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Round to the nearest place value.

1. 594 (tens)

2. 599 (hundreds)

3. 26 085 (highest place value)

4. 8 590 (thousands)

5. 51 095 (thousands)

Estimate each sum or difference using the HPV method:

6. 159 + 281 + 99 ≅

7. 674 - 145 ≅

8. 809 - 95 ≅

9. 380 + 54 + 190 ≅

10. 740 - 321 - 180 ≅

Write your answers on the blank.

11. What is the least number that rounds to 1 000?

12. What is the greatest number that rounds to 900?

13. In the number 51_ , 452 what is the least digit to be placed on the blank
so the number rounds to 520 000?

14. In the number 84, 6_2 what is the greatest digit to be placed on the

blank so the number rounds to 84 600?

15. List all numbers that rounds to 90.

Estimate the value of each of the following. Then find the answers.

1. 53 + 79 =

2. 123 + 254

3. 3 097 + 2 865 =

4. 859 - 63 =

5. 1842 - 436 =

6. 109 + 568 - 24 =

7. 456 + 38 =

8. 2 918 + 104 =

9. 98 - 25 =

10. 681 - 203 =

Complete the number table.

Round to the nearest

Ten Hundred Thousand
2 359
9 745
68 763
85 799

I. Complete the number table.

Round to the nearest

Ten Hundred Thousand




2 359

9 745

68 763

85 799

II. Write 3 numbers that will round off to 500.

_____________ , _____________ , _____________ ,

III. Write the least and greatest numbers that will round off to 100.

a. least number ____________

b. greatest number. ____________

IV. Using the digits 7, 8, 2 and 5…

1. Form the greatest number that rounds off to 7 500 rounded to the nearest hundred.

2. Form the least number that rounds off to 7 500 rounded to the nearest hundred.
V. Read the statements carefully. Encircle T if the statement is TRUE and F if it is FALSE.

T F 1. 998 is 1000 when rounded off to the nearest tens.

T F 2. 7 549 is 7 600 when rounded off to the nearest hundreds.

T F 3. 104 divided by 10 is approximately equal to 10.

T F 4. To estimate the value of 945 + 59, we turn it into 1000 + 60.

T F 5.The estimated value of 85 - 32 is 60.

VI. Estimate the value if the following equations by rounding off to the nearest tens,
hundreds and thousands. Encircle your final answer.

1. 86 + 73 ≅ _______________ 6. 96 - 53 ≅ _______________

2. 723 + 154 ≅ _____________ 7. 851 - 208 ≅ _____________

3. 959 + 231 ≅ _____________ 8. 908 - 75 ≅ ______________

4. 4 678 + 309 ≅ ___________ 9. 12 562 - 8 234 ≅ ___________

5. 7 534 + 521 + 64 ≅ ___________ 10. 84 521 - 5 231 ≅ ___________

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