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THE Process Journal of My Tap Dance, the criteria c of my dance class: creating and performing

I started off by listening to the song on repeat several times to get a feel of the song. I wanted to create
a tap dance routine that would be fun and energetic, which matched the upbeat and lively tone of the
song. The first step in creating my routine was to break down the 45 seconds of the song and started
thinking of moves for the dance, I then began to experiment with different tap moves and combinations,
working through several different possibilities until I found the ones that best matched the feel of the
song and the rhythm I was going for. Once I had a basic tap dance routine down, I worked to add in
elements of creativity and improvisation, including freestyle sections where I could add my own flair and
personality to the performance. This involved practicing the basic routine over and over, but also
pushing beyond that and experimenting with different flourishes and movements that would make the
dance unique and engaging. Then I had to practice the tap dance over and over and over and over to
make it good enough and presentable for the video. The tap dance would match the song and be
interesting to watch. The dance is to tap your feet lots of times then spin then repeat four times then
tap and jump two times (one on each foot) and then slide left then tap the feet lots of times and slide
right and then put the feet behind each other and then bow. That’s most of my dance. But I won’t show
all in the journal, although I might have not put clear instructions so it might look different in the video.
And some of it might change in the video MAYBE or MAYBE not.

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