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1 According to the principle of uniformitarianism,

A) geologic processes we observe today have operated in the past

B) geologic process in the past operated at the same rate as they do today
C) all of the planets formed from a uniform solar nebula
D) early Earth was covered by a uniform magma ocean

2. Approximately how long ago did the Big Bang take place?

A) 10-15 thousand years ago B) 10-15 million years ago

C) 100-150 million years ago D) 10-15 billion years ago

3. Under intense pressure and high temperature, hydrogen atoms combine to form helium. This process is called:

A) nuclear fusion B) nuclear fission

C) metamorphism D) convection

4. What are the two most abundant elements in nebula (gas clouds) in the universe?

A) nitrogen and oxygen B) oxygen and silicon

C) hydrogen and helium D) iron and nickel

5) The process by which an originally homogeneous Earth developed a dense core and a light crust is called:

A) metamorphism B) differentiation

C) accretion D) compression

6) The layer that separates crust from core is the?

A) magma layer B) lithosphere

C) mantle D) continent

7. The contribution made to geology by James Hutton was:

A) the recognition that processes still active today could produce almost any known rock type.

B) the description of plausible processes for converting one rock type to another.

C) a change in outlook on Earth processes from a catastrophic to a uniformitarian one.

D) all of the above

E) none of the above

8. Living organisms have been on Earth for ______ of Earth's history?

A) less than 1% B) about 20%

C) about 50% D) about 80%

9. The moon is?

A) older than the sun B) older than most meteorites

C) older than the Earth D) none of these

10. What powers the Earth's internal heat engine?

A) radioactivity B) solar energy

C) volcanoes D) ocean tides

11. When did geologists develop the theory of plate tectonics

A) in the mid-1800s B) in the early 1900s

C) in the 1950s D) in the 1960s

12. Which of the following statements about convection is true?

A) heat is transferred from hot material to cool material without inducing a flow.

B) cool material flows upward and displaces hot material

C) hot material flows upward and displaces cool material

D) random circulation occurs

13. Approximately how fast does an Earth lithospheric plate move?

A) several centimeters per year B) several centimeters per day

C) several centimeters per hour D) several centimeters per second

14. The Andes Mountains of South America are a result of which type of plate boundary?

A) convergent B) divergent

c) transform d) they are not related to a plate boundary

15. Mount St. Helen's. a part of the Cascade Range of volcanoes, result from the subduction of which plate?

A) Pacific B) Cocos

C) Juan de Fuca D) North American

16. Referring to the diagram above, path A is _______

A) cooling and crystallization B) burial and lithification

C) weathering and deposition D) cooling and uplift

17. Referring to the diagram above, path B is _______

A) uplift, weathering and erosion, deposition B) deposition, heat and pressure, weathering

C) melting, crystallization, heat and pressure D) deposition, lithification and crystallization

18. Referring to the diagram what factor(s) are responsible for path C?

A) melting B) crystallization

C) heat and pressure D) burial and lithification

19. Crinoids are an ancient Fossil Group that first appeared in the seas of the Middle Cambrian, about 300 million years before dinosaurs.
Crinoids reached their highest generic richness and overall abundance during the _____, which thus has been dubbed the Age of Crinoids.

A) Late Devonian B) Pennsylvanian

C) Mississippian D) Ordovician

20.) Trilobites first appeared during the _____Period (about 520 million years ago) and disappeared at a major extinction event at end of the
Permian Period. And it is sometimes called the age of trilobites.

A) Pre Cambrian. B) Ordovician

C) Silurian D) Cambrian

21 The largest extinction in Earth's history marked the end of the _______period, some 252 million years ago. Long before dinosaurs, our
planet was populated with plants and animals that were mostly obliterated after a series of massive volcanic eruptions in Siberia.


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