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Module 1A: Patterns of Development

To sum it up, here are the key points to remember:
● Paragraph Development refers to the writer's capability and
responsibility to discuss his/her ideas in prose as concisely and
clearly as possible.
● Narration refers to telling a story or recounting a series of events.
It can be based on personal experience or on knowledge gained
from reading or observation.
● Description is the recreation in words of some object, person,
place, emotion, or sensation.
● Definition clarifies the qualities that distinguish an object, idea, or
emotion from others of its kind.
● Comparison and Contrast is the discussion of similarities and
differences between two or more people, places, or things.
● Cause and Effect explains or comments on the results of actions
or behavior.
● Problem-solution considers the problem, and situation and gives
solutions to those problems.
● Persuasion is used to sway the readers to specific lines of
thought or courses of action.

Understanding the patterns of development is essential to you as

critical readers to be able to discuss ideas and concepts concisely
and clearly with audiences. Thus, it allows you to achieve your
purpose as a writer.
Module 1B: Selecting and Organizing Information

To sum it up, here are the key points to remember:

● Brainstorming is an essential pre-writing technique that involves

generating and exploring ideas before starting the actual writing
● Freewriting, mind mapping, group brainstorming, reverse
brainstorming, and silent (brainwriting) are some of the
brainstorming techniques.
● Graphic Organizer enables the writer to organize thoughts logically,
see relationships between and among concepts, and present their
ideas in an effective and persuasive manner in both text and visual
● Chronological is an organizer wherein actions or events are presented
as they occur in a linear manner.
● Cause and Effect is an organizer that describes and presents events,
affecting one another in the process.
● Comparison and Contrast organizer is used to study and analyze
similarities and differences between two concepts or phenomena by
placing these individual characteristics in either the left or the right
section, and common characteristics in the overlapping one.
● Description or Thematic organizers create and organize generic data
and information, especially in hierarchical relationships.
● An outline, in the context of selecting and organizing information, is a
structured framework that helps in arranging and categorizing ideas,
facts, or concepts in a logical and coherent manner.
● An outline is a general map of the essay you are about to produce,
and it shows what information; contents, and order that can be
expected by the readers to read.
● Topic Outline allows writers to organize the topics of a paper quickly
without going into details.
● Sentence Outline allows the writers to crystallize ideas and enables
the writer to judge the overall organization of the text in terms of clarity,
coherence, and flow like a mini-thesis statement.

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