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1. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are also called as Jovian Planets while Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are?

A) Extra Terrestrial Planets C) Terrestrial Planets E) Gaseous Planets

B) Rocky Planets D) Both B&C

2. The image taken from Apollo 17 in December 1972 is perhaps the first to be called “____________.” The

dark blue ocean and swirling cloud patterns remind us of the importance of the oceans and atmosphere.

A) Earth’s Rise C) The Blue Earth

B) The Blue Marble D) Blue Earth’s Rise

3. The nebular theory proposes that the bodies of our solar system evolved from an enormous rotating cloud called the
A) Solar System C) Solar Nebula
B) Solar Planets D) Solar Dust Clouds

4. A gently sloping platform, extends seawards from the shore. Because it is underlain by continental crust, it is clearly a
flooded extension of the continents.
A) Continental Margin C) Continental Shelf
B) Continental Slope D) Continental Rise

5. He is best known for his continental drift hypothesis, also wrote numerous scientific papers on weather
and climate.

A) Alfred Wegener C) Nicolaus Steno

B) Charles Lyell D) Marie Curie

6. A small aquatic freshwater reptile whose fossil remains are limited to rocks of Permian age (about 260 million
years ago) in eastern South America and southwestern Africa.

A) Megalodon C) Glossopteris
B) Mesosaurus D) Lystrosaurus

7. A Boundary where two plates move apart, resulting in upwelling and partial melting of hot material from the mantle to
create new seafloor.

A) Convergent Bndry. C) Plate Bndry.

B) Transform Bndry. D) Divergent Bndry.

8. The Rift valley represents the early stage in the breakup of a continent. Areas shown in red consist of lithosphere that
has been stretched and thinned, allowing magma to well up from the mantle.

A) African Rift Valley C) Yellowstone National Park

B) Afar African Rift Valley D) Iceland Rift Valley

9. Rocks that formed thousands or millions of years ago and contain a “record” of the direction of the magnetic poles at
the time of their formation are said to possess paleomagnetism, or also known as____ magnetism.

A) Rock C) Age
B) Mineral D) Fossil

10. A type of volcano is produced by the accumulation of fluid basaltic lavas and exhibit the shape of a broad, slightly
domed structure that resembles a warrior’s shield.

A) Stratovolcano C) Shield Volcano

B) Cinder Cones D) Caldera Volcano

1-15 Plate Tectonic

1-5 Soil Profile

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