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Task 2

Task 2a
Task Time of Person Date for How the Outcome
ac,vity responsible comple,on progress will
be monitored
Purchase of Daily Me 01/02/2023 Improving the I found a more
supplies organiza,on affordable
system, supplier which
keeping an allowed me to
inventory save money
and built
Hiring 5-7 days Me 10/02/2023 Review work I was able to
employees in process on a find enough
regular basis, workers with a
using verity of skills
management to help me in
tools running my
Finding the One week Me 02/02/2023 Iden,fy my Increase sales
right prices for compe,tors, since I was
my products acquire pricing aware of the
date for my prices my
products, consumers
iden,ty my were seeking.
problem in Helping me
pricing and against
adjust this compe,tors
Managing 2 hours Me 05/02/2023 monthly sales It helped me in
marke,ng and growth, sales growth
sales average follow which lead to
up aQempts, me earn more
by using income and it
reports to also helped
track me establish
performance my business
in key areas, which
tracking increased
amounts of customers
sale made loyalty to my
month by business
Organize Daily me 01/02/2023 Balance sheet, It was easy
accoun,ng profit/ loss maintenance
statement my business
reports, check records
analysis my
GeUng the One week Me 06/02/2023 Permits and Helped me
right licenses licenses shall add new
and permits be updated as dimension to
necessary, my business. I
past got a larger
performance return on
rela,ng to a investments
compliance with the
obliga,on license
Opening a 5-6 days Me 08/02/2023 Paper Helped me
business statement keep my
account fees, accep,ng personal and
monthly direct business
deposits, transac,ons
keeping the separate. It
certain also made my
account business more
balance organized and

SeUng up a 3-6 hours Me 10/02/2023 availability: My website

website for my making sure was able to
business the site is up aQract mire
and running customers,
for my helped me
customers, strength my
Func,onality: band and
checking that informing a
all pages, wider group of
features, and people about
elements are my business’s
working in the capabili,es
right way,
Speed: tes,ng
to make sure
the site is
working fast
enough on
both mobile
and desktop

Problems faced while planning my enterprise

1. Gaining finance for my business- One of my biggest and most challenging issues
was not having enough funding for my jewellery business. Ge<ng financing was
challenging. As a result, I was unable to purchase business supplies, a storage facility
for my inventory, and other items needed to provide my goods and services. I
overcame this by requesBng financial support from my parents and friends. They
were ready to assist me and stand by me. With the money I received, I was able to
purchase materials for a reasonable price that fell within my budget and allowed me
to make payments to my suppliers and other persons on Bme. I begin making my
jewellery aFer purchasing all my materials.

2. Purchasing supplies- The purchase of supplies and finding the appropriate

resources was another issue I ran across while planning for my business. The most
crucial step is buying the materials; they must be of high quality so that my finished
product will be valuable to clients. That was challenging because there were so many
varieBes and opBons. Also, there were varying costs for components of varying
quality that I needed for my items, yet I sBll had to stay within my budget. Finally, I
was able to locate a dependable supplier that could provide the jewellery I needed.
Prices and the offer they were providing was inside my price range. The quality was
sBll acceptable and the rates and deal they were offering were within my price range.
AFer buying my materials, I was able to begin producing.

3. Hiring employees- another one of the problems I have faced while planning my
enterprise was hiring of employees. Hiring of employees is important for every
business. Every employee adds to the producBvity of your organizaBon. Hiring the
right people can contribute to overall growth of my business and can also lessen the
need for me to hire more employees. Great employees are an investment that will
pay off in the future. Finding the right people to help and work in my business was
hard. Finding employees was hard as there are number of factors that contribute to
this problems, including the current job market, the ways companies are struPed and

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