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Hey, so umm, I’m writing this 6 days before my first day of my 3 rd and last year of middle school, my

most important year I’m having so far, it’s going to decide my future, or part of it, anyway. So, what I
came here to talk about is what I’m planning to do in order to have this year in my hands. I really am
nervous and stressing about it, cause as you know, my last experience with the regional test didn’t go
that well, but, at least I’m not crying and wishing to just skip my way out of it not caring about the
results, this year I am caring, yes, I’m stressing over it and overthinking it but no, I do not wish to just skip
it, I did that last time and we all know how that came out. The only way out is through, and I’m really
confident that I’m going to slay this year.

Forget everything and run.

Face everything and rise.

But, as hard as I’m confident, exited, and consistent, I fear that someone will come and throw all my
dreams away like they never existed, so, to ignore that, I should come up with a plan as big and thick as
the wall that protects the country from it’s enemy, so that no matter how pretty-looking or sweet-talking
dude nor a kissing-ass girl can get through, and I’m still figuring it out.

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