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Meaning of human development- According to Measure of America, human development is defined

as a process if enlarging people’s freedoms and opportunities and improving their well-being. It is about
real freedom ordinary have to decide who to be, what to do and how to live. The Human development
concept was developed by economist Dr. Mahbub ul Haq in year 1970s. 2. Four Princples of human
development and their educational implications.

PRINCIPLES EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATIONS a. Development is relatively orderly. The principle of

cephalocaudal and proximidistal tendencies helps us arrange the suitable learning experiences,
processes and environmental set-ups to help the children according to the trend and nature of these

b. While the pattern of developmental is likely to be similar, the outcomes of developmental and the
rate of development are likely to vary among individuals. The principle and knowledge of individual
differences reminds us to understand the wide individual differences the surface at all periods of growth
and development among children.

c. Development takes place gradually. The principles related to growth and development suggests a
pattern or trend for the advancement of children on development path.

d. Development as a process is complex because it is the product of biological, cognitive and

socioemotional process. This principle directs us to strive from the very beginning for the all-around
harmonious growth and development of the personalities of particular aspects at the cost of another\.

3. Patterns of Development a. The direction of growth following cephalocaudal pattern is from head to
the lower parts of the body. b. The direction of growth following the proximodistal pattern is from mid
line to the extremities or outward directon of motor development.

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