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SNOWBALL Snowball is a white rabbit who plays superheroes every morning with all the
stuffed animals who are dressed as superheroes like him and talk on his tea table, he looks at
the street, pretending he can fly. He is willing to help his friends, and he is also exercising with
something very small, snwall is chatting with one of his friends who is a cat named Chole.

Nombre (……….)

BUDDY The puppy wants to be like a cat, the cat teaches him to play, jump and fall on his paws,
the puppy climbs on the table and knocks over the coffee, and finally, the cat teaches him the
food smell of what cats eat, the puppy eats it, the cat tells him not to do that.

MAX The scene I liked the most was the one with the hamster running in its cage, it was too
funny. The character that I liked is max (the dog). what I could see was that it helps the white
rabbit who are kind of, superheroes, risking doing very dangerous things

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