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IELTS Essay Types:

1. Opinion (Agree/Disagree)
• Do you agree?
• Do you agree or disagree?
• To what extent to do your agree or disagree?
• What is your opinion
• Is it a positive or negative development?

2. Discussion
• Discuss both the views and give your opinion.

3. Advantage/Disadvantage
• What are the advantages and disadvantages?
• Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

4. Problem & Solution or Causes & Effects

• What are the problems and solutions?
• What are the causes and effects?

5. Two Part Questions

• What ………………………………………………..?
• How …………………………………………………?
Paragraphs in Essay:
Paragraph 1:
Paragraph 2:
Body 1
Paragraph 3:
Body 2
Paragraph 4:
Body 3
Paragraph 5:

Do's and Don'ts:

1. Never repeat a word (use synonyms)
2. Avoid spelling errors
3. Avoid punctuation errors
4. Every sentence should be either compound or complex. i.e.*She is the woman who
works at a hospital. (Compound)*If you work hard, you will succeed.
5. Every new paragraph or new sentence shall begin with an appropriate cohesive
device. i.e. however, meanwhile, while, firstly, secondly, moreover, furthermore, in
addition, this, so, therefore, that's why, subsequently, finally, etc....
6. Write at least 300 Words.
Compound Sentence:
A compound sentence is made up of two independent
clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction (for, and,
nor, but, or, yet, or so) and a comma or by a semicolon
• The pirate captain lost her treasure map, but she still found the buried treasure.
• The cinema was sold out, so we watched a movie on TV.
• I'll have a week in Rome, or I'll go to Paris for three days.
• I really need a holiday, but I don't have the money, and I don't have the time.
• He's crazy! He doesn't like the car, yet he bought it anyway.
• It's gone 10pm, and he still hasn't arrived.
• Our car broke down, so we took a taxi.
• Our plane left Bangkok on schedule, and we arrived in London early.
• I cannot criticize him, for he is my brother.
• There are no eggs in the fridge, nor is there any bread in the cupboard.
• I would have passed the exam, but I didn't study enough.
• Should they take the test now, or should they wait until next month?
• I have never visited Moscow, nor have I been to St Petersburg.
• The pain was really bad, yet he refused to see a doctor.

Complex Sentence:
A complex sentence is a sentence that contains an
independent clause and one or more dependent clauses
joined by a coordinating conjunction. (after, although, as,
because, before, how, if, once, since, than, that, though,
till, until, when, where, whether, while, that, which, who,
whom, whose)
• Because my coffee was too cold, I heated it in the microwave.
• Although he was wealthy, he was still unhappy.
• She returned the computer after she noticed it was damaged.
• Whenever prices goes up, customers buy less products.
• If you work hard, you will succeed.
• We missed our plane because we were late.
• Our dog barks when she hears a noise.
• He left in a hurry after he got a phone call.
• Do you know the man who is talking to Mary?

Essay Structure:
Type: Opinion: Agree/Disagree:
Introduction Paragraph:
Sentence 1: Rephrase the question statement
Sentence 2: Agree or Disagree
Sentence 3: Give three reasons
Body Paragraph 1:
Sentence 1: Mention Reason 1 (after rephrasing) (Start with Firstly,....)
Sentence 2: Explain Reason 1(Start with Moreover,...)
Sentence 3: Further explain reason 1 along with example
(Start with For Example,....)
Sentence 4: Concluding sentence (impact/result) (Start with Hence,....)
Body Paragraph 2:
Sentence 1: Mention Reason 2 (after rephrasing) (Start with Additionally,....)
Sentence 2: Explain Reason 2 (Start with Meanwhile,....)
Sentence 3: Further explain Reason 2 along with an example (Start with For instance,....)
Sentence 4: Concluding sentence (impact/result) (Start with Thus,....)
Body Paragraph 3:
Sentence 1: Mention Reason 3 (after rephrasing) (Start with Finally,....)
Sentence 2: Explain Reason 3 (Start with Subsequently,....)
Sentence 3: Further explain Reason 3 along with an example (Start with Such as,....)
Sentence 4: Concluding sentence (impact/result) (Start with As a result of,....)
(Start with: In conclusion/To sum up....)
Summary + Opinion
Examples IELTS Essay Types:
• OPINION QUESTION: Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school
programmes (for example working for a charity, improving the neighborhood or teaching sports to younger children). To what
extent do you agree or disagree?


A large chunk of people across the globe believe that helping teenagers engage in unpaid community service is prolific for
their development. This essay agrees to the statement with valid arguments. First, I believe that such extracurricular activities
are necessary to foster the importance of hard work amongst teenagers. Furthermore, these activities also direct their focus
on giving back to the society while at the same time; help them see the world with empathy.
First and foremost, the unpaid community service is an ideal method to teach youngsters rigor and diligence because working
round the clock for the sake of the society without sufficient remuneration will stimulate their sense of self. As a matter of the
fact, life is not a bed of roses and opportunities do not come easy to everyone in the world. For instance, there are so many
labors that are underpaid in different parts of the planet but they still perform their jobs for the sake of earning bread and
bitter for their families. Hence, with the help of community work; these pupils will understand the happiness and satisfaction
that come with helping people sans any monetary returns.
Additionally, such services also help students understand the world around them; thereby such activities teach them the
importance of giving back to the society. For example, there are many underprivileged children around the world who do not
get the equal amount of facilities as these children. Therefore, it is essential that they understand that responsibility that
comes with being better-off in a society. Just like successful corporations which spend a large chunk of their profits with
people at the bottom of the pyramid so that these children should also learn to share what they have; with people around
them. As a result, they will strive for an equal distribution of wealth and income.
Finally, community services also make one grounded and humble. Similarly, children who live in their bubble of luxuries need
to be accustomed with those who do not even have shelter above their heads most nights. In the same way, this eye-opening
experience will help them see the world with a different set of eyes and make them humble for years to come. Otherwise, a
child who dines out with his family at least once in a week will never understand the pain of a similar aged peer who sleeps on
an empty stomach unless community services are encouraged.
To sum up, I believe that unpaid community services amongst high school students should be encouraged so that they
become hardworking and grateful in their daily lives, learn the importance of humility and adopt the habit of giving back to
the society.

Type: Advantages/Disadvantages:
Introduction Paragraph:
Sentence 1: Rephrase the question statement
Sentence 2: Give your opinion if asked
Sentence 3: State two advantages and one disadvantage OR State two disadvantages and one
Body Paragraph 1:
Sentence 1: Mention 1st advantage (after rephrasing) (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 2: Explain advantage 1(Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 3: Further explain advantage 1 along with an example (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 4: Concluding sentence (impact/result) (Start with a cohesive device)
Body Paragraph 2:
Sentence 1: Mention 2nd advantage (after rephrasing) (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 2: Explain advantage 2 (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 3: Further explain advantage 2 along with an example (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 4: Concluding sentence (impact/result) (Start with a cohesive device)
Body Paragraph 3:
Sentence 1: Mention 1st disadvantage (after rephrasing) (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 2: Explain disadvantage 1 (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 3: Further explain disadvantage 1 along with an example (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 4: Concluding sentence (impact/result) (Start with a cohesive device
(Start with: In conclusion/To sum up....)
Summary + Opinion

ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES QUESTION: Computers are being used more and more in education. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.

Computers in education have risen in popularity while this could be advantageous in terms of the effectiveness and
accessibility. Similarly, it may also push students away from more natural modes of learning.
Firstly, using computers for education can greatly pace up work and give a boost to the learning process, especially during the
testing times of COVID-19. When classes on campus became a major threat to health and life, it was computers which came
to the rescue. And not only this, I personally realized that working on computers as a student was more convenient and quick
than writing notes in a notebook. It truly became my companion when I had to type in the assignments at the eleventh hour,
it all happened with a blink of an eye. Moreover, the requirements of today’s corporate environment also include proficiency
in computer and Microsoft office, so it is only fair if children from a young age are familiar to these softwares.
Additionally, it is also an undeniable fact that data in computers can be easily accessible. For example, if I want to review an
assignment I did two years ago, I can easily look it up on my computer files to retrieve it, as opposed to keeping multiple
journals that not only occupy space, but can also be monotonous if one wants to look for a mere Math formula. In today’s
world, amid all the time pressures, it is necessary that students are accustomed to learning tools that are reliable and long-
However, we can also not deny the fact that computer is an artificial way of learning. And everything is based on
programming, calculations and sitting in front of a screen for hours, which cannot be fruitful in the long run. Using computer
as a mode of learning could drive students away from the realities of life. Undoubtedly, learning only takes place when
infused with both nature and nurture. For example, while my efficiency was at peak when using computers as a student, I also
missed going out in the park, speaking to my friends and simply breathing freely in an open space. Hence, anything which is
not natural can impact one’s mental health too.
In conclusion, I believe that computers are more of a blessing in disguise if one does not exploit its use. Furthermore, it also
helps one easily store and retrieve data in addition to its time-saving speed in getting tasks done. If handled with and
moderation, computers can also foster work-life balance.

Type: Discussion: Discuss both the views and give your opinion
Introduction Paragraph:
Sentence 1: Rephrase the question statement
Sentence 2: (Mention the points of discussion along with your opinion)
Body Paragraph 1:
Sentence 1: Mention (after rephrasing) first viewpoint (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 2: Explain first viewpoint (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 3: Further explain first viewpoint along with an example
(Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 4: Concluding sentence (impact/result) (Start with a cohesive device)
Body Paragraph 2:
Sentence 1: Mention (after rephrasing) second viewpoint (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 2: Explain second viewpoint (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 3: Further explain second viewpoint along with an example
(Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 4: Concluding sentence (impact/result) (Start with a cohesive device)
Body Paragraph 3:
Sentence 1: Mention your opinion (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 2: Explain your opinion (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 3: Further explain your opinion along with an example
(Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 4: Concluding sentence (impact/result) (Start with a cohesive device
(Start with: In conclusion/To sum up....)
Summary + Opinion

DISCUSSION QUESTION: It is commonly believed that nowadays main factors that affect a child's
development are media, pop culture and friends. A different point of view is that family plays the
most significant role.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is often held that teachers, peers and the media have a significant influence on the life of
children. While some people argue that these factors are predominant in shaping a child's future,
others believe that parents impact their offspring in more critical ways. This essay will discuss both
these points of view and argue in favor of the latter view.
On the one hand, the books children read and the music they listen to form their belief system. In
other words, children tend to copy the behavior of their favorite personality or fictional character.
Moreover, when little ones work and play in groups, they are influenced by their peers. Finally,
other factors, like the media, prompt children to want things regarded as fashionable. For instance,
children demand toys that they see on television.
On the other hand, a child's personality is malleable at a very young age, and parents are always
present in their life at this stage. Also, very young children love to imitate. For example, children
who come from a dysfunctional family often exhibit behavioral problems at school. An emotionally
secure environment at home is critical for the child's confidence. Moreover, parents also teach
children about setting boundaries.
In my opinion, children's choice of friends, books or music depends on the values instilled in them
by their parents. Therefore, parents hold more substantial sway over their offspring than media,
pop culture and friends circle.
In conclusion, the outside world influences the intellectual and social development of children.
However, I believe that it is parents who set the stage for these developments by laying a strong
foundation from a very young age.
Type: Problem and Solution or Cause and Effect:
Introduction Paragraph:
Sentence 1: Rephrase the question statement
Sentence 3: State two problems and one solution OR State two solutions and one problem
Body Paragraph 1:
Sentence 1: Mention 1st problem (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 2: Explain problem 1(Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 3: Further explain problem 1 along with an example
(Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 4: Concluding sentence (impact/result) (Start with a cohesive device)
Body Paragraph 2:
Sentence 1: Mention 1st solution (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 2: Explain 1st solution (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 3: Further explain 1st solution along with an example
(Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 4: Concluding sentence (impact/result) (Start with a cohesive device)
Body Paragraph 3:
Sentence 1: Mention 2nd solution (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 2: Explain solution 2 (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 3: Further explain solution 2 along with an example
(Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 4: Concluding sentence (impact/result) (Start with a cohesive device
(Start with: In conclusion/To sum up....)
Summary + Opinion

PROBLEM AND SOLUTION QUESTION: Students are becoming more and more reliant on computers. (What are some of the
problems associated with reliance on computers, and what are some of the possible solutions?)


Computers have changed the dynamics of learning. With its revolutionary technology, students can store and retrieve data
with only a blink of an eye. However, the growing reliance on computers has led to the emergence of many problems
amongst youngsters, including obesity and insomnia. Some solutions to these problems could be a good amount of outdoor
activities and a carefully planned routine.
To begin with, excessive use of computers is capable of adversely affecting a student’s health. These health concerns range
from distorted hand-eye coordination to obesity and the harmful rays impact the vision. Moreover, the students who tend to
have a lot of screen time during the day, experience exertion and even sleepless nights because their brain is actively working
even if they are not using the device. For example, my friend, who is and editor in a famous publication, spends most of his
day in front of a laptop with minimal outdoor activity and the result of this negligence is his constant complaints around
weight gaining.
To combat this issue, I think students these days should dedicate a number of hours out for their days, to walk outside their
homes and interact with people around them. Besides, they can also jog or simply meet up with a couple of friends. As a
result, this change of environment will refresh their brain and going back to work would feel less monotonous. To quote
myself, I personally make sure to hit the nearby gym and workout for at least an hour daily and this activity truly revitalizes
me and later helps me focus better during work sessions.
Another solution to fight health issues that grow out of excessive reliance on computers is following a strict routine. Students
should not be allowed to work on computers late at night, especially after 10 PM. And I must mention that parents have a
pivotal role to play in ensuring this. Furthermore, they can have mutually agreed screen time limits for their children and have
a reward system where they encourage good behavior and I have seen one of my aunts do that.
TO sum up, computers are a great resource for work, especially amid the testing times of COVID-19. Despite the advantages
that come with using the device, one cannot deny the fact these computers can also pose serious health threats for students,
including obesity and insomnia. But striking a balance between technology and nature could truly help parents and students
tackle the problem.


Introduction Paragraph:
Sentence 1: Rephrase the question statement
Sentence 3: Answer both the questions (Make sure to give three answers; one point from Q1 and
make two points from Q2 or two points from Q1 and make one point from Q2)
Body Paragraph 1:
Sentence 1: Mention 1st answer (after rephrasing) (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 2: Explain answer 1 (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 3: Further explain answer 1 along with an example (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 4: Concluding sentence (impact/result) (Start with a cohesive device)
Body Paragraph 2:
Sentence 1: Mention 2nd answer (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 2: Explain 2nd answer (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 3: Further explain 2nd answer along with an example (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 4: Concluding sentence (impact/result) (Start with a cohesive device)
Body Paragraph 3:
Sentence 1: Mention 3rd answer (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 2: Explain 3rd answer (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 3: Further explain 3rd answer along with an example (Start with a cohesive device)
Sentence 4: Concluding sentence (impact/result) (Start with a cohesive device
(Start with: In conclusion / To sum up....)
Summary + Opinion

TWO-PART QUESTION: As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element
of individual wellbeing.
• What factors contribute to job satisfaction?

• How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?

People spend a large chunk of their lives in workplaces. Having a job is almost necessary for every individual who cares about
the economic pressures in the society. However, working itself is made pleasant by a number of factors including a good
remuneration and plausible fringe benefits. Regardless, job satisfaction might not be realistic for every worker because every
worker possesses a personal definition of happiness.
Firstly, the main reason anybody essentially works for is money. Meanwhile, the urge to take care of people around them is
enough motives for people to work hard day and night. Hence, a good remuneration always helps a person feel motivated
about the work he does. For example, I myself look forward for my salary transfer every month because I see it as an outcome
of my labor.
Secondly, fringe benefits associated to the job also cause work satisfaction. Belonging to an organization that cares about
your well-being and standard of living is one of the most empowering feelings an employee can have. Moreover, many
organizations give their employees a vehicle, laptops, mobile phones and even cover their medical expenses. And the
employees who work with such organizations think twice before leaving them because a good package is difficult to forgo.
Even in my case, whenever I get sick, I do not have to worry about my medical bills and medicines because I know my
company has my back.
However, a happy worker is rather a myth than a reality and we as human beings always require more than what we are
given. Furthermore, our wants increase with time and the hunger for growth is often overwhelming. Even after regular
promotions, some might not be satisfied with the work pressures. Similarly, a person allotted free medical services, might be
eyeing on a house loan. Since the resources are limited in any organization, none of the employers can vouch for a perfectly
satisfied employee. As a growth-led individual myself, I always look for an increment in my remuneration, even if my job role
is empowering.
In summation, the fight between job idealisms and realities is a tricky balance only a few people can master. Amid such
scenarios, employees should be able to look at the totality of things rather than picking up pain points to encourage further
discomfort. So if you have a job that pays sufficiently to cover your needs and gives you a purpose to wake up, it is prudent
that you keep yourself grounded.

Marking Scheme:
1. Grammar
2. Compound Sentence / Complex Sentence
3. Range of Vocabulary - Lexical Resources
4. Cohesive Devices
5. Task Accomplishment (relevant answer to the given question)

Reading Question Types:

1, True, False and Not given
2, Summary Completion
3, Fill in the blanks

4, Short Q/A
5, MCQs
6, Headings Matching
7, Matching
Please Note:

Type 1 to 6 follows sequencial mechanism

Type 7 follows random mechanism
Reading Techniques:
1, Never read the passage at first
2, Read the question, underline the key words, understand the meaning, focus on synonyms and then find the
Question Type T/F/NG:

Question Type; List of Headings:

1, Read the first or second or third sentence of the paragraph (not all three sentences together, Read and match
with the headings one by one) and must read all the options before choosing one.
IELTS Writing Task 1:
Types of Reports:
1, Chart:
a, Bar Chart
b, pie chart

c, line graph
d, table
e, mixed Chart

2, Diagram

a, life cycle
b, process
c, map

Structure of report:
Para 1: Rephrase the question

Para 2: describe the trends (highest and lowest points)

Para 3: other remaining details
Para 4: Overall impact/changes

Do's and Don'ts of a Report:

1, Never repeat a word (use synonyms)

2, Avoid spelling errors
3, Avoid punctuation errors
4, Every sentence should be either compound or complex.

*She is the woman who works at a hospital. (Compound)

*If you work hard, you will succeed. (Complex)
5, Every new paragraph or new sentence shall begin with a cohesive device.
i.e. however, meanwhile, while, firstly, secondly, moreover, furthermore, in addition, this, so, therefore, that's why,
subsequently, finally, etc....
6, Write at least 180 Words.
Speaking Tips:
1, exaggerate the answers as much as you can.
2, Try to incorporate every aspects of Time in the answers i.e. past, present and future
3, Don't stop until the examiner stops you
4, Every sentence should be either compound or complex

5, Must use cohesive devices wherever possible.

6, start your conversation with 'well'.....
7, Start Cue Card with 'Well, I am going to talk about.........'.
8, make 8 bullet points while preparing notes for part 2

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