Pupils will express how they felt about the story and tell their favourite parts.



Subject: Mathematics

Topics: Joining of sets

Ordinal positions

Attainment Targets:

 Use the basic operations with numbers and number pattern.

 Understand the idea of sets.
 Know the value of numerals and associate them with their names, numbers and


Objectives: Pupils should be able to:

1. memorize and show the joining of sets up to 10.

2. associate the joining of sets with addition.
3. learn and perform new song.


counting numbers.
singing of song.
joining of sets.

Resource Materials: counters, number chart.


 teacher will teach the students the song “The Number Rhumba”. Students will review
numbers from 0 to 20.
 with teacher’s supervision students will use counters to make sets as directed by the
teacher. Through questioning students will tell what happen when two sets are joined
together. Teacher will explain that when sets are joined together we get more and this
is adding.
 pupils will use counters to give the answer to the joining of two sets e.g. 5 and 4 make
what?. Students will make the sets given, join them then and give oral respond to the
questions. E.g. 5 and 4 make 9.
 pupils will use counters another way in which that statement can be written. E.g. 4
and 5 make 9. Several examples will be done.


Complete 1 – 5 picture sentences (joining of sets)

E.g. 6 +5 = 4+ 6 = 6+4=




Objectives: Pupils should be able to:

1. Memorize and show the joining of sets up to 20.

2. associate the joining of sets with addition.

counting numbers.
singing of song.
joining of sets.

Resource Materials: counters, number chart.


Pupils will:

 sing the “The Number Rhumba” song. pupils will review numbers from 0 to 20.
 with teacher’s supervision use counters to make sets as directed by the teacher.
Through questioning tell what happens when two sets are joined together. Listen as
teacher explains that when sets are joined together we get more and this is adding.
 use counters to give the answer to the joining of two sets e.g. 7 + 4 make what?. make
the sets given, join them and give oral respond to the questions. E.g. 7 + 4 = 11.
 work numbers in reverse order in which that statement can be written. E.g. 4 + 7 = 11.
Several examples will be done.

Complete 1 – 5 picture sentences (joining of sets)

5 + 2 = 7




Objectives: Pupils should be able to:

1. use the ordinal numbers first, second ……… fifth.

2. use the shortened form for ordinal numbers.
3. identify the positions of given pictures.
4. use parts of a book.

learning new words.

identifying positions (first, second etc.)
Resource Materials: word cards, My Family Integrated Workbook (pages 24 –25).

SONG (Sing to the tune of “Come to Sunday School)

I am third in line (rept.)

If you want to find me look for third in line.

I am third in line (rept.)

If you want to find me look for third in line.


 teacher will teach pupils the song “I am first in line”. Class will discuss the positions
that are mentioned in the song. Word cards will be used to show these positions e.g.
third, fourth. The shortened form of the words will be learnt from word cards.
 teacher will have five pupils stand in front of the class and count themselves. The
class will learn the position of each child, the word for that position and the shortened
 with teacher’s supervision pupils will sing the song with each child showing his or
her position.
 pupils will read pictures and ordinal numbers from workbook (pages 24).

Complete page 25 of Integrated Workbook eg. The first day of the week is (Sunday).



Objectives: Pupils should be able to:

1. identify the time specific on the clock.

2. put in the numbers on the clock.
3. identify the minute hand and the hour hand.
Vocabulary: hour, o'clock, minute hand, hour hand


Resource Materials: clocks, workbook, clock stamp, ink pad


 teacher will introduce a number line which contains the numerals one through twelve.
Bend the number line into a circle to resemble a clock face. Provide a worksheet with a
large circle.
 pupils will be asked to place the numerals inside the circle to make a clock face.
 listen as teacher explains that the long hand is called the minute hand and it always
points to the twelve, while the hour hand indicates the hour. Provide a worksheet with
clocks that have no hands on them. Underneath each clock, write a time in the "o'clock"
form. Have the students draw in the minute and hour hands to show the correct time.
 pupils will make a clock from home. Using a brad fastener, attach tag board or
construction paper hands to the center. These clocks can then be used in various
reinforcement activities. For example, as the teacher calls out a time, the students show
the correct time on their clocks. This activity can be adapted to a team game. Divide the
classroom into teams. When the teacher calls a time, the first person to correctly display
his/her clock gains a point for his/her team.

All groups will complete workbook activities eg.

Put in the numbers and tell the time.

6 o’clock 1 o’clock




Objectives: Pupils should be able to:

1. identify the time specific on the clock.

2. put in the numbers on the clock.
3. identify the minute hand and the hour hand.

Activities: Pupils will:

 sing “Hickory Dickory Dock”.

 revisit previous lesson on clock
 be encouraged to put the correct time on the clock that is displayed
 manipulate their clocks as teacher says the time eg. 4 o’clock 6 o’clock


All groups will complete activity. Put in the hour hand and tell the time.

3 o’clock 9 o’clock 5 o’clock


Name: ______________________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________________

Subject: ____________________________________________________________

Instruction: put in the numbers on the clock face. Draw hands to show the times given.

7 o’clock 5 o’clock

11 o’clock 1 o’clock
6 o’clock 12 o’clock

Lesson Plan For The Week Beginning January 18-22, 2016

Grade:            1Talbert 

Subject:          Integrated Studies

Unit Title:       My Family

Term:                         2

Duration:       3hrs. X 5 days

Focus Question: How do family members care for each other?

Attainment Target:

 Give and receive information.

 Respond critically and aesthetically to literature and other stimuli.

 Use recognizable hand writing and appropriate spelling and vocabulary to write for a

variety of purposes.

 Demonstrate awareness of time and relationship with occasion or events.

 Know and use basic language skills and the convention of spoken and written language.


 Identify ways in which family members may show love for each other.

 Identify and use action words in sentences

 Demonstrate that they appreciate the contribution of the physically challenged.

 Discuss the responsibilities of others outside of the family.

 Show by behaviour that they value rules and regulations.

 Discuss pictures to determine events, moods, problems, and outcome.

Skills: Observing and discussing, reading, dramatizing roles, recognizing the worth of persons

with exceptionalities.

Materials: Macmillan Primary Integrated Studies, children, poem, songs

Key Vocabulary: family, actions, jobs, special, help, thank you, please rules and caring.

Content: Family members should love and care for one another. When families show love they

make each other happy. We can show that we care for each other by helping to wash the dishes,

mop the floor, empty the trash, and packing the clothes among other things.

Day 1

Pupil will:

a) Review what was taught in last week’s lesson.

b) Outline the objectives and what the students should achieve at the end of the lesson

c)    Read story  entitled “Helpful Hands”

d) Discuss the content of the story and answer questions related to it

e) Brainstorm some of the ways help could have been given in the story.

f) During discussion talk about the benefits of helping and sharing the work load.

g) Sing song entitled “ love is a flag flown high”

h)   Do the action as they sing the song.

i) Afterwards discuss the meaning and moral of the song.

j) Be taught ‘The Golden Rule’ and recite along with teacher.


1. In groups role-play helping at home

2. Make sentences orally about what they do. For example- I am sweeping the house.

3. Draw a picture of a family member doing something and write the action word in a









Day 2

Pupil will:

a) Along with teacher recap the previous lesson to reinforce concept.

b) Along with teacher revisit the story entitled “Helpful Hands” to develop fluency and


c) Identify action words in the story and learn to spell them

d) Use the action words in sentences orally.

e) Initially add ‘ing’ to the action words to make the continuing.

f) Look at pictures of family members in their text

g) Afterwards talk about the work each is doing.

h) Discuss the importance of family members caring for each other.

i) What would happen if family members did not care for each other. 


Use pictograph to answer questions of ordinal positions of family members.








Day 3

Pupil will:

a)      Review what was taught in the previous lesson

b)      Read in groups story “Mother helps Marva” to develop fluency and vocabulary.

c)      Dramatize the roles or jobs family members do to care for each other.
d)     Identify words such as “is” and “are” and say how they are used with action words in


e)      Look at pictures in their text say what action words would be used for each picture.

f)       Learn to spell the action words from the text that end with “ing”.

g)      Read sentences from the text and use the correct words such as is or are correctly in the


h)      Talk about special members of the family and some of the things they cannot do.

i)        Count the days of the week and the months of the year and state the different ordinal



Complete exercise given in their integrated work book.



Day 4

Pupil will:

a)      Read in groups from the integrated reader to develop vocabulary and fluency.

b)      Learn to spell words taken from story by the teacher.

c)      Discuss how family members take care of each other.

d)     Dramatize in groups roles family member play to care for each other.

e)      Read integrated text for information and discuss pictures seen.

f)       Discuss how they can help family members at home.

g)      Learn to read bible verse from a chart Ephesians 6:1-2 and memorize it.

h)      Talk about other persons who take care of them beside family members.


Draw a picture of one way family members take care of each other and write two sentences

about the drawing.






Day 5

Pupil will:

a)      Review what was taught in the previous lesson.

b)     Brain storm some polite words use when we care for each other.

c)      Listen as teacher reads about polite words and when to use them.

d)     Look at pictures shown and tell what persons are doing.

e)      Identify the pictures that the child is not being polite.

f)       Listen as teacher reads the story about Gods rules.

g)      Talk about the rules they have at home.

h)     List a set a rules that they have at home.


Write down four rules set by God.







Subject: Mathematics

Unit Title: My Family

Focus Question: How do family members care for one another?

Duration: 5hrs x 5 days

Topic: ½ half ¼ quarters quarters/fourths

Attainment Target:

 Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns

 Objectives:

 Describe a simple fraction as one part of several equal parts.

 Tell whether or not a given picture shows halves

 Tell whether or not a given picture shows

 Identify shapes that are shared in halves or quarters

Skills: manipulating, colouring, discussing, folding, pasting

Key Vocabulary/concepts: fraction, half, halves, fourth, quarter, fold equal

Materials: worksheets, shapes cut out, Primary Mathematics text, crayons

Content: when we share shapes or objects in equal parts we call it a fraction. A fraction is a part

of a whole. The bottom number tells how many parts the whole is divided into while the top

number tells how many parts are shaded or taken out.

Days 1 & 2

Students will:

1. Observe as teacher shares a bulla between 2 students, they will tell who got the bigger


2. Observes again as teacher shares another bulla between 2 other students…classmates will

investigated and examine the pieces of bulla.

3. Discuss how the bulla was shared in relation to size.

4. Be guided to take keen note of the first 2 children and say whether the bulla was shared


5. Repeat the activity to involve to second pair of students.

6. Be guided to understand that whenever a whole is divided into 2 equal parts each part is

called a half (1/2). In fractions the bottom number tells how many parts is taken out and


7. Be guided to cut out different shapes for example- heart, circle, square. They will be

guided to fold the shape down to the middle so that each ends meets without no parts

being bigger than the other… teacher will demonstrate.

8. Be told to colour one half of the shape. Afterward children will write the fraction ½ on

one side of the shape.

9. Glue in their books and write board a sentence for half… they should tell how many

halves make a whole.

10. Be engaged into activities…where teacher will paste the shape on the board…students

will use the correct piece to match.


1. Complete work sheet by colouring the shapes that shows half.

2. Complete activities in text book

3. Say what a fraction is and how many halves make a whole








Day 3 & 4

Pupils will:

 Recall what a fraction refers to and say when something is half.

 Recalls that a half means part of a whole.

 Recalls that a1/2 means one part out of two equal parts

 Receive square papers distributed by teacher.

 Be instructed to fold the paper in half, then in half again, teacher will ensure that

instructions are followed during this time. Teacher will assist the who have challenges.

 Be guided to open their paper and say how many equal parts they see and what each part

is referred to.

 Be guided to understand that they have 4 equal parts. Each part is called one part out of

four or quarter.

 Observe as teacher writes the fraction ¼ on the board. Colour one part and write quarter

(1/4) on it.

 Repeat procedure using a rectangular piece of paper


1. Tell how many quarters make a whole.

2. Complete activities in text page 110

3. Complete worksheets by colouring shapes that are in quarters.

4. Colour the shapes showing halves in the colour red.







Subject: Language Arts

Grade: 1 Talbert

Unit Title: My Family

Focus Question: How do family members care for one another?

Duration: 1 hr x 4 days

Topic: verbs…present continuous tens

Attainment Target:

 Know and use basic language skills and the convention of spoken and written language
 Give and receive information


1. Identify verbs as being action words.

2. Add ing to show continuous tens
3. Apply the different rules associated with adding ing
4. Respond to and use the base verb plus s
5. Answer questions about the story they have read.
6. Make the correct sound of the letter ‘Ww’

Skills: responding to questions, reading, writing legibly, reasoning

Materials: 123 reader (Wendy’s Wonderful Week), worksheet, scissors, crayon scrapbook,
pictures, chart

Key Vocabulary: verbs, walks, week, wonderful loving

 Group 2 ( Teacher assist ) list the singular verbs from pages 1-10 and make sentences of
their own. ( jumps, sings etc)
 Group 3:copy the verbs from pages 10=16 and add ‘ing’ use the continuos tense in
sentences of their own ( jumps-jumping, plays-playing)

Whole group 10 minutes: presentation


Lesson plan for the week beginning January 25-29, 2016

Grade: 1Talbert
Subject: Integrated Studies
Unit Title: My Family
Term: 2
Duration: 3hrs. X 5 days
Focus Question: How do family members satisfy my basic needs?
Attainment Target:
 Give and receive information.
 Respond critically and aesthetically to literature and other stimuli.
 Recognize needs and the relationship between earning a living and satisfying these basic
 Use recognizable handwriting and appropriate spelling and vocabulary to write for a
variety of purposes.
 Know and use basic language skills and the convention of spoken and written language.
 Demonstrate an understanding of basic needs.
 Explain the difference between wants and needs.
 Identify at least 4 things that people cannot live without.
 Recognize basic sight words appropriate to grade.
 Discuss ways in which the Supreme Creator provides for meeting basic needs.
Skills: Reading text for information, writing sentences, discussing, listening to others, reading
Materials: paint, textbook, scrapbook, white board, YouTube video
Key Vocabulary: food, shelter, water, clothing, air, rest, love, home, yard, Good Samaritan, job,
basic-needs, medical-care, hospitality, love
Content: Families have needs and wants. Needs are the things that we cannot live without.
Wants are things we can live without. Our Creator God provides the things we need for us to
survive. We all need love.

Day 1
Introductory Activities
Teacher will:
 Begin the lesson by outlining the objectives and what she hopes the children will achieve
at the end of the lesson.
 Role-play a (scenario) in which a mother gets her child ready for school. The child had
breakfast, got dressed and is now ready to leave the house… However, there are certain
things he NEEDS to take to school. These are things that he cannot do without at school.
 Along with children will brainstorm what the child will need to take to school. These
needs will be listed on the whiteboard.

Developmental Activities
Students will:
 During discussion talk about the other things he may take to school that he could do
 Be guided to understand that the things we are not able to live without are called
needs while the things that we are able to live without are called wants.
 Students will observe different pictures. Afterwards they will identify those we would
not be able to live without and say why.
 Sing along with teacher song entitled ‘We have Basic needs’.
 Listen as teacher gives an illustration of how The Creator provides for the basic needs
of the first family.
 Talk about some things that human being cannot live without. For example, food,
water, clothing and shelter. Teacher will also emphasize that as human beings we
cannot survive without love.
1. Identify the term basic needs.
2. Read definition of the term ‘basic need’ on sentence strip.
3. Draw and colour 2 things that people cannot live without.
4. Write a sentence about what you have written.


Day 2
 Demonstrate an understanding of basic needs.
 Differentiate between needs and wants.
 Examine the 4 basic needs of human beings.
 Make connections between working and meeting basic needs.
 Identify ways in which the Creator made it possible for us to depend on each other in
order to survive.
 Read for fluency and understanding.
Introductory Activities:
Teacher will:
 Outline the objectives and what she wants the children to achieve at the end of the lesson.
 Along with children sing song relating to basic needs.
Pupil will:
 Recap along with students the previous lesson to clarify misconceptions and to reinforce
 Be allowed to explain in their own words what basic needs refer to.
 Be engaged in an activity where the teacher reads a list of objects. Children will identify
by saying: needs and wants appropriately.
 During discussion talk about the main things that humans are not able to survive without.
These are food, water, shelter and clothing
 Be allowed to explain why each need is important and what the implications are.(Page 45
Integrated Studies)
 Be guided to understand the association between having a job in order to provide for the
 Observe pictures of the work family members do; discuss the importance of these jobs.
 Be guided to read selected passages.
Children will copy information from the board and draw the appropriate objects:
Basic needs are things we cannot live without. All families have four basic needs. These are-
1. We need shelter _______________________
2. We need food ________________________
3. We need water ________________________
4. We need clothing ______________________


Day 3
 State what basic needs are
 Identify the 4 main basic needs of human and explain why we cannot live without them.
 Identify ways in which the Creator made it possible for us to depend on each other in
order to survive
 Demonstrate an understanding of the term ‘Good Samaritan’
 Read and respond to characters and situation in creative art.

Introductory Activity
 Outline the objectives and what she wants the children to achieve at the end of the lesson.
 Along with children sing song relating to basic needs.

Pupil will:
 Recall the 4 basic needs we cannot live without and why.
 Fill in the missing letters to identify the things we cannot survive without.
 Discuss the connection between having a job to properly provide for the family.
 Look carefully at pictures and name various jobs done by people.
 During discussion how we benefit from the occupation of each other. For example- the
carpenter, the farmer, the dressmaker among others.
 Discuss how our Creator gives us different abilities so we can depend on each other.
 Observe video of the ‘Good Samaritan’ carefully
 Talk about the things the wounded man needed. These will be written on the board.
 Be guided to understand that there are other needs of human beings such as medical care,
hospitality and love.
 Recall the golden text ‘Do unto others as we would have them do to us.
 Say in their words who a Good Samaritan is to them. ( A Good Neighbour)
 Will search under their tables for sentence strips. The person who finds it will read the
sentence written on it. However, if s/he not able to read same, he will receive help from
his peers.
Copy the title of the story:
The Good Samaritan
1. Draw your favourite part of the story
2. Write 2 sentences about what you have drawn


Day 4

o Define the term ‘Basic Needs’
o Identify the 4 main basic needs of human and explain why we cannot live without them.
o Identify ways in which the Creator made it possible for us to depend on each other in
order to survive
o Demonstrate an understanding of the term ‘Good Samaritan’
o Read and respond to characters and situation in creative art.
o Recognize basic sight words appropriate to grade.

Introductory Activities.
Teacher will:
 Outline the objectives and what she wants the children to achieve at the end of the lesson.
 Along with children sing song relating to basic needs.
Pupil will:
 Recall the 4 basic needs we cannot live without and why.
 Discuss the connection between having a job to properly provide for the family.
 Be guided to read the story of the Good Samaritan in their text on page 46.
 Call the sight words that are highlighted on their page.
 Use the sight words to make sentences
1. Act the story with other students
2. Draw and label 4 basic needs


Day 5
Consultation Day
Grade: 1 Talbert

Subject: Language Arts

Unit Title: My Family

Focus Question: How do family members satisfy my basic needs?

Duration: 1 hr x 4 days

Topic: Comprehension

Sub-Topic: Identifying Main Ideas

Attainment Target:

 Read for meaning, fluency and enjoyment


By the end of the lesson students should be able to:

 Identify the main idea of the story.

 State what the main idea of the story is about.
 Read the main idea of the story from sentence strip.

Skills: reading, listening, speaking

Materials: short story entitled ‘The Good Samaritan’

Strategies: Directed Listening Thinking Activity (DLTA), Read Aloud


The main idea is what the story is about. It is the most important message in the story. Titles,
pictures and sentences of a text can give readers clues that will help them to know what the main
idea of the text is. When we identify the main idea, it helps us to better understand the story or

Day One

Whole group: 30 minutes

1. Teacher will begin the lesson by outlining the objectives and what she wants the children
to achieve at the end of the lesson.
2. Teacher will explain to her students that the main idea is what the story is about. Teacher
will guide the children in understanding that titles, pictures on the cover, pictures in the
book as well as the story itself can help us to identify the main idea in the text.
3. Teacher will demonstrate by reading the title of the story “The Good Samaritan” and also
show the pictures in the story.
4. Teacher will model how to use the title and the picture in the story to predict what the
story is mostly about. For example, “ I think the story is about a kind man helping a
homeless man”.
5. Teacher will engage students into telling what they think the main idea of the story is
based on the title and the pictures in the story. Teacher will record the information on the
6. Teacher will read story to confirm the views of the students about what the main idea is.
7. Teacher will then guide students in reading selected paragraphs of the story. Sentences
that help to support the story will be highlighted.

Small groups: 20 minutes

Groups 1 &2
1. These children will write 2 sentences that tell what the story is about.

Group 3 & 4 ( Teacher assist)

1. These children will draw pictures which show the main idea of the story.

Whole group: 10 minutes (presentation)

Students will share their work with the class


Day Two

Topic: Reading Fluency

Sub-Topic: Using the Full stop and Fluency

Attainment Target:

 Read for meaning, fluency and enjoyment


By the end of the lesson students should be able to:

 Read aloud fluently at correct pace.

 Observe punctuation mark (full stop) to assist with smooth reading.
 Read text with given expression
 Read the main idea of the story from sentence strip.

Skills: reading, listening, speaking, writing

Materials: short story entitled ‘The Good Samaritan’

Strategies: Echo Reading, Choral Reading,

Good readers pay attention to the punctuation marks in a sentence while reading. A full stop at
the end of a sentence tells that we must stop or pause for a while. The full stop shows the end of
a sentence. We usually lower our voice at the end of a sentence.

Whole group: 30 minutes

Teacher will:

1. Read aloud the story entitled ‘The Good Samaritan’ (Page 46) in their text.
2. Highlight the first sentence of the story on sentence strip. She will first show the
beginning of the sentence, then the end of the sentence and the full stop.
3. Explain the students when good readers come to the end of a sentence, as indicated by the
full stop, they should pause for a while before reading the next sentence.
4. Demonstrate how the above procedure is done by engaging students in Echo Read.
During this activity teacher will first read and students will repeat. This will continue
until all the sentences are read.
5. Tell students that we can make our passages interesting by the way we read the words.
6. Ask students to listen carefully as the sentences are re read with expression by teacher.
7. Invite students to read the first sentence imitating the tone and expression used by the

Small groups: 20 minutes

Groups 1& 2:

These students will select a leader who will engage them in echo reading. This is where the
leader will first read and then the members repeat

Groups 3 &4: (Teacher assist)

These groups will listen as teacher reads with expression the sentence from the strip and the
imitate using the same tone and expression used by teacher

Whole group: (Presentation)10 minutes

Groups 1 & 2 will demonstrate Echo Reading

Groups 3 &4 will demonstrate choral reading


Day Three

Topic: Structure

Topic: Articles ‘a’ and ‘an’

Skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening

Strategies: Directed Reading Thinking Activity


At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

4. Tell when we use capital letters.

5. Identify naming words.
6. Say when we use /a/ and /an/.

Skills: reading, listening, speaking, writing

Materials: sentence strip, white board, makers, students

Strategies: listening, speaking

Content: always write an before words beginning with vowel letters (AEIOU). Always write a
before words beginning with other letters (CONSONANTS)


Whole Group- 30mins

Pupils will:

 sing the letters of the alphabet and discuss the constantans and vowels.
 view the names of their friends and tell which of the letters begin their names.
 response will be discussed. Capital and common letters will be placed in a bag.
 take letters from bag and then find their partner. That is the pupil with the capital
letter will find the pupil with the common letter.
 be reminded that we use capital letters at the begin of sentences and for names of
persons, places and special animals.
 Be instructed to give an example for each category of noun for example: dog, egg,
man, girl, apple.
 listen as teacher explain that we use /a/ before words that don’t begin with a
vowel and /an/ when the word begin with a vowel.
 Along with teacher with play a similar to ‘in the river on the’. Teacher will place
a piece of rope on the floor and write ‘a’ on one side and ‘an’ on the other,
students will be instructed to jump to the correct side when teacher calls the word
for example car/table/orange
 be engaged in activates eg. an apple a bag an egg a cow etc.

Small group:

Group 1 & 2 group will complete white board activity. Write /a/ or /an/.

Group 3 & 4 (teacher assist) will write ‘a’ or ‘an’ to complete each sentence

Sam had ___ egg. We had ___ apple today. I have ___ ice cream.
Whole Group- 10mins

Each group will give an example of each usage



Day Four

Topic: Structure

Topic: Making words that end with Y plural

Skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening

Strategies: Directed Reading Thinking Activity


At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

 make nouns that end with y plural

 outline the steps followed in changing from singular to plural

Skills: reading, listening, speaking, writing

Materials: makers, white board, children and work sheets

Strategies: listening, speaking, writing

Content: to make nouns that end in Y plural’ we change the Y to I and then add es to the re
written word


Whole Group- 30mins

Pupils will:

1. Observe as teacher writes some words on the board.

2. Say the words as teacher points at them
3. Along with teacher say each words.
4. Say what they notice about each word.
5. Along with teacher examine words to see whether or not they are nouns.
6. Along with teacher talk about nouns that end with Y

Small group:

Group 1 & 2) group will write down at least 5 words they end with Y and then use them
in sentences

Group 3 & 4(teacher assist) will write ‘a’ or ‘an’ to complete each sentence

Sam had ___ egg. We had ___ apple today. I have ___ ice cream.

Whole Group- 10mins

Each group will give an example of each usage



Day Five

Grade: 1 Talbert

Subject: Mathematics

Topic: Place value

Attainment Targets

 Know the value of numerals associate them with their names, numbers and ordinals

 Represent numbers by strokes, bundles of ten and single ones

 Group objects in tens and ones and write the number of tens and numbers of ones

 Read and write the numerals 11 through 99 and associate them with the numbers they



 Manipulatives, rubber bands, number chart, worksheet, textbook, base ten blocks, one

dollar coins, ten dollar coins, cards with numerals written on them, dice

 Counting, manipulating,


Day one

Pupils will

1. Be given eleven fudge sticks and a rubber band each

2. Be instructed to count out ten and put the rubber band around the group and say how

many reminds

3. Be guided to tell the number (11)

4. One more fudge stick and be once again told to make group of ten and place the rubber

band around them, say how many reminds and tell the number

5. Tell how many group of tens (one). How many left over (one)

6. Observe as teacher draws columns on the board group of tens single ones

1 1

7. Observe as teachers illustrates how the number of objects can be recorded as: 10+1=11

8. Steps 4-5 will be repeated until they get to 19

9. Be guided to use the words tens when talking about the bundle and ones when talking

about the singles

10. Be guided to understand that numerals 0, 1 ,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 are called ones because only

have one digit and that numbers 10-99 are called tens because they two digits
11. Observer as teacher pass around mystery bag and follow instruction to take a card from

the bag, pupils will use the fudge sticks they were given to represent the number written

on the card


Pupils will turn to page 85 in MPM and complete the activities…help will be given where











Day two

Pupils will

1. Recall the previous lesson and tell numerals that are called tens and the numerals that are

called ones and tell why for each

2. Be given the base ten blocks (longs) along with units

3. Be guided to place units on top of the long and tell how many units it took to cover the

long (10)

4. Be guided to understand that it takes 10 single ones to = 10 and that when every they see

the long or bundles it represent 10

5. Be given inter locking blocks to use to represent numbers written on the white ( this will

give pupils practice and also get them to better understand the concept)

6. Be instructed to put themselves in groups (for example): one tens and five ones- they will

have to tell the number after they make the group and one person from the group will

write the number on the board under the correct column


Pupils will complete worksheet- making group of tens and writing the number and its name

______ tens______ ones = 12








Day three

Pupils will

1. Recall how to represent numbers as tens and ones

2. Each be given $1 coins, they will be guided to count and for every ten they get exchange

for a $10 coin, (this activity is to give further reinforcement on the topic because in the

past I realized that pupils understand money)

3. Work in groups and each group will be given 2 dice (red-tens white-ones). Pupils will

throw the dice and write the correct numeral under the correct column. Teacher will

move around and observe (capable pupil will be place with the Giant group)


Pupils will complete worksheet but writing the value of the underlined digit

Giants will continue to make groups of tens









Day four

Pupils will

1. Observe as teacher writes numbers on the board, pupils along with teacher will read the

number. Teacher will choose a pupil to come to the board and circle the digit that is in

the ones place

2. Along with teacher will repeat this activity several times; using tens place as well

3. Observe as teacher tape the words tens and ones on the floor and give 2 of their

classmates cards with the same numbers written on them, pupils will be instructed to read

the numbers (4,4)

4. Listen as the teacher put one pupils on the side that says ones and the other on the side

that says tens

5. Be guided to understand that even though the numbers are the same their values are

different because of the column they are under teacher and pupils engage in the activity

until all of them have the opportunity to participate


Pupils will complete worksheet by putting the digits under the correct column
tens ones











Day five

Parents’ consultation

Lesson planned for the week beginning February 1, 2016

Grade: 1Talbert

Subject: Integrated Studies

Duration: 5 hours X 5 days

Unit Title: My Family

Focus Question: How does my family satisfy basic needs?

Topic: Providing Basic Needs

Attainment Targets:

 Give and receive information

 Explore and know about the dynamic interaction of the physical, social and mental aspects

of their life

 Investigate the natural world as an essential resource in fulfilling our physical and aesthetic


 Recognize needs and the relationship between earning a living and satisfying these needs

Key Vocabulary: family, basic, needs, wants, parents, caregiver, food, love, shelter, clothes,

water, exercise, rest, recreation, animal, plants, stem, root, leaf, fruit, flower, vegetable, cow, pig,

chicken, fish, beef, sausage, yoghurt, cheese, milk, egg, mutton,

Skills: Listening, speaking, writing, singing, observing, drawing, grouping

Resource Materials: basic needs cards, coins, notes, blank paper

Day 1

 Identify the basic needs

 Discuss the importance of satisfying needs

 Examine how the basic needs are met

 Identify and name Jamaican money

 Demonstrate basic addition of the Jamaican money


Teacher will begin the lesson by outlining the objectives and what the children need to achieve at

the end of the lesson.

Teacher will along with students sing the song entitled “Basic needs” to the tune “God is good”

afterwards students will recall the basic needs

Step: 1 Students will be asked these questions, “What are the different types of jobs done by

members of the family? Why do people work? What do people get when they work? What do

people spend money on? What does our Jamaican money looks like? (coins and paper

notes)Teacher will elaborate on students’ responses.

Step: 2 Students will observed the coins and notes and state the value of each, the person shown

on each, the colour, shape and size of each on page (68-71). They will also make comparison on

the sizes. The symbol for dollars and cents will be introduced along with the equal and non-equal

Step: 3 Students and teacher will discuss how much coins and notes can be equal or equivalent to

another. For example: 5 $1 coins make $5.


Step: 4 Students will complete activities where they will draw coins to show the given equivalent

and also do simple addition with money. For example:

$5.00+ $1.00 =

$50 = $50 = $100

Culminating Activity:

(Parents)______or________( caregiver) work so that they can get money to provide

_______(food),_____(shelter) and ______(clothing) for the family.

My mother is a _____________.

My father is a ____________.

Assignment: Complete page 114

Cut and paste a picture of each Jamaican coin and note and paste in scrapbook







Day 2


 Identify things that are alive

 Discuss the characteristics of living things

 Talk about plants and animals as living things


The teacher will sing, ‘Are you eating’ while students listen and then they will try to sing along.

Are You Eating

(to the tune of "Are You Sleeping")

Are you eating, are you eating

Healthy foods, healthy foods?

For your body needs them, for your body needs them

Everyday, everyday.

Step: 1 Students will observe as the teacher pastes different pictures on the board, they will

state which is alive and which is not. They will explain the reason for their

answers. Students will answer these questions, how do you tell that something is

alive? (Feed, grow, reproduce, breathe, excrete) What do the items that are alive

have in common? The teacher will elaborate on students’ responses. Students will

observe pictures of different objects on page 132-133 where they will differentiate

between items that are living things and those that are not.

Step: 2 Teacher will tell students that all plants and animals are living things. She will ask

students these questions, “Where does food come from? (Plants and animals)

What is the name of the person that grows foods? Why does a farmer grow foods?

Name some foods from plants? What else do we use plants for?” (materials for

the house, medicine, beautification, shelter) Students will complete activity on

page 135 (Getting to know my family) where they will write the names of things

for each purpose of the plants.

Step: 3 Teacher and students will discuss story entitled” Feeding the Crowd”. After which the

students will discuss the content of the story. Students and teacher will discuss the

importance of foods and the different food groups, and the benefit of eating from


Step: 4 Students will complete the activity from off the board.

Culminating Activity:

I need Food

I. Family members need food to ____(go), ____(grow) and ____(glow). The Food is

anything we eat or drink to keep healthy. Foods come from _____(animals) and


II. They will complete activity on page 128 of text where they will identify the foods and

solve puzzles


Complete pages 129 and 130 in Getting to know my family text






Day 3


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Identify that food comes from plants

 State the parts of a plant

 Draw and label a plant

 Differentiate between fruits and vegetables

 Identify where fruits and vegetables come from on the plants

Procedures: Introduction

Students and teacher will sing, ‘Are you eating’. Students and teacher will discuss what was

done yesterday. Students will name the two things (plants and animals) that are living things and

state the characteristics of living things.

Plant Parts (to the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus)

The roots of a plant are underground, Underground, underground.

The roots of a plant are underground. Roots are part of a plant.

The stem of a plant holds up the leaves, Up the leaves, up the leaves.
The stem of a plant holds up the leaves. Stems are part of a plant.

The leaves on a plant are making food, Making food, making food.

The leaves on a plant are making food. Leaves are part of the plant.

The flowers on a plant are growing seeds, Growing seeds, growing seeds.

The flowers on a plant are growing seeds. Flowers are part of a plant.

Step: 1 Students will answer these questions, “Where does food come from? (Plants and

animals) What is the name of the person that grows foods? Where does a plant

come from? What does a plant need to grow? Can all plants be eaten?

Step: 2 Students will be asked to list foods from plants. The teacher will write students'

responses on the board. Students will state different ways of grouping these foods.

(Shape, colour, texture) Students will be asked to differentiate between fruits and

vegetables. The teacher will elaborate on their responses.

Step: 3 Students will listen as teacher sings ‘Plants Part’. They will then try to sing along.

Students will use the song to assist the teacher who will draw a plant on the board

and label it. The teacher will point on the different parts and students will choose

from the foods on the board which is found in the different parts of the plant.

Students will group foods as fruits and vegetables.

Step: 4 Students will take out their notebook and complete culminating activity from off the

board, where they will fill in the blanks and then label the plants

Culminating Activity: Food from Plants

Food comes from the different parts of the _____(plant). The parts of the plant are ____(flower),

____(leaf), ____(stem) and _____(roots). ____(fruits) come from the flower of the plants.

______(vegetables) come from the root, stem and leaf of the plants.

Label this plant







Day 4


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

 Identify the basic needs

 Discuss the importance of satisfying needs

 Discuss ways in which we depend on plants and animals

 Identify various things we get from animals

 Pronounce the ‘A’ sound

 List words with the initial short ‘A’ sound

 State whether letter ‘A’ is a vowel or a consonant



The teacher will remind students that all animals are living things. She will ask students these

questions, “What are the characteristics of living things? Where does food come from? Can

all animals be eaten? ”

Are You Eating

(to the tune of "Are You Sleeping")

Are you eating, are you eating

Healthy foods, healthy foods?

For your body needs them, for your body needs them

Everyday, everyday.

Step: 1 Students will be asked to make the short ‘A’ sound. They will state whether the letter is

a vowel or a consonant. Students will list words with the initial ‘A’ sound.

Students will be asked to list the animals that give us food. The teacher will write

these on the board. The teacher will then ask students to list foods from various


Step: 2 Teacher will call some of the words that will be in the story “Our Animal Friends”.

Students will spell each word. Then students and teacher will read the story from

the Integrated Reader 1. They will answer these questions from the story, “What

is the name of the story? What are the animals in the story? What are the usages

of the animals? What is a young cow called? What is a young dog called? What is

a young cat called? What is a young sheep called? What is a young bird called?’
Step: 3 Students will complete the culminating activity from off the board, where they will list

the flesh of animals we eat.

Culminating Activity:

Foods from Animals

____(animals) give us foods. Some animals that give us food are ____(pigs), ____(cows),

____(goats), ___(fishes) and ___(chickens).

The pig’s flesh is called a________________.

The cow’s flesh is called a________________.

The goat’s flesh is called a________________.

The fowl’s flesh is called a________________.


Complete page 137






Day 5

Day 5


 Recall what basic needs are and name the 4 main basic needs of human

 Identify the main source of food and state why food is important

 Talk about plant and animals as living things

 Read to get understanding and meaning

 Outline the characteristics of living things

 Label the plant correctly

 Discuss the various use of plants and animals


 Teacher will begin the lesson by stating the objectives and what she hopes the children

will achieve at the end of the lesson.

 Teacher will recap the previous lesson to clarify misconception and reinforce concepts

 Students will listen to song that helps them to recall some of the important things that

human beings are not able to live without. Students will be guided to recall that human

being need food to live; and that we get food from 2 main sources.

 Students will fill in the missing letters to identify find out the two main sources of food.

Afterward they will examine plants and animals as living things

 Students will read the definition for living things. They will talk about the things living

things do. For example they move on their own and they grow.
 Students will be given worksheets with pictures of objects. They will observe the pictures

and circle the one that show things that are real.

 Students will be guided to discuss the different parts of plants. During discussion students

will be directed to label the different parts of the plant. Teacher will guide students to

understand that different parts of the plants produce food we can eat.

 Students will talk about the various things plants are used for. For example food, shade,

clothes and medicine. Students will be guided to write or draw some things that we use

plants for. This will be done on work sheets.

 Students will discuss the many ways we use animals. For example they are used for food,

as pets to carry loads and to keep us safe. During this segment students will complete

worksheets by drawing or writing the names of the animals we use for different things.

 Students will name the animals that can be eaten and tell the meat we get from each.

 Students will summarize the lesson by singing along with teacher the song relating to



1. complete the worksheet by writing or drawing 2 things that we get from a cow and a

coconut tree

2. Write sentences about what you have drawn.



Grade: 1 Talbert

Subject: Mathematics

Topic: Place value

Attainment Targets

 Know the value of numerals associate them with their names, numbers and ordinals


 Represent numbers by strokes, bundles of ten and single ones

 Group objects in tens and ones and write the number of tens and numbers of ones

 Read and write the numerals 11 through 99 and associate them with the numbers they



 Manipulatives, rubber bands, number chart, worksheet, textbook, base ten blocks, one

dollar coins, ten dollar coins, cards with numerals written on them, dice


 Counting, manipulating,


Day one

Pupils will

12. Be given eleven fudge sticks and a rubber band each

13. Be instructed to count out ten and put the rubber band around the group and say how

many remains

14. Be guided to tell the number (11)

15. One more fudge stick and be once again told to make group of ten and place the rubber

band around them, say how many reminds and tell the number

16. Tell how many group of tens (one). How many left over (one)

17. Observe as teacher draws columns on the board group of tens single ones

1 1

18. Observe as teachers illustrates how the number of objects can be recorded as: 10+1=11

19. Steps 4-5 will be repeated until they get to 19

20. Be guided to use the words tens when talking about the bundle and ones when talking

about the singles

21. Be guided to understand that numerals 0, 1 ,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 are called ones because only

have one digit and that numbers 10-99 are called tens because they two digits

22. Observer as teacher pass around mystery bag and follow instruction to take a card from

the bag, pupils will use the fudge sticks they were given to represent the number written

on the card


Pupils will turn to page 85 in MPM and complete the activities…help will be given where










Day two

Pupils will

7. Recall the previous lesson and tell numerals that are called tens and the numerals that are

called ones and tell why for each

8. Be given the base ten blocks (longs) along with units

9. Be guided to place units on top of the long and tell how many units it took to cover the

long (10)

10. Be guided to understand that it takes 10 single ones to = 10 and that when every they see

the long or bundles it represent 10

11. Be given inter locking blocks to use to represent numbers written on the white ( this will

give pupils practice and also get them to better understand the concept)

12. Be instructed to put themselves in groups (for example): one tens and five ones- they will

have to tell the number after they make the group and one person from the group will

write the number on the board under the correct column


Pupils will complete worksheet- making group of tens and writing the number and its name

______ tens______ ones = 12









Day three

Pupils will

4. Recall how to represent numbers as tens and ones

5. Each be given $1 coins, they will be guided to count and for every ten they get exchange

for a $10 coin, (this activity is to give further reinforcement on the topic because in the

past I realized that pupils understand money)

6. Work in groups and each group will be given 2 dice (red-tens white-ones). Pupils will

throw the dice and write the correct numeral under the correct column. Teacher will

move around and observe (capable pupil will be place with the Giant group)


Pupils will complete worksheet but writing the value of the underlined digit

Giants will continue to make groups of tens










Day four

Pupils will
6. Observe as teacher writes numbers on the board, pupils along with teacher will read the

number. Teacher will choose a pupil to come to the board and circle the digit that is in

the ones place

7. Along with teacher will repeat this activity several times; using tens place as well

8. Observe as teacher tape the words tens and ones on the floor and give 2 of their

classmates cards with the same numbers written on them, pupils will be instructed to read

the numbers (4,4)

9. Listen as the teacher put one pupils on the side that says ones and the other on the side

that says tens

10. Be guided to understand that even though the numbers are the same their values are

different because of the column they are under teacher and pupils engage in the activity

until all of them have the opportunity to participate


Pupils will complete worksheet by putting the digits under the correct column

tens ones



Subject: Language Arts

Grade: 1 T

Duration: 1 hours X 5 days

Attainment Target:

1. Give and receive information

2. Apply decoding skills to the reading process
3. Read for fluency and enjoyment
4. Use recognizable handwriting and appropriate spelling and vocabulary


At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:

1. Write the plural of nouns ending with ‘y’

2. Identify letters as vowels and consonants
3. Listen to a story and represent events in sequential order
4. Make the correct sounds of the letter ‘Cc’
5. Spell high- frequency words, sight words and words with inflectional endings- ‘s’, ‘es’
6. Complete worksheet activities

Materials/resources: laptop, speakers, story “The Country mouse and the City mouse”, textbook,
cut out of letters, worksheets, mouse mask, brown paper bag for pupils to make their mouse,

Key vocabulary: mouse, hard, soft, plural, singular, city, country, nibble, queer

Skills: listening, speaking, writing, mimicking, drawing, reading, singing

Day one


Topic: forming plural of nouns ending with ‘y’ and has a vowel- s

Whole group- 40 mins

Pupils will

 Recall what are nouns (naming).

 Tell the rule for making nouns ‘mean more than on’ (done in previous lessons ‘s’ and
 Observe as teacher writes several nouns on the board and ask volunteers to come to board
and write the plural form example box, chair, bus, glass, church etc.
 Be guided to remember that to make a noun plural, add -s to it, or if it ends with ch, sh,
x,o, or s, then add –es
 Listen as teacher reads them a story, they will be instructed to give a thumbs up when
they hear a nouns.
Story: The boy went to the valley and climbed down the chimney, he saw a guy in the kitchen
holding a tray so he ran down the alley…it was a rainy day.-Gilean Johnson

 Tell nouns they heard and teacher will write them on the board in a T- chart label
singular/plural. Volunteers will be chosen to form the plural
 Observe as teacher writes several singular nouns that end in the consonant Y (baby,
daisy, story, trophy, etc.) teacher will read them one at a time asking pupils to say it with
her and then for a volunteer to say the plural form. (possible answers add ‘s’/’es’
 Be guided to examine the two list of words and tell the letter that is at the end of each;
pupils will be guided to understand that when a noun ends with ‘y’ but has a vowel
before the ‘y ’they should just add ‘s’ but when the noun ends with ‘y’ and a consonant
comes before the ‘y’ they should change the ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add ‘es’
 Watch video
Assessment- small group- 15mins

 Groups 1 &2 Complete worksheet by match the singular noun to the plural form
 Group 3 will copy words from board and use five of the plural nouns to in
sentences. (only 2 sentences should begin with ‘I’)
 Group 4 (teacher assist) will continue to add ‘s’ to nouns

Whole group- 5mins

Tell the reason they add‘s’ to some nouns ending in‘s’ and ‘es’ to others


Day two


Topic: forming plural of nouns ending in ‘y’ and has a consonant-es

Whole group- 30mins

Pupils will

 Recall the step of writing the plural of nouns ending with ‘y’ by has a vowel before
the ‘y’
 Along with teacher will go over the concept using fresh examples
 Listen as teacher reads the story of the “ The Country mouse and the City mouse”
 Will tell the two places each mouse came from…they will be guided to pay
attention to the two last letters in each word. Pupils will tell what should be added
to each word to make them mean more than one; pupils along with teacher will
 Be given context clue to which their answers will give words ending with ‘y’ but
has a consonant before the ‘y’ example… we like to buy it for lunch, it is crunchy
and fill with meat patty
 Be guided to read the words on the chalkboard and tell what is the plural, they will
be guided to identify the letter that comes before the ‘y’ (consonant) teacher will
guided them to always remember that when a consonant comes before the ‘y’ they
must change the ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add ‘es’
 Sing a jingle to remember (take off the ‘y’ step up on it change it to ‘i’ and add ‘es’
by Gilean Johnson)

Small groups- 20 mins

Assessment: Pupils will

Groups 1 &2 -pupils will complete Worksheet, this will show their ability to rewrite a sentence
and change a noun from singular to plural spelling.

Group 3- will complete T-chart by supplying plural nouns

Group 4 (teacher guided) pupils will continue add ‘s’ to nouns buy ones ending in ‘y’ but has a

Whole group-10mins

 One member from each group will present 2 words that they have form the plural for (not
from the list on the board)

Reading comprehension

Topic: Sequencing

Day three

Whole group-30mins

Pupils will

 Listen as teacher reads the story of the “ The Country mouse and City mouse”
 Along with teacher will discuss the story and pupils will be encourage to speak freely
about leaving their home and going to the country for summer holiday etc.
 Along with teachers will discuss unfamiliar words- nibble, queer
 Watch video of the story

All groups will be engaged in the same activity. However Giants will draw to represent.

 Pupils will write the five main events from the story in order.


Topic: Hard Cc sound

Day four

Whole group-30mins

Pupils will

 Listen to the story ‘The Country mouse and the City mouse’ and identify the sound they
hear the most
 Guided to identify the sound as hard Cc
 Make the sound; teacher model the sound for those who are not making it correctly
 Be given copies of the story in groups ask to listen for words beginning with the same
sound as country…they will read along with teacher and circle all the words that begin
with the hard ‘Cc’ (there are a few words that begins with the soft Cc sound and if they
are identify teacher will address otherwise it left for another lesson)
 Supply other words that begin with ‘c’ sound example: cook, car etc.
 Be guided to understand that the hard Cc only plays with the vowels ‘a’,’o’ and ‘u’ and
that’s why he sounds like his friend King k
 Along with teacher will sing, ‘be my echo’ (alphabet song with encourages making the
correct sound of each letter)
 Copy words from board and draw picture for each

Small group-20mins

All groups- Complete activity in phonics textbook

Whole group-10
Make the correct sound of the letter ‘Cc’


Day five


Topic: Soft ‘Cc’

Whole group-30mins

Pupils will

 Recall the letter they did yesterday and make its sound
 Be guided to recall the title of the story The country mouse and the city mouse’ they will
tell the letter each word begin with
 Be guided to say the word ‘city’ and tell if it sounds like the word ‘country’
 Will be guided to understand the letter Cc has two sounds…they are brother and sister.
Soft Cc is hard Cc little sister and she only plays with the vowels ‘e’ and ‘i’ while her
brother only comes out to play with ‘a’ ‘o’ and ‘u’
 Observer as teacher paste the letter ‘Cc’ on the board with her friends ‘e’ and ‘i’
 Brain storm words that begin with the soft ‘Cc’ sound and if they are having a difficult
time teacher will give clue…we have dollars and cent (carry over from math and IS)
 Watch short video

This activity will be for the whole group

Pupils will complete worksheet and for those who finish before time allotted, I will instruct them
to draw pictures of things that begin with the soft c sound

Aesop's Fables

The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

an Aesop Fable

       A country mouse invited his cousin who lived in the city to

come visit him. The city mouse was so disappointed with the sparse
meal which was nothing more than a few kernels of corn and a
couple of dried berries.

     "My poor cousin," said the city mouse, "you hardly have anything
to eat! I do believe that an ant could eat better! Please do come to
the city and visit me, and I will show you such rich feasts, readily
available for the taking."

     So the country mouse left with his city cousin who brought him to
a splendid feast in the city's alley. The country mouse could not
believe his eyes. He had never seen so much food in one place. There
was bread, cheese, fruit, cereals, and grains of all sorts scattered
about in a warm cozy portion of the alley.

     The two mice settled down to eat their wonderful dinner, but
before they barely took their first bites, a cat approached their
dining area. The two mice scampered away and hid in a small
uncomfortable hole until the cat left. Finally, it was quiet, and the
unwelcome visitor went to prowl somewhere else. The two mice
ventured out of the hole and resumed their abundant feast. Before
they could get a proper taste in their mouth, another visitor intruded
on their dinner, and the two little mice had to scuttle away quickly.

     "Goodbye," said the country mouse, "You do, indeed, live in a

plentiful city, but I am going home where I can enjoy my dinner in


A modest life with peace and quiet is better than a richly one with danger
and strife.
Planned Lesson for the week beginning February 6-10, 2017

Grade: 1 Talbert

Subject: Integrated Studies

Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes X 5

Unit Title: My Family (Term 2 Unit 1)

Focus Question: What are the activities in which we take part as a family?

Topic: Special Events

Attainment Targets:

 Give and receive information

 Develop approaches to the writing process to enable them to organise their ideas into a
coherent structure including, layout, sections and paragraphs
Identify the months of the year and the days of the week (use the focus on the sequential nature of

 Associate month with events such as school activities, holidays, birthdays etc.

 Develop an understanding of the interdependent relationship between man and his
 Understand rituals and celebrations in specified contexts
 Demonstrate an awareness of some of the ways in which religion influences changes in the
lifestyles of persons within society


At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

 Talk about how they celebrate different activities in their family

 Identify key activities in which families participate.
 Demonstrate how to work cooperatively as a family
 Discuss special occasions celebrated by families
 Express feelings about their participation in family activities
 Compare major activities of different families
 Identify religious activities in which families are involved
 Show appreciation for the religious values that are embedded within some family activities

 Perform songs about the activities of their families

 Perform rhythmic pieces

 Participate in traditional and contemporary dances as an example of a family activity
 Practise and recall movements in particular sequences and patterns
 Participate in traditional and contemporary dances as an example of a family activity
 Practise and recall movements in particular sequences and patterns
 Use different drama modes to reflect activities in which families participate
 Provide feedback to peers on their presentations about family activities
 Create art pieces o Create a digital story showing their experience of being involved in a family
activity.n family activities
 Create art pieces o Create a digital story showing their experience of being involved in a family
activity.n family activities

Key Vocabulary: events, celebrate, time, special, important, colours, shapes, rectangle, square,

circle, triangle, red, blue, green, orange, black, yellow

Skills: Listening, speaking, writing, acting, singing, observing, drawing

Resource Materials: charts with national symbols, My Family Macmillan text,

Day 1

Students will:
Describe special days that families celebrate, e.g. birthday, mothers’ day, fathers’ day,
christening/blessing/ baptism. Emphasize that families have fun on special days. Outline other
activities in which the family takes part, e.g. worshipping, going on trips, going to fairs/concerts, etc.
Write simple sentences about their experiences during one of these events. Read to each other.

Talk about times that are meaningful to families e.g. prayer time, meal times, and fun day. Use clocks
(real or improvised) to show on the hour and on the half-hour when these events occur. Play games to
practise asking and responding to questions such as “what is the time?”, “it is ….” Talk about duration of
time spent on each family activity. Compose jingles about favourite family time activities using known or
created rhythms. Perform jingles for classmates.

Use songs about birthdays, e.g. “Those who are born in January” etc., State how often one has a
birthday and how birthdays are celebrated – date, gifts, parties, etc. Identify the names of days of the
week and months of the year on a calendar. Write and read the name of a parent and the month in
which he/she was born, paying special attention to the formation of letters.

Listen to and then role-play portions from sacred texts about the dedication of special characters such
as Samuel. Use the hot- seating mode to talk about their observation/knowledge of the
Christening/Blessing of baby exercise. Critique classmate’s presentation. Write two sentences using the
correct forms of the personal pronouns and the verb ‘to be’ – ‘am’, ‘is’, ‘was’ their sentences.

Student will repeat after teacher poem, “Special Days’

Special days are fun for all. They have their special names you know. New Year’s Day starts a

brand new year. Ash Wednesday begins the Lenton Season. Good Friday Christ was crucified.

Labour Day we unite to build our nation by doing projects large or small. Emancipation Day

says slavery days are over. Independence Day says to one and all colonial rule has ended. Heroes

Day shows that we appreciate those who worked to make our nation great. Christmas Day is

when some of us celebrate the birth of Christ. Boxing Day comes after Christmas Day. Some

spend their time with friends and family.

Step: 1 Students will identify special days that are associated with national celebrations.

There will be a discussion on the significance of each.

Step: 2 Students will discuss pictures shown on pages 88-90 of the Student’s Book. They

will identify words in the text that they have seen before. These will be written on

the board. We will spell and call each one together. Students will share their own

experiences of these celebrations.

Step: 3 Students will write in their My Family Macmillan text about celebrations and

describe pictures representing celebrations. They will also write poem about

independence. (Students who need assistant with this will get it)
Step: 4 Students and Teacher will use cut outs of triangles and rectangle to create a model

of a Christmas tree which will be placed on the board. There will be a

discussion on the model. Students will talk about the celebration associated

with the model. Students will discuss foods that they eat during Christmas.

Culminating Activity:

Complete pages 141-144 of Macmillan text


Write the significance of celebrating a special event


Students identifying national celebrations

Students assisting in model making of Christmas tree





Day 2 (Tuesday)


Students will be asked by teacher to state the name the national costume and to identify colour

and shapes of the national flag.

Step: 1 Students will listen as a few readers read pages 93 and 94 of Student’s Book. Other

students will be asked to follow in the book and point on each word. Students will

identify the national costumes and the colour associated with it. They will state

what they know about the national colours.

Step: 2 Students will talk about the national flag and times where they have seen it

displayed, example national events, sporting events at the national stadium. They

will talk about the significance of this. Students will observe and state the

colours of the flag. They will be asked to describe the flag. Teacher will

write the words on the board. Students will then group the words as colours, words

and shape words. Students will colour the flag on page 148of their Macmillan


Step: 3

Students will discuss the national dish and how it is prepared. They will discuss

the use of shape and colour as describing words. They will complete the exercise

on these using words in this way. Students will collect pictures of samples

of national colours, flag, costume and dish and paste in scrapbook.

Culminating Activity:

Complete pages 145-149 in Macmillan text


Complete pages 150- 151 in Macmillan Integrated Studies text My Family Workbook

Students identifying national costume, dish, colours and flag

Students describing things using shapes and colours

Students completing activity correctly











Day 3 (Wednesday)


Students will listen as teacher sings song, ‘Easter Time’ then they will sing along with her.

Easter Time

Easter time, Easter time, we have so much to do,

time for bunnies, time for eggs but time for Jesus too.
Oh, Easter time, Easter time, Jesus showed his love.

He died for us and rose again. He’s with the Lord above.

Step: 1

Students will be asked these questions, “What month is Easter celebrated in? (April) What is the

purpose of celebrating this special day? What day did Jesus die for us? What is that day

celebrated as? (Good Friday? What day did he rose? (Monday) What is that day called (Easter

Monday? What are the activities that are done on these days? What are the foods eaten during

this time? What are the symbols associated with this special event? (cross, nails, tomb)

Step: 2

Students will be asked to listen to the Easter story that will be read by teacher. They will be

asked questions about the story.

Step: 3

Students will be asked to draw and name foods that are associated with Easter.

Culminating Activity:

Complete page 125-126


Write 5 words that relates to Easter


Students listening and answering questions about story

Students drawing foods that are eaten during Easter

Students completing culminating activity










Day 4 (Thursday)


Students will listen as teacher recites, ‘December’ then they will say it with her.


It's hard to think of anything

But Christmas in December.

There's so much to look forward to

And so much to remember.

Step: 1
Students will be asked these questions, “What occasion is celebrated in December?

What date of December is this celebrated? What is the purpose of celebrating this

special day? What are the activities that are done on this day? What are the foods

eaten on this day? What are the moods of family members on this day?

Who are the people mentioned on this day?”

Step: 2

Students will be asked to retell the nativity story. They will be asked to draw the

people who are in the nativity story (Joseph, Mary, baby Jesus, angel, and


Step: 3

Students will listen as teacher calls some words they will state the initial sound

they hear. Students will then complete culminating activity in their notebook.

Culminating Activity:

Complete page 127-129


Write 5 words that relates to Christmas


Students retelling nativity story

Students identifying initial letter sounds

Students drawing and completing culminating activity








Day 5 (Friday)


Students will listen as teacher sings, ‘Tick Tock’ then they will sing along with her.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

Tick tock. Tick tock goes the clock.

I know the time. It’s ___ O’clock.

Step: 1

Students will be asked these questions, “What is the instrument for telling the

time? What letter does the word clock begin with? Make the ‘C’ sound. There
will be a discussion of times of the day that students do different activities. For

example, get up, have breakfast, and leave for school. A large clock will be used

to demonstrate these times.

Step: 2

Students will practice oral language about their daily routines. A student will be

asked to come to the front of the class to ask this question, ‘What time do you have

breakfast?’ the respond will be “I have breakfast at ___O’clock. (Other activities

will be stated as questions.)

Step: 3

Students will be given the Macmillan Students Book to turn to page 80. They will

read and identify time by the hour and the half an hour. They will state the

differences between the locations of the hands. Students will demonstrate

time on the hour and the half on their clocks. Students will complete page

130-131 of their My Family Macmillan text where they will draw the hands of the

clocks and state the time.

Step: 4

Students will receive a calendar. They will state the months, the days in order of

how they are shown and the number of days in each month. Students will

complete pages 132-133. They will write the days of the week in their best
handwriting and answer questions about the order of the months of the year.

Teacher will make reference to alphabetical ordering of the months of the year.


Complete pages 134- 135


Students stating their daily routines

Students identifying and setting time by the hour and the half hour

Students observing calendar




Grade 1 Talbert

Subject: Language Arts Window

Duration: 1hr x 5

Unit Title: My Family (Term 2 Unit 1)

Focus Question: What are the activities in which we take part as a family?

Topic: H is for Holidays

Attainment Targets:

 Give and receive information

 Apply relevant decoding skills to the reading process

 Use recognizable handwriting and appropriate spelling to write for a variety of purpose.


At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

 Identify and pronounce the letter ‘H’

 Colour to differentiate between capital and common letter ‘H’

 State the position of the letter ‘H’ in the alphabet

 Spell ordinal numbers

 List the holidays we celebrate in Jamaica

 Name the months in which we celebrate special occasions

 Identify things that has the initial, medial and final letter ‘H’ sound

 Use wool to make things with the initial ‘H’ sound

 Write sentences using words with the ‘H’ sound

 Label the body parts using words with the initial ‘H’ sound

 Identify and colour sets showing half

 Circle the correct homonym to complete sentences

 Tell the time on clock to state when they do activities

 Identify various months when we celebrate different occasions

 Read and answer questions on story

 Draw pictures from story

Key Vocabulary: time, Birthday, party, Christmas, Easter, Independence, Emancipation, New

Year, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Labour, Heroes, Boxing, Day, house, ham, hand, heel, hip

Skills: Speaking, identifying, writing, listening, drawing, spelling,

Resource Materials: Language Arts text book, Integrated Reader 1, Phonics text, Body part

chart, Capital and common letter worksheets, wools, pictures of objects, poem with letter ‘H’,


Learning Activities:

Day 1


Teacher will read a story on the ‘H’ sound. Students will listen and then tell the letter and sound

they hear most. (H.. huh).They will list and write on the board all the ‘Hh’ words from the story.
Be my echo (teacher), Be my echo (students) H says /huh/ (teacher), H says /huh/ (students)

Head and hand (teacher), Head and hand (students) hair and hip (teacher), hair and hip(students)

/huh/, /huh/, /huh/ (teacher), /huh/, /huh/, /huh (students)

Step: 1 Students will pronounce the letter ‘H’. Teacher will ask student about the sound

of the letter ‘H’ (it is the sound we make when we are tired). Teacher will sing

‘Be my Echo’ and students will repeat after her emphasizing the ‘H’ sound.

Teacher will point on a specific child for him to go to the board and write both the

capital and common letter ‘H’. The other students will then trace “H” in the air.

Students will tell the position of the letter ‘H’ (8th). They will spell the numeral

eight and the ordinal eighth.

Step: 2 Teacher will say the word holiday begins with ‘H’. She will ask students to spell

it and then she will write it on the board and ask students to tell how many letters are

in the word. (7). Students will identify all the holidays we celebrate in Jamaica

and the state the months in which we celebrate them.

Step: 3 Students will identify body parts that begin with ‘H’ along with other words that

begin with the ‘H’ sound. A student will be asked to write these words on the

board. The others will spell and call each word emphasizing on the initial

letter sound.

Step: 4 Students will take out their Phonics text and turn o page 135 where they will read

together the jingle. They will then write all the words that begin with “H”.

Students will identify pair of homonyms with the initial ‘H’ sound; they will
differentiate between each pair and then use them to complete activity on page


Assignment: Complete page 137


Student identifying things with the initial ‘H’ sound

Students listing holidays and the months they are celebrated






Day 2


Teacher will ask students these question, “What are some of the activities you and your family

takes part in? How do you know what time to be ready? How do you ensure that you are on

time for these events? How many hands does a clock have? What does each tell? How many

numerals are on a clock?” She will write students’ responses on the board.
Tick tock. Tick tock.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

Goes the clock.

I know the time.

It’s ___ o”clock.

Step: 1 Students will listen as teacher sings, “Tick Tock’ then they will sing along with

her changing the hours on the clock. Teacher will show students a clock and ask

for a volunteer to come and set a given time on the hour. She will ask other

students the positions of the hands of the clocks.

Step: 2 Students will receive their clocks they will be told to set different times by the hour

for different events. For example, teacher will say, “We are going to the park

today at 5:00 O’ Clock.” Students will then set their clocks to five o’clock.

Step: 3 Students will take out their Language Arts text and turn to page 129. Students will

complete sentences by telling the time on each clock.

Culminating Activity: Tell the time to complete each sentences

Assignment: Read the story on page 120 of the Integrated Reader “The Birthday Party’

Assessment: Student stating activities they do with their family members

Students setting times by the hour

Students writing correct times to complete sentences






Day 3


Teacher will run come into the classroom sighing. She will then ask, “What letter makes that

sound again? When letter sounds are at the beginning we say they are the ….. sound. What

position is the letter ‘H’ in the alphabet? Name some things that begin with the letter ‘H’”

H makes me Happy

H is for hair, H is for hand

H is for heels on which we stand

H is for houses here and there

H is for hats seen everywhere

H is for hearts and for horses too

H makes me happy how about you?

Step: 1 Students will listen as teacher reads the poem ‘H makes me Happy’. They will

identify all the words with the initial ‘H’ sound and identify pairs of rhyming


Step: 2 Students will list words with the medial ‘H’ sound. Teacher will write their

responses on the board. Students will use them to form sentences.

Step: 3 Students will take out their Integrated Reader to page 116 where they will read

the story “Jim helps Tim”. Students will answer questions from the story.

Culminating Activity:

Use given words from the story to complete sentences


reread the story


Student pasting pictures correctly

Students creating pictures with wools





Day 4


Students will be asked to spell the words birthday, the, party. She will write this heading on the

board, “The Birthday Party”. She will ask students to state some of the things that are at a

birthday party.

Step: 1 Teacher will write some of the words that will be in the story on the board.

Students will spell each word and clap to represent each letter. They will spell the

words three times looking at the letters and the fourth time teacher will erase word

from the board and then students will spell and call word erase.

Step: 2 Students will receive their clocks and be told to take out their Integrated Reader 1

text and turn to page 121. They will read together story and set their clocks to

time mentioned in the story.

Step: 3 Students will answer these questions that will be posed by teacher, “What is the

name of the story? What month is the birthday? What is the boy’s name? Where

did Errol look for gifts? Where did he and his father go? How long did they stay?

Why so long? Who was at home? What are some of the things at the party?

Step: 4 Students will take out their notebook and complete culminating activity.
Culminating Activity:

Write 5 naming words

Write 5 action words

Draw the birthday cake with the candles and write in a sentence Errol’s age


Re-read the story


Student reading together and answering questions correctly

Students identifying naming words and action words

Students drawing cake and writing sentence about Errol’s age







Day 5


Students and teacher will sing the months of the year. Students will be asked to spell each month

and state its ordinal position. This will be written by teacher on the board.

Step: 1 Students will state some of the things that God has done for them. Teacher will

write students responses on the board.

Step: 2 Students will be asked to state the special occasions and holidays celebrated in

Jamaica. Teacher will write these on the boards. Students will state the

months in which they are celebrated in beside them on the board.

Step: 3 Students will take out their Integrated Language Arts text and turn to page 130

where they will read sentences and write in the months where specifics holidays

and events are celebrated.

Culminating Activity:

Write the months in which these events are celebrated


Re-read the story

Students identifying and spelling months

Students stating ordinal positions for the months of the year

Students listing holidays and events

Students completing activity










Subject: Mathematics Window

Duration: 1hr x5

Topic: Money and Numbers

Attainment Targets:

 Know the value of numerals and associate them with their number, names and ordinals

 Estimate, compare and use various types of measurement


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 

 Count from 1-50

 Count by 10

 Identify and spell money between 1-50

 Match money to its number name

 Unscramble number name

 Use counters to form given set

Key Vocabulary: clock, time, analog, digital, hour, half, lunch, break, add, sum, total,

altogether, plus, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen,

fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, zero, ones, tens, thirty

Skills: writing, speaking, listening, adding, making sets, counting

Resource Materials: mathematics workbook, analog and a digital clock, clock, number chart,

Day One

Learning Activities:


Students will listen as teacher recites the poem, “Counting Time” then they will try it with her.

Counting Time

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,

Ten is the end - let’s go backwards, my friend,

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one,

We’ve counted to ten and back so now we’re done.

Step: 1 Teacher will say to students, “Do you remember what a set is? (A set is a group of

things).Students will receive 30 counters for them to make sets. The teacher will spell the

numerals and then students will make the sets.

Step: 2 Students will count by ten to one hundred. The teacher will ask for volunteers to write

the number name from ten to one hundred other students will then get a chance to

write the number beside the number name.

Step: 3 Students will then look at the board and spell each number name. Students will then be

told to take out their notebook where they will complete the activity with

unscrambling and matching number names.

Culminating Activity: Unscramble these numbers Thrtyir _______________

Sventye ___________ Tne

_______________ Twntye ___________ Furoyt

______________ Eytghi ___________ Ffiyt

______________ Neniyt ___________

Styix _____________ Hdrdenu ___________

Match these numbers to its number name

$10 Thirty dollars

$20 Ten dollars

$30 Twenty dollars

$40 Fifty dollars

$50 Forty dollars

$60 Ninety dollars

$70 Eighty dollars

$80 Sixty dollars

$90 Hundred dollars

$100 Seventy dollars


Write money from $0-$30


Students unscrambling and making sets accurately

Students matching numerals with number names correctly





Day Two


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 

 Identify and spell numbers between zero to fifteen

 Use the word “set” when refereeing to a group

 Understand the serial order of the numbers zero through fifteen

 Identify and spell numbers between one to fifteen

 Make set to show ‘1’ more

 Add ‘1’more to money to get the sum

Key Vocabulary: sets, more, less, greater, lesser, smaller, bigger, same, one, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, zero, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, group, small,

big, taller, shorter, compare, bigger, wider, longer,

Skills: writing, speaking, listening, adding, drawing

Resource Materials: counters, mathematics workbook, number chart

Learning Activities:


Students will count from 0-15 and then count backwards from 15-0. Teacher will unscramble

numbers and spell them and students will tell what number it is.

Let's count numbers from 0-15

Ready, let's go

0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,

15, 14, 13, 12, 11 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 ,5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ,0

Counting numbers up high

Counting numbers down low

Counting numbers up high

Counting numbers -- all right!

Step: 1 Students will talk about what they do to get one more, (add) they will be given fifteen

bottle-caps. The teacher will draw a set of eleven objects on the board and then

ask students to make a set with one more than she has. Other examples will be

Step: 2 Teacher will spell a number and ask students to tell what would be one more than

that number. Students will spell their answer. For example: F-i-v-e one more than 5

is____6 s-i-x. Teacher will ask students what they noticed with their answers (in

counting the number would come after the other)

Step: 3 Students will take out notebooks and add one to each number from 0-15.

Culminating Activity:

Adding 1

$0+$1= $1+$1= $2+$1= $3+$1= $4+$1=

$5+$1= $6+$1= $7+$1= $8+$1= $9+$1=

$10+$1= $11+$1= $12+$1= $13+$1= $14+$1=







Day Three


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 

 Identify the Jamaican money

 Count and make sets up to 50

 Match money with its number name

 Identify and write which numerals come before and after

 Understand the serial order of the numbers one through fifty

Key Vocabulary: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve,

thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, first, second,

third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, twentieth, thirtieth, ordinal, number, position,

order, add, plus, altogether, sum, total

Skills: writing, speaking, listening, counting, comparing, matching, observing,

Resource Materials: mathematics workbook, number chart

Learning Activities:


Students will recall what they know about, the greater than and less than sign (>, <). Students

will sing greater than/less than song.

Greater than/ less than

Alligator, Alligator, which one will you eat?

The biggest one, the greatest one, it will be so sweet

Step: 1 Teacher will give students counters to make a pair of set. The teacher will spell

two number names and then students will make the set for them. Teacher will ask

students to point to the set that is more.

Step: 2 Teacher will spell unscramble numbers and students will identify and tell which is

greater and which is lesser. For example, “ wentyt-eno and rthyirt which is greater”

(twenty-one and thirty)

Step: 3 Students will take out their notebooks and then complete the activity from the board,

where they will use greater than sign to show sets and numbers that are greater.

Culminating Activity:

Write a numeral on the line to make the sentence true

1. $2 > ______

2. $18 <_______

3. $39>________

4. $40<________

5. $52>________

6. _____ < $12

7. ______>$33

8. ______<$17
9. ______>$63

10. _____< $74


Students participating in activity

Students using greater than and less than sign correctly






Day Four


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 

 Identify Jamaican money

 Spell money from 0-50

 Match money with its number name

 Identify numerals come before and after

 Understand the serial order of the numbers one through fifty

 Identify the largest money in a set

Key Vocabulary: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve,

thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, first, second,

third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, twentieth, thirtieth, ordinal, number, position,

order, add, plus, altogether, sum, total

Skills: writing, speaking, listening, counting, comparing, matching, observing,

Resource Materials: mathematics workbook, number chart

Learning Activities:


Students and teacher will sing song, “1,2,3,4,5” and do finger play together. They will talk about

numerals and their number names.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

One, two, three, four five! Once I caught a fish alive;

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so.

Which finger did it bite? This little finger on my right.

Step: 1 Students will receive spelling where they get number names between 0-50 in their

notebook. They will write the numeral and the number name.

Step: 2 Students will then complete the culminating activity from off the board.

Culminating Activity:
Circle the largest money in each set. Write it on the line.

1. $8 $9 $16

2. $5 $114 $36

3. $41 $13 $15

4. $232 $215 $225

5. $45 $16 $134

6. $81 $8 $14


Students participating in activity

Students using signs correctly




Day Five


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 

 Identify the Jamaican money

 Count and make sets up to 50

 Match money with its number name

 Solve worded problem

 Understand the serial order of the numbers one through fifty

Key Vocabulary: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve,

thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, first, second,

third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, twentieth, thirtieth, ordinal, number, position,

order, add, plus, altogether, sum, total

Skills: writing, speaking, listening, counting, comparing, matching, observing,

Resource Materials: mathematics workbook, number chart

Learning Activities:


Students and teacher will sing, “Counting Time”.

Counting Time

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,

Ten is the end - let’s go backwards, my friend,

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one,

We’ve counted to ten and back so now we’re done.

Step: 1 Students will spell numbers called by the teacher. They will state also the ordinal

number for each number called.

Step: 2 Students will talk about problems they have and how they solve it. Students and

teacher will read some worded problems and then solve them together.

Step: 3 Students will complete the culminating activity from off the board.

Culminating Activity:

Solve these:

1. Four dollars plus three dollars equal

$4 + $3=

2. Thirteen dollars minus five dollars equal

$13 -$5=

3. I have twenty dollars and I give away five dollars. How much do I have now?

$20- $5=

4. I buy$15 dollars and $2 lost. How much do I have now?


5. Fifty dollars minus zero dollars plus five dollars equal

$50- $0+ $5=

Revision Plan for week Beginning

February 29-March 04, 2016

Grade: 1 Talbert

Topics to be revised in the different subject areas are listed below.


 Pupils should be able to complete activities base on lessons taught.

Subject: Language Arts

 Nouns-identifying proper nouns

 Verbs
 Verbs- adding ‘s’ to verbs to show that one person is doing the action
 Pronouns
 Adjectives
 Opposites
 Compound words
 Adding ‘ing’ to verbs (using the different rules)
 Add ‘s’ and ‘es’ to nouns to show more than one
 Capitalization- rewriting sentences using capital letter where needed
 Homophones

 Worksheets
 Seatwork
 textbook
Subject: Integrated Studies

 Types of families
 Define – what is a family
 Celebration- national/family/religious
 Importance of plants and animals
 Difference between needs and wants
 Basic needs
 Labeling parts of a plant
 Pictograph
 Sequencing- events/pictures
 Identify objects as being living/non-living
 Importance of water

 Worksheets
 Seatwork
 Textbook

Subject: Mathematics

 Number/number names (20-50)

 Counting by 10
 Use = and ≠ to compare sets
 Fraction-Identifying ½ and ¼ of shapes and objects
 Clock on the hour ( read and draw hands)
 Grouping objects in sets of tens
 Writing numbers as tens and ones
 Identify number as being greater/least
 Simple addition (vertical and horizontal)
 Calendar
 Ordinal numbers

 Worksheet
 Seatwork
 Textbook

Lesson Plan for the week beginning April 4-8, 2016

Grade: 1 Talbert
Subject: Integrated Studies
Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes X 5
Unit Title: Unit Title: Things in the home (Term 2 Unit 2)
Focus Question: How do I care for the things in my home and use them safely?
Topic: Animals in the home

Attainment Targets:
 Give and receive information
 Use recognizable handwriting and appropriate spelling to write for a variety of purpose.
 Explore the attributes of people and objects in order to classify and make comparisons

At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
 Talk about the types of pets they have at home.
 Discuss some things that animals need in order to survive.
 Recognize that animals have many of the same needs as people.
 Distinguish between animals and human needs.
 State the different types of animals at home
 State ways they take care of animals at home
 Name the young ones for animals that can be found in the home
 State the meat we get from animals
 Spell the names of some animals that are found in the home
 Write a short paragraph about their pet at home
 Write neatly and legible
 Draw animals that are found in the home
 Answer questions in Standard Jamaican English
 Complete missing letters
 Listen and answer clues on animals
 Say a thank you prayer

Key Vocabulary: needs, wants, home, animals, eat, protect, pets, dog, cat, fish, bird, work,
donkey, horse, food, goat, pig, chicken, sheep, cow, barks, brays, squeaks, grunts, flesh, beef,
pork, goat meat, mutton, duckling, nestling, puppy, chick, kitten, calf, piglet, kid, cub

Skills: Listening, speaking, writing, acting, singing, observing, drawing

Resource Materials: notebook, pencil


Day 1

Introductory Activities

 Students will talk freely about the different animals/pets they have at home. Teacher will write
the name of these animals on the board.
 Teacher will brainstorm with children a list of pets’ needs. Teacher will ask students if they
would describe the list as needs or wants. For Example: if a student suggests that animals need
clean water every day, teacher will point out that water is one of a pet’s needs. If they say balls
and toys for pets, they will describe those as wants.

Developmental Activities:

 Teacher will show the class some items or pictures of items associated with pets.
 Students will discuss each item and how they are important for pets.
 Children decide if the item is a need or a want, and make a display of the items that represent
needs and a display of the items that represent wants.
 Teacher will continue to guide the discussion with the following questions:

1. Do humans have needs, if so, what are they? (yes, food, water, shelter)
2. Do animals have the same needs as humans? (yes)
3. Do you have wants? (Yes, video games, new clothes, going to sporting events, etc.)
4. Do animals have wants? (Yes, walks in the park, a comfy bed, toys, etc)
5. Can animals tell you all of their needs and wants? If so, how? (Yes, some dogs will go and get
their leash or scratch on a door to ask to go outside, stand by their empty water bowl, gerbils hide
when they want to be alone, cats meow when they are hungry).

 Children will be guided to understand that we when we take proper care of our animals by giving
them food and water we are treating them with kindness and respect.
 Students will examine other things that pets need that cannot be bought at a store- for example
family love and attention including time, care, touch, trust.
 Teacher will discuss with students if this is a need or want, and why.
 Teacher will accept all reasonable answers.


Students will:

Group 1

1. Draw and colour 2 main needs of animals.

2. Make a sentence orally about each item.
Group 2

3. Draw and label 2 main needs and 1 want of animal in the appropriate labeled boxes.
4. Write a sentence about each item.



Day 2

Introductory Activities:

1. Teacher and students will recap the previous lesson to clarify misconception and to reinforce
2. Teacher and students will sing songs related to topic:

Love Your Pets

Love, love, love your pets, love them every day.

Give them food and water, too, then let them run and play.

IF I were a Butterfly

If I were a butterfly, I'd thank you Lord for giving me wings

If I were a robin in a tree, I'd thank you Lord that I could sing
If I were a fish in the sea, I'd wiggle my tail and I'd giggle with glee
But I just thank you Father for making me, me

For you gave me a heart and you gave me a smile, You gave me Jesus and you made me your
child, And I just want to thank you father for making me, me.

Learning Activities

 Students will be asked to spell the word ‘animal’. Teacher will write it on the board.
Students will be asked to state the plural for animal. They will be asked these questions,
“Who made animals? (God) What are animals classified as Natural or Man-made?
(Natural) What does Man-made means? Name something that is man-made? Why do we
people keep animals at home? (Pets, food, protection, work) Name an animal that
protects us? Name an animal that we use for food? Name 2 animals that we use for work?
Name some animals that we can have for pets.)
 Students will listen as teacher sings song, “If I were a butterfly”. They will then repeat
after her. Students will all say a word of prayer thanking God for something that is
special about them. Students will then listen as teacher sings, “Love your Pets”. Then
they will sing along with her
 Students will take out their notebook and complete culminating activity from off the

Culminating Activity:

Animals at home

We have many animals at home. Each animal has its own use. We use some for pets. We use
some to help with our work. We use some to protect us. We use some to provide us with foods.

Draw and label 3 animals that can be use as pets

Draw and label 2 animals that can help us with our work
Draw and label an animal that can protect us
Draw and label 3 animals that can be use as food

What am I?

I am an animal. I cannot fly. I can swim. I am a _______

I am an animal. I have many uses. I am helpful to the blind. I am a _________
I am an animal. I have four legs. I love to play in the mud. I am a ___________
I am an animal. I can carry heavy load. I am a __________
I am an animal. I can fly. I give you eggs. I am a _____________

Complete page 35 of Macmillan text

Students answering questions posed by teacher

Day 3

Learning Activities

 Teacher and students recap previous lessons to ensure that everyone understood the
 Teacher and students will sing “If you’re happy and you know it”. They will make
different animal sound in the song.

If You’re Happy and You Know It

If you’re happy and you know it, bark “ruff, “ruff”

If you’re happy and you know it, bark “ruff, “ruff”
If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you’re happy and you know it, bark “ruff, “ruff”

 A student will be chosen by teacher to write the word “young” on the board. She will ask
students to spell and call the word three times. Teacher will explain that just like how
your parents (mother and father) have children animals pair up and have children too.

 Students and teacher will play a game. One student will state an animal that can be found
at home and teacher will state the male and the female name for that animal. All the other
students will state what the child of the animal is called.

Students will be asked to take out their notebook and complete culminating activity from off the


Write the young for each.

1. A young goat is called a_______________

2. A young dog is called a_______________
3. A young pig is called a_______________
4. A young cow is called a_______________
5. A young cat is called a_______________
6. A young donkey is called _____________
7. A young duck is called a_______________
8. A young sheep is called a_______________
9. A young chicken is called a ________________
10. A young fish is called a ________________



Day 4

Learning Activities

 Teacher and students will sing “If you’re happy and you know it”. They will make
different animal sound in the song.

If You’re Happy and You Know It

If you’re happy and you know it, bark “ruff, “ruff”

If you’re happy and you know it, bark “ruff, “ruff”
If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you’re happy and you know it, bark “ruff, “ruff”

 Students will state the baby for animals that teacher will call. They will spell animal
name when teacher calls them.
 Students will recall the usages of animals in the home. They will state some animals that
provide food. They will also state the type of food that each animal provides. These
animal flesh words will be written on the board. Students will be asked to spell each of
them three times.

 Students will take out their notebook and complete culminating activity from off the

Assessment: Answer the following:

1. The flesh of the cow is called _________________.

2. The flesh of the pig is called _________________.
3. The flesh of the goat is called _________________.
4. The flesh of the sheep is called _________________.
5. The flesh of the fowl is called _________________.

Day 5

Grade: 1 Talbert
Subject: Mathematics Window
Duration: 1 hr x5
Unit Title: Things in my home
Topic: Addition and Subtraction of Tens and Ones

Attainment Targets:
 Understand the ideas of sets
 Know the value of numerals and associate them with their number, names and ordinals
 Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns

At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: 
 Identify one and two digits
 State the difference between one digit and two digits number
 Spell one and two digits numerals from 0-20
 Identify numbers that are tens and ones
 State what it means by addition and subtraction
 Identify the signs for addition and subtraction
 List synonyms for addition
 Write ordinal numbers for number name
 List synonyms for subtraction
 Solve worded problems with addition and subtraction
 Match words related to topic with its correct spelling
 Unscramble words related to topic
 Add and subtract as tens and ones
 State the value of numbers as they relate to Tens and Ones
 Match number to their number name
 Complete missing letters for words related to topic
 Identify which number comes before and after

Key Vocabulary: tens, ones, numbers, zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,
ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty,
thirty, addition, subtraction, plus, add, sum, total, altogether, difference, subtract, minus, take,

Skills: writing, speaking, listening, counting, comparing, matching, observing,

Resource Materials: mathematics notebook, blackboard, chalk,

Learning Activities:

Day 1

Students will sing “One Little, Two Little Chipmunks”

One little, two little, three little chipmunks

Four little, five little, six little chipmunks
Seven little, eight little, nine little chipmunks 
Ten little chipmunks play
Step: 1 Students will recall what they know about Tens and Ones. They will spell
numbers from 0-30.

Step: 2 Students will be asked to state what the word ‘Addition’ mean. They will trace the
sign that represent addition. Students will state synonyms for the word
addition. (add, plus, total, sum, altogether)

Step: 3 Students will spell these words and teacher will put them on the board. Students
will take out their notebook and complete the culminating activity.


Solve these worded problems

1. Five plus five equal

2. Fourteen plus three equal
3. Twelve plus four equal
4. Nine plus zero equal
5. Twenty plus ten equal

Match us to our correct spelling

Slup Add
Dad Plus
Smu Total
Ttloa Sum

Complete page 165 of Mathematics text

Evaluation: -

Day 2

ts will list numbers that have 1 and 2 digits. They will sing song, “1, 2 Buckle my Shoe”.

One, Two Buckle My Shoe

One two buckle my shoe, Three, four, knock at the door
Five, six, pickup sticks, Seven, eight, lay them straight, Nine, ten, a big fat hen,
Students will state numbers that have 2 digits they will write them on the board.

Teacher will write ‘Addition of Tens and Ones’ on the board. She will asked
students to read heading. A volunteer will be chosen to write up the Tens and
Ones column on the board.

Students will listen as teacher spell some numbers. They will state the number and
state the value of each number. For example: T-w-e-l-v-e =12= 1 tens and 2 ones.
A volunteer will go to the board and write them under the Tens and Ones column.
For example

Teacher will explain that when adding. You have to add the numbers that are under the
Ones first, then the numbers under the Tens. Other examples will be given
until students are comfortable then, they will complete the culminating activity
from off the board.

Assessment: copy and complete the activities from the board


Day 3

Students and teacher will sing song, “1, 2, 3, 4, 5” and do finger play together.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5
One, two, three, four five! Once I caught a fish alive;
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite? This little finger on my right.
Students will count and spell numerals from 0-30. Teacher will write these numerals on the
board and then ask for volunteers to write the ordinal numbers for each on the board.

Students will be asked to state what the word ‘Subtraction’ mean. They will trace the sign that
represent subtraction. Students will state synonyms for the word subtraction. (subtract,
difference, minus, take away) these will be written on the board by teacher.

Students will spell each word three times. They will spell and then return to the previous word
and spell it over again. This will continue until all words are spelt and call. Students will take out
their notebook and complete the culminating activity.

Culminating Activity:

Solve these worded problems Unscramble Us

1. Five minus five equal Sbtactur __________________

2. Twelve minus four equal usmin __________________
3. Nine minus zero equal ekta away __________________
4. Twenty minus ten equal ffrencedi __________________
5. Fourteen minus three equal


Evaluation: -

Weekly Lesson Plan

Grade: 1
Subject: Language Arts Window
Duration: 1hr x 5
Unit Title: What are the things in my home?
Term: 2 Unit 2
Topic: Sentence
Attainment Targets:
 Give and receive information
 Apply relevant decoding skills to the reading process
 Use recognizable handwriting and appropriate spelling to write for a variety of purpose.

At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
 Identify words that begin with the gr sound
 Use gr words to play appropriate games
 Spell the word comma
 Identify and write the punctuation mark comma
 State when and where the comma is used
 Put commas in sentences
 State what a verb is
 Give synonyms for verbs
 Mime actions
 Identify examples of verbs
 Identify when verbs are singular and plural
 Underline the correct action word
 Sing song about topics
 Listen and write sentences
 Write a few sentences about themselves

Key Vocabulary: comma, punctuation, mark, eat, talk, walk, ride, write, sing, play, walk, look,
climb, sentence, full, stop, period,

Skills: Speaking, identifying, writing, listening, drawing, spelling,

Resource Materials: notebook, pencil, verb chart,

Day 1

Learning Activities:

 Teacher and children sing alphabet song to begin the lesson. After which the students
made the sound of the various letters that teacher point at.
 Students observe pictures of objects that begin with the gr words.
 Students identify other things that start with the gr sound.
 Teacher writes the words on the board.
 Children were allowed to play “I spy game’ to identify some of the words on the board.
 Children play other games such as “I am in a well”.
 Student will roll die to determine what activity would be used to engage the word. For
example : make sentences, act it out , draw it among other things


 Fill in the letters on the blank to make new words that begin with the gr sound.


Day 2

Students will be asked to spell the word comma and write the punctuation mark that
represents it.


Of all the punctuation folk,

I like the comma best.
For when I'm getting out of breath
He lets me take a rest.

Students will repeat after teacher the comma poem. They will discuss the poem and recall the
usages of comma. Students will observe the date on the board and identify the location of the

Teacher will ask students to write letters of the alphabet on the board. When they are finish
teacher will ask them to go to the board and write in the commas.

Step: 3 Students will complete culminating activity from off the board.

1. I buy a pencil book and a sharpner.

2. We go to school on Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday.

3. The cows donkeys goats pigs and horses are on the farm.

4. Tom Pam, Sam and Pat are my friends.

5. Pots stoves cups plates and forks are all man-made things.


Day 3

Students and teacher will sing the “Verb Song”.


Some words tell things that you can do, and verbs are what we call them
v-e-r-b-s, v-e-r-b-s, v-e-r-b-s, and verbs are what we call them.

Students will be asked to spell the word verb and state what it means. They will be asked to
name two synonyms for the word verb and give examples of verb. A few students will be asked
to go to the front of the class and mime some actions while the rest of the class guess the verb
and spell it.

Teacher will write some verbs on the board. She will then rewrite them and add‘s’. She will ask
students what is the difference between the verbs. (s) She will ask what does it mean when
verbs have‘s’ and when it doesn’t. She will elaborate on their responses by saying, “verbs with‘s’
means one person or thing is doing the action and verbs without‘s’ means many persons or things
are doing the action.”
Teacher will point on verb on the board and ask students to identify which is singular and which
is plural. Students will take out their notebook and complete culminating activity from off the


Underline the correct action word

1. The girl (sing, sings) on the choir.

2. The boys (eat, eats) their breaks.
3. The teacher (write, writes) on the board.
4. The children (play, plays) bat and ball.
5. We (walk, walks) to school in the morning.
6. I (write, writes) in my book.
7. You (talk, talks) a lot.
8. Fourteen men (climb, climbs) the ladder.
9. Mary and Ann (play, plays) with the dolls
10. My friend (look, looks) in the mirror.


Day 4


Teacher will write the word sentence on the board. She will ask students what the word is they
will spell it three times.

Sentence Poem

Begin each sentence with a capital.

Finger space between each word.

End a sentence with a period also known as full stop.

Students will repeat after teacher the sentence poem. Students will be asked to recall what the
poem is about. They will state another name for full stop.
Each student will be asked to give a sentence orally. Students will take out their notebooks and
listen as teacher reads sentences. They will write what teacher says.

Students will write sentences about themselves.


Write five sentences about yourself

Planned Lesson for the week beginning May29, 2016

Grade: 1 Talbert

Subject: Integrated Studies

Unit Title: Things in the Home

Term: 2

Duration: 3hrs. X 5 days

Focus Question: How do I care for the things in my home and use them safely?

Attainment Target:

 Give and receive information.

 Respond critically and aesthetically to literature and other stimuli.
 Know the important features of their environment (home and school).
 Demonstrate care and use precautionary measures that limit the risk of harm to oneself, to
others and to the environment.
 Explore and know about the dynamic interactions of the physical, social and mental

 Attempt to use SJE structures to express themselves.

 Use all the senses to detect information on how to keep the body safe.
 Conduct simple surveys to determine safe/unsafe areas around.
 Identify possible reasons for safe and unsafe areas.
 Tell ways in which they can keep themselves safe at home.
Skills: discussing, reading, listing observations, writing sentences.

Materials: textbook, musical instruments

Key Vocabulary: safe, unsafe, home, danger, warnings, symbols


Day 1

Pupil will:

 Review what was taught in last week’s lesson.

 Read stories from their reader in groups.
 Learn to spell vocabulary words from the story.
 Name different items in the home.
 Discuss ways in which they take care of the different things in the home.
 State what will happen when these things are not taken care of in the home.
 Identify the things they use to take care of these things.
 Read their integrated text for information


Complete work given in their integrated text book.


Day 2

Pupil will:

 Do group reading using stories of their reader.

 Learn to spell key vocabulary words.
 Identify the word danger placed on the chalkboard.
 Brainstorm the meaning of the word danger and tell where they have seen the word.
 Identify the danger signs seen on a chart.
 Discuss what will happen if they don’t obey these symbols.
 Count the number of symbols seen and spell the number name.
 Draw the symbols in their note books.


Match the symbol with the correct words.



Day 3

Pupil will:

a) Review what was taught in the previous lesson

b) Sing the song “Jesus is my deliverer”.
c) Discuss some of the ways in which Jesus protects them from danger.
d) Name the different type of pets they have at home.
e) Tell how they take care of these pets.
f) Read their integrated text to find out the names of different animals and their young ones.
g) Draw and colour their pet.

Complete exercise given in their work book.


Day 4

Pupil will:

Complete test item given.


Subject: Language Arts Window

Unit Title: Things in the Home

Term: 2

Duration: 60 minutes X 5 days

Focus Question: How do I care for the things in my home and use them safely?

Attainment Target:

 Give and receive information.

 Know and use basic language skills and the convention of spoken and written language.
 Read for meaning, fluency and enjoyment.
 Use recognizable hand writing, appropriate spelling and vocabulary for a variety of
 Respond critically and aesthetically to literature and other stimuli.

 Attempt to use SJE structures to express themselves.

 Use rhyming words in sentences.
 Answer comprehension question.
 Use “es” or “S” at the end of words to show more than one
 Identify the short Aa sound in the middle of words.
 Make the short sound of the letter Aa..
Skills: Responding to questions, predicting outcomes, manipulating words, reading sentences,
spelling simple words, writing letters and sentences.
Materials: phonic chart, integrated text, reader, word cards, scrapbook.

Key Vocabulary: hat, mat, cat, bat, ram, Pam, bar, car…..……


Day 1

Pupils will:

 Do group reading of the story Anancy and the Apples

 Review the short sound of the vowel Aa.
 Identify words in the story with the short Aa in the middle.
 Learn to spell words in the story with the short Aa sound in the middle.
 Read answer the activity questions orally.


Students will present what they have done in their groups. Each group will be assessed by both
teacher and students.


Day 2

Pupils will:

 Read short stories from their reader.

 Learn to spell key vocabulary words.
 Answer comprehension questions about the story orally.
 Review rhyming words and identify them in short stories
 Use rhyming words in their own sentences.

Students will present what they have done in their groups. Each group will be assessed by both
teacher and students.


Day 3

Pupils will:

 Read stories from their reader.

 Answer the activity questions orally.
 Identify nouns and their plural form by adding “es”
 Learn to spell the plural of nouns.
 Use them in sentences orally


Students will present what they have done in their groups. Each group will be assessed by both
teacher and students.


Day 4

Pupils will:

 Read stories from their workbook.

 Words that have the middle Aa short sound.
 Discuss and answer questions orally
 Identify words that rhyming words.
 Change nouns in the story into its plural form.

Students will present what they have done in their groups. Each group will be assessed by both
teacher and students.


Subject: Mathematics Window

Unit Title: Things in the Home

Things in the Home

Term: 2

Grade: 1

Duration: 1hr X 5 days

Focus Question: How do I care for the things in my home and use them safely?

Attainment Target:

1) Operate with patterns as they seek to find solutions to problems.

2) Represent and interpret numerical/pictorial information.
3) Demonstrate and show awareness of time as it relates to different events.


 Use subtraction facts to solve math sentences.

 Count and learn number names from 20-50
 Write number names
 Subtract using two digit numbers
Skills: Counting, spelling, writing.

Materials: text book, counters…

Key Vocabulary: subtraction, take away, equal, numbers….


Day 1

Pupils will:

 Learn to spell number names from 30-39.

 State orally how the numerals are written.
 Identify the take away sign.
 Learn to take away using two digit numbers.
 Copy exercise in their note book.


Subtract the following.



Day 2

Pupils will:

 Count from 0-49.

 Learn to spell the number names from 40-49.
 State orally how numerals are written.
 Subtract two digit numbers given on the board.
 Learn to subtract two digit number numbers that end with zero.


Complete subtraction given.


Day 3

Pupils will:

 Count from 50-59.

 Learn to spell number names from 50-59.
 State orally how numeral are written
 Learn to subtract two digit numbers together
 Read worded problems and learn to solve them using subtraction.


Complete exercises given


Day 4

Pupils will:

(a) Count from 0-59.

(b) Learn to spell number names from 0-59.

(c) State orally how numeral are written

d) Learn to subtract two digit numbers given.


Complete exercises given



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