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L____ _ SKILLS

_TEST _8 _ __ J
1. • 1O. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye
anlamca en )lakın lnglllzce cümleyi bulunuz.

3. Kullanıcılar tarafından "hayat kurtancı"

1. Kendi teleskopunuzu yapmaya girişmeden olarak tanımlanan mikrodalga fınnın
önce bu aletin nasıl işlediğiyle ilgili bulunuşu aslında diğer birçok mutfak araç
bildiklerinizi son bir kez daha gözden gereci gibi rastlantısaldı.
geçirmeniz yararlı olacaktır.
A) The invention of microwave oven which
A) Before setting about making your own users describe as "life-saving" resulted from
telescope, it will be useful to go over what an accident as happened with many other
you know about how this tool functions one kitchen devices.
more last time. Microwave oven which is described by
B) Before you attempt to make a telescope by users as "life-saving" was actually invented
hand it will be helpful to examine one more accidentally like many other kitchen
ıast ti me what you know about how this tool

fulfıls its function.
C) As was the case with many other kitchen
C) Before you start to make a telescope on devices which are described as "life-saving•
your own, check one more last time by users, the invention of microwave oven
whether you exactly know how this tool
was also accidental.
D) The invention of microwave oven which is
D) Before you set about making your own described by users as "life-saving" was
telescope, it is useful to review your
actually accidental like many other kitchen
knowledge, just one more time, about the
way this tool works. devices.
E E) in fact, the microwave oven was an
E) Before starting to make your own o accidental invention just like many other
telescope, it is helpful to see one more time o
if you know everything about how this tool o, kitchen devices which users describe as
.!: "life-saving".

2. insanlar dilin, tutum ve davranışlann 4. Bazı uzmanlar çocuklann bağımsızlık
tamamen farklı olduğu yeni bir çevreye ilk duygusunun ailelerinin yanı sıra, dış
kez maruz kaldıklarında, sıklıkla kültür şoku dünyaya verdikleri önem olarak
yaşarlar. tanımlanabileceğini belirtiyorlar.

A) People often suffer from culture shock A) Some experts state that the feeling of
when they are fırst exposed to a new independence means children place greater
environment where language, attitudes and importance on the world outside than on
behaviour are all unfamiliar. their family.
B) When first exposed to a new environment B) Some experts hold the idea that a child's
where language, attitudes and behaviour feeling of independence determines how
are totally different, people often experience much importance they place on the world
culture shock. outside and their family.
C) People may often go through culture shock C) Some experts state that children's feeling of
when they are fırst exposed to a new independence can be defıned as the
environment whose language, attitudes and importance they place on the outside world
behaviour they are not familiar with. along with their family.
D) When people are exposed to a new D) A team of experts claim that children's
environment for the fırst time where feeling of independence can be explaine~
language, attitudes and behaviour are as the importance they place on the outsıde
completely different, they are sure to suffer world and their family. .
from culture shock. E) According to some experts, a child's feelınQ
E) Culture shock is what people experience of independence can be defıned as the
when they are fırst exposed to a new importance they give to their family and the
environment where language, attitudes and outside world.
behaviour are totally different.
5. Birçok insan için macera, bir yere gidip 7. Bilim adamları, ani metan gazı
orada yaşamanın gerçekten nasıl bir şey patlamalarının okyanus suyu yoğunluğunu
olduğunu hissetmek demektir; bu amaçla etkileyebileceğini ve böylece Bermuda
orada kalış süresince kendilerini o çevrenin Üçgeni içinde veya yakınlarında seyreden
bir parçası haline getirmeye çalışırlar. gemileri alabora edebileceğini var
A) For many people, the idea of adventure
means going somewhere and trying to A) Scientists assume that sudden ruptures of
make themselves a part of that environment methane gas could affect the density of
during their stay in an attempt to reaily feel ocean water and thus, capsize vessels
what it is like to live there. sailing in or near the Bermuda Triangie.
B) According to many people, adventure is to B) Scientists suppose that sudden ruptures of
go to a location and to be able to really feel methane gas could capsize vessels sailing
what it is like to live there so that they try to in or near the Bermuda Triangle by
make themselves a part of that environment increasing the density of ocean water.
during their stay. C) Scientists theorize that sudden ruptures of
C) Many people believe the idea of adventure methane gas change the density of ocean
is going to a location and making yourself a water, thus capsizing vesseis sailing in or
part of the environment to really feel what it near the Bermuda Triangle.
is like to be there. O) Scientists speculate that vessels sailing in
O) To many people, adventure means going to or near the Bermuda Triangie capsize and
a place and feeling what it is really like to sudden ruptures of methane gas affect the
live there; tor this purpose, they try to make density of ocean water.
themselves a part of that environment E) According to the speculations of some
during their stay. scientists, sudden ruptures of methane gas
E) Many people fınd the meaning of adventure affect the density of ocean water and
in going to a location and making theretore, capsize vessels sailing in or near
themseives a part of the environment in the Bermuda Triangle.
order to reaily feel what it feels like to live E
there. o


6. Aşırıyoksulluk nedeniyle, dünyadaki

~ 8. Bazı anti demokratik devletlerin kendi
milyonlarca aile ciddi bir sağlık sorunu ~ halklarına karşı uyguladıkları baskı
ortaya çıktığında, çocuklarına yiyecek mi insanların daha açık ve demokratik yönetim
yoksa ilaç mı alacakları konusunda zor bir 1 şekillerine olan arzularını tetikler.
seçim yapmaya zorlanmaktadır.
A) The amount of repression some anti-
A) Because of extreme poverty, miliions of democratic states set up against their own
families in the world have to make a choice people make people desire tor more open
between buying food tor their children or and democratic torms of govemment.
medicine in times of health problems. B) Despite the repression some anti-
B) Miliions of families in the world live in such democratic states set up against their own
extreme poverty that they are often torced people, people stili desire tor more open
to make an agonizing choice as to whether and democratic torms of govemment.
to buy food for their children or medicine tor C) The repression some anti-democratic states
the sick person. set up against their own people triggers the
C) On account of extreme poverty, millions of desire of the people tor more open and
parents in the world are forced to make a democratic forms of govemment.
difficult choice regarding whether to feed D) The repression some anti-democratic states
their children or buy medicine when they set up against their own people indicates
are sick. that people have a strong desire tor more
D) ~xtreme poverty forces miliions of families open and democratic forms of govemment.
ın the wortd to make an agonizing choice E) The repression used in some anti-
be~e~n feeding their children or buying democratic states against their own people
medıcıne when one of them is seriously ill. has a triggering effect on the people's
E) ~ue to extreme poverty, millions of families desire tor more open and democratic forms
ın the world are forced to make a difficult of govemment.
ch?ice as to whether to buy food tor their
chıldren or medicine when a serious health
Problem arises.

9. Coğrafi konumu sayesinde beslenmenin 11 . • 20. sorularda, verilen lnglllzce cümleye
ağırlıklı olarak tahıla dayalı olduğu anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.
lsparta'da, Eğirdir mutfağını ayrıcalıklı kılan
ilçenin bir göle sahip olmasıdır.

A) it is the lake that gives the cuisine of Eğirdir 11. When we talk about chronic hunger, we
town a privileged position in Isparta, where mean that a famlly can't meet lts most basic
the diet is largely based on grains due to its nutritional needs for some or all of the year.
geographic location.
B) in Isparta, where the diet is largely based A) Kronik açlıktan söz ederken, bir ailenin
on grains thanks to its geographic location, uzun bir süre, ya da yıl boyunca temel
what makes Eğirdir cuisine privileged is that beslenme ihtiyaçlarından mahrum
the town hasa lake. kalmasını kastediyoruz.
C) While Isparta is a city whose geographic B) Kronik açlık dediğimiz şeyi, bir ailenin
location makes the diet largely based on hemen hemen tüm yıl boyunca temel
grains, the fact that the town Eğirdir has a beslenme ihtiyaçlarını karşılayamaması
lake is the reason for its privileged cuisine. olarak tanımlayabiliriz.
D) in Isparta, where the diet is largely based C) Kronik açlıktan kastımız bir ailenin yılın bir
on grains, the reason why the town Eğirdir kısmı ya da tamamı süresince temel
has a privileged cuisine simply is that it is beslenme ihtiyaçlarını karşılayamıyor
located on the shore ofa lake. olmasıdır.
E) Because of its geographic location, the diet D) Kronik açlıktan söz ettiğimiz zaman, bir
is largely based on grains in Isparta; ailenin yılın bir kısmı ya da tamamı
however, the fact that Eğirdir has a lake süresince temel beslenme ihtiyaçlarını
gives the town a privileged cuisine. karşılayamıyor olmasını kastediyoruz.
E) Kronik açlık denildiğinde, bir ailenin belli bir
süre ya da bütün bir yıl temel beslenme
gereksinimlerinden yoksun kalması

10. Vatandaşların hükümeti eleştirme 12. Some think that as it uses no words,
şekillerinden, insan gelecek seçimde aynı instrumental music contains deeper
partiyi oylarıyla bir kez daha iktidara meanings than language can communicate.
getirmeyecekler sanır.
A) Bazılarına göre, enstrümantal müzik, söz
A) Looking at how citizens criticize the kullanmadığı için, dilin iletebileceğinden
govemment, you might be mistaken to think daha derin anlamlar içerir.
that they will not vote it back into power in B) Bazıları , söz kullanmadığı için enstrümantal
the next election. müziğin dilin iletebileceğinden daha derin
B) The way people speak about the anlamlar içerdiğini düşünür.
govemment may cause you to think that C) Bazıları söz kullanılmadığı halde,
they won't bring the same party into power enstrümantal müziğin derin anlamlar
once again with their votes. içerdiğini iddia etmektedir.
C) From the way citizens criticize the D) Bazıları söz kullanmaması sebebiyle,
govemment, one might think that they will enstrümantal müziğin bir dilin
not vote the same party into power once taşıyabileceğinden çok daha fazla anlam
again in the next election. taşıdığını düşünmektedir.
D) Citizens are so critical of the govemment E) Bazıları enstrümantal müziğin, söz
that one might think that it will never be able kullanmadığı için, dilden çok daha derin
to get enough votes to come into power in anlamlar içerdiğine inanır.
the next elections.
E) From the way citizens criticize the
government, one might think that the party
will not be voted back into power in the next
13. There appears to be no fleld of knowledge 15. There are so many optlons that allow wrlters
where Leonardo da Vinci has not made a to publlsh thelr work on the lntemet now
contrlbutlon to the world. that we seem to have entered a whole new
era in self expression.
A) Dünyada Leonardo da Vinci'nin bilgisiyle
katkıda bulunmadığı bir alan yokmuş gibi A) Yazarların çalışmalarını intemette
görünmektedir. yayımlama seçeneklerinin çokluğuna
B) Görünüşe bakılırsa, Leonardo da Vinci'nin bakarak, kendini ifade etmede tamamen
dünyaya katkıda bulunmadığı herhangi bir yeni bir çağa girmiş olduğumuzu
bilgi alanı olmamıştır. söyleyebiliriz.
C) Leonardo da Vinci'nin meşgul olup da B) Şu an yazarların çalışmalarını intemette
dünyaya katkıda bulunmadığı bir bilgi alanı yayımlamalarını sağlayan öyle çok seçenek
hemen hemen yok gibidir. var ki, anlaşılan kendini ifade etmede
D) Görünüşe göre, Leonardo da Vinci hiçbir tamamen yeni bir çağa girmiş bulunuyoruz.
bilgi alanında dünyayı katkılarından C) Artık yazarların çalışmalarını intemette
mahrum bırakmamıştır. yayımlamalarını sağlayan öyle çok seçenek
E) Leonardo Da Vinci'nin dünyaya katkıda var ki, kendini ifade etmede tamamen yeni
bulunmadığı bir bilgi alanı yokmuş gibi bir çağa girmiş görünüyoruz.
görünmektedir. D) Çalışmalarını intemette yayımlamalarına
izin veren sayısız seçenek sayesinde,
yazarlar artık kendini ifade etmede
tamamen yeni bir çağa girmiş görünüyor.
E) Günümüzde yazarlar çalışmalarını
intemette yayımlamak için birçok seçeneğe
sahip, ki bu da kendini ifade etmede
tamamen yeni bir çağa girdiğimizi

14. By puttlng energy efflclency solutlon in 16. EU leaders agreed to suspend talks ona
place, we can reduce our contributlon to new partnership agreement wlth Moscow
global warming while creating a stronger, untll Russian troops withdrew from Georgia.
healthler, and more secure nation.
A) AB liderteri, Rusya askerlerini
A) Enerji verimliliği çözümünü uygulamaya Gürcistan'dan çekene kadar Moskova'yla
koyup daha güçlü, daha sağlıklı ve daha yeni bir ortaklık anlaşması
güvenli bir ulus yaratabilir ve küresel yapamayacaklarını öne sürerek görüşmeleri
ısınmaya olan katkımızı azaltabiliriz. askıya aldı.
B) Enerji verimliliği çözümünü uygulamaya 8) AB liderteri, Rusya askerterini
koymakla, küresel ısınmaya olan katkımızı Gürcistan'dan çekene kadar Moskova'yla
azaltacağımız gibi daha güçlü, daha sağlıklı yeni bir ortaklık anlaşması konusundaki
ve daha güvenli bir ulus da yaratabileceğiz. görüşmeleri askıya almayı karartaştırdılar.
C) Enerji verimliliği çözümünü uygulamaya C) AB liderleri, Moskova'yla yeni bir ortaklık
koyarak, daha güçlü, daha sağlıklı ve daha anlaşması konusundaki görüşmeleri
güvenli bir ulus yaratırken küresel ısınmaya sürdürebilmek için Rusya'nın askerlerini
olan katkımızı azaltabiliriz. Gürcistan'dan çekmesi gerektiği
D) Enerji verimliliği sorununu çözüme savundular.
kavuşturmak hem daha güçlü, sağlıklı ve O) AB liderleri, Rusya Gürcistan'daki
güvenli bir ulus yaratmamızı hem de askerlerini tamamen geri çekene kadar
küresel ısınmayı azaltmamızı sağlayacaktır. Moskova'yla ortaklık anlaşması
E) Enerji verimliliği uygulanarak, küresel müzakerelerini askıya aldılar.
ısınmaya olan katkı azalmakla kalmaz, aynı E) AB liderleri, Rusya askerlerini
z~man~a daha güçlü, daha sağlıklı ve daha Gürcistan'dan çekmedikçe Moskova'yla
guvenlı bir ulus yaratılır. yeni bir ortaklık anlaşması görüşmelerini
yapmayacaklarını bildirdi.

17. To succeed at mountaln cllmblng, it Is 19. Since butterflles are tiny creatures weighing
lmportant that you traln in a manner that 500 mllligrams, when it ralns heavily, their
ensures your body can withstand the llves depend on only flndlng good cover.
physlcal stress such a sport lnvolves.
A) Kelebekler ağırlıkları 500 miligramdan
ibaret olan küçük yaratıklardır; bu nedenle
A) Dağcılıkta başarılı olmak için, vücudunuzun
yağmur yağdığında hayatlarını kurtarmak
böyle bir sporun gerektirdiği fiziksel strese
için tek çareleri iyi bir korunak bulmaktır.
karşı koyabilmesini sağlayacak şekilde
B) Kelebekler 500 miligram ağırlığındaki küçük
idman yapmanız önemlidir.
yaratıklar oldukları için, yağmur şiddetli
B) Dağcılıkta başarılı olmak için önemli olan
yağdığında yaşamları yalnızca iyi bir
vücudunuzun böyle bir sporun neden
korunak bulmalarına bağlıdır.
olacağı fiziksel strese karşı koyabilmesini
C) Yalnızca 500 miligram ağırlığındaki küçük
sağlayacak şekilde idman yapmaktır.
yaratıklar olan kelebekler, şiddetli yağmur
C) Dağcılıkta başarılı olmak, vücudunuzun
yağdığında ancak iyi bir korunak bulurlarsa
böyle bir sporun içerdiği fiziksel strese karşı
koyabilmesini sağlayacak şekilde idman hayatta kalabilirler.
D) Kelebeklerin 500 miligram ağırlığındaki
yapmanıza bağlıdır.
küçük yaratıklar olmaları nedeniyle, şiddetli
D) Dağcılıkta başarılı olmak için, düzenli olarak
yağmurda hayatta kalmaları yalnızca iyi bir
idman yapmak ve vücudunuzun böyle bir
korunak bulmalarına bağlıdır.
sporun neden olacağı fiziksel strese karşı
E) Yalnızca 500 miligram ağırlığındaki küçük
koyabilmesini sağlamak gerekir.
yaratıklar oldukları için, kelebekler
E) Dağcılıkta başarılı olmak için, yaptığınız
idmanlarla vücudunuzun böyle bir sporun kendilerine iyi bir korunak bulamadıkça
şiddetli yağmurda hayatta kalamazlar.
gerektirdiği fiziksel strese karşı
koyabilmesini sağlamak önemlidir.

18. Queen Victorla's reign was a period of 20. it hasn't been exactly understood when
slgnifıcant social and economic change, people started communlcatlng through
which witnessed the expansion of the words; regardless, it is known that many
British Empire. problems are solved by talking.

A) Kraliçe Victoria, Britanya'ya önemli bir A) insanların ne zaman kelimelerle iletişime

toplumsal ve ekonomik değişim döneminde geçtiği bilinmemekle birlikte, konuşmanın
hükümdarlık etmiş ve imparatorluğun sorun çözmede önemli olduğu
giderek büyüdüğüne tanık olmuştur. bilinmektedir.
B) Kraliçe Victoria saltanatı Britanya B) Her ne kadar insanların ne zaman
imparatorluğunun büyüdüğü önemli bir birbirleriyle iletişime geçtiği tam olarak
toplumsal ve ekonomik değişim dönemiydi. bilinmese de, pek çok sorunun iletişim
C) Kraliçe Victoria'nın saltanatı önemli bir sayesinde çözüldüğü kesindir.
toplumsal ve ekonomik değişim süreci C) Sorunlarını iletişim yoluyla çözebilen
yaşamış, ve Britanya imparatorluğunun insanoğlunun aslında ne zaman kelimelerle
büyümesine tanıklık etmiştir. iletişime geçtiği tam olarak bilinmemektedir.
D) Önemli toplumsal ve ekonomik değişimlere D) insanların ne zaman kelimeleri kullanarak
tanıklık eden Kraliçe Victoria döneminde iletişime geçtiği hala anlaşılamamış
Britanya imparatorluğu oldukça olmasına karşın, iletişimin bir sorun çözme
genişlemiştir. yolu olduğu bilinmektedir
E) Kraliçe Victoria'nın saltanatı Britanya E) insanların ne zaman kelimelerle iletişime
imparatorluğunun büyümesine tanıklık eden başladığı tam olarak anlaşılamamıştır; yin~
önemli bir toplumsal ve ekonomik değişim de pek çok problemin konuşarak çözüldüğu
dönemiydi. bilinmektedir.
_ 40, sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
k~nduOunda parçanın anlam bütünfüöünü
~!!! cümleyl bulunuz.

(1) Oriving on winter roads can be very 24. (1) Daylight saving time (DST) is the practice of
• dangerous, especially if you don't know how to temporarily advancing clocks during the
identify the possibility of black ice on roads. summertime. (il) Modem DST was first
(il) lf it's below freezing outside, the posslbility proposed in 1895 by George Vemon Hudson.
of there being black ice on the road is much (111) Although not used by most of the world's
greater. (111) Even if it's above freezing, expect people, daylight saving time is common in the
black ice lf you're driving on bridges, Northem Hemisphere high latitudes. (iV) Most
overpasses or in tunnels. (iV) Drivers ignore the areas of North America and Europe also
traffic rules, which lead to fatal accidents. (V) AII observe daylight saving time. (V) Through this,
of these places freeze before road surfaces and aftemoons have more daylight and momings
may be spots where black ice resides. have less.

A) 1 B) il C) 111 O) iV E)V A) 1 B) il C) 111 O) iV E)V

22. (1) While transatlantic and intercontinental 25. (1) Spendthrifts are people who do not seem to
shipments are made almost always by jet be able to hold on to their money. (11) They have
aircraft, there are occasions when sea transport a tendency to spend too much on too many
is preferred. (il) The most common and efficient trivial things. (111) So, misers are people
method of transporting goods is by air. dominated by the desire to save. (iV) Also, they
(111) Statistically, it is also the safest in terms of become addicted to credit cards only to regret it
accident frequency per kilometre travelled. when they are unable to pay their credit card
(iV) However, the loss is usually total when an bills. (V) And sometimes they even buy very
air crash happens. (V) Despite this, air transport expensive gifts for their friends just to make
is the most preferred in modem ages. them happy.

A) 1 B) il C) 111 O) iV E)V A) 1 B) il C) 111 D)IV E)V

23. (1) A hard sided suitcase has a rectangular 26. (1) Scientists attribute some people's obesity to
frame anda hard shell, making it one of the the number and size of their fat cells. (il) Some
most durable types of suitcases in the market. people are fat because they have an excessive
(il) it is very ideal for packing valuable items number of fat cells, and others are fat because
e~pecially those that are fragile because a hard their fat cells are excessively large. (111) Once a
sıded suitcase is less likely to be crushed. (111) it fat cell is formed, it does not disappear and can
also retains its shape even when crammed with survive the most extreme diet. (iV) lf weight is
other bags. (iV) However, a hard sided suitcase lost, afat cell will get smaller, but it will always
~~ be rather heavy even when it has nothlng be waiting to grow agaln to its former size.
ınsıde. (V) A semi-soft suitcase is softer than (V) That is, the reasons for obesity include
the hard sided suitcase because it is made with heredity, lack of exercise, personality, and poor
fabric. dletary habits.
A) 1 B) il C) 111 O) iV E)V A) 1 B) il C) 111 D) iV E) V
27. (1) Harper lee, bom in 1926 in the south of 30. (1) The Egyptians were one of the
Alabama , Is known best as the author of To Kil/ earliest civilisations to keep record in writing of
a Mockingbird. (il) The South was a reglon their everyday llves. (il) However, the earliest
where the blacks were forced to use separate written preserved story dates from the Middle
facilities apart from those used by whltes. Kingdom . (111) Storytelling was probably the first
(111) The Civil Rights Movement was triggered means of entertainment for people.
when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat (iV) Because most of their literary tradition was
ona bus in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1955. oral it was never written down. (V) Therefore
(iV) Following her bold defiance, Martin luther the ~orks that have actually survived are few~r
King, Jr., became the leader of the movement, than expected.
and the lssue began to gain serious national
attention. (V) Clearty, a prime subject of To Kil/ A) 1 B) il C) ili D) iV E)V
a Mockingbird, namely the injustice of racism in
the American South, was highly relevant at the
time of its publication.

A) 1 B) il C) ili D) iV E)V

28. (1) Paper was not made in southem Europe until 31. (1) Bacteria are very small, structurally simple,
about the year 1100. (il) Scandinavia, which and they are descendants of the first life forms.
now makas a great deal of the world's paper, (il) Bacteria are identified in part by the type of
did not begin to make it until 1500. (111) it was a environment in which they live.
German named Schaeffer who found out that (111) Thermophiles literally means temperature-
one could make the best paper from trees. loving, and refers to bacteria that live in hot
(iV) The invention of paper is attributed to the conditions. (iV) Salinophiles, which means salt-
ancient Chinese in some sources. (V) After that, loving, can live in extremely saline or salty
the forest countries of Canada, Sweden , conditions. (V) Acidophiles thrive under acidic
Norway, Finland, and the United States became conditions.
the mest important in papermaking.
A) 1 B) il C) 111 D)IV E)V
A) 1 B) il C) ili D) iV E)V

32. (1) The mlgration of refugees across territorial

29. (1) The most serious threat to health and well-
borders continues unabated. (il) No region of
being is drug use. (il) Children are abusing
substances at younger ages than ever before. the world is exempt from shifting masses of
humanity. (111) They introduced new restrictions
(111) Drugs erode the capacity of people to think
and act responsibly. (iV) in addition, they lead on asylum seekers, attempting to close their
borders. (iV) Some people ıeave their homes in
to serious health problems. (V) Drug use also
search of food and work. (V) Some choose to
contributes to the breakdown of the family
migrate because of intolerable human rights
structure. abuses.
A) 1 B) il C) 111 D) iV E)V A) 1 B) il C) 111 D) iV E)V

(1) The bright child is patient. (il) He can tolerate 36. (1) The health of our teeth and mouth are linked
33 to overall health in a number of ways. (il) The
· uncertainty and failure, and will keep trying until
he gets an answer. (111) When all his ability to chew and swallow our food is essential
experiments fail, he can even admit to himself for obtaining the nutrients we need for good
and others that tor the time being he is not health. (111) Apart from the impact on nutritional
going to get an answer. (iV) An unanswered status, poor dental health can also adversely
question is a threat and shatters the one affect speech and self-esteem. (iV) This may
permanently. (V) This may annoy him, but he cause a problem for the person in public.
can wait. (V) Dental caries, also known as tooth decay or
cavities, is the most common disorder affecting
A) 1 8) il C) 111 O) iV E)V the teeth.

A) 1 8) il C) 111 O) iV E)V

34. (1) The Middle East served as the source tor 37. (1) Twenty years ago, the term 'event planner'
many domesticated animals such as goats and was not recognized as a career option and the
pigs. (il) The fırst animals known to have term itself was not often heard. (il) The number
been domesticated as a source of food are of people who called themselves event
sheep in the Middle East. (111) The presence of planners was extremely small. (111) However,
these animals helped the region a lot both the fıeld of event planning has recently 'come
economically and culturally. (iV) However, as into its own' and experienced a very rapid rate
the climate in the region became drier, many of growth. (iV) There is good money to be made
farmers were forced to leave, taking their in this fast growing new fıeld . (V) Moreover,
domesticated animals with them. (V) This event planning is now regarded as a respected
massive emigration from the Middle East would and serious profession.
later help distribute these animals to the rest
of Afro Eurasia. A) 1 8) il C) 111 D) iV E)V
A) 1 8) il C) 111 O) iV E)V

35. (1) You can fınd insects almost anywhere in the 38. (1) The Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling and
wortd. (il) So it should be of no surprise that Wake is an annual event held at Cooper's Hill in
there are plenty of insects in the desert. England. (11) it is traditionally tor the people who
(111) One of the most common and destructive live in 8rockworth, but now people from all over
pests to be found in the desert is the locust. the world take part. (111) Accurate information is
(iV) Not all desert insects are bad, though. hard to come by, but the tradition is at least 200
~) Desert mammals range in size from a few years old. (iV) The event takes its name from
ınches to several feet in length. the hill on which it occurs. (V) Each year
contestants from across the world come to the
A) 1 8) il C) 111 D) iV E)V hill to roll a round of Double Gloucester cheese
and race down the hill after it.

A) 1 8) il C) 111 O) iV E) V

39. (1) Toy manufacturers started out making 41 .• 60. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere
educational toys aiming at preschool through parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak
high school. (il) Start by determining your child's için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
physical and emotional developmental needs.
(111) Then, look for educational toys appropriate
for his stage of development. (iV) For example, 41. - . Scientlsts explain that classıcaı musıc
an infant that is just beginning to leam to focus scores from Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach
and grasp with their hands would benefit from a release certaln types of neurons lnto the
visually stimulating toy. (V) Toddlers, on the braln which help the body relax, so you
other hand, are more advanced in their skill set become more receptlve to leamlng and
and toys that focus on pre-dressing or language absorblng new lnformatlon. When you are
basics would be a great choice. havlng trouble studying or focuslng, try
turning on some classical muslc to get vour
A) 1 B) il C) 111 D) iV E)V brain on the right track.

A) The violin is just one of several unique

instruments used to create soothing
B) The complex melodies of classical music
have proven to be effective for relaxation
C) Classical music can help improve your
leaming abilities while studying
O) Music can be part of the natural
healing process
E) You can tum to different types of music to
create a noticeable change in mood

42. Nowadays, apple clder vinegar is most

popular as a purported welght-loss ald. -.
According to Mayo Clinlc nutritionlst
Katherine Zeratsky, there is no evldence to
support such beliefs, but a 2005 study found
that consuming small amounts of vinegar
wlth meals helped people increase feellngs
of satiety.

40. (1) A tsunami is a series of water waves caused A) Though this has become big news only
by the displacement ofa large volume ofa body recently, its healing properties are nothing
of water. (il) Tsunamis are frequent events in novel
Japan, and approximately 195 incidents hava B) American Civil War doctors used vinegar to
been recorded so far. (111) Undersea clean wounds and sterilize instruments
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and C) Two laboratory studies in 2006 suggested
landslides have the potential to generate a that it may also lower cholesterol and blood
tsunami. (iV) Asteroid impacts, which disturb pressure
the water from above, may also cause a D) People all over the world have used vinegar
tsunami. (V) Owing to the immense volumes of to treat various ailments for at least ten
water and the high energy involved, tsunamis thousand years
can devastate coastal regions. E) A tablespoon a day taken before meals,
some claim, will help to curb appetite and
A) 1 B) il C) 111 D) iV E)V increase metabolism
the analysls of handwrltlng, 45. As the love of candles Is lncreaslng, so Is
43 Graphology, the risk aısoclated with it. Statlstlcs state
· only requlres two ltems: a wrltlng utensll
andan unllned plece of paper. How much that candles are becomlng the growlng fire
space we put between sentences suggests cause. Just because of careleııneıı whlle
something about our personallty. - . handllng candles Is leadlng to injury and
Another reason to use unllned paper is to even death of lnnumerable people every
analyze the direction our llnes travel year. Candles ara brlnglng fire inside the
naturally, such as if they ascend across the homes of people. - .
page or remaln steadily stralght.
A) Candles can make an occasion extra
A) This represents your comfort levei when it special but if proper care isn't taken, they
comes to socializing can make the special event into a disaster
B) Studying handwriting involves looking at B) Therefore, it is very important to take extra
both small details and bigger ones precautions when handling buming candles
C) That is, our writing styies are somehow tied C) Keep space heaters and candles away from
to our personalities flammable materials such as curtains,
D) That is why using an unlined piece of paper fumiture and loose clothing
is essential O) Another very important point is to keep the
E) You can use either a pen ora pencil buming candle aut of the reach of pets and
E) Before being moved, candles must be
extinguished as there can be chance of the
buming candle being dropped

44. - . Some people ara brought up to 46. The initial thrill of livlng alona includes
depend too much on others and grow up going home any time of the day, having
forever blaming other people when anything guests without having to worry about
goes wrong. Most optimists, on the parental consent, and generally belng able
other hand, hava been brought up not to to do anythlng you want. - . No one wlll
~egard failure as the end of the world -they clean your place, cook for you, wash your
Just get on with their lives. dlshes, and do your laundry. You are on
A) Upbringing is obviously very important in
forming your attitude to the world A) The challenges of living alone are not easy,
B) Having someone around who always fears nor are they hard
the worst isn't really a lot of fun B) Moving to your first place is a sign of
C) Accor~ing to psychologists, you can change independence
your vıew of life C) Yet there are bills to pay and chores to do
D) Having been brought up by your own aswell
E) par~n~ is _really important in your later life O) Don't let household chores ruin the fun of
Op!ımısm ıs a more positive way of looking being independent
at hfe despite hardships E) lf you have been regularly assigned chores,
you will feel a sense of competency
47. Nlcotlne Is hlghly addlctlve and qulttlng 49. Drled latex from the lnner llnlng of aloe
smoklng can be very dlfflcult. in fact, most leaves has been used traditlonally as a
people fail the fırst time they try to qult ıaxatlve taken by mouth. A comblnatlo
smoklng. But just because you fail once -or n
herbal remedy containing aloe was found t
more than once- does not mean you cannot be an effective laxative, although it is not 0
succeed or that you should not try again. clear lf this effect was due to aloe or to oth
--. lngredients in the product. - . er
A) Take advantage of the multitude of A) Early study of aloe lotion suggests
resources available to help you successfully effectiveness when applied to the skin
quit smoking B) Thereby, further study is needed to
B) Now that you have quit smoking, it is time establish dosing and to compare it With
to map out your smoke-free life other commonly used laxatives
C) Living smoke-free means better health and C) Early well-designed studies in humans
greater longevity but it does not mean living found no benefıt of topical plants as a
stress-free remedy
D) You probably worry about what smoking is D) Early low-quality studies suggest aloe may
doing to your health and how hard it will be effectively reduce skin dryness
to quit smoking E) Alternative medicine has been on the trend
E) it is fairly common to gain weight after you which , at times contradict to the
stop smoking, especially in the fırst few conventional one

48. - . Due to the existing cultural attractlons

, 50. lf weight loss is on your to-do list, the most
less expenslve housing and commerclal
space, and the hlgh density of restaurants practlcal actlon is to rearrange your dally
and drinklng establishments, the Misslon meals. - . "Eat breakfast like a klng, lunch
Distrlct is a magnet for young people. ilke a prlnce, and dinner ilke a pauper"
seems to be the best advlce.
A) Numerous Latino artistic and cultural
institutions are based in the Mission District A) lnstead of having a light carbohydrate-
B) The principal thoroughfare of the Mission based breakfast and a large meat-based
District of San Francisco is Mission Street dinner, switch them
C) The Mission District is famous and B) People generally desire meal variety at
influential for introducing Mexican food to lunch and dinner, but they eat the same
Americans thing most mornings
D) The Mission District is a neighbourhood C) Breakfast helps kick-start your metabolism
in San Francisco, California, USA levels for the day, which is crucial to weight
E) Oespite rising rent and housing prices, loss
many immigrants continue to migrate into D) Although they eat a large dinner, some
the Mission District people do not suffer from weight gain
E) At lunch time, eat a substantial meal to tuel
you for the afternoon
51. Many times in life, people leam from 53. - . Ambldextrouı vlsual artiıts and
examples. - . This can help them solve lnventorı lnclude Leonardo da Vinci and
many problems. They can leam how to Mlchelangelo. Muılclanı Mlchael Angelo
tormat their essay, make an outllne, and cite Batlo, Kurt Cobaln and Jlml Hendrlx have all
the sources that they have used just by clalmed mixed-handedneıs. And
referrlng to an essay example. ambldexterlty has helped many athleteı
achleve champlon ıtatuı, lncludlng Mlchael
A) Students can save themselves from a lot of Jordan, tennlı sensatlon Marta Sharapova,
agony that comes with looking for a and fallen baseball star Pete Rose.
knowledgeable person in formatting essays
B) Writing an essay does not have to be as A) in certain vocations that require skilled use
bad as it seems if you know about the of both hands, learned ambidexterity can
simple ruies to write a good essay provide lasting rewards
C) Writing a great essay can be quite B) People who aspire to be ambidextrous must
daunting, especially if you are not sure enforce their own training regimens
about the subject C) Research on the differences between left-
O) Whiie using essay examples, caution must and right-handed peopie is more
be taken by students in choosing the widespread than research exploring
examples to use ambidexterity
E) Students, for example, commonly learn O) Exercises that facilitate mixed-handedness
how to write essay papers by referring inciude using your opposite hand for simple
to essay examples manual tasks, such as brushing your teeth
E) Some of the world's most legendary artists
and athletes seem to have benefited greatly
E from mixed-handedness



52. There are several benefits attainable if you

consider using ground heat pump for your 54. What makes up the business-casual trend is
personal application. Firstly, it reduces a little bit fuzzy. Three-piece sults and
carbon dioxide emissions. Next, you need wingtips have morphed into creative
not pay for any fuel to produce heat versions of casual, but then business casual
anymore, where it directly cancels your fuel should not be equated to weekend casual.
bill. And lastly, this pump can reduce - . The problem Is recognizlng the
wastage of electricity as well. - . dlfference and knowlng when casual Is too
A) Ground heat pump uses pipes which are
buried under the ground to extract the heat A) Professionals used to know what to wear
B) it is typically used to warm water for · when going to their workplace
underground heating systems and also B) There is a big difference between these two
radiators C) The casual dress is not allowed at many
C) With high effıciency, less electricity is used workplaces
to generate more heat and therefore less O) Each company or offıce has their own set of
electricity is wasted rules or dress codes
D) it compares the amount of heat produced to E) Some are confused by what is appropriate
that of electricity used to generate the heat to wear to their workplace
E) With the advancement of technology, the
system now is so quiet that you would not
know it is operating

55. Contrary to what many people believe, belng 57. Much Is stlll unknown about the actuaı
bom rlch or beautlful or livlng a stress-free cause of phoblas. There does appear to be 1
life do not confer lastlng happlness. lndeed, link between your own phoblas and the
how to be happy cannot be bolled down to phoblas of your parents, however. lf you
one thlng. - . People who are happy seem have unreasonable fears, conslder gettfng
to lntultively know thls, and their llves are psychologlcal help, especlally lf you hıve
bullt on many thlngs such as devotlng time children. Although genetlcs probably play 1
to famlly and frlends, appreclatlng what they role in the development of phoblas,
have, feeling a sense of purpose, and livlng repeatedly seelng someone else's phoblc
in the moment. reactlon can trlgger a phobla in chlldrın. -.

A) Happiness is the sum of your life choices A) Children may observe a family member's
B) Surround yourself with happy people phobic reaction to an object or a situation
C) People who strive to meet a goal or fulfil a B) Phobias generally present in the 20s and
mission are happier than others 30s but may start earlier
D) Develop the habit of seeing the positive C) in some cases, phobias may be
side of things precipitated by a traumatic event
E) The bUlk of what determines happiness is D) By dealing with your own fears, you might
your personality not pass them on to your children
E) Phobias in children may present as excess
clinging, crying or severe behaviour

56. lf your pet bird lays eggs, do not 58. Chronic oversleeping is actually a medical
immedlately remove them from her cage. conditlon known as hypersomnia. - . in
- . lf you take them away rlght away, your addltion, hypersomniacs are sometimes
pet blrd might immedlately lay another plagued by anxlety, low energy, and memory
egg. Excessive egg-laying can lead to problems as a result of their fatigue.
serlous health problems and even death,
partlcularly in cockatlels. A) No matter how much hypersomniacs sleep,
nothing can relieve them of their exhaustion
A) While your hen is sitting on eggs, another B) ~e amount of sleep people need varies
breeding cycle should be prevented wıdely, depending on their age or activity
B) Every new bird parent needs a nest to levels
raise its chicks in C) Not a.11 individuals who sleep too much are
C) lnstead, change the location of your bird's classifıed as hypersomniacs
cage D) lf people want to sleep a lot, they should
D) Female parrots might lay one or consult a physician
more eggs even without a male present E) W~ile sleeping is a healthy habit, too much
E) Leave them for about 10 days, allowlng the of ıt can be a sign of some illnesses
hen to sit on the eggs and fınish her
hormona! cycle
59. - . Dletary hablts also influence home
range area. They generally requlre smaller
home range area per lndividual than solltary
terrestrial mammals, but primates living in
soclal groups have much larger total home
range than lndlvldual solltary mammals.
This trend may necessitate hlgher
expendltures of energy in food-gathering or
modifications in movement patterns.

A) Primates range in size from 30 grams to

200 kilograms
B) Numerous studies have shed light on
relationships between various aspects of
primata ecology
C) Primates show a strong positive
relationship between body weight and
home range area
D) Tooth size can be used to predict the body
weight of fossil primates
E) Seasonal changes may be a consequence
of reduced food availability in the dry

60. The brain's ability to store information

about events related to mistakes more
accurately than it does other events Is just
one of our many survivalist adaptations.
Even if we shudder at the thought of
messing up, it is true that we often learn
well from it; - .

A) Every mistake is a chance to leam

something new, though it is an easy
statement to make when trying to comfort
B) The brain's dopamine release makes every
good moment seem great and every bad
one seem catastrophic
C) Memories created this way are much more
resilient and long-lasting than those with
less highly charged emotional ties
D) Dwelling on negatively, some people
cannot cope with the hardships of life
E) When someone is in a high-stress
situation, the brain makes a point
of remembering every detail to protect that
person in the future

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