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Voice of the Voiceless

Campus Journalism has played a vital role in raising awareness to students.

It brings the truth into the light and allows writers to express their opinions about
certain matters. It develops the critical thinking of students which is an important
skill outside the walls of the classroom.

Journalism has a massive influence to people. People are searching for facts
every day and Journalism delivers facts. Campus Journalism provides the latest
information that can be helpful for the students and the community.

Hence, Campus Journalism is a good training ground for a better society.

It promotes truthfulness and trains students to bravely speak up. It models

the real world where people openly discuss ideas, debate and eye the problems that
need to be addressed. Journalism is not just about writing, rather, it is about
reaching out to people through words. Journalism is a ray of sincerity that is
expected to always be honest in the information they publish.

Oftentimes, people are silenced in favor to those who have more power over
them. The society is choked up with lies and bribery. This is why we journalists do
our best to be the voice of the voiceless.

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