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By: Aemeryn A. Montoya

Music is a very flexible thing. It is the most important aspect of my life. Music is how I
relate to the world. It means the world to me. It makes me think about how it relates to life. This
is the way to express yourself, keep you company while you’re alone. It’s something that I can
go to whenever I need it. What would happen if there is no music? What will happen if there is
no music? What will happen to the world?

People will always come and go but music won’t leave you. Yes, its cliché. But in reality,
no one can disapprove it. Having a relatable song with the same mood as yours is a combination
to let yourself be more productive at thinking at the same time creating a much better mood.
When you don’t have someone to talk to even your closest friends, music makes you feel special
at some point in which it’ll always say “I’m here and I’ll never leave you.” Other people may
think music just circle around language you can understand but no, music transcends the
language. Spanish, Tagalog, English and many more. Music is limitless. Having the innovative
and intellectual thinking as a qualification? Music doesn’t actually require it. Being real to
yourself the same as with others and starting emotions with factual explanations, all of it can
create your own style of music. There is no specific word why I really love music because why
can’t I? Having the opportunity to jam with your friends and family to create new memories
through music is such an aspiring way to love it already. Making you wake up to the decisions
you’ve gone wrong and letting you realize your mistakes for you to change.

Its hard. Having no music at all. I can’t imagine the world without music. You can find
the music everywhere the same as inspiration. We cannot outsource music to our lives. For me,
music is love therefore we should love music. No one can appreciate music as much as we can.
For all the moments it comfort you and make you feel better is a really. Hard responsibility for a
human to take constantly. Music will always and constantly be with you that’s why the same
appreciation and love to it should be expressed.

Deanna Jane A. Montoya

Hanna Joy M. Sapida

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