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There are two prevailing theories about how humans first came to the Americas.

The first is that

the first Americans crossed a land bridge between Asia and Alaska while hunting big game and
thus came to America. In the second theory, the first Americans sailed to America; this is
supported by settlements on the coast that predated the first discovered tools with wear and
tear indicative of big game hunting. I believe the second theory is accurate simply because it
gives evidence of a civilization that predated the big game hunting of a society that hunted large

2. The Mesoamerican civilizations possessed a wide variety of similarities: they planted similar
crops of corn or maize, used dogs as a source of food, practiced blood sacrifice, and had gods
that possessed male and female traits. However, there were a variety of differences between
these civilizations as well. For instance, the Mayans were located in a mountainous area and
had a unique system of bridges and roads that allowed them to deliver messages and run a
highly centralized empire. The Aztec empire used the rivers around them to irrigate their own
city. Lastly, the Mayans had a fairly primitive system of farming but were located on major trade
routes allowing them to develop a complex system of mathematics. Now finally there were the
north American indians.

The native Americans of North America were far less concentrated in any single place than the
Mesoamericans. Their population was smaller and as a result, they lacked many of the complex
social hierarchies that were common in the civilizations in Mexico. While natives in north
America practiced agriculture hunting and gathering often still was practiced.

3. The three sisters' method of farming gave many natives a reliable source of food that helped
their populations to grow. This allowed the Americans to focus their energy on tasks other than
growing food. As a result the groups often would establish complex social hierarchies and make
technological advancements in fields such as astronomy and mathematics. These civilizations
also achieved many archeological feats a created many great works such as the Aztec city of
Tenochtitlan which rivaled European cities in size.

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