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Course Outline

January 1, 2023 11:17 PM

PHYS1201A Page 1
PHYS 1201A (Week One)
September 8, 2022 4:20 PM

We Use
- Gradescope
- Mastering Physics from Pearson
- Perusall Lab Manual

4 Labs Total
- Check OWL for checklist on what to hand in

Homework assignments are 15%. Do on Mastering Physics

Lab assignments are 10%. Online and In-Person
Additional assignments are 5%
Midterm 30%
Final 45%

Quizzes on Pearson
Labs are done on Perusall
Practice Q's posted under Course Content

PHYS1201A Page 2
Course Content
January 1, 2023 11:27 PM

PHYS1201A Page 3
Week 2 [Chapter 2]
September 11, 2022 5:35 PM

PHYS1201A Page 4
Chapter 2 Rough Notes
September 12, 2022 2:27 PM

PHYS1201A Page 5
PHYS1201A Page 6
PHYS1201A Page 7
Chapter 2 Revised Notes
September 12, 2022 3:55 PM

2.1 Displacement and Average Velocity

Displacement, Velocity, and Speed

- Change in pos measured from reference point
- Velocity and Displacement can be +/-
- Time and Distance can only be +
- Speed is the total distance over time elapsed

2.2 Instantaneous Velocity

Motion w Constant Acceleration

- r = Final Position
- r0 = Initial Position

Free Falling Objects

2.7 Relative Velocity

PHYS1201A Page 8
VB/A = VB/G - VA/G
VA/B = -VB/A

PHYS1201A Page 9
Chapter 2 Formulas
September 14, 2022 7:27 PM

PHYS1201A Page 10
Week 3 [Chapter 3]
September 19, 2022 1:00 PM

PHYS1201A Page 11
Chapter 3 Rough Notes
September 19, 2022 2:31 PM

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PHYS1201A Page 17
Chapter 3 Revised Notes
September 19, 2022 2:32 PM

3.1 Velocity in a Plane

Vectors requires two components and a direction/angle

3.2 Acceleration in a Plane

- Changing direction is also acceleration

- Average Acceleration always points to the concave side of a directional
- Average Acceleration is parallel to change in Velocity

3.3 Projectile Motion

- vx does not change usually, only vy is affected by acceleration of gravity
- Treat vx as if it were in 1-D

3.4 Uniform Circular Motion

- Acceleration always points to centre of the circle
- Ratios of triangles are the same so we determine Ratio Equation
- Centripetal Acceleration

3.5 Relative Velocity in a Plane

- Hack: P/A x A/G = P/G [A's cancel out]
- 20 Degrees NE means 20 North of East

PHYS1201A Page 18
Chapter 3 Formulas
September 19, 2022 4:23 PM

Magnitude of Vector r
- Distance of a point from the origin = r

Average Velocity

Instantaneous Velocity
- Instantaneous Speed is the magnitude of vector v

Determining Direction/Vector

Average Acceleration

Instantaneous Acceleration

Projectile Motion

PHYS1201A Page 19
Getting x + y Components of Velocity using Angle

Range in a Symmetrical Arc

Triangle Ratio to find Change in V and A

Acceleration in Uniform Radial Motion

PHYS1201A Page 20
Week 4 [Chapter 4]
September 26, 2022 12:01 PM

PHYS1201A Page 21
Chapter 4 Rough Notes
September 26, 2022 12:02 PM

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PHYS1201A Page 23
Chapter 4 Revised Notes
September 26, 2022 12:02 PM

4.1 Newton's Laws of Motion

- Force is a push or pull

4.2 Newtons First Law

- Every object continues either at rest or at a constant speed in a straight
line unless its forced to change its motion by forces acting on it
- Inertia: The tendency of an object to remain at rest or to keep moving.
The quantitative measure of this is the physical quantity mass
- When an object is acted on by no forces, or by resultant forces that net
O it is in equilibrium
- An inertial frame of reference is a FOREF that N1st Law is valid
- A Newton is the amount of force required to accelerate a 1kg item an
acc of 1m/s2
- SI unit of Force is N

4.3 Mass and Newton's Second Law

- Acc magnitude is directly proportional to force, and Acc direction is
same as the force
- Equal forces applied to small and large mass = high v vs low v. "Greater
the mass, the more it resists being acc"
- SI unit of mass is kg
- When two objects are fastened together m1 + m2

4.4 Mass and Weight

- Mass characterizes the inertial property of an object, the propensity of
an object to maintain its velocity
- Weight is a force exerted on an object by the gravitational pull of earth
- Large Mass has Large Weight
- Something with a mass of 1kg has a weight of 9.8N in order for it to
accelerate in freefall

4.5 Newtons Third Law

- Newtons Third law is that for every action there is always an opposed and
equal reaction
- An action-reaction pair must not act on the same object, and must be the
same type of force

4.5 Free Body Diagrams

- Always define your coordinate system, be consistent with signs, when
applying Newtons law focus on one object (Do not include forces that the
object exerts on other objects)
- Determine the known and unknown, and check units for consistency

PHYS1201A Page 24
Chapter 4 Formulas
September 26, 2022 12:02 PM

Newtons First Law of Motion

When Force Applied is Equal

Newtons Second Law of Motion

Relation of Mass and Weight

Newtons Third Law

PHYS1201A Page 25
Week 5 [Chapter 5]
October 3, 2022 2:40 PM

PHYS1201A Page 26
Chapter 5 Rough Notes
October 3, 2022 2:40 PM

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PHYS1201A Page 29
Chapter 5 Revised Notes
October 3, 2022 2:40 PM

5.1 Equilibrium of a Particle

- No forces acting on it in any direction

5.2 Application of Newtons Second Law

- Review ropes lol

5.3 Contact Forces and Friction

- Magnitude of Fk increases when magnitude of Fn increases
- The ratio of Fk/n is the coefficient of kinetic friction denoted as µk
- When you try to move an object from a position of equilibrium, the floor will
apply an equal force in the opposite direction called static frictional force
- To move an object you must overcome this force, it will then "change" into
kinetic frictional force
- The max value of Fs = Fnµs

5.4 Elastic Forces [Hooke's Law]

- When x is positive the spring is stretched and applies a force to the left
- When x is negative the spring is compressed and applies a force to the right

PHYS1201A Page 30
Chapter 5 Formulas
October 3, 2022 5:10 PM

Acceleration Components

Kinetic Frictional Force

Static Frictional Force

Spring Force

PHYS1201A Page 31
Week 6 [Chapter 6]
October 3, 2022 6:49 PM

PHYS1201A Page 32
Chapter 6 Rough Notes
October 7, 2022 2:27 PM

PHYS1201A Page 33
Chapter 6 Formulas
October 3, 2022 6:50 PM

Velocity in Relation to Periods

Radial Acceleration in Relation to Periods

Relationship of Net Force and Acceleration

PHYS1201A Page 34
Week 7 [Chapter 7]
October 7, 2022 2:58 PM

PHYS1201A Page 35
Week 7 Rough Notes
October 7, 2022 3:00 PM


PHYS1201A Page 36
Week 7 Revised Notes
October 11, 2022 3:52 PM

7.1 An Overview of Energy

- Conservation of Mass/Energy means that the total energy/mass in an isolated
system is constant
- Energy of Motion is called Kinetic Energy
- Internal Energy is the increase of Temperature
○ Can also be the increase of vibrations in atoms (Heat increases vibrations)
- KE + IE = Conserved
- Mechanical Energy is associated with motion, position, and deformation
○ KE
○ Potential Energy, can be transformed to KE
▪ Elastic PE, stored in stretches/compressions
▪ Gravitational PE, being in an elevated position

7.2 Work
- Work (Scalar) is the force done of the product of two parallel magnitudes (Force
and Displacement)
○ Work is positive when E is added
○ Work is negative when E is removed from the system

7.3 Work and Kinetic Energy

- Work done by the net external force it is equal to its change in KE

7.4 Work Done by a Varying Force

- Work is the sum of all the (Average Force x Displacement) over a certain time
- The area under the graph of a spring force gives us the work done

7.5 Potential Energy

- Gravitational PE stored in height
- Elastic PE stored in elastic deformation of a spring

7.6 Conservation of Energy

- Master Equation of Work

7.7 Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces

- If W other does not equal 0, the energy is not conserved. (Or comes from outside
the system / Friction)
- KE is turned into PE (Gravity or Spring)

7.8 Power
- Power is the time rate at which work is done/energy is transferred
- Average Power is Work/Time
- SI unit is Joules/Second = Watt
- 1 HP is 746 Watts

PHYS1201A Page 37
Week 8 [Chapter 8]
October 14, 2022 3:02 PM

PHYS1201A Page 38
Week 8 Rough Notes
October 14, 2022 3:02 PM

PHYS1201A Page 39
Week 8 Revised Notes
October 14, 2022 3:02 PM

8.1 Momentum
- Momentum is the product of mass and velocity
- Total momentum of a system is the sum of both objects momentums
- To solve combined momentums isolate x and y and create a triangle
- SI unit is kg*m/s

8.2 Conservation of Momentum

- Internal forces are what the components apply on each other
- External forced are what is applied onto the system from outside the system
- If there are no external forces it is called an isolated system
- The total momentum of an isolated system is 0 since each component applies
an equal amount of force on each other

PHYS1201A Page 40
Week 9 [Chapter 8]
October 24, 2022 2:21 AM

PHYS1201A Page 41
Week 9 Revised Notes
October 24, 2022 2:22 AM

8.3 Inelastic Collisions

- Collision is a strong interaction between two objects that lasts a short time
- Elastic Collisions occur when the interactive forces are conserved
- Inelastic Collisions occur when the interactive forces are not conserved
○ When objects stick together this is completely inelastic

8.4 Elastic Collisions

- Forces are conserves

8.5 Impulse
- Impulse is equal to the change in momentum which is equal to Force times time
- Impulse can be broken down into vector forms

8.6 Center of Mass

- Center of Mass is the average position of all mass in a system
- Momentum of a system is the velocity center of mass multiplied by total mass

8.7 Motion of the Center of Mass

- Internal forces cancel in pairs due to Newtons third law
- When an object explodes, the masses center of mass travels in the initial

PHYS1201A Page 42
Week 10 [Chapter 9 + 10]
November 3, 2022 9:12 PM

PHYS1201A Page 43
Week 10 Revised Notes
November 3, 2022 9:13 PM

9.1 Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration

- Change of an angle in radians over time
- The change in angular velocity over time
- Clockwise is Negative. CCW is Positive

9.2 Rotation with Constant Angular Acceleration

- Kinematic Equations work with Angular Motion

9.3 Relationship Between Linear and Angular Quantities

- s [Arc Length] = rθ
- Use above formula to determine speed for a point on a rotating body
- Arad = Centripetal Acceleration
- Atan = The body has angular acceleration

9.4 Kinetic Energy of Rotation and Moment of Inertia

- Inertia is how a mass is distributed in relation to an axis of rotation
- In the example of a well and pulley, Potential E will turn into 2 forms of Kinetic E

PHYS1201A Page 44
Week 10 Revised Notes
November 6, 2022 12:43 PM

10.1 Torque
- The quantitative measure of the tendency of a force to cause or change
rotational motion around an axis
- The force must be perpendicular to the moment arm, the moment arm is the
perpendicular distance between the axis and line of action of the force
- The total torque on a body is the treated as if the weight were concentrated at
the center of mass

10.2 Torque and Angular Acceleration

PHYS1201A Page 45
Week 11 [Chapter 10]
November 14, 2022 2:58 PM

PHYS1201A Page 46
Week 11 Rough Notes
November 14, 2022 2:59 PM

PHYS1201A Page 47
Week 12 [Chapter 23 + 24]
November 22, 2022 6:08 PM

PHYS1201A Page 48
Week 12 Revised Notes
November 22, 2022 6:09 PM

23.6 Nature of Light

Electromagnetic Radiation
- Electromagnetic Radiation are electric charges in accelerated motion
- All things emit EM-R due to thermal motion of their molecules, this is called
Thermal Radiation

- Wavefronts is used to describe wave propagation
- A Wavefront is defined as the locus of all adjacent points at which phase of
vibration of the wave is the save (All points are moving with the same speed
and relative direction)
- Rays represent a light waves particles path and direction
- Wave Speed and Direction can be altered by different materials
- Spherical Wavefront are spherical, the rays radiate from the center of the
sphere (Point Source)
- When wavefronts are planar, the rays are perpendicular to them

23.7 Reflection and Refraction

- Specular Reflection is a smooth reflective surface where the reflected angle
travels at a definite angle
- Index of Refraction (n) is the ratio of (c) to the speed of light in the material (v)

Principle of Geometric Optics

1. All the rays, and the normal, lay on the same plane
2. The angle of reflection = angle of incidence
3. Snell's Law is the relationship that determines how much a ray changes at an
- The angle on the side with a higher (n) is smaller

- The brightness of the reflected and refracted rays depends on the angle, the n
values, and the alignment of the electrical field of the indent wave

- Since frequency does not change, wavelength must change to satisfy v =

24.1 Reflection at a Plane Surface

- Object Point is the source of rays
- Image Point is the apparent source of reflected rays
- When we view an object that is producing rays, we think it comes from the
image point
- s is the Object Distance
- When we extend two reflected rays backwards they will intersect at point P'
- If the rays are not actually coming from point P' we call the image a Virtual
Image, if it does it is the Real Image

- An image can be upright or inverted when reflected, if it is inverted we must

PHYS1201A Page 49
- An image can be upright or inverted when reflected, if it is inverted we must
change the sign to [-] (y vs y')

24.2 Reflection at a Spherical Surface

- Center of Curvature (Radius) is [+] when on the same side as the outgoing ray
- Paraxial Approximation is the approximation of all the equations used
- Spherical Aberration is the alteration of a reflection in a curved mirror
- Focal Point/Length (R/2 from the Vertex) is the point where parallel rays
converges. If a light radiates from this point, the reflected rays will be parallel to
the axis

- In a Convex Mirror the reflected rays all appear to be originating from a P' on
the opposite side
- The R is [-] in Convex Mirrors, therefore the Focal Point is as well. When
parallel rays hit a convex mirrors, the reflected rays appear as if the have
radiated from the Focal Point behind the mirror [Virtual Focal Point]
○ Rays that are aimed at the focal point behind the mirror will reflect parallel
to the axis
- When m is [+] the image is upright, when m is [-] the image is inverted
- When the |m| is >1 the image is enlarged, when |m| is <1 the image is smaller
- y is the Height of the Image and Object
- s is the Distance from the vertex

PHYS1201A Page 50
Week 12 Revised Notes
November 22, 2022 8:36 PM

Rays in Plane Mirrors

- Distance s is [+] if the object is on the same side as the incoming light [s = -s']
- Distance s' is [+] if the image is on the same side as the outgoing light [s = -s']

- Center of Curvature (Radius) is [+] when on the same side as the outgoing ray

- In a Convex Mirror the reflected rays all appear to be originating from a P' on the opposite side
- Image is always Virtual, Upright, and Smaller therefore s' is negative
- The R is [-] in Convex Mirrors, therefore the Focal Point is as well.

PHYS1201A Page 51
Week 13 [Chapter 24 + 25]
November 28, 2022 11:35 AM

PHYS1201A Page 52
Week 13 Revised Notes
November 28, 2022 2:33 PM

Thins Lens
- Convex and Converging
○ Focal Point is [+]
○ Image will only virtual if object is in front of Focal Point, it will be enlarged
- Concave and Diverging
○ Focal Point is [-]
○ Image is always virtual, smaller and will be upright

- An image is real if rays are converging to create it (Usually on the Right)
- An image is virtual if it not projected onto a screen (Usually on the Left)

Light Rays
- Light Rays through the Focal Point comes out Parallel
- Light Ray through Vertex continues Straight
- Light Rays that is Parallel passes through Focal Point

Positive and Negative

- The Focal Length is Positive when Light Converges onto it [Concave Mirror, Convex Lens],
Negative when Light Diverges onto it [Convex Mirror, Concave Lens]
- The Radius is Positive if on the same side as Outgoing Rays [Concave Mirror, Convex Lens],
Negative if not on the same side as outgoing Ray [Convex Mirror, Concave Lens]
- Distance s is [+] if the object is on the same side as the incoming light
- Distance s' is [+] if the image is on the same side as the outgoing light

PHYS1201A Page 53
Week 14 [Chapter 25]
December 7, 2022 11:55 PM

PHYS1201A Page 54
Week 14 Revised Notes
December 7, 2022 11:55 PM

25.1 The Camera

- Shutter controls the Time Interval that light can enter
- Aperture-Controlled Diaphragm controls the intensity of light
○ Intensity of Light is proportional to the [Square] of the Diameter (Area of Lens)
○ Aperture Size is classified by the [f-number] which = f/D
○ Larger [f-number] means smaller Aperture (D decreases)
- Exposure is proportional to Aperture Area and Time Interval
- Longer Focal Lengths lead to Smaller Angle of View
○ Smaller Angle of View gives the impression that an object is Closer
○ Larger Angle of View gives that impression that we view an object from Farther
○ f Increases more ZOOM

- As something comes nearer, the lens will contract and become more convex, decreasing the
focal length (To see somethings closer)
- Most of the light bending is done by the Cornea

- Myopia [Nearsighted] is when the Light Rays focus in front of the Retina
○ Diverging Lens can create a [Virtual] image closer to the eye so it can Focus
○ Eye is too Long
○ Cornea to sharply Curved

- Hyperopia [Farsighted] is when the Light Rays focus behind the Retina
○ Conversing Lens can create a [Virtual] image farther from the eye so it can Focus
○ Eye is too Short
○ Cornea not Curved enough

- Astigmatism is when horizontal lines and vertical line may be imaged on different planes on the
○ Use a Cylindrical Surfaced Lens that can fix the plane discrepancies
○ Surface of the Cornea is not spherical

- Power of a Lens [1 / f (m)] . Some amount of [x] Diopter

- The closest an object can be to the eye (And will look it's Largest) at 25 cm. If we place a
magnifier (Converging Lens) the object can be placed in front of the near point and we can still
focus on it since the lens will make a enlarged virtual image (At Infinity) for our eye to view
- M = Angle with Magnifier / Angle Originally
○ Angle w/Magnifier = y / f
○ Angle Originally = y / 25 cm

PHYS1201A Page 55
September 30, 2022 10:31 PM

PHYS1201A Page 56
PHYS1201A Page 57
January 1, 2023 11:28 PM

PHYS1201A Page 58
Lab 1: Measurements and Uncertainties
September 19, 2022 4:16 PM

PHYS1201A Page 59
Note To Students
September 19, 2022 6:00 PM

1. Laboratory Experiments
- The manual for each experiment is divided into 2 parts
1. Instructional Pages
2. Data and Work Sheets
- Before coming to labs PRINT OUT DATA AND WORK
- Complete the prelab quiz before the lab
- Complete lab report consists of: Data and Work Sheets, Any
Graphs. All of this should be uploaded to Gradescope

2. Preparing for Lab Reports

- Read lab manual, bring the notes to students every

Recording Data
- Record the absolute uncertainty*
- Measurement and uncertainty should contain same
number of decimal figures
- Must include units. Record the raw data in units as
measured then convert to SI units for calculations
- Repeat measurements 3 times

When making graphs and tables refer to "Notes to Students"

[Page 10]

- Convert the units of all data into SI units at the
beginning of calculations
- Must include Units
- Keep 1-2 extra digits
- Estimate absolute uncertainties in intermediate steps to
2 sig figs
- Perform comparison tests

Final Results
- Record final values in the form A +/- ẟA (Units)
- Final answers in a lab write up are recorded in scientific

Discussion and Conclusions

- Answer these questions
• What principles, laws and/or theories were (or
were not) validated by your work?
• Did you achieve the overall objectives
• If not, what were the possible problems in your
experiments? Analyse instrument errors,
systematic errors and random errors associated
with the lab.
• What improvements can you suggest for the
design of this lab or your methodology?
- Be accurate and concise
- Write in the past tense using active voice
- You can get full marks even if you don’t get the

PHYS1201A Page 60
- You can get full marks even if you don’t get the
expected values if you explain myself

Check notes for students for common errors [Page 12]

3. Reporting Measured and Calculated Values

- Use correct significant figures
- Do not simplify the sig figs in intermediate values
- Least precise digit has the fewest digits to the right of
the decimal

1. Addition and Subtraction: # of Sig Figs in the final

answer determined by the number of decimal
figures in the least precise number
2. Multiplication and Division: # of Sig Figs is
determined by the amount of significant figures in
the last precise number

- Scientific notation gets rid of unwanted zeroes

4. Measurement and Uncertainty

- The point of uncertainties (A +/- ẟA) is to guarantee that
when a value is measured it will fall between that range
• Delta [ẟ] just means a small variation in [x]
- Absolute uncertainties [2.3 +/- 0.1 cm] have the same
unit as the measurement and recorded to one sig fig,
unless it is a intermediate step
- Fractional uncertainty [0.1 cm / 2.3 cm] are used with
experimental values and does not have a unit
1. Raw Data and Final answers are written with
Absolute Uncertainties
2. Fractional uncertainties are used when calculating
uncertainties in multiplication, division, or powers
- Accuracy is how closely the results agree w an
accepted value
- Precision: Is how close results/ how repeatable a
experiment is

- Random Uncertainty reduces the precision of results,

these occur without a predictable pattern, they can be
reduced but not eliminated
- Systematic Uncertainty reduces the accuracy in
results, they are caused by inaccurate measuring
instruments, inaccurate measuring methods, or by
personal judgement of the observer

Reading Uncertainties
- Reading uncertainty in analog meter scales: +/- Half the
smallest scale division (+/-0.5mm on a ruler with 1mm
smallest scale)
- Reading uncertainty in digital meter meters: +/- The last
digit on the digital meter. (Timers are precise to the
0.001s. Therefore +/-0.001s)

Make sure to read about uncertainties during LAB

- Reporting Final Answer

PHYS1201A Page 61
- Reporting Final Answer

Simplified Uncertainty Calculation in Basic Derived Quantities

Uncertainty in Basic Derived Quantities

5. Comparison Tests
- Comparison tests help you compare experimental results
with the accepted results

Overlap Test
- Check for any overlap between measured quantity and
correct quantity
PHYS1201A Page 62
correct quantity
- Write a final statement like above to indicate whether the
test is succeeded

Percent Difference Test

- We assume that any two values are equal if their percent
difference is less than 10%

6. Graphs and the Analysis of Data

- We will use Microsoft Office Excel

- The relationship between 2 variables may be observed
better with a graph, while numerical constants can be
calculated from the slope or intercept of a graph

Refer to Student Notes when making notes

7. Apparatus in First Year Lab

- Learn how to read the Vernier Scale

Refer to Student Notes when making measurements

PHYS1201A Page 63
Lab 1 Measurements and Uncertainties
September 19, 2022 9:29 PM


Main Components of a Lab Write-Up

1. Objectives
- State clearly what is to be studied and investigated
2. Introduction (Theory)
- Explain key principles and physical laws needed in order to achieve the
objective. Explain the variables used in the graphs and how to obtain final
results using the slope/intercept of the graph.
3. Apparatus
- List of any Apparatus used in the experiment
4. Method
- Explains step by step how to make measurement using the listed apparatus
5. Data
- Record data with estimated uncertainties and proper units. Most data is
recorded in tabular format
6. Calculations
- Analyse data by plotting graphs or doing computations, and finally obtain final
results to achieve the objectives stated above
7. Discussions and Conclusions
- Summarize final results obtained in every part of the lab. Write conclusions for
each part in short sentences. State whether the comparison tests worked and
experiments were successful. If they were not explain what went wrong and
how to fix it

Uncertainty Analysis
- Identify: Identify the uncertainties involved in measurements
- Estimate: Estimate the uncertainties in measurements
- Propagate: Uncertainty in measurements propagate through calculations during
data analysis to produce an uncertainty in the final result
- Refer to Lab Manual for Instrumental Uncertainties and Measurement
- Understand how Sig Figs work in Algebra
- Understand how to Record Measurements and Final Answers
- Understand how to work with Uncertainties
- Understand how to do Comparison Tests

PHYS1201A Page 64

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