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Title: coping mechanisms of STEM Students during the transitional

The majority of students encountered and continue to encounter novel challenges and tasks during
the transitional period. As they deal with these academic performances, timetables, and the new normal
in society, they managed to have more strategies. Their states of life may suffer as a result, including
stress from the numerous tasks that must be completed. As a solution, this may fall under the category
of various coping strategies.

Survival techniques are systems that people normally use when confronted with testing feelings or
conditions. With the assistance of coping strategies, individuals can respond to challenging
circumstances while preserving their emotional well-being. Students can also benefit from coping
strategies that encourage them to show up more frequently, participate more actively, and persevere in
the face of difficulties or failure. They also give them tougher, more resilient versions of themselves who
are better able to learn. Academic coping strategies help STEM students succeed academically by
addressing aspects of educational coping strategies like approach, avoidance, and social support.

The purpose of this study was to assess STEM students' understanding of stress and coping mechanisms.
In addition, it is a way to break the stigma and increase spiritual awareness, statistics could even describe
higher rates of suicide and depression from an academic perspective. Moreover, continued research
could be a means to design academic strategies using less financial resources, train students to work
smarter, not harder, and even involve parents in the educational process by raising this issue.

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