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Mathematics in the Modern World

As a second courser, I am expecting that my minor subjects will be credited including

Mathematics. To my surprise, the content of the Math subjects I took 14 years ago were different
from the Math subjects today, thus cannot be credited. However, as I studied the modules
provided by our Professor Nila Castillo, I found out that the content of the syllabus of the
Mathematics in the Modern World were very interesting and challenging and I knew that after
finishing this subject, I will be more equipped and knowledgeable that could be very valuable
and beneficial to my everyday living and especially to my chosen endeavor, the Social Work.

The Introduction where the interrelation between Gender and Development and the Mathematics
in the Modern World were deliberated has a big impact to us, the learners. It led us to appreciate
the subject as to its extreme vitality to us being the aspiring social workers. The first chapter
helped us to appreciate everything that surrounds us and associate it to Mathematics – how we
see the numbers and patterns in nature. Understanding the Mathematics in our Mathematical
Language and Symbols helped us to understand the logical reasoning by using correct and
precise but concise mathematical language in our everyday living. Exploring the Problem
Solving, inductive and deductive reasoning through patterns and strategies taught us to be more
independent in decision making for our every choice we made. Mastering the Statistics or Data
Management taught us to analyze the data carefully and accurately so that we could interpret the
results eventually. Last but not the least, the Mathematics of Finance enables us to realize that we
should control borrowing money with interest and pay it on wisest time because it will grow as
time goes by.

Truly, Mathematics in the Modern World is a worthful subject that we could use in our everyday
living to be wiser, powerful, and distinct. Of course, having an approachable and coolest
professor of this subject (Ma’am Nila) is a bonus point for us to appreciate more of this subject.

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