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Iamandi Marina Camelia

Teens lead very stressful lives

All of us were, are or will be teens in a stage of our lives, right?

Then why do many older generations forget how difficult teenagers lives actually are, choose to ignore
their cry for help or just do not understand the struggles? I don’t know, but what I know for sure because I
am a teenager myself, is that teens are stressed out beings.

The title of my talk is ,, Teens lead very stressful lives ”.

As we already know stress is the body’s reaction to emotional or physical tension. Stress can be healthy
and beneficial, but most teens struggle with an unhealthy amount of stress or even anxiety and depression
that impacts their daily lives in a very bad way, this causing a variety of health, social, academic and
emotional problems.

School is one of the most common reasons teens feel stressed about. They are scared of failing, scared of
being made fun of, not having enough time for finishing all the work, not having enough free time. The
lack of free time makes us overthink that we may waste our youth years not enjoying them as much as we

Everyone fights their own battle everyday, so stress can be triggered by a large variety of reasons, this
depending on the person. Some examples may also be traumatic experiences, family problems or future

My main anxiety and stress motive is also based on school and the expectations that everyone may have
from us, then comes my social life and then insecurities that I have about myself.

I’ve heard a lot of adults saying that at my age I am carefree and experiencing the easiest time of my life,
which is not true at all. Of course being an adult is way harder than being a teenager, but that does not
mean we are living a neglectful life. We also have responsibilities and feel stressed about them. We also
have our own personal lives that are not always going perfectly fine.

A teenager is basically a scared soon-to-be adult. And even if adolescence is one of the most beautiful
times of our lives, it is also a very confusing and tough phase because we are still trying to figure
ourselves out everyday and sometimes, we fail.

Stress can be minimized by seeing a therapist, if needed, meditating, spending time with your family and
friends, doing things that you love and talking to someone about how you feel.

What I want to be remembered from my talk is that we, as teenagers, should be understood and supported
more by the adults near us, because they are the only ones that can really give us the help we need.
Treating our problems as jokes will only make us feel more misunderstood and lonely, which won’t help
us at all.

In conclusion, teens lead very stressful lives and need help.

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