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Music has always been a huge factor in my life.

Not only does it serve as one of my greatest influences

in the world, but it also defines who I am as a human being. It has helped mold me into the kind of
person I am today, as well as the kind of person that I strive to become in the future. Music gives me
the strength I need to push forward, to achieve my goals, and to believe that I have the power to
change the fate of our world. Sometimes in my life, I just feel a rush of emotions sweepingthrough my
mind, and I don’t know how to control them. That’s where music comes in. Music allows me to make
sense of things. It enables me to express myself through the emotions that I am feeling. Through music, I
am able to observe the world in a different light, which can be either negative or positive, depending on
my mood. Whenever I start to feel discouraged or despondent, like the rest of the world has turned its
back on me and is just one big disappointment, Ilisten to slow, mournful, and depressing music. I
especially like songs that have meaningful lyrics—lyrics that make you ponder over what kind of person
you wantto be, what kind of role or purpose you have in this world, or what kind of an effectyou have
on others around you. Music like that is, in my opinion, the best kind of music to listen to. Of course,
there are also instances when all I want to do is laugh and jump around the house, dancing to all my
favorite catchy tunes. During those times, I listen to a totally different style of music. It could be pop,
techno, electronic, punk, or even all of the above. It all depends on my mood, which constantly varies as
the days progress. You may have heard people say that they cannot live without music. People say a lot
of things...most of which are far from the truth. However, when I say that it is impossible for me to live
without music, I truly mean it. To be honest, I can’t remember the last time I


listened to music. I literally cannot go one day without listening to some kind of tune. If my iPod breaks,
I’ll go onto my laptop and open up ITunes. If ITunes doesn’t work, I’ll sign onto my YouTube account and
search for some kind of song to listen to onthat website. If the internet is down, I’ll take out my
walkman and drop a CD inside it. If my CD is scratched, I’ll turn on the radio until I find the right song I
want. What I’m trying to say is that no matter what, I always find a way to satisfy my craving for music.
When you love something so much, you fight for it…no matter what opposition may stand in your way.
That explains why I’m rambling onand on about music and how important it is for people to express
themselves through it. When you truly care for something and feel passionate about it, the way I do,
you’ll be able to discuss it for hours upon hours.

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