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He took her hand and gently rubs her ring finger

“We could still fix this friendship you know” looking deeply into his eyes with patient eyes.
She looked into his eyes with a warm gaze “We can’t build a house with burning woods” she smiled
bitterly, she hesitantly continued her words while avoiding his eyes “There is no point in fixing a broken
thing that will never be used..” her words fade with the wind. He gently tugs her hand and determinedly
looked at her “We could build it again, but this time with stronger material–“
He could never really predict what was on her mind or her soon expression but it surprises him once he
saw her smile with consideration “Maybe in the future, we’ll see, but at the ending of our last
conversation, we ended up as strangers, right?” she smiled and takes his hands and intertwined them with
“we’ll see in the future all right, I’ll consider building this again but not now..let’s wait until our ashes
turn into nothing” he accepts her condition and he now fully held their hands together, he looked deeply
into her eyes and said “I’ll walk with you— “she looked at him with a small frown and confusion on her
“Not exactly beside you, but I will walk with you at the same pace yet different paths” he nodded trying
to convince her of his idea. “maybe when we meet again, instead of waiting and building the same thing
that is now burning— why don’t we” his voice drifts into silence and rethinking everything his about to
say. “why don’t we what?” she asked him with curious gaze and waited for his answer.
“Why don’t we build something more than friendship?” they both know that he is subtly confessing She
pursed her lips into a thin line and her emotions suddenly disappeared, she bit her lips thinking of what
she will say. He knows that he might go over the line yet he will not take his words back.
She licked her lips and look into his eyes, she looked at him with a sad yet loving gaze “Don’t think
brightly of the future, your hopes might get you too high, and never realizes that there is no match for
your home below that will catch you, you either fall to someone who has the same dream but they’re not
the one you want to continue with, or you fall straight down and hurt yourself in the process. that hopes
and dreams of yours might crash and shatter along with you and your heart— we cannot risk it” she held
his hands tight while gently shaking her head“I can’t risk you getting hurt in the process of our future”.
A long silence followed after, he knows that he can’t rush things with her by giving her the idea that there
is something more for them in the future, it amuses him every time she will give her words of wisdom.
Because of this, no his woman never gave anyone an idea of what she’s capable of or who she is inside.
He nodded once again now accepting her words and opening his mind wider to acknowledge the
capability of everything.
She now smiles happily because both of them are now feeling relieved of their situation,she stands up and
offer her hands waiting for him to take it, once he did she interwined them and walk towards their friend
who didn’t seem to notice their absence after a long time. He knows that she always let go or stop any
interactions with him infront of their friend as she doesn’t want any issues running around, so he let go
and tried to walk ahead only to be stopped by someone who held his hands and pulled him forward,
She happily smiled at him with content, she never knew that they will come to this stage where she can
hold him like she did in her daydreams in the past. She will never let go even the fate restarts them over
and over again.
He smiled back and held pulled her closer while holding her hands with firm yet soft hold, showing that
he will not let go. He will do everything just to be by her side even fate tries to break them.
They know that they will do whatever it takes just hold each other once again, even what ever
mischievious fate plans to break them apart, their faith for each other will never break, they are always
one step ahead from everything that gets on their way. They will never let go, even it always hurs the both
of them.
< E. >

Somewhere Only We Know

I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete
A year pass after their last talk, it’s sad to say that they acted as if nothing happened between them. She
knows that she should’ve let go of the idea that there will be something more in the future, he didn’t
know how fast her heartbeat was when he said those words, while thinking of the past events. Her feet led
her to the place where they fixed everything.
It’s a park, that has a breath taking view of everything, everything on there were full of peace, it’s
actually not pretty famous to everyone as it has many running rumor that it’s hunted. Yet that place is so
enchanted, when the dawn and dusk has started, the fireflies that hides behind those beautiful trees, the
flowers, land, path, and everthing in that place is her safe place.
She has no idea why she is going there but she feels like there is something going to happen, she cannot
pin point if it’s bad or good gut feeling, thus far her chest began to feel heavy of mixed feelings
I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?
When someone felt a lot of emotions or things happenend to them after another, there is only place they
can feel free from everything, they would go there and release everything that kept on pulling them down
every now and then. It’s called safe place or comfort place, its commonly built with happy memories or
something sentimental happened that can easily calm your soul.
However she seems to be an exception, she doesn’t have a comfort place whereas it was built by
happiness or with someone else, her comfort place is let’s say, special, instead of building it with
someone, she built it with her emotions, her safeplace is where her heart breaks happens, where she
would wail because of her shattered heart that turned into small yet sharp crystals that hurts her damaged
and wounded soul caused by her tattered and locked emotions.
Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm gettin' old, and I need something to rely on
So, tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm gettin' tired, and I need somewhere to begin
She has now arrived to that place, she felt drained remembering everything that happened there but those
memories give her warmth like a hot cocoa drink on a cold weather. Her eyes wandered every corner yet
not moving an inch where she’s standing. She took a sit on the bench where the view shows her a
comforting image of setting sun and sparkling water, She took a deep breathe and releases it along with
her heavy feelings.
They say there is a calm weather before storm. Even how calm her feeling was, her mind is running, the
image of him with someone kept playing in her head, she felt her eyes stinging but she kept them open,
the image keep on replaying even though she tries to erase and block it,she just can’t, the image is so
fresh and raw it burns her brain its like putting alcohol on an open wound.
Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm gettin' old, and I need something to rely on
So, tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm gettin' tired, and I need somewhere to begin
She was walking peacefully around the camp while thinking of the possibility of what he said, ‘what if
there is really a future for us?’ she kept on strolling around casually greeting the others feeling so content
and satisfied, She was smiling happily as she sees everyone having fun with a grin on their faces. She
suddenly couldn’t move a muscle, she doesn’t know what to feel after seeing him with her, she can feel
her heart rapidly sinking in her stomach, she doesn’t even remember when she stopped breathing until she
felt a cold breeze touch her wet cheek.
And if you have a minute, why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So, why don't we go
How could he, how could he be so happy with her presence that he didn’t even notice my absence? Im
confused, am I gone for too long for him to forget that im still here?, I just went to take a fresh breathe for
myself and when I came back his already with someone else. How could he?!, all thoughts running
through my mind and burning and killing my heart but one fact stops my tears from falling like a storm
from my eyes….His not mine for me to claim, he is not mine for me to blame…that’s right, why am I
hurting myself when I was the one who told him not today…how could i?, when I was the one to tell him
there is another time, how could I be jealous when he finally met his final love for the first time…am I
being selfish for someone else’s life?...what am I doing, why was I waiting for him to notice me and say
“hey, that’s the love of my life” and smile like his only mine..
I left.
Pathetic, they look happy, why am I blaming them? Im the one who wants to let go but why am I tearing
up? Is it because I still love him? Am I tearing because I never told him that I want him? Or am I tearing
because im still waiting, and waiting, and waiting for him to come back.. its not her fault that he learned
to love her.. it not his fault for trying a new path like he promised it me? Am I the one whose
breaking my own mind and sanity?
That’s right, I forgot to walk to another path and start working for my own life..its my fault that I haven’t
moved on from that moment where he had me captured by his dimple still sitting and waiting
for him to come back when he already started his own journey without saying… goodbye. But have he
thought of me? Does he even remember me?, if I tried to cross his path is he still walking with me? If I
tried to cross his path is he waiting for me? If I tried to cross his path, will he come with me?.... Will he
hold my hands so tight that I could say its actually real? Will he hold my hands so tight that I can feel his
warmth on mine? Will he, hold my hand so tight I can hear his heart beating in sync with mine?,
will he look at me in the eye and say “We can finally build our fire” with sincerity and love in his
eyes?...or will he look at me in the eye and say “I can finally say my last goodbye” with pain and tears in
my eyes?...Wait, that’s right. Why am I blaming myself, why am I still thinking of the possibility that’s
possible yet impossible. I should stop from this track and start going for another path without him,
without thinking of him while I heal my shattered heart piece by piece with a care like a mothers touch.
I stopped and started my own journey, i realize that i don’t really need him like he doesn’t need me.
We’re finally walking through our own path and let fate win, fate winned for breaking as apart. Im glad
that fate thought of that.
My heart healed slowly yet tougher, I remembered that I used to admire him from afar from the start I
really do love him but this is the final fire I could leave behind my track. For him to leave his own fire
with mine and together they turn to ash and start a new life, our feelings are similar yet different, I love
him and he loved me. I should move on but I couldn’t, I tried to forget him but I cant.
One final wish before my own journey ends and finally meet him again where it all began.

She heard a small “hey” it sound comforting and it made her blink her tears away, she turned and saw him
with a smile, she returned it and offered him a sit. “its been I long time since we went here” he smiled and
looked at the view ahead “actually, im always here, I never left, I just went away but I never left.” She
said while looking to the shimmering water, he turned and look at her speechless, he thought that he will
never meet her here again as she went so far away he was actually surprise when he saw her sitting
quietly watching the sun goes to sleep..but after all this time shes just here, hes been finding her along his
journey yet he met someone along the way that made him stop and think, maybe she find someone new, it
wouldn’t hurt us if I tried and look for new, but ended up being guilty for giving someone a chance when
my heart is already reserved just for her. So I ended it and looked for her again, but it left me broken whe
I found her fire for me to keep, I don’t understand.

< E. >

Loving you wasn’t a mistake

I love you for goodness sake!
Why can’t you wait
I told you I love you
You told me to wait
I waited for you
But where are you?
I just told you I love you
Where did you disappear to?
I know I heard you
Why cant you answer the question I ask you?
Is it too much to ask?
Is this too much for us?
You answered Im sorry
But I don’t want your apology
I just want you to accept me
When will you see me?
Was it hard to acknowledge me?
Can you even remember me?
Do you even know me?
I asked
But you just said “im sorry”.
I really do hate your apology.

< E. >

Far yet close

Fire in winter
I want to hold you close
I tried to caught your eye
My eyes smiled
You eyes stared glistening with happiness
I was sappy
You look enthusiastic
I tried not to fall apart
I felt my eyes stinging with tears
My heart pounded knowing this is my greates fear
You looked at her like im not here
Oh please will you look at me while im still here
I stand and stayed as I prayed for my own sake
I pretend not to hear what you said
“I love you, please will you stay with me?”
I wanted you to stop
I started getting déjà vu
I know I said that to you
Why are you asking her what I promised you
I tensed
My tears starts to pool
Im a fool for staying
Your friends noticed me
Why cant see me?
I tried to call for you
But I chose to leave
My heart is aching
My head is pounding
My pulse is beating
My tears are falling
My body is shaking
My brain is running
I already had a bad feeling
I shouldve left
Why did I choose you
When I know you’re not staying
Why cant I have you
I already told you I love you
You said im sorry
But I stayed just incase
She left you knowing Im still waiting
She knows what im feeling
She knows im in pain
She knows that it will never be great for the both of you
She knows that she will never love you
She knows it will never be the same
She said shes sorry
You accepted her
It shattered me
Should I stop loving you?
She hurted you
But you still want her
Youre trying to move on
Youre trying to be happy
Youre trying your best not to see her
Youre trying to go back
Youre trying so hard to find your mistake
Im still here
Im still here
When will you see me?
Im sick of always waiting
I want to give up
Im sick of this repeating hearbreaks
I want to move on
I want to
Why cant I leave you
Its my fault for loving you
But for once
Will I have a chance
I will leave after this
Just this once please?

< E. >

evoke or awaken (a feeling, emotion, or response).
extremely unpleasant in a way that offends you or makes you feel slightly ill. Repulsive usually describes
people, their behaviour or habits, which you may find offensive for physical or moral reasons.

I want you to think of me when youre having a bad time
I wish you would remember me in the midst of your misery
You cant blame me because you’re the one who left me
I want you to think that im the only peace against your agony
It amuses me
Im so selfish I couldn’t help it but I really do wish you will never forget me.

< E. >

I want to say hi but is it alright?
You walked pass me
I m gonna get my way out here
You gotta find a way out here

The winter breeze, i always freeze
Watching the time flies I wish to stop
The chime of the clock each minute I go back
Reaching as near as I could
Looking far as I could
I feel the pressure of the air, the heat prickles my skin—I feel the soreness of my wings
I didn’t stop, I will never stop
I see the success of my goal
But I saw my fear swallowing my soul
Trying to go back once more
Thinking if my dreams will be whole
My anxiety swallowed me
I fell from the hole I will never wish to stay
Bones, blood and everything inside the darkness tainted my brain from whay I see
Exhaustion screams through the bone
My tears starts to swell knowing I will be alone
I search for a light
All I see is pitch black blinding my eye
I flapped my wings flying around
Until I reach a place to stop
Second,minutes, hours
I think, I think of how to see from this place I have never been
I wish to see a light but I remebered my heaven is my soul
I cried my agony, my mistake
It must be a mistake
I was happy, tears and emotion rushing through my heart
but my soul is my heaven I cant escape

My heaven is my soul I didn’t know it is until I realize my awake. 02/16/23


Follow, shallow,
Im not disheartet when I made a flaw in my art

Because I always see a knew possibility to correct it

Always remember that art is an imagination it can vanish and change its view

What can you say about someone who’s obsess?
I don’t like them very much but depends.
And if they happened to be obsess with you, what will you do
Why are you asking this type of questions, may I ask?
I’m obsess with you, I think
You think?, how so?
I searched, I searched signs of being obsess with someone
And all those sign hit me, Im obsess with you.

I always think of you, there is no single day that your face wouldn’t appear in my head.
I know it foolish but one thing only hitted me, okay?
That if you always of think of this person blah blah blah,
But I ignored the “you stalk them personally and online, having possesive thoughts and action about
them” beacause I don’t even view your stories.
How could this be?
Im obsess with you and I don’t know when to stop
Should I leave you alone, or ignore you?
Please don’t.
Few moment later
I like you. Very much.
I like you and I don’t know if its right or just delusion.
I said you’re always in mind
The reason is.. you have a very place in my heart
Atleast that’s the excuse I say to myself when its too much.
But for real I like you.
You don’t have to say anything about it.
You don’t need to burden my feelings for you.
But as long as you know how I see you, please leave it.
Im sorry you have to hear my confession.
You must have expecting this kind of welcome, im sorry.
I don’t know what to say.
But I think you’re not obsess with me just…
Attached, attached.
Yea just attached, it’ll fade once you forgot about me and have someone to admire once again.
…….Yeaa……im sorry.

Saxophone is the most seductive instument out there. No one can tell me otherwise.

< E. >
Wistful look—regret.
One word is polymath.
a person of wide knowledge or learning:
a Renaissance polymath

You could say he has an eclectic range of interests.

1 deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources:
universities offering an eclectic mix of courses
The word you are looking for is multipotentialite.

 Multipotentiality is an educational and psychological term referring to the ability of a person,

particularly one of strong intellectual or artistic curiosity, to excel in two or more different fields.

 It can also refer to an individual whose interests span multiple fields or areas, rather than being
strong in just one. Such traits are called multipotentialities, while "multipotentialites" has been
suggested as a name for persons who wrestle with these issues. By contrast, those whose interests
lie mostly within a single field are called "specialists."

 While the term multipotentialite can be used interchangeably with polymath or Renaissance
Person, the terms are not identical. One need not be an expert in any particular field to be a
multipotentialite. Other terms used to refer to multipotentialites are scanners, slashers, and
multipods, among others.

Pano pa’ko lalaban kung ikaw na mismo ang sumali sa kalaban

Ako ang nag-antay pero sya ang kailanagan mo
Anong nagawa kong ayaw mo?
Alam kong wala akong maibibigay sayo kundi and pagmamahal ko ngunit bakit iniwan mo lang
Alam mo ba na lagi kitang inaantay, iniisip ngunit ang aking pangambang mas masaya ka sa
piling nya ay nilulunod ako na para bang wala na akong magagawa kundi ang palayain ka.

Genon ba talaga pag ikaw ang nauna?

Ako’y laging narito bat s’ya parin ang hanap mo

Ako ang tumulong sayo bat s’ya ang pinapasalamatan mo
Ako ang nag mahal sayo ngunit ba’t ati puso ko binigay mo
Ganuon ba ako kaabala sayo para palayasin mo ako sa buhay mo

Pasensya kana eto lang ang kaya kong sabihin dahil ang dinaramdam ko ay mahigit pa sa saliting
iyong mababsa at maririnig.

Mas mainam pa na ikaw ay iwan para sa sarili nya kesa sa iwan ka para sa iba.
Warning. Don’t draw someone’s crush. Don’t draw them whilst picking every small details on
their features, cause if you do so. You wouldn’t evenn realize your starting to get physically close
to them laughing with them having fun with them. And if you do so realize like a did, im sorry
but I don’t have the knowledge to remove them from my head. All I can do is to listen to my
friends admiration and claims for him. Im sorry, I should’ve put a period between us before you
share you like in him.

But its still not my fault, I started to like him after you told me you’ve moved on then suddenly,
when im about to fall myself to his charms, you told me you like him again. I cant to anything as
youre the first one to voice your admiration in him. I still have the right to fall for him silently,
right?. You wouldn’t get hurt by something you don’t know.
Especially when you agreed for me to gather “info’s” of him. You just gave me an upper hand
from your own fight.

Im sorry, I just couldn’t help it, every time he looks at me I alwayt get lost in his dark brown eyes
his long lashes grazing his cheek. The way his hard harden a little bit when his writing, the way
he focuses on something whilst his eyes just stare at those boringly slouching his back when his
mind is out of this world. How his eyes calculate ever time he thinks of something. Its just hard
for me to throw that away from my mind. Im sorry, how I quickly got familiarize with his
personality, the way I knew his decieving someone with his unserious serious jokes, when he will
still be there for you as long as youre for him. I’m sorry.

But don’t worry he only sees me as a friend so don’t be mad at me, because I let you have him as
long as you let me love him.

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