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Algebra I Entry Points

Vocabulary Description Example

Term A term is a group of one or 4x has one term
more factors 4x + 10 has two terms
4x + 10 = -6 has three terms

Combining Like terms are terms that In the problem:

Like Terms contain the same variables 2x -3x + 5 = 10

2x and -3x are like terms

5 and 10 are like terms

Distributive In this example, 2 needs to be

Property distributed into (x+4). Step 1

1) We must multiple 2 by x and 2 ( x + 4 ) = 24

by 4.

Step 2
2) 2 multiplied by x gives us 2x 2 ● x + 2 ● 4 = 24

2 multiplied by 4 gives us 8 Step 3

2x + 8 = 24
3) Therefore we have 2x + 8
equals 24

Inverse In this example, in order to Step 1

Property carry 8 over, you must cancel it
out by subtracting 8 from both
2x + 8 = 24
-8 -8
(For Like Terms)

Note: You must cancel it out Step 2

using the opposite sign 2x = 16
Inverse In this example, in order to get Step 1
Property x alone, you must divide both 2x = 16
2 2
(For Unlike Terms) sides by the number attached to
x (the coefficient)

Campbell / Cornish
Algebra I Entry Points
Step 2

Campbell / Cornish

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