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Language Proficiency

Noun - is a name.

 Types of noun

1. Common noun- names of things like pencil, cats, dogs, etc.

2. Proper noun- names of people,places,organization ,etc.
3. Concrete noun- names that can be touch
4. Abstract noun- cannot be touched such as, feelings, words,
5. Countable nouns- refers to things that you can count. It can be
singular or plural.
6. Uncountable nouns- refers to things you cannot count.
7. Compound noun- are combination of nouns.
Ex. Time machine, cat food, rice cooker.

Pronouns - are short words we swap for noun to make

our speech faster and more varied.

 Personal pronouns - Refers to specific individual and

groups. (I/me, she/her, he/him, they/ them, we/us,you)
 Antecedent - is the noun that is replaced by pronoun.
 Demonstrative pronouns-
1. This- refers to a singular subject nearby
2. These- refers to a plural subject nearby
3. That- is used for singular items that are far away.
4. Those-refers to plural objects that are far away.
 Indefinite pronouns- used to refer to person or things that
do not necessarily needs to be identified.
(one,other,somebody,nobody,everybody, no one)

 Reflexive pronouns- end with -self or selves

Ex. Myself, yourself,himself…

- Use when both subject and verb of the sentence

refers to the same person or thing.
 Possessive pronouns- show possession.
Ex. My, Yours, Our,Their,His,Her,Mine.

 Interrogative pronoun- are used in questions

(Whom,What,Which and Whose)

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