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Development Psych

1. In what way do the following agents influence the development of Gender Roles? (use
your own words)

      A. Family
- There is an emphasis on the paternal primary earner role for males in the
traditional Filipino family structure, with fathers taking on the primary
responsibility of providing for their family. Moreover, women are traditionally
the ones who take care of household duties like cooking, cleaning, and taking
care of their husbands and children. In this sense, I see how societal norms
regarding gender roles vary depending on the family environment. But again,
Filipinos tend to follow these standards because they are what men and
women are usually expected to do.

      B. Peer
- Gender norms and expectations are often formed in the context of social
groups, particularly among adolescents. Since interests can spread over
time, those we choose to hang out with or whom we assume share our
interests have a massive effect on us. And this varies according to the kind of
circle we belong to. As time goes by, we hear a diverse range of perspectives
on gender roles, and whether or not we let those perspectives shape how we
see gender roles, our peers are still a major source of influence. 

      C. Culture
- Culture can have an impact on how we perceive our roles in society. The old
culture of men providing for their families and women being expected to stay
at home has been destroyed in this era. Genders in today's generation can
do things that previous generations expected only in a specific gender role.
The emphasis on gender equality has been addressed, and as a result, our
world has gradually become less susceptible to gender inequality. We can't
deny that culture has had an impact on our gender roles because we've all
come to question our roles in our society. It has made us realize that these
norms should not be normalized to the point where we disregard the abilities
of people of different genders simply because we believe those roles are not
meant for them.
2. In your own perception, what type of parenting styles did your parents used in raising
you and your siblings?
- In my opinion, our parents used authoritative parenting. They set rules,
limitations, and consequences. They do, however, give us our personal
time and do not interfere with what makes us happy. They may be too strict
at times. But even so, I suppose this is the main reason we have parents:
to have someone to guide us through existence. Despite their strictness,
they maintained a healthy relationship with us and respected our feelings.
We may be too much at times, but they never fail to teach us a lesson.

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