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Problem Solving thru Case Analysis

I. Problem sets

Note: Consider the concepts that we talked about in General Chemistry II in

giving answers to the question below.

1. Showers, also known as rain showers, have a shorter duration than rain. They tend
to be quick and come in bursts. It is a common observation that when the sun comes
out immediately after a rain shower, the puddles formed from the rain dries up faster
than if it remains cloudy. Explain, on the molecular level, as to why this occurs.

2. The Earth is rhetorically called the world of water. This is because 70 to 71% of the
Earth surface is occupied with water. Our country the Philippines is surrounded with
multiple bodies of water, then why is that despite of this, one of leading problem or
crisis that the most communities are facing is water shortage, how can this be
possible knowing that there is an abundance of water that surrounds our islands.
What is the root of this? And What proposition would you suggest in alleviating
suffering from this crisis?

3. By generations Filipinos prefer to use muriatic acid (HCl) to clean their toilet bowls,
this is because by their observation it is said to be that muriatic acid exhibits stronger
action than those of the new ones. Do you agree to this observation? Why and Why

4. Maria Christina Falls is a Plantita she makes sure that all her plants are well
hydrated. One hot afternoon Christina noticed that one of her plants seems so dry
and needs to be hydrated, so she decided to water that plant. However, later that
she has noticed that the leaves of the plant she watered was wilted, and the plant
eventually died. Now, what do you think is the cause of the plant death. Look closely
in molecular level to identify and explain the reasons as to why it happens to
Christina’s plant.

5. Natural way of food preservation has been part of the Filipino cuisine and food
culture, this enables Filipino families to store food for future consumption and for
“flavor enhancement”. However, since these preservation methods are done
naturally (without preservative) the tendency of food spoilage is very high, and this
has been a big concern in Natural Food Preservation. Now as a Filipino student,
what proposition would you suggest in fixing this concern? And Which concept in
General Chemistry II can be best applied to understand this phenomenon?

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