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(Meaning, definitions, nature, scope, objectives and importance)
1.11. Meaning of Educational Technology
The word education has been derived from the Latin word 'educare'
means 'to train', 'to instruct', to raise; 'to put in' means educate the
child. And another word 'educere' means 'to draw out', 'to lead' ,
to bring forth ' implies drawing our what is there inside the child ..
The word 'Technology' has been taken from the Greek word (tech-
niques) which means an art and which is related with skill and dexterity.
The term 'technology' implies the application of science to art. The
concept of technology has developed during the last few years. It is a
new area in the discipline of education.
Educational technology is comprised of two words education and
technology. When we apply the science of learning and communication
in teaching, we evolve a technology. There are three major factors that
emphasize the linking of education with technology.
(i) Explosion of population.
(ii) Explosion of new knowledge.
(iii) Explosion of scientific and technological development.
Educational Technology is concerned with the development, appli-
cation, and evaluation of system, techniques and aids to improve the
process of human learning. It could be conceived as a science of tech-
niques, methods and media by which educational goals could be real-
ized. Generally the term "Technology" denotes the systematic applica-
tion of the knowledge of science to practical tasks in industry. Hence,
"~ucational Technology" may be roughly defined as the systematic ap- .
plication of the knowledge of sciences to practical tasks in Education.
Educational Technology is a communication process resulting from
the adaptation of the scientific method to the behavioral science of teach-
~ng/learning. It ~s wid~ly ac~eptecl as the appli cation of system approach
m the_ system~t1c des1~n of- a learning system to bring about improve-
ment rn teachrng-learmng evaluation process.
. 1·t \f bu t a means to
It is not an end m m pl ish so m e ed uc at io
·.se · ac co na l
. t' es alrd . . d an d cl ea . d I
rly de fm e . t
an d in strul' lio nal o b~e
c ,v ' . eady . .etet m.m e
tries to m ake th e wh ole ce ss m or e an d m or e m
te ac hm g- \em nm~ p1_0 ea n-
in gf u\ fo r both th e te ac
he rs and th e leat ne ts.
' be h . f
It modifies teacher 's method O f t hi ng and le ar ne r s av1or or
. be t eac f' th e m an ki nd .
thetr .,_,wn ttennen · and for the betterment o It is no t th e
same th ing as instiuction . · bu t an ag gr es siv e in
or educatton or 1ea rn in g. ve n-
tion which includes in itself . . .
ev erything that helps m
sh ap in g pe rs on al ity .
Earlier the Co nc ep t of Ed
ucational Te ch no lo gy
onym to audi o- visual aid w as us ed as a sy n-
s lik e pi ct ur es , ch ar ts, m
fo r direct teach in g-lea ap s, a~ d mod_els m ea nt
rning. With th e ad ve nt
electronic re volutio n th of ph ys ic al sc ie nc e ~n
er e ca m e an er a of ha rd d
projectors. tape-rec orde w ar e an d so ftw ar e hk e
rs , radio an d T.V. et c.
Then ca me the ag e of m
ass m ed ia wh ic h le d to
cation revolu ti on fo r in m as si ve co m m un i-
structional pu rp os es wi
grammed instruc tion an th th e ad ve nt of pr o-
d pr og ra m m ed le ar ni ng
education al tec hnology ca , a ne w di m en si on of
m e into ex ist en ce it ha s
cess of education and in in di vi du al iz ed th e pr o-
tro du ce d a sy ste m of se
of self- instructional lf- le ar ni ng in th e fo rm
mate rial and te ac hi ng m
ac hi ne .
Th e concept of pr og ra m
m ed le ar ni ng ad de d an
the meaning of ed uc ot he r di m en si on s to
ational technology wh en
approaches such as Micr so m e ne w de vi ce s an
o-teaching. d
In ot he r wo rd s we can
se e on e as pe ct of Ed uc
re lated to the use of sp at io na l Te ch no lo gy
ecific techniques su ch as
ra dio , progra m med learn 'ed uc at io na l te le vi sio n,
ing and ot he r au di o- vi su
al ai ds .
In an ot he r as pect, Ed uc
at io n Te ch no lo gy is se
of sc ie ntific an d othe en as th e ap pl ic at io n
r or ga ni ze d kn ow le dg e
of educatio n. to th e pr ac tic al pr ob le
Ed uc at io nal tec h no lo gy
is se en both as a m ea ns
ef fe ct and fac ilita te be as we ll as se rv ic e to
tte r an d m ore pr od uc tiv
ma y be defi ne d as a se e le ar ni ng sy st em s. lt
pa ra te fi e ld in th e th eo
with th e de ve lo pment an ry of ed uc at io n de al in
d ap pl ic at io n of th e use g
of ed uc at io na l re so ur ce
Educ ational Te ch no lo gy s.
sh ou ld no t be co nf us ed
in str uc tio n or ed uc at io n w ith te ac hi ng or
or lea rn in g or en gi ne er
as a su m total of all su in g bu t it sh ou ld be ta ke
ch as pe ct s wh ic h go a n
pe rs on al ity of th e le ar ne lo ng wa y in sh ap in g th
r in a m ea ni ng fu l co nt e
ex t.

. ·ther technology in education nor technology of education but
educational It 1s ne1 . . . .
all pervasi ve which pervades the whole teachmg-leammg pro-
, defined. It both an d . .
make it meanm gful for the teacher who teaches and the learner
:noremean- cess t\o rns and modifies his behavior for his own betterment and the
who ea .
betterment of mankind.
ehavior for
BY the above, educational technology has three major meanings.
It is not the
ssive inven- In the first view, educational technology or hardware technology
:rsonality. fers to the application of physical science and engineering to provide
re hanical tools. instrumentation or hardware, which can used for in-
:d as a syn- mec
)dels meant srructional purpose.
,cience and In the second view, educational technology or software technology
>ftware like refers to the application of scientific principles to the instruction ie.
Preservation, transmission and advancement of know ledge
~ communi- In the third view. educational technology or system approach re-
·ent of pro- fers as education as system in which both ET-1 and ET-2 operates
mension of means machines ,materials , media, men methods are inter related for
zed thepro- the achievement of specific educational objectives
in the form 1.12. Definitions of Educational Technology
G.O. Leith
mensions to
"Educational Technology is the application of scientific knowledge
devices and
and learning and the conditions of learning to improve the effectiveness
and efficiency of teaching and training."
Robert A. Cox
al television,
"Educational Technology is the application of scientific process to
application man's learning conditions."
al problems John P. Dececco
"Educational Technology is the form of detailed application of psy-
s service to chology of learning to practical teaching problems"
systems. lt E.E.Hadden
on dealing
"Educational Technology is that branch of educational theory and
. resources.
practice concerned primarily with the design and use of messages which
~aching or control th· e 1earnmg
· process."
ld be taken Richmond
1aping the '
. "Educational Technology is concerned to provide appropriately de-
signed learn· · · .
'l' . mg s1tuat1ons which, holding in view of obiectives of t!1~
1eachmg of T . . . J
ram mg, bemg to bear the best means of instruction."

s.s.Kulkarni, . d fi d as the app lica tion of the
·'Educational Tee l1no1~ gy may. be f esci
as rece enc e and tec hno log y to t he
law s as we11 nt d1s cov ene s o
process of edu cati.on. "
S.K . Mitra,
• d as a sci enc e of tech-
''Ed uca tional ,,-,iec hno 1ogy can be . con cet ve
niques and methods by which educationa .Jd be rea lize d." .
l goa1s cou
D.E.S. Working Par ty (U.K.),
. .
"Educational Technology ts . d t app hca t10 n and eva lu-
the eve1opm en ' . ,,
ation of systems, techniGues and aids in
the field of hum an lea mm g.
Robert M. Ga nge
"He defined Educational Technology as
"Th e De vel opm ent of ass et
of systematic techniques and acc om pan
yin g prac_tical kno wle d~e for
designing, testing and operating school
s as edu cat ion al sys tem s.
D. Unwin:
'' Edu cational technology is concerned wit
h the app lica tion of mo d-
em skills and techniques to requirements
of edu cat ion and trai nin g. This
incl udes the facilitation of learning by ma
nip ula tion of me dia and me th-
ods, and the control of environment in so
far as this refl ect s on lea rni ng
l.K . Davies:
"Ed ucational technology is concerned
with the pro ble ms of edu ca-
ti on and trai njng context and it is charac
terized by the dis cip line d and
systematic approach to the organization
of resources for lea rni ng
J.R. Gases :
"Educa tional technology has to be see
n as par t of a per sist ent and
complex End eavour of bringing pupils,
teachers and tec hni cal me ans
together in an effective way
US President Commission of Enquiry:
:·E~ ucational _technology ma y be def
ine d as a sys tem atic wa y of
des 1g.nm~, carrymg_out and eva lua ting
a total pro ces s of tea chi ng and
!ea rnm g rn tern:1s of specifi c obj ect ive
s based on find ing s fro m res ear ch
m human Jearmn g and com mu nic atio n
1.13. Characteristics of Educational
1. It is bas ed on scientific and tec hno log
ica l adv anc em ent s.
2. It is mo re a practical dis cip line and less
a the ore tica l one .

It is a fast grow ing mod ern disci pline .
It makes use of the resea rch fi~di ngs of psyc holo gy, sociology,
4. ies
.pplic ation of the engin eerin g, scien ces and soci~l psyc hoJo gy etc., and appl
~chnoJogy to the the same to the field of educ ation .
It brings pupi ls, teach ers and techn ical mean s toge ther in an
effec tive way.
scien ce of tech - It is the scien ce of tech niqu es and meth ods.
be reali zed." . It locates the prob leins in the field of educ ation , reme dies
and ultim ately aims at improving the educ ation syste m.
:ation and eval u-
8. It is boun d to impr ove the teach er, the learn er and the teach ing
man learn ing., . learning proc ess.

1.14. Natu
re of Educational Technology
lopm ent of asse t I. The basis of educ ation al tech nolo gy is scien ce.
know ledg e for techn ol-
2. Educational Tech nolo gy studi es the effec t of scien ce and
l syste ms." used
ogy upon education. In othe r word s, . s~ien ce and_techn olog y ar~
under educational technology. Henc e, It IS the pract ical aspe
ct of scien ce.
Lication of mod - 3. Educational Tech nolo gy is a cont inuo us dyna mic, prog ressi
nd training. This and effect-producing meth od.
ne.dia and rneth - olog y
4. New conceptions are poss ible only due to educ ation al techn
lects on learn ing ing, inter -
such as programmed learn ing, micr o-tea ching , simu lated teach
uter, etc.
action analysis, video-tape, tape- recor der, proje ctor and comp
blem s of educ a- 5. Educational Tech nolo gy acce pts scho ols as a syste m.
In this
: discipline d and inpu t whil e
system, the scho ol-bu ildin g, furni ture and teach ers act as
·or learning exam ina-
various methods, techn iques , strat egies and the teach ing and
a proc ess.
tion with the help of audio -visu al aids func tion in the form of
a persistent and Lastly, the output is in of form of abili ty of the pupi ls.
:echnical mean s It is be-
6. A-v aids cann ot be term ed as educ ation al techn olog y.
al tech-
cause its concern is only with the proc ess-a spec t of educ ation
aids are
nology and not with the inpu t and outp ut aspe cts. But if A.V.
U~ed to achieve educ ation al obje ctive s, then it can be put in
the categ ory
:!mat ic way of
f teach ing and of Educational technology.
7 nol-
from resea rch · Programmed Instru ction is aJso diffe rent from Educ ation al Tech
~gy. lts main cause is that the student ]earns hims elf dmin g the
prog ramm ed
· ....
inst · • · <,..;

ructions. It does not allow interaction between pupil and teach
ceme nts. · Engineering Tech nolo gy is not the educ ation al tech nolo gy be-
cause the en . .
ical one. gmee nng techn ology has manu factu red-r adio. tape- recor der,

video-tape an d T.V., etc .,
whic h ar e us ed in tea ch
aids, bu t still en gi nee.ri n~ in g as audio - .
tec hn ol og y is di ffe re nt fro
no lo gy. In ed uc ation, it 1s m ed uc ati on at; sua1
ac ce pt ed as ha rd wa re ap 1

pr oa ch only. ech,
9 . Ed ion al Te ch no lo
gy ca nn ot so lvc ea ch an d
ed uc ati on . It ca n be us ed every probl
su cc es sfu lly in tea c hi ng
tem on ly.- and in structiona~~ Of
10. So m e pe op le as su m
e th at ed uc at io na l tec hn
th e teach er whic~ wi.ll. m.ak ~l og y will re
e th e tea ch er un em pl oy ed p1~
mi sta ke . Ed uc ati on al tec on e day. It is their
hn ol og y ~a n neve r re pl
be ca us e of th re e as pe cts ac e th e teacher. It is
of ed uc ati on al te ch no lo gy
Th es e are 1. In pu t,
2. Pr oc es s an d 3. Ou tp ut .
In pu t is th e tea ch er 's jo b
an d th er ef or e, ed uc ati on
not sn atc h th e pl ac e of a al technology can-
11 . Ed uc ati on al Te ch no lo
gy is co nc er ne d wi th th e
catio n of sc ien ce and tec hn systematic appli-
ol og y in th e fie ld of ed uc
be de fin ed as the ap pl ica ati on and thus may
tio n of te ch no lo gy to ed
further the ca us e of the lat uc ati on on order to
12. Just as sc ien ce an d tec
hn ol og y he lp in ca rry in g
task in general, ed uc ati on ou t the practical
al tec hn ol og y he lp s in pr
the task of tea ch in g an d lea ov id in g efficiency to
rn in g.
13. Ed uc ati on al tec hn ol og
y pr ov id es tec hn ica l gu id
tion to the pr ob lem s of ed an ce and solu-
uc ati on .
14 Teaching is co m m un ic
at in g an d ed uc at io n tec hn
an ef fe cti ve role in th e co ol og y can play
m m un ic at io n be tw ee n tea
ch er and student.
15. Ed uc ati on al tec hn ol
og y en co m pa ss es th e to
lea rn in g process in vo lv in tal teaching ao<l
g th e el em en ts lik e th e fo
llo wi ng :
• Sp ec ifi ca tio n of go als an
d be ha vi or al ob jec tiv es .
• An aly sis of th e ch ar ac te
ris tic s of th e le ar ne r.
• Se lec tio n and or ga ni za tio
n of th e co nt en t or subjec
be lea rn ed . t matter to
• M et ho ds an d str ate gi es
of th e pr es en tat io n of the
• , . . content.
U se of aid -m at en al , so ftw ar e
an d ha rd wa re , mass media and
co m m un ic at io n te ch ni qu
es .
• ar ra ng em en t of . i
lea rn m g s1. tuat10
. d
ns an eaI roing env
-ro nm en t.
• Ef fe cti ve cl as sr oo m co nt
ro l an d m an ag em en t.

• Continuous feedback and evaluation of the results .
16. Educational technology is not limited to the use of audio-visual
aids and does not symbolize merely educational hardware such as the
sophisticated gadgets and mechanical devices used in education. For
the effective management of the total teaching-learnin g process it tends
to utilize the results of all good, experiments and researches in tLe field
of human learning and the art of communication and employs a combi-
nation of all possible human and non-human resources to achieve the
desired educational objectives.
In spite of this, educational technology develops cognitive domain
only and not the affective domain. Affective domain can only be devel-
oped when an interaction between teachers and pupils takes place. Hence1
educational technology cannot replace the teacher.
1.15. Objectives of Educational Technology
The objectives of Educational Technology at macro level or broad
level are as under:
1. To identify educational needs of the community.
2. To determine the aims of education.
3. To develop a suitable curriculum.
4. To determine appropriate strategies.
5. To identify the resources-human and non-human .
6. To suggest remedies to overcome the above traced out obstacles.
7. To manage the whole system of education.
8. To locate the major obstacles in the way of proper development
of learners.
The objectives of educational technology at micro-level i.e., in view
of specific class-room teaching are as under:
1. To identify and analyze the characteristics and educational needs
of the pupils.
2. To determjne the specific classroom objectives and state then
in behavioral terms.
3. To analyze the contents of the instruction and organize it in a
proper sequence.

To identify the available tea
4. ch ing -learn in g material and re
so ur ce s. e of Ed uc at io n
, ·a 1.17• SCOp
5. 1 o, en t·fy 1
tl,c n·, turc of the intera ction

of the sub- sy stems .,k E,ducational Tech~olog_'
stu de nts , te:1c,J,ci·s·, tea ching-le arnin • · •· 1 e
· . g ma terial , co ntent of - . the fiiel d of ed uc ati on . lri
struction and methodolog 10 in rin cip les an d tec h1
ies. of the P
To plan the teaching strate~i~ hologY an d pe da go gy
6. s an d uti liz e the _m~n- ma ps ycl . t ha s be en capab1
sources for achieving spec terial re
1f1 c classr oo m ob jec tiv es res u t, t
To evalu ate the effec tiv eness
of the cla ss ro om tea ch ing theo'fet ical as we ll· as .pra<
ternis of the pupil's pe1form
ance or ch an ge in be ha vio
in the ucts 01-& tea ch ing -le arr un g J
r. 1. W ith su ch a b: oa d
8. To provide appropriate feedback to ~he stude~ts
to bri ng modifica tion in the as well as teachers its roots an d wi ng s 1~ ce
tea ch mg -le am mg pr oc es ~
s to the ~ tud y an d ap ph
9. To the Transmission cat1
of In fo rm ati on . a) Approa ch es /T yp es of
1o. To assist the practi
ce of specific skills. l . Ed uc ati on al Te ch n
11. To help in the en vir on
ment of fac ili tie s req uir ed 2. Ed uc ati on al Te ch n
learni ng process. in the teaching
12. To make the class- 3. Ed uc ati on al Te chil
room tea ch ing mo re eff ec
tiv e. b) Fo nn s of Ed uc at io n
13 . To modify the behavio
r of the tea ch er an d th e lea
serve as role model rn er and to 1. Te ac hi ng tec hn olc
14 . To improve and up 2. In str uc tio na l techi
date the me th od s of lea rn
ing .
1.16. Co mponents of Ed 3 . Be ha vi or al techn o
uc ati on al Te ch no log y:-
Tbe following 4 m's are the .i. In str uc tio nal de s
major components of educati
onal technology:- 2. An al ys is of th e pro
(i ) Methods, (ii) Mate
rials, (iii) M ed ia, (iv). Manpower.
(i) Methods : Ed uc ati on al tec hn o
an aly sis of th e tea ch in
lt is concerned with the
de vic es su ch as pr og ra mm tea ch ing , lev els of teac
~eaching , micro teachin g, an ed learning team
d pe rso na liz ed sy ste m of im s of tea ch in g, th e cm
mg learning situ ation s. instruction in teach-
lea rn in g. th e re lat io ns h
(ii) MateriaL«i :
of th e th eo rie s an d pri1
1~st ruc tiona in g op tim um educati01
l material s such as pr og
of this type may be handwr ra mmed tex t bo ok the ma
itten or print ed. terial 3. Sp ell in g ou t th e t:
OH> Med ia :
Ed uc ati on al tec hn c
The media. u~·ed here a,·e a tio n of ed uc ati on al ne
.., ud.10, or v1· sua 1 o r au c1·10,v1· l ·few ex-
am pl es are radio ta1)e ·e sua . a ' the re so ur ce s availab1
' 1 coc•de,,. h
c arts, fil ms , ed ucat ion. al te lev · · etc tio ns , sp ell in g ou t th e 1
(iv) M an power: 1s1on ·
ob jec tiv es in ter ms of
. M an po we r con t_ro ls ed lea rn in g, sp ec ifi ca tio r
uc ati on al tec hn olo g y in
tional tec hn olo gy wi th ou t ev er y way, educa-
man is ze ro .

of Educational Technology
117. Sco Pe .
· ducational Technology has a wide rang~ of scope and applicability
E t·· ld of education. In a broader sense, tt stands for the application
·n the ie
1 · rinciples and techm.ques of scienc
e and technology as well as
of, e Plogy and pedag · h · · ·
1 ogy mt e acttv1t1es of teac h'mg an d 1eamm
. g. As a
psyci'o it has been capable of providing necessary ways and means,
reSU t,t·cal as well as practical, for improving the processes
theore i and prod-
. . .
eachin g-learning related to both formal and informal education.
ucts of t
1. With such a broad concept, educational technology h~s formed
. ts and wings in certain distinct approaches and forms m related
1ts roo . .
to the study and application of educat10nal technology
a) Approaches/Types of Educational Technology
1. Educational Technology I or Hardware Approach
2. Educational Technology II or Software Approach
3. Educational Technology III or Systems Approach
b) Forms of Educational Technology
l. Teaching technology
2. Instructional technology
3. Behavioral technology
4. Instructional design technology.
2. Analysis of the process of teaching and learning:
Educational technology tries to discuss the concept of teaching,
analysis of the teaching process, variables of the teaching, phases of
teaching, levels of teaching, theories of teaching, principles and max-
ims of teaching, the concept of learning, the relevance of the theories of
learning, the relationship between teaching and learning, the integration
?f the theories and principles of teaching as well as learning for attain-
mg optimum educational purposes.
3. Spelling out the educational goals or objectives:
. Educational technology tries to discuss the topics such as identifica-
tion of educational needs and aspirations of the community, survey of
t?e resources available for the satisfaction of these needs and aspira-
ho~s, ~pelling out the broad educational objectives, analysis of the broad
~bJec_tives in terms of the specific classroom objectives of teaching and
earning, specifications of these objectives in behavioral terms, etc.


4• Development of the curriculum:

This aspect of educational technology is concerned with the d . pcct by di scussing various types of audio-visual aids used for the edu-
. . . es,gn.
ino0 of a suitable cumculum for the achievement of the stipulated 0 b. cational purpose, their proper selection suiting to a particular teaching-
. . . ~ec.
tives, It may descnbe the ways and means for the selection of sui·t bl learning situation, their development and production in view of the avail-
. . f a e
l~ing experienc~ or contents_, orgamzat~on o t?es~ contents in a able resources and problems faced in a teaching-learning act, audio-
suitable framework m order to bhnng o~t m 01e ~ffect1ve instruction and visual methods of presentation and dissemination of information, their
thus analyze the suitability oft e cumcu1um m relation to the 0 b. proper storage and retrieval, and consideration about their cost-effec-
tives,. means and maten"al s, an d dev1ces
o f eva1uat1on. · ~ec. tiveness and effective utilization.
5. Development of teaching-learning material: 9, Effective utilization of the hardware and mass media:
This area of educational technology is concerned with the d Various sophisticated instruments. Equipment, gadgets and commu-
· and development of th e swta
tJon i .uc-
· bl e teac material pro nication devices brought through mechanization and electronics revolu-
· ul ated ob.~ectives, · ed curncu
des1gn · Jum and available res n view tion are playing and effective role in the attainment of educational objec-
of the sap
· al h I ·
Here ed ucatJon tee no ogy tnes to 1scuss the essential tech · ources ·
d' tives by helping the teachers and learners in their respective roles. Edu-
. ftw d. . 1 ruques of cational technology tries to describe these resources in terms of their
deveIopmg so are an mstructJona material like programm d 1
. ·a1 . ed 1 . material mass med· e· earn. specific functions and applicability in a particular teaching-learning situ-
mg maten , computer assist earnmg
. . . . , 1a mstruc-
tion matenal, personalized system of mstruction , planni·ng +1or teachmg . ation; their selection, proper handling and maintenance; their prepara-
. .
and learnmg and preparation of lesson plans, etc. tion and development; the cost-effectiveness of these equipment and
mass media in education; appropriate teaching-learning material for these
6. Teacher preparation or teacher-learning material:
appliances; and the ways and means of their optimum use in formal
Teacher is a key figure in any process of teaching and I . education on the individual and collective basis.
Educational techn J th + eammg.
o o~, ere1ore, takes care of the proper preparation 10. To work for the effective utilization of the subsystem of education:
of teachers ~or exerc1smg their complex responsibilities. For this pur-
Educational technology considers education as a system operating,
~ •~ucation~ techn?logy includes topics like models of student teach-
:~g,rrucro-tea~hmg_, stunulated teaching, team-teaching teacher effec-
1veness, modification of teach b h . ,
in a systematic and scientific way, for the achievement of educational
objectives. For the coverage of a systematic approach, it tries to in-
group trai . d. . er- e av10r, classroom interaction, T- clude the topics dealing with the theory and principles of a systems
nmg an mteract1on analysis etc.
apprc,ach, explaining education as a system. It also includes study of in
7. Development and sele ti
and tactics: c on ° the teaching-learning strategies different subsystems, their operations and processes in terms of input
and output, the needed development in the working of the subsystem in
This aspect deals with th view of the economy output and functionality of the system and the
Here educatio h e central problem of teaching-learning act.
na I tee nology tric s tO d cscn.b e the ways and means of organization and management of the system in an effective way by
discovering 1 .
of teaching'. se ectmg and development suitable strategies and tactics specifying the respecti ve roles of the man , machine and media in rela-
m terms of the t' . . tion to the purpose of teaching and learning.
learning resou h . op imum leammg and available teachmg-
methods de . rces t e avallability of the different types of teaching 11. To provide essential feedback and control through evaluation:
' vices and models oft h. .
selection and use~ . eac mg along with their appropnate Educational tec hnol ogy is essentially concerned with the task of
or e optimum results.
. exerc ising appropriate control over che process of teaching and learning
8. Development, selecti
t h. on aod use of the appropriate audio-visual aids: by planning and devi si ng suitable tools and devices for the continuous
eac ing-leaming is I . e.valuation of the process and product s of the teaching-learning activi-
appropriate aud · . great Y influenced and benefitted by the use of
10-v1sua] aids Ed . . ti es. Such evaluation provides an appropriate feedback to the ]earners

ucat1onal technology covers this as-
as well as the teachers for bringing necess:u·y improvement at the teacher
i BRR, HGD 11

. . vement at the prepar atory and implem en-
for bringing necess~ry 1m~f1_0 t For this purpos e, educat ional tech-
tation stages of their spec1 1c ac s. . h . .
. h d means of suitabl e evalua tion tee
nology discusses t e ways an . . mques.
and their planning, development selection and approp nate use m re1at10n
to the objectives of teaching-learning systems.
1.18. Uses and Significance of Educational Technology
(In the Indian Context) _
• There has been a wider and more effecti ve utiliza tion of radio
broadcasting educational programme throug hout the countr y.
• Significant development in the use of educat ional techno logy is
concerned with the development of television progra mmes.
• The third important area where educational techno logy has been
useful is the problem of training and re-training a large numbe r
of school teachers in an effective way.
• Another application of educational technology in our countr y is
known as distance education.
• Another major area where educational technology is being used
in our country related to language instruction.
• Another field of operation of educational techno logy in our
country is considered with the correspondence educat ion.
• Another use_ for which educational technology is being put in
o~r_co~ntry 1s concerned with the preparation, develo pinent and
ut1hzat1on of audio-visual material, and handling as well as main-
tenance of the hardware appliances and sophisticated gadgets.

In th~ ~a~t trend, educational technology is provin g its worth
by ut1hzmg the services of computers and advanc ed £ f
ICT technology in the field of education. orm o
1.19. Importance of Educational Technology
1. Access to variety of learning resourc es
2. Immediacy to information
3. Anytime learning
4. Anywh ere learning
5. CoJJaborative learning
6. Multim edia approach to education
7. Authen tic and up to date inform ation


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