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Kredi per Shtepi:

1. Norma e interesit ndryshon me kalimin e viteve?

Norma e interesit perbehet nga nje norme reference plus marzhin
Marzhi nuk ndryshon deri ne fund te kredise
Norma e references “per shembull Bono Thesari per Lek, Euribor per Euro dhe Libor per Usd” percaktohet nga Reuters apo
Banka e Shqiperise ne daten e tyre te rishikimit
2. Une e marr pagen time ne monedhen lek, ne cfare monedhe eshte me e keshillueshme te marr kredine?
Kredia keshillohet te merret ne te njejten monedhe me kredine me qellim menjanimin e riskut nga kursi I kembimit.
3. Sa duhet te jene te ardhurat e mia per marrjen e nje kredie?
Ne varesi te kestit mujor te kredise apo kredive ne gjithe sistemin bankar llogariten edhe te ardhurat mujore te detyrueshme
per marrjen e kredise te cilat duhet te jene jo me pak se 3- fishi I kestit te kredive ne gjithe sistemin bankar
4. Kush jane kostot fillestare te nje kredie per shtepi?
 Komisioni I disbursimit te kredise I cili llogaritet si perqindje mbi shumen e miratuar te kredise
 Shpenzimet per vleresimin e kolateralit
 Shpenzimet e pergatitjes se opinionit ligjor per dokumentacionin e kredise
5. Sa eshte perqindja qe financoni per blerjen e nje shtepie?
Banka financon deri ne:
 70% te vleres se kontrates se shitblerjes / sipermarrjes, kur kredia eshte per blerje apartamenti
 50% te vleres se situacionit, kur kredia eshte per rikonstruksion apartamenti apo ndertim shtepie
 50% te vleres se kontrates se shitblerjes, kur kredia eshte per toke truall
6. Kush jane llojet e kolateraleve qe pranohen nga Banka dhe sa duhet te jete vlera e tyre
 Banka pranon apartament apo rezidence banimi me vlere 143% e shumes se kredise
 Banka pranon toke truallme vlere 200% e shumes se kredise
 Banka pranon zyra dhe dyqane me vlere 167% e shumes se kredise
 Depozite e bllokuar prane bankes ne Shumen 105% deri ne 120% e shumes se kredise
7. Cili eshte afati maksimale per marrjen e nje kredie?
Afati maksimal eshte per 30 vite. Sa me i gjate do te jete afati i maturimit aq me i ulet do te jete kesti mujor i kredise dhe e
8. Mundet ta paguaj nje pjese apo te gjithe kredine perpara afatit dhe me cfare penaliteti?
Kredia mund te paguhet ne cdo moment dhe ne cdo lloj shume duke mos paguar asnje penalitet
9. Ne rast veshtiresie financiare per te paguar kredine, cfare lehtesirash te mundeson banka?
Ne rast veshtiresie financiare, banka te ofron mundesine e ristrukturimit te kredise duke te zgjatur afatin me qellim
zvogelimin e kestit mujor.
10. Cfare penaliteti aplikohet ne rast mos-pagimi te kestit te kredise ne daten e caktuar?
Kur kesti I kredise nuk paguhet ne daten e caktuar atehere banka aplikon nje interest e renduar 5% plus interesin e rene
dakort ne kontraten e kredise

Housing Loan:
1. Does the Interest Rate change over the years?
The Interest Rate includes the reference rate plus margin.
The margin does not change until the loan maturity
The reference rate “example AGTB for Lek, Euribor for Eur, Libor for Usd” is defined by Reuters or Bank Of Albania
2. I receive the salary in LEK, what currency would you recommend me to take the loan?
The loan is recommended to be in the same currency with the income currency in order to avoid the risk from exchange rate
3. How much should be my income for getting a loan?
Based on the loan instalment in the entire banking system are calculated the required monthly incomes which should be not
less than 3 times of the loan installment in the entire banking system
4. Which are the start-up fees for a housing loan?
 Loan disbursement fee on the approved loan amount
 Property evaluation expenses
 Legal opinion expenses
5. What is the bank participation percentage on the investment?
The bank finances up to:
 70% of the purchase / undertaking contract, in case of apartment purchase
 50% of the work construction list, in case of apartment reconstruction
 50% of the purchase contract, in case of plot purchase
6. What kind of collaterals does the bank accept
 Apartment or Residence appraised 143% of the loan amount
 Plot of lands appraised 200% of the loan amount
 Shops and Offices appraised 167% of the loan amount
 Cash deposit in favor of Alpha Bank at the amount 105% to 120% of the loan amount

7. What is the maximum loan tenor?

The maximum tenor is 30 years. The longer the tenor is, the lower loan installment will be. The shorter the tenor is, the
higher loan installment will be
8. Can I fully or partial pre-pay the loan and with what penalty?
The loan can be fully or partial pre-paid without penalty
9. What are the facilities from the bank in case of financial difficulties?
In case of financial difficulties, the bank offers the possibility for loan restructuring by extending the tenor in order to reduce
the monthly installment.
10. What is the penalty if the loan installment is not paid on the due date?
If the loan installment is not paid on the due date, the bank applies a penalty rate 5% plus the interest rate agreed in the
loan contract

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