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Coping Mechanisms of STEM Students with Academic Stress 1

Coping Mechanisms of STEM Students with Academic Stress


Students pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are

frequently subjected to high levels of academic stress because STEM education is known for its

demanding and tough coursework. Students' mental and physical health, academic performance,

and motivation may all suffer as a result of academic stress. Given the frequency of academic

stress and its detrimental effects on STEM students, it is crucial to comprehend how students

handle it and the best coping mechanisms. Educators and students can develop more effective

techniques to manage academic stress and build resilience by understanding coping mechanisms.

The goal of this research is to examine and assess the coping techniques utilized by STEM

students to manage academic stress. The paper will also look at how personality qualities, social

support, and cultural background influence the usage and effectiveness of coping methods. The

efficiency of the coping techniques used by STEM students to manage academic stress varies

and is impacted by individual and contextual factors. STEM educators and students can build

techniques to reduce academic stress and promote well-being by identifying effective coping

mechanisms and addressing individual and environmental issues.

Coping Mechanisms of STEM Students with Academic Stress 2


Academic stress refers to the psychological and physiological responses that people have

when they believe their ability to cope with academic responsibilities is inadequate. Academic

stress in STEM education can result from a multitude of variables, including a heavy workload,

academic pressure, grade competition, and the complexity of the curriculum. Due to the hard

nature of their curriculum, the competitive setting, and the pressure to perform in their careers,

STEM students may face academic stress. This stress can lead to a variety of negative outcomes,

including poor academic performance, physical and mental health issues, and diminished

motivation and participation in learning. Individuals utilize coping skills to manage stress and

maintain their physical and mental well-being. Problem-solving, seeking social support, time

management, relaxation techniques, exercise, and mindfulness are all common coping tactics for

academic stress.

The efficiency of these coping methods varies according to the individual, the type of stressor,

and the situation in which they occur. Several factors can influence the use and efficiency of

academic stress coping methods. Personality attributes, social support, cultural background, and

the nature of the stressor are examples of these. Personal qualities such as optimism, resilience,

and coping style can all have an impact on how effective coping tactics are. The efficiency of

coping techniques in handling academic stress can also be influenced by social support from

peers, family, or counseling services. Cultural background can also influence the type and
Coping Mechanisms of STEM Students with Academic Stress 3

efficiency of coping methods utilized. Some cultures, for example, may place a greater focus on

seeking social assistance, while others may prioritize solo coping mechanisms. The type of

stressor can also influence the effectiveness of coping mechanisms, as some stressors may be

more susceptible to problem-solving procedures than others. Overall, it is critical to consider

these aspects when developing treatments to encourage appropriate coping mechanisms among

STEM students.


The efficiency of coping techniques in handling academic stress can also be influenced by

social support from peers, family, or counseling services. Cultural background can also influence

the type and efficiency of coping methods utilized. Some cultures, for example, may place a

greater focus on seeking social assistance, while others may prioritize solo coping mechanisms.

The type of stressor can also influence the effectiveness of coping mechanisms, as some stressors

may be more susceptible to problem-solving procedures than others. Overall, it is critical to

consider these aspects when developing treatments to encourage appropriate coping mechanisms

among STEM students. The efficiency of coping techniques in handling academic stress can also

be influenced by social support from peers, family, or counseling services. Cultural background

can also influence the type and efficiency of coping methods utilized. Some cultures, for

example, may place a greater focus on seeking social assistance, while others may prioritize solo
Coping Mechanisms of STEM Students with Academic Stress 4

coping mechanisms. The type of stressor can also influence the effectiveness of coping

mechanisms, as some stressors may be more susceptible to problem-solving procedures than

others. Overall, it is critical to consider these aspects when developing treatments to encourage

appropriate coping mechanisms among STEM students. Finally, it is recommended that STEM

educators and students continue to prioritize the development and promotion of effective coping

mechanisms to manage academic stress and promote long-term success and well-being.

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