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Title: Immersive Athlete Collection Showcase - Embrace the Future of Digital

Retail by Vaibhav Kapoor

Slide 1: Introduction

 Vision: To redefine the guest experience at lululemon by seamlessly

integrating the physical and digital worlds through an Immersive Athlete
Collection Showcase.
 Problem Statement: Limited physical inventory inhibits guests from fully
experiencing the athlete's extensive product range, resulting in missed sales
opportunities and reduced guest engagement.

Slide 2: Opportunities for Transformation

 Utilizing Cutting-edge Technology: Embrace augmented reality (AR) and

virtual reality (VR) to create captivating virtual displays showcasing the
athlete's full assortment.
 Mobile App Integration: Develop an intuitive mobile app that grants guests
access to the entire collection and provides in-depth product information at
their fingertips.
 Smart Fabrics with Embedded Technology: Integrate innovative smart fabrics
to highlight the technical features of products within the Immersive Showcase.

Slide 3: Impact and ROI

 Enhanced Guest Engagement: Immersive experiences captivate guests,

fostering excitement and satisfaction with the athlete's collection.
 Boosted Upselling and Cross-selling: Seamless digital product exploration
leads to increased sales of complementary items.
 Strengthened Customer Loyalty: A unified physical and digital experience
strengthens guest loyalty and advocacy for lululemon.

Slide 4: Risks and Challenges

 Technical Implementation: Seamless integration of AR/VR and smart fabrics

necessitates skilled resources and investment.
 User Adoption: Ensuring the mobile app's user-friendliness and actively
promoting it will be critical for guest adoption.
 Connectivity and Maintenance: Stable connectivity and regular updates are
crucial for a consistently smooth experience.

Slide 5: The Immersive Athlete Collection Showcase

 Overview: The Immersive Showcase is a state-of-the-art installation within
lululemon stores, featuring large interactive displays and AR/VR stations.
 Guest Experience: Guests can virtually "try on" products using AR technology
to visualize how they fit and look on personalized avatars.
 Educator Empowerment: Educators can utilize the Showcase to provide
personalized product recommendations and demonstrate the technical
features of each item.

Slide 6: Key Features

1. Virtual Showroom: Utilize AR technology to enable guests to virtually try on

and visualize a wide range of products from the athlete's collection.
2. Interactive Displays: Intuitive touchscreen displays present comprehensive
product details, including fabric technology, performance metrics, and athlete
3. Seamless Mobile App: The companion app offers a seamless extension of the
in-store experience, allowing guests to explore the collection, receive
personalized recommendations, and make purchases.
4. AI-driven Personalization: Employ AI algorithms to suggest products based on
individual guest preferences and previous purchases.

Slide 7: Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

 Virtual Showroom: Implement AR technology for a carefully selected

assortment of the athlete's top-selling products.
 Interactive Displays: Install interactive displays featuring key product
categories with the highest demand.
 Mobile App: Launch a robust mobile app with essential features for seamless
product browsing and purchase.

Slide 8: Conclusion

 Embracing the Immersive Athlete Collection Showcase, lululemon will

revolutionize the guest experience, harmonizing the physical and digital retail
realms. This transformative initiative will not only drive sales and customer
satisfaction but also reaffirm lululemon's leadership in pioneering digital
innovations within the athletic apparel industry.
By Vaibhav Kapoor

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