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After Reading: Character Analysis (Triadic Activity)

1. Draw a table with three columns: characters (include animals), positive traits, and
negative traits.
2. Fill-out the table.
3. Groups’ outputs are posted on the board/screen for comparison.
4. Students discuss the comparison of the outputs.
5. What are common among the mothers: Nana Elang and the bitch? Is Nana Elang a
good mother?
- There is only one common traits between the two they are both Mother’s Nana
Elang and the bitch, but they have a different roles to perform in life. Nana Elang
might be a good mother in the story because she perform his duties as a mother
to the two brothers, but when it comes to the abusive Father, Nana Elang can’t do
something when the Father is hurting the two brothers and her. I think Nana
Elang is so scared and terrified to protect herself and his child because she didn’t
what might happen if she interfered with his husband.
6. Do you like Tang Ciako’s treatment to his wife and children? Is there any remedy to
his rudeness?
- No one’s gonna like that kind of treatment in your wife and children. I think Tang
Ciaco is always mad because of their poverty. He always blame his wife for the
kind of life they had and saying she’s a prostitute.
7. Is he a father worthy of emulation? How did you say that?
- That kind of Father is a trash, for me the kind of Father that I want to look up is
he can do all the responsibility and fulfil his role as a Father and protect his
Family no matter what happen to him. As a man in the house or a Father and a
good husband, for me he’s not a good example for all the man and Father’s out
8. Who is to blame in the fight of the brothers? Why?
- For me they are both to be blame in that situation where they fight, Baldo was
the older than her brother Ambo, Baldo was suppose to guide his little brother
and not call him a fool, Ambo as the youngest brother he should always follow
his older but he didn’t. The way the brothers talk to each other is so rude.
9. What do you think will be the future of the boys?
-I think they would be good and a succesfull person in the future if they parents
showing them a good perspectives in life even if they had a poverty life. But the

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two brother’s saw and experiencing the abuse and brutality of their own Father. If
youre gonna ask me I can’t say what might happen in the two brothers in the

Themes and Symbols:

1. What realities of life do you see in the following: Physical fight of the brothers The
mother like Nana Elang The reconciliation of the brothers Tang Ciako’s rudeness
- From what I can see, this are true events in life especially in Families problems.
A Father hurting his wife and child. The brothers in the story are fighting over the
puppy but in the end they care for each other like in real life we care so much in
our family more than else.
2. What do the following symbolize? Give their meanings. The sun at the beginning and
end of the story The black-spotted puppy The eating of banana with its skin The single
bamboo pole that served as the railing.
- The sun at the beginning and end of the story what it means is the had rise
again in the morning and starts a new day. The black-spotted puppy has have a
different color because of it’s uniqueness that’s the reason of why the brothers
are fighting about. The eating of banana with its skin means in the story of why
Ambo eat it without removing the skin is he disobey Baldo. The single bamboo
pole that served as the railing, it means that it’s like a wall made of bamboos that
supports something.

Visual Appeal:
1. Read from the text the parts that give you an image of their poor house and
- The boy descended the ladder, leaning heavily on the single bamboo railing that
served as a banister. He sat on the lowest step of the ladder, yawning and rubbing
his eyes one after the other.
2. What is your interpretation of the image?
-It’s like they living in a simple place, they just had a House made of bamboos or
woods something like that. I felt pity for the family and for the two brothers,
because if youre gonna ask me I want to help the family for some reason, not just
in the life that they have.

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Emotional Appeal:
1. Read the parts that stir your emotion.
- “You are a prostitute,” he would roar at his wife, and as he beat his children, he
would shout, “I will kill you both, you bastards.”
2. Do you like them or not? Why?
-No one’s gonna like if you read this part of the story. The Father beat his wife and
his children and say that they will kill him both. My emotions got stir up and full
of anger when I read this one. I would happy to see if the father died in the story.

Literary Approach (Feminism):

1. Comment on Tang Ciako’s treatment of Nana Elang.
- His so abusive to his wife, he didn’t treat her right. Tang Ciako must be the one
who got beat up
2. Is the bitch a good mother to her puppies?
- I don’t think so, if youre gonna base this in a normal situation. The bitch always
leave her puppies around. But like the story said, bitch seem’s she didn’t care
that she has lost one of her puppies, just like nothing happen when she came

3. If you were the author will you treat Nana Elang the same?
- No, for me Nana Elang is pitiful to look at the story. Who would gonna treat her
bad and beat like that, just like Tang Ciaco did.

(New Historicism/Cultural Studies):

1. The author, Manuel E. Arguilla, spent his childhood in Nagrebcan, Bauang, La Union,
his birthplace. This was a peaceful place he immortalized in his stories. Enumerate the
cultures of the place that you have seen in the story.
- From what I see the family uses some coals and clay stoves to cook their food.
They live a simple and a normal life in a forest or a farm something like that.
2. Do you think these are the same at present?

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- I think yes, I already experience living in the mountains because I have relatives
living the same way that the story said, we are so far in the city and we use some
traditional ways or tool how can we find food and to gather and collect fresh
water in the Well.
3. Are there words or things in the story which are scarce or not present anymore?
- I think they both have and don’t, here in our present time we use now an
innovative things that can benefit and help our life to make it easier nowadays.
But not all the people living in our world can afford and have this things and we
have our own different lifestyles.

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