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December 9th 2022

International University of Ulaanbaatar

Dear Teacher
Reference Letter
I am pleased to write a reference letter for Dovchin Damdinsuren. I have known his for the
Autumn semester of 2021-2022 academic year as he has taken the course of Economic+Finacial
that I teach. In our Economic+Financial classes, Damdinsuren displayed his active participation,
level of creativity and analytical thought, which is quite rare among the freshmen. Also, he was
showing his brilliant leadership skill, high responsibility and great respects to others.
Damdinsuren has exposed himself to be a tolerance, intelligent and thoughtful individual, taking
spirited participationin classroom discussions, assignments and activities. His grades and
submissions were excellent. Beyond his academic study, he has taken part in youth social and
voluntary campaigns such as donating blood for people suffered from anemia,cleaning garbage,
participated in many tree planting activities, cleaning and taking care after its pets.In this way,
Damdinsuren has demonstrated his leading, organizing, he is able to lead other students fluently,
social communication skills, also environmentally-friendly attitude, well-known among his
classmates, friends, and teachers.
Hence, it is my pleasure to recommend Dovchin Damdinsuren to your undergraduate program
because I sincerely believe that he is the ideal candidate for your university. Please feel free to
contact me with any additional questions regarding to Damdinsuren at 976-96539944 or Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Erdenechimeg.CH (Universitey of Financial and Economics)

Department of
School of University of Financial and Economics
International University of Ulaanbaatar

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