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the general tone is looking good.

The captions are missing characters a lot, I don't know why, but I'll
lest the screen captures as below:

00:02 计划没执行, missing the last character.

00:10 move the WeChat logo to 00:10 at the right hand side of this frame below.
00:11 delete the WeChat logo on the left, move the sentence "到底是什么妨碍了生产力?" to this
frame, you can put the sentence around my forehead level.

delete this line, because it is moved to 00:11 already.

00:39 would you zoom in to the blue frame area

2:18 move " (line one) 一年当中的(line two) 任何一天都是开始" across this frame:
delete this one at 2:21

at 3:21 a lot of the characters are missing in this frame:

following the previous screen shot, " Arrange: 进行沟通制定安排 “ ”Relate : 和孩子或爱人产生情感共
鸣。“ “Teach: 有意识地教孩子” no need to add period。after the sentences, just to save some space.
6:21 delete 用, that way 币 can be moved on to the first line.

6:30 switch the number "2 通过社交货币购买时间“ right here at 6:30, a little earlier than the existing

7:46, haha it is too fast. It can be slowed down a bit to make it audible.

8:16 delete two characters on the first line and move 中 up to first line. about the second line, would
you adjust the size to make it into two lines all together? just to avoid only one characters standing
alone in one line.
8:20 move 安 to the second line, and delete 。 at the end. by the way, all the 。 at the end in this
session can be deleted, including #1 above.

8:31 #3 appeared sooner than narration, would you change to #3 to 8:31.

8:37 #4 should appear at 8:37. ( It is hard to catch the right moment with a foreign language, sorry

for the changes, and really appreciate your patience )

#4 delete period, and add three words "和频率" at the end, just to make the second line fuller.

# 5 , the timing is good, would you move 远 the late character on the first line to the second line. And
for all these session, would you double check if they are all aligned to the left? I realized there's a
space at the beginning of second line sometimes.
#6 move the second line a little and delete period.

#7 moves to 9:32 to go with the narration.

#7 move the last two characters to the second line, so there will be 4 characters on each line.
9:53 timing is good, just need to move the last character to the second line.

about #9, I have a feeling it is the font that make 关 look like the 4th character in the first one. would
you change the all sentences as : line one 9 闭门工作 line two 或带上耳机
#10 move the last character from line 1 to line 2 and adjust the first characters of both lines to be on
the same vertical line.

13:18 would you move the four bullet points to the center and make them larger? on number 4 the
行 is missing, it is supposed to be the last character.

Above are the editing adjustments, mostly are related to the characters and the timing with the
narration. Really appreciate your patience. Thank you very much!

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