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Activity 1.

A. Identification: Write the correct word on the blank in the right that is being
referred in the following;
1. An agreement in dimension, Due proportions , an arrangement.

Ans: Symmetry

2. The infinitely complex patterns that are self – similar across different

Ans: Fractals

3. A series of bands strips , often of the same width and color along the

Ans: Stripe of Pattern

4. A curve which eliminates from a point , moving farther away it revolves

around the point.

Ans : Spiral

5. A series of Regular sinuous, curves, bends , loops, or windings in channel

of a river stream or other watercourse.

Ans: Meander
B. Performance Task:

1. Go to your garden or front yard and start counting leaves and petals .
Write the result of your observation on this form.

Plant Name: Hibiscus (Gumamela)

Description : the hibiscus is a fast growing plant with dark green and
glossy leaves with dicot flower. It Comes with various colors like pink,
yellow, white , red and more. It smells very soft to the nose.

A. What is the pattern of the leaves?

 Based on my observation the pattern of the leaves of hibiscus that they
are in spiral pattern

B. Are there flowers? (YES/No) what is the arrangement of petals?

 Yes, The arrangement of the petals of hibiscus is corolla.

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