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Curso: Edificações II- Unidade

Turma: 1831 Data: 12/09/2023

Teachers: Lis Machado Disciplina: L. Vernáculas

student: Maria Eduarda de Souza Magalhães

2 nd Unit - English - Text Production Conditionals

Let's produce texts using the Conditionals that we have learned during the second unit: Zero
conditional, First Conditional and Second Conditional. Below you are going to find three different
pictures. These pictures are going to guide your text.

1. Zero Conditional
1.1. Use the picture below to create your text/story using sentences and situations
according to the Zero Conditional structure.

On a sunny summer afternoon, Laura and Pedro met at the corner ice cream parlor.
Their friendship had deep roots, cultivated since childhood. Now, at 18 and 20 years
old, respectively, that meeting felt different.

Laura, with a shy smile, said, "If you order a strawberry ice cream, I'll order the

Pedro chuckled, agreeing, "If you don't like strawberries, then I won't either."

They shared laughs and old stories as they savored their ice creams. The summer
heat mixed with the sweetness of the ice cream, creating a perfect atmosphere for
nostalgia and flirting.

Laura, playing with her spoon, said, "If I had known our meetings would be like this, I
would have asked for your number sooner."

Pedro smiled and replied, "If I had known you had feelings like this too, I would have
invited you sooner."

As the conversation continued, the romantic tension grew. They exchanged intense
glances, knowing that something special was happening.

Finally, when they finished their ice creams, Laura broke the silence, "If we want to,
we can do this again, you know?"

Pedro agreed with a gleam in his eyes, "If you want, we can make this a summer

And so, Laura and Pedro's first romantic encounter became the beginning of a new
chapter in their long-standing friendship, where love began to bloom, and they
discovered that sometimes, the simplicity of sharing ice cream can be the start of
something extraordinary.

2. First Conditional

1.1. Use the picture below to create your text/story using sentences and situations
according to the First Conditional structure.


A few months into their relationship, Pedro and Laura faced an unexpected turn of
events. Pedro's first girlfriend from the past reappeared, causing tension and mistrust
between them. Determined to confront their emotions and find clarity, Laura decided
to head to the beach for a solitary surfing session on a rainy day.
As Laura paddled out into the ocean, raindrops fell on her face, and the waves grew
increasingly turbulent. The roar of the sea reflected the turmoil in her heart. She
couldn't help but wonder if Pedro's past would intrude upon their relationship.

Meanwhile, Pedro couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort. He knew Laura was
suffering, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing her trust. Determined to do
things right, he decided to follow her to the beach, despite the heavy rain.

When Laura spotted Pedro approaching the shore, she felt a mix of emotions. Her
heart raced, and she hesitated for a moment, wondering if they could face this storm
together. As Pedro reached her, he said, "If I've given you a reason to doubt, I'm
here to clarify things."

Laura, with a distressed look in her eyes, replied, "If you truly care about us, then we
need to have an honest conversation about the past."

They sat on the wet sand, the rain falling around them, and began to talk. Pedro
shared the truth about his past relationship, how it was a chapter of his life he
regretted but had never properly closed. Laura, her voice trembling, confessed her
fears and insecurities.

As the rain continued to fall, they realized that their love was strong enough to
withstand the storms of their pasts. The first conditional had brought them to this
moment, and now they were determined to face and build a future together, based
on trust, honesty, and a love that could withstand anything.

3. Second Conditional

1.1. Use the picture below to create your text/story using sentences and situations
according to the Second Conditional structure.


If Pedro and Laura won the lottery, they would travel the world together.

If the drawn numbers matched, they would be millionaires overnight.

If they became rich, Laura promised to help those in need.

If their dreams came true, they would buy the house they dreamed of on the beach.

If they won, Pedro could retire early and enjoy life.

If their luck continued, they would celebrate with a family dinner.

If the ticket was a winner, their lives would change forever.

If the stars aligned, Laura and Pedro would cherish every moment, remembering
their journey so far.

If they won the lottery, happiness would fill their hearts and reach others.

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