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Page No.

Dethi Techaslagical Inimnity

Vision :
DTU }a be adading Weld Class Technalogical Uhivesty playing dte
mide in Notinal and Global Knaulede Ntwk
thus empeuing India wth the Wlings o Knsuledge and

1.Be a wsld clas Camtne o educaliom. MSeANeh and innealiena in
Srinee and Technalogy auna, Jpcu mutangsomlessnss
cdge tacknelagie for
oduaian deliey ondoston an snwionnend of
inta. ond dscknslay'
wntegatin s ign nginming and xapid pxatotgping
Emenge Centne the best mind both datienally ond
internalimally Jiom
ampend, duign wiantd Enginwn and Scianlita capabe iplang
6Med thenud Jas engnuxd ond sciaslsta at all lvelaa tostinnyt

and teachen ded bnsulerge entexpsise.

Teacher's Signature

Expt. No. Page No.

Eluctical Enginuing Dapaimant

Visiom i

the best academie Inatdutiens inceuntuy ond abaad.

Miaion :
ot abusastacademie
condie widhpagpesing derhealagjus
envinxMent andinnawainA
and puskesienal nUSay
2 Te simgont qualdy Eltrisal Enginuesing educatim to fastee entoxpising

ottiudes ameng tudnda

3. Te cH2ste state -the- axt kacildissou ReD wok.
4. To cHeate synangtic Tnaustiy -Insttit uintenjoez.

Teacher's Signature

Expt. No. Page No.

Elactrical Enginsing Depatmunl

P'rsgam Outomes (po's)
O ENGIE NEERING KNOWL EbE. Am ability to opaly thu knakdge mathenalics,
Acienca, engineing kundamendas and enginxing prinuole to the.
salsten ampla inginsing przblam ' Ehual Engineing
D2. PROBLEM ANALYSIS Am ablity to saie LANh texA, an
osnsulate, and analygecmpx psabensin aucal Enginuxung
mathenatics.atuual iances and engunwing siences
03 DE SIGHN 0DENELOPMENTOESOUTIONS An abidy to duiqn system tamanants
G pHLRCRAALL that mest the spciked muds th appuapiate considoxatin
lon the publie health and nty nd culusalristal and
eiKnmental considaatieni
04.cONDUCT INVEST|aATIONS Of cOMPLEX PRoBL EMS: An abiy do use ecach basd
knsuedge. and wanch mheds ncudng dign inpinunta, DaaliA
and utagtaon dat and upihuia ingnalan a, zod
walid conelins
D5._ MoDERN TOOL USAGHEs : An obility to cxuat.sko andayopupsiate

unaatanding thi imiacn

Teacher's Signature.

Expt. No. Page No.

laal and ultunal

D9. ENVI RONMENT AND SU STAIN ABILITY: An abuldy to undutand tha inpact f
the pukssonal engining doltin in socistal and ennisennental cantext.

o1. INDIVIDUAL AND TEAM HORK: Ar abliy to kuneliem stealiely o on indal

ord a memb o daden in divenui deank and in mulidesiplinany silungl
D.cOMMuNICATIONS An abty to cemmuncate

daumantatn make electine ousutam gi an ie cdeas

PROTECT MANAGE MENT AND FINANCE : Am abelty to demenstate kaludae and

pejct and in mullidisupinay snwnminta

2 UFE LONG (EARNINGa: An abiy do weeegnige henud at, and han the pupasoln

Teacher's Signature

Expt. No. Page No.

Elacbucol Enginng epauiiel

BxsgHrn Educatimal liectuves (PEo2)
To pRduceGaduate Elclical EnginwA Laho hae ih nsauy knmalhdge.

Communication and In<ormaliom Techneey toH. and ohe uctoa

the ecenemy at madiona and inteHNAlnal. Jevel.



wltue soila and ehvinmental msinenaiEns.

Teacher's Signature

Expt. No. Page No.

moduxn tnjinating Qnd IL tooh sncbucng simulam snd moduing


murabex and deadhe ina toam to manage aject and in

multiditdplinauy ensixoNmut

Teacher's Signature

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