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Ink is to Blood

The pen is powerful. Although not as mighty as the sword, it changes narratives and
stories. A challenge for the youth is to be a catalyst for change, especially in this 21st century
time wherein social media is rampant and the youth are tech-savvy. A challenge for campus
journalists is to be a weapon from the ails of society. The accuracy and credibility that we
project could be of use against misinformation. Campus journalists should become warriors of
truth in society. Utilizing their pens to fight against very looming societal issues and the
proliferation of fake news.

During Martial Law, campus papers are held as the alternative media or press.
Publication from universities and schools stood up. Youth engagement should extend, not only
to academe issues, but also to societal concerns such as inflation. We should not limit ourselves
and extend to the locality. The power of campus journalists is also a bit equal to professional
journalists since the presence of platforms and pens is available. Campus journalists have the
potential to shape the youth's perspective on important topics in society, by spreading
awareness and providing a platform for constructive dialogue.

There is no reason to be limited on what to express. Campus journalists have the power
to become agents of change, and as a result, have the ability to influence society on a much
larger scale. Furthermore, campus journalists provide an invaluable platform for student voices
to be heard, something that can often be overlooked by mainstream media. Campus journalists
can help make a difference by bringing issues to the forefront and providing an opportunity for
students to create positive social change.

Ink is to blood as it paints the thoughts, feelings and experiences of the journalist onto
the paper as one inherently seek solutions for the ails of society. Through the power of their
platforms and pens, campus journalists can bring attention to overlooked topics, provide a
platform for meaningful discourse, and use their influence to inspire positive change. Campus
journalists, with their platforms and pens, can use their power to become true agents of social

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