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What are your thoughts about the following statements?

1. "Living with policy differences is essential to politics, but policy differences need
not involve personal attacks that poison the process of government and punish
participants. All of us should banish hateful communications and practice civility
for differences of opinion. We should love all people, be good listeners, and
show concern for their sincere beliefs. Though we may disagree, we should not
be disagreeable. Our stands and communications on controversial topics should
not be contentious. We should be wise in explaining our influence. When our
positions do not prevail, we should accept unfavorable results graciously and
practice civility." [Dallin H. Oaks]

- Diverse policy is important to politics; however, these laws should not be

against someone’s right. For us to become civil, we should talk less and listen
more. Do not force others to believe as what we believe in. We should always
consider how others perceive things, and accept that our drive will not always
be satisfactory.

2. "Civility is the root of the word civilization. It carries with it the essence of
courtesy, politeness, and consideration of others. How very much of it we have
lost in our contemporary society! All of the education and accomplishments in
the world will not count for much unless they are accompanied by marks of
gentility, of respect for others." [ G.B. Hinckley]

- Civility is defined as “politeness and courtesy in behavior or speech.” To be

civil means that speech and behavior is polite, courteous, gentle and
measured. The definition itself teaches us the consequences of incivility:
when we are uncivil, we become harsh, unmerciful, uncaring, poorly
performing citizens who, inevitably, will engage in disorderly behavior. We do
not need to look far to see this occurring all around us—road rage, physical
altercations, physical attacks, verbal and physical abuse, are everywhere
evident. Education is useless if manners are not retained.

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