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Câu 3:

Imagine you have seen an advert for a two-week course for adventure sports. Write
a letter to apply for a place on the course. Use the writing guide to help you.

Paragraph 1: Say why you are writing.

Paragraph 2: Give details about yourself.

Paragraph 3: Say why you want to go on the course.

Paragraph 4: Ask some questions about the course.

Trả lời:
Dear Sir or Madam, I have seen an advertisement on the newspaper regarding the
course you are offering on tennis in England. I am very much interested in this
course as I used to play tennis for last 6 months. I am now intend to join this course
in order to improve my technical skills. I am also looking forward to participate in a
local tournament which will be held in next year. There are two major problems
arising in my mind. Firstly, I may not continue the course as I am expecting that my
university classes may be started in 3-4 months whereas the course duration for
tennis is at least 6 months for beginners. Secondly I am worried if I join the course
and may not to continue it for later due to university then is there any other option
as favor for me. I would like to know if there is any possibility that you can refund
the fees for those students who may have to drop the course in the middle due to
some reason as in my case I may have to join the university. I would appreciate if
you allow me to release with refund in case I drop the course before scheduled
duration. Yours sincerely, Mr Smith
Câu 2:

What’s on the timetable?

What should or should not be included in the National Curriculum for schools in the
UK has always been a controversial issue. How much time should be dedicated to
core subjects such as Maths, English and Science? Should a foreign language be
started at primary school or should a foreign language be compulsory at all? Many
people still question the validity of having a curriculum imposed by government in
the first place and would prefer to see more control over what is taught given to the
schools themselves. So, plans for significant changes to the curriculum over the
next few years will undoubtedly provoke heated debate.
What are these plans? Well, firstly concern over the general health of the
population has caused experts to call for five hours compulsory sports lessons per
week. Increased rates of obesity in the population have been put down to our more
sedentary lifestyle today and it is hoped that more exercise at school will put young
people on the right path and encourage good habits for when they leave school. It
is also hoped to offset the amount of their free time children spend in front of
computers and TVs today.
Another health issue that is affecting the curriculum is food and nutrition. Changes
in eating habits have meant that more and more fast food is being eaten and
cooking proper meals seems to be going out of fashion. So, a minimum of an hour
a week of compulsory cooking lessons for all eleven- to fourteen-year-olds is going
to be introduced at secondary schools to ensure that students leave school able to
cook at least eight nutritious meals!
As well as improving the health of the nation, the government also wants to improve
its intellect. Up to five hours a week of compulsory ‘culture lessons’ are set to
become part of the curriculum. This will include, amongst other things visits to
cultural centres such as museums and galleries as well as more traditional lessons.
Most schools believe that the thinking behind these ideas is sound but are
inevitably wondering how they are going to manage to timetable all the compulsory
changes the government wants. A week is only a week and an increase in time
allocated to one subject will mean less time for another. So which will go? The
debate begins.


1. Many people think that

A. controversial subjects shouldn’t be taught.
B. these matters need further discussion.
C. schools should decide what they teach themselves.

2. Sports lessons should

A. distract children from their computers.
B. encourage children to do more exercise.
C. become a habit.

3. In cookery lessons students will learn

A. the dangers of fast food.
B. some fashionable recipes.
C. to cook a few good meals.

4. Lessons about culture will

A. take children out of schools.
B. make us more intelligent.
C. take place in the classroom.

5. These changes may be a problem because

A. not everyone agrees about them.
B. school time is limited.
C. students will have to make a choice.
Trả lời:
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B
Câu 1:

1. In addition to his regular hours he’s working a lot of _________ to earn extra

2. Mary’s on _________ leave at the moment because she’s just had a baby.
3. If you wear a _________ , it means you don’t have to buy smart suits for work.

4. My last job was very _________ paid so I looked for another one with a better

5. I hate writing letters and reports but you can’t escape doing _________ in this

6. John surprised everyone by handing in his _________ last week.

7. To get results in this job, you have to work as part of a _________ .

8. Employees who aren’t happy with their working conditions sometimes go on

_________ .

9. Some people enjoy doing _________ work but I prefer regular hours every day.

10. Who is in _________ of this department now that Mandy has left?
Trả lời:
1. overtime 2. maternity 3. uniform 4. low 5. these 6. assignment 7. team 8. strike 9.
part-time 10. charge
1. overtime; 2. time; 3. jacket; 4. low; 5. your task 6. homework; 7. company; 8.
working; 9. extra; 10. charge
Câu 1:

1. In addition to his regular hours he’s working a lot of _________ to earn extra

2. Mary’s on _________ leave at the moment because she’s just had a baby.

3. If you wear a _________ , it means you don’t have to buy smart suits for work.

4. My last job was very _________ paid so I looked for another one with a better

5. I hate writing letters and reports but you can’t escape doing _________ in this

6. John surprised everyone by handing in his _________ last week.

7. To get results in this job, you have to work as part of a _________ .

8. Employees who aren’t happy with their working conditions sometimes go on

_________ .

9. Some people enjoy doing _________ work but I prefer regular hours every day.

10. Who is in _________ of this department now that Mandy has left?
Trả lời:
1. overtime; 2. time; 3. jacket; 4. low; 5. your task 6. homework; 7. company; 8.
working; 9. extra; 10. charge
Câu 3:

Imagine you have seen an advert for a two-week course for adventure sports. Write
a letter to apply for a place on the course. Use the writing guide to help you.

Paragraph 1: Say why you are writing.

Paragraph 2: Give details about yourself.

Paragraph 3: Say why you want to go on the course.

Paragraph 4: Ask some questions about the course.

Trả lời:
Dear Sir or Madam, I am John. I have recently noticed your advert for adventure
sports and now I am writing this letter to apply for a place on the course. From an
advertisement in Tien Phong daily newspaper, I got information about two-week
course and as a passionate learner of adventure sports, I would like to get enrolled
in this program. I am a dynamic and adventurous person. I am also interested in
sports, so I am sure the course would be a good fit for me. In addition, I want to
learn more from these lovely activities, I can make new friends who have the same
hobbies like me. That’s why I decide to register this course. However, there are
some issues that I would like to ask clearly about the course before getting into this
course. Firstly, the timing of the course, according to the adverts, it is from Monday
to Saturday. The problem is that I cannot join it on Saturday because I have to do
my part-time job at the weekend, so is there any option to adjust the date?
Considering this, I wonder if I can have a makeup class? And finally, I would
request you to email the document checklists to join the course. Thank you in
advance. A prompt response would be highly appreciated.
Câu 2:

What’s on the timetable?

What should or should not be included in the National Curriculum for schools in the
UK has always been a controversial issue. How much time should be dedicated to
core subjects such as Maths, English and Science? Should a foreign language be
started at primary school or should a foreign language be compulsory at all? Many
people still question the validity of having a curriculum imposed by government in
the first place and would prefer to see more control over what is taught given to the
schools themselves. So, plans for significant changes to the curriculum over the
next few years will undoubtedly provoke heated debate.
What are these plans? Well, firstly concern over the general health of the
population has caused experts to call for five hours compulsory sports lessons per
week. Increased rates of obesity in the population have been put down to our more
sedentary lifestyle today and it is hoped that more exercise at school will put young
people on the right path and encourage good habits for when they leave school. It
is also hoped to offset the amount of their free time children spend in front of
computers and TVs today.
Another health issue that is affecting the curriculum is food and nutrition. Changes
in eating habits have meant that more and more fast food is being eaten and
cooking proper meals seems to be going out of fashion. So, a minimum of an hour
a week of compulsory cooking lessons for all eleven- to fourteen-year-olds is going
to be introduced at secondary schools to ensure that students leave school able to
cook at least eight nutritious meals!
As well as improving the health of the nation, the government also wants to improve
its intellect. Up to five hours a week of compulsory ‘culture lessons’ are set to
become part of the curriculum. This will include, amongst other things visits to
cultural centres such as museums and galleries as well as more traditional lessons.
Most schools believe that the thinking behind these ideas is sound but are
inevitably wondering how they are going to manage to timetable all the compulsory
changes the government wants. A week is only a week and an increase in time
allocated to one subject will mean less time for another. So which will go? The
debate begins.


1. Many people think that

A. controversial subjects shouldn’t be taught.
B. these matters need further discussion.
C. schools should decide what they teach themselves.

2. Sports lessons should

A. distract children from their computers.
B. encourage children to do more exercise.
C. become a habit.

3. In cookery lessons students will learn

A. the dangers of fast food.
B. some fashionable recipes.
C. to cook a few good meals.

4. Lessons about culture will

A. take children out of schools.
B. make us more intelligent.
C. take place in the classroom.

5. These changes may be a problem because

A. not everyone agrees about them.
B. school time is limited.
C. students will have to make a choice.
Trả lời:
1. B; 2. C; 3. C; 4. B; 5. B
Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1.If you _________ down the webpage, you’ll find the information at the bottom.

2. I forgot to _________ my work this morning and I lost everything!

3. Click on the _________ if you want to see the full-size image.

4. Type the website into the _________ _________ and click on search.

5. What does that _________ represent? It looks a bit like a fish!

6. Our _________ is Microsoft Internet Explorer, isn’t it?

7. If you want to open another window, just _________ the one you’ve got open and
you can enlarge it again later.
Phần trả lời:
1. scroll
2. save
3. thumbnail
4. address bar
5. icon
6. web browser
7. minimise

Câu 2: PART 2: READING (3P)

Read the text.

How far would you go?

Several science-fiction films and series have become so popular that they have
achieved cult status. Their influence continues to grow and followers and fans remain
steadfastly loyal to their imagined heroes. There are conventions, books, magazines
and websites all dedicated to these stars, their exploits and their lives.

One of the most influential TV sci-fi series of all time was Star Trek, an American
series which followed the adventures of the Starship Enterprise across galaxies for
many, many years. The characters of Captain Kirk, Doctor Spock and Engineer
Scottie, to name just a few members of the valiant crew, captured our imaginations.
Feature films brought the adventures to the big screen but even when the series and
films had finished and the ageing crew long retired loyal fans keep the memories
alive. There are regular Star Trek conventions all over the world where fans meet to
buy memorabilia, listen to talks and of course dress up as their favourite aliens. And
as with other cult shows, Star Trek also has its fair share of eccentrics who take
interest that one step further – into obsession.

One such person, Tony Adams, lives in Leicestershire, England and is so fond of the
series that he spent several years and many thousands of pounds decorating and
changing his flat into the bridge of the Starship Enterprise. It contains replicas of all
the machines and screens and even has a transporter room fitted with special beams of
light. The flat is perfect but it still functions as a living area. The owner has
ingeniously disguised essential appliances such as microwaves and sinks, and normal
entertainment equipment like TV, radio and DVD systems are carefully hidden behind
wall panels. The whole flat is bathed in an eerie blue light and you can really imagine
looking out of one of the porthole windows and seeing stars and planets speeding past.

Perhaps the owner’s next step will be to learn Klingon, the language spoken by one of
the alien species that Kirk and friends encounter on their travels. In a quite remarkable
feat, a whole new language has been created and it is possible to attend the Klingon
Language Institute in Pennsylvania, founded by Lawrence M Schoen. You can
actually gain a qualification in Klingon. And when you have learned the language you
will be able to read Shakespeare’s Hamlet which has already been translated!

For more interesting Star Trek obsessives, look on their website or even better, go to
one of their conventions. It will be quite an experience!

Choose the correct answers.

1. The fans of science fiction series and films

A. live in an imaginary world.
B. are members of a cult.
C. support their idols.

2. At a Star Trek convention you can

A. meet the actors.
B. buy things from the series.
C. see replicas of the starships.

3. Tony’s flat
A. has the latest technology.
B. lacks basic facilities.
C. is not what it seems.

4. Which adjective best describes Tony?

A. curious
B. wealthy
C. passionate

5. People can practise Klingon

A. by reading a play.
B. by visiting the country.
C. by studying online.
Phần trả lời:
1A 2B 3C 4C 5A

Câu 3: PART 3: WRITING (4P)

Imagine you have seen an advert for a two-week course for adventure sports. Write a
letter to apply for a place on the course. Use the writing guide to help you.

Paragraph 1: Say why you are writing.

Paragraph 2: Give details about yourself.

Paragraph 3: Say why you want to go on the course.

Paragraph 4: Ask some questions about the course.

Phần trả lời:
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am writing to apply for a place on the two-week course for adventure sports in Da
Nang, starting on 12 July, which I saw advertised in the Sporty for You magazine.
My name is Nam and I am working in IT company since 2015.
Since my childhood, I am great fan of adventure sports, but, unfortunately never get a
chance to learn the same.
After careful consideration on the advertisement, I thought of joining your training
course that is commencing in the month of July. and I very much enjoy you’re your
course. I am very much excited to learn new skills and knowledge about adventure
I have two queries about your courses. Firstly, I wonder if you could possibly give me
a small overview of the exact location. Secondly, I wonder what kind of fee the course
offers. Can I pay by check or cash? Lastly, do you provide any pickup services?
I would appreciate it if you could send the details to my email.
Thank you for considering my application.
Yours sincerely,

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have seen an advertisement on the newspaper regarding the course you are
offering on tennis in England. I am very much interested in this course as I
used to play tennis for last 6 months. I am now intend to join this course in
order to improve my technical skills. I am also looking forward to participate in
a local tournament which will be held in next year.
There are two major problems arising in my mind. Firstly, I may not continue
the course as I am expecting that my university classes may be started in 3-4
months whereas the course duration for tennis is at least 6 months for
beginners. Secondly I am worried if I join the course and may not to continue it
for later due to university then is there any other option as favor for me.
I would like to know if there is any possibility that you can refund the fees for
those students who may have to drop the course in the middle due to some
reason as in my case I may have to join the university.
I would appreciate if you allow me to release with refund in case I drop the
course before scheduled duration.
Yours sincerely,
Hassaan Nawabi

Dear Mr Smith
I saw an interesting advertisement of yours about a tennis course that you are
planning to start soon in England.
When I was a teenager I used to play tennis in a famous tennis club in my
hometown, witch I enjoyed so much. But once I’ve graduated from the
university, it got harder for me to balance both of work and tennis.
Now I haven’t played tennis since 2013 and I’ve always wanted to follow some
courses to polish my tennis skills however, I have never found the time to do it.
Now that am here in the UK for some time I will be so pleased to sign up for
you course. The only problem is, I won’t be able to acheive the whole course
because am leaving in two weeks so I was wondering if you can grant me a
refund based on these circumstances.
Thank you so much Mr Smith.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter in response to the advertisement placed by your team in
Thisday Newspaper for a tennis course in Thames med,London.
I have always been interested in playing tennis since I was young and very
passionate about this. But currently, I don't wish to purchase ratchets and balls
and I would like to know if it is possible for me to be able to hire these
equipment during the course of the training.
Another problem I would like to discuss is if it is possible for me to get a
partial refund of the fee as I am meant to report work as my attention is needed.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
Tayo Temi

Dear Sir/ Madam

I am writing with regard to your advertisement in Times Now, for a tennis
course in England. I have played tennis during my school days; I was also a
part of my school team. Over the years I have developed great interest in
tennis, and I am equally interested in the course.
The only problem is I have a weak eye sight, but with spectacles I do not have
any visual problem. Do you allow playing with spectacles? I have played tennis
with spectacles on, and it will not pose any difficulty in playing.
Also, I am afraid that due to my upcoming term examinations I will not be able
to attend the last week of the course. I have already registered and paid the fees
in full. Is it possible that a refund, compensating my absence, can be done? The
amount might be of help in getting back to my college.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
Karan Bhatia

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you regarding your tennis course that was advertised in the
I love playing sports, especially tennis. I usually play tennis with my friends at
weekends on a tennis court that locates near my house. Although I often play
tennis every week, my tennis skills, however, are not good because I learned to
play tennis with my friends instead of joining an official course. I thus want to
join a tennis course to enhance my tennis level.
Your tennis course will be held at the beginning of May and lasts for three
months. Unfortunately, I am planning to travel to Canada to visit my relatives
in the whole month of July. In other words, I could not attend the course in the
last month. I am really interested in the course, and I will join it in order to
develop and improve my weak skills if you consider to refund me for the
absent month.
I look forward to receiving your reply soon.
Yours faithfully,

Dear Sir
I am writing this with regards to one of
your advertisement’s for tennis course in England.
Since childhood I really liked playing
tennis but never got the chance for enrolling into a proper course. But after
seeing this advertisement I am really keen to enroll for the course.
Since it’s a 3-month long course which will
end in July I doubt I won’t be able to attend the entire course, because I have
my college final exams in June and by no chance I can postpone that. Apart
this as a part of the course I would be required to stay away from my home for
3-months which my parents won’t allow as they are only giving me permission
a duration of one month.
So by any chance is it possible that I pay
only for the duration of time I am enrolling for and get the refund for the
rest of the amount.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Yours faithfully

Dear Sir/Madam
I write this letter in response to the advertisement I saw in New York Times
magazine for a course in tennis, which will last for a period of 3 months. I'm
certainly interested in the course but will have to find out some facts that are
really important to me.
I have an issue with my sight. So, I'll need to visit my doctor regularly during
the duration of the course. Hope that will be allowed. Secondly, my kits are not
in good shape. Hence, I may need to ask for an assistance from co-students
because I'm not financially buoyant to acquire new kits.
Finally, I'd like to know if there is an opportunity for a refund should incase I'm
not able to cope with the course after the first week. I'd be delighted if that will
be possible.
I look forward to hearing from you
Yours faithfully,
Joshua Ekwo

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in response to the advertisement for the course of Azure ML
starting from June 1st.
Currently I am working in Azure platform. We are doing migration and single
sign on access for all the corporate users for our applications. In azure from
past 8 months I am working. I think ML is going to be the next big thing in IT
industry. So I keenly to learn.
However from 10th of June I am going to Sweden for official work for 3
months. So is it possible I can pay part of the total course fee, only for 10 days.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter to respond you to the dilemma that I am facing to
continue the Tennis Course at the University of England. I have enrolled in the
same before a week by paying first semester's tuition fees. I found that your
course is worth of skill for the Tennis sport and I am very passionate to study
this course for my prospective career in sport.
Let me begin with the fact of an issue, I have selected for the International
tournament of the Tournament of the Tennis, which is going to play amongst
six different countries. The main trouble is that I am relocating to London for
the coaching of the Tennis. It is my dream to win the International competition
and I do not want to lose this precious opportunity because It would help me to
popular globally in the field of sport.
I would like to have the refund of the Tuition fees that I have paid by Credit
Card if your University has such kind of facility. I am willingly ready to send
the selection letter as a proof of my problem.
I hope to have an optimistic response from your side.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours Faithfully,
Kindly provide your feedback.
Dear Sir/Madam
I came across your advertisement in a news daily regarding Tennis summer
Camp starting on 5th May at London,England.
I would like to share with you that I am very much excited to take part in the
camp which will enhance my basic Tennis skills and pursue it further. How
ever, I may have to leave the camp before a week to join my college which is
going to start on 23rd May.And also i would like to stay at my own
accommodation instead of at camp area because of my medical diet .
Could you please let me know the possible refund options for the amenities am
not using during the camp time and the training period where i am not part of.
Waiting to hear from you and see you in the Camp.

Please give me your feedback

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in response to your advertisement on the Tennis Course, that im a
sport enthusiast with no prior experience in playing Tennis and want to take up
your course to learn how to play the game.
However, before going any further with the course would like to inform you
that, I dont have the necessary equipment to play Tennis. Can i be provided the
equipment at the facility and I have a short stature wont that be a problem and
moreover i cannot stay for the whole course as the dates are overlaping with
my exam.
Could you please inform me, if i can get a refund for the part of the course I
will not be attending.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Yours faithfully,
Anthony Joshua
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing about your recent Tennis Course Advertisement. My name is Lee
and I am 22 years old. I am keen on improving my Tennis skills and planning
to compete in our county championship. I am excited learning Tennis skills at
your prestigious Academy, as I read some very good reviews online about the
course you offer.
As this is a four weeks course in June unfortunately, due to my short college
vacations I can only attend the course for three weeks only. I have important
college coursework to finish. I am wondering If I can get the course fee refund
for the one week I won't be attending.
I also broke my Tennis racquets recently, could you please let me know if I can
hire one for the course duration and how much it will cost?
I look forward to hearing from you in near future.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Sir or Madam,
I came across your advertisement at the local newspaper regarding the tennis
course. I really would like to join this course, as I enjoy playing tennis since
my childhood. I also have studied coaching at the University of Brisbane. I
keen to be a part of this group of study, which will be a great added value to
my skills, as well as my experience.
As it is mentioned on the advertisement, the course is planned to start on
January 2nd and will eventually ends on the 23rd. I was assigned to attend an
important meeting abroad on the 17th of the same month. Therefore,
unfortunately I am not going to be able to complete the whole course.
I was wondering if there is any chance of refunding the tuition fees, is case I
started and could not be able to complete after enrolling in it. I would be
grateful if you could provide me with this information.
I look forward to hearing from you at the near future.
Yours faithfully,

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing in connection with your advertisement on tennis course in Bath,
England that will take place during March 11 to 21, 2019. I am very much
interested in learning tennis as a professional and therefore would like to attend
the course.
I am currently 21 years old. In my teenage, I used to play tennis with my
friends regularly. However, I have not been able to continue playing it in the
last six months. It is mainly due to my intense studies in the New York Medical
I am available to attend the tennis course in England from March 11 to 19.
However, I have to leave early to take the classes at my university after March
As I will not use the accommodation booked for course participants during
March 20 -21, it would be appreciable to have prior information on possibilities
of refund for the days that I will not use the hostel premises. Although, I
understand that I have to bear full payment for the classes.
I look forward to hear from you.
Yours sincerely,
Ahmad Yosuf



I’m writing in response to your advertisement on your website regarding a

tennis course in Bath, England.
I have always wanted to play tennis so I’m very interested in joining the
course; however, I do not have my own racquets and don’t wish to buy
racquets at this time. Is it possible for me to hire racquets and balls over the
duration of the course? Also, I have poor eyesight and must wear glasses all the
time. I would like to know if your course is suitable for someone like me.
I’m afraid that I have to be back in Malaysia on 31st December so I am unable
to stay in England for the whole three weeks. Is it possible for me to get a
partial refund if I want to leave one week before the end of the course?
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Dear Friend, May I please request your you to kindly give a glimpse at my
writing and please rate it.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am witting you in response to your advertisement published in DailyNews on
12 Apr, friday. This have drawn my attention for tennis course in England
which is going to start next fortnight. As per your advertisement this course
will be for 3 months.
I have been looking for an advance course in tennis for some time to improve
my tennis skills , and your course seems a best fit. But there are few challenges
which are creating roadblocks. Firstly, this course is for 3 months, since I am a
regular college student, it is extremely difficult for me to remain absent from
classes for such a long duration at a stretch. This will not only affect my
college exam preparation but it may also attract disciplinary action from
college administration. Secondly, apart from for being a lengthy course this is
also little expensive and so it not affordable for students like me, who don't
have regular source of income.
May I request you to kindly shorten the duration of this course so that people
like me who are time and money challenged can also be benefited from this
course. Also, If you agree to shortened the duration, will you also refund the
fee for remaining days of course which i will not attend. Requesting your revert
on this request
Best regards
Dear Sir/ Madam
I saw your advertisement and I am interested in your tennis courses. My age is
22, and I am a barman in Shakespeare Bar, which is in the middle of the town. I
have dreamed of tennis since childhood, but unfortunately, I never had a
chance to study. I noticed you course and lit up with desire to make my dream
come true.
However, I have some major problem with timetable of your courses. Your
study starts at 16:00 p.m. and last for two hours. Course overlaps with the time
of my work. However, I can present only on the half of your course. My duty
starts at 17:30, I still able to attend the beginning of the course.
Therefore, I would like to ask you about some possibilities to reduce the price
in my case. I do not want to find another course, your suits me best. It situated
on the same street as my job and only 10 minutes by walk.
Please consider my proposal and give me reasonable discount. I hope for your
understanding and fare decision.

Dear Sir/ Madam

My name is John and I am writing this letter in order to take participation in
your recently publish advertisement through pamphlets for providing expert
coaching on tennis.
I am having keen interest on underline sport and I am a big supporter of Roger
Federer the living legend. I am excited to know that you are organizing course
for teaching the same and not to mention the location is quite nearer to the
place where I stay.
Indeed, I don’t want to lose this opportunity of taking participation for the
course, however, I am not able to carry on with the complete assigned duration
of two months as my vocational training is planned after one month starting
this tennis course for ten days and right after fortnight my academic
examination is scheduled.
I have initiated the remuneration for the course in advance. I request you to
please provide refund if possible for the remaining one month for which I am
unable to continue.
Awaiting your favorable reply.
Yours sincerely

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Abhishek Gajjar from London. I saw an advertisement in local newspaper
for tennis course.
I am writing this letter regarding the inquiry for the 4 weeks tennis course
starting from next week. I am sport person and usually playing cricket during
holidays. It is my dream to learn tennis and I am interested to join the course.
Only problem is end of this month I am travelling to my home country to attain
some functions, so if I join the course I will be not able to attain the last 1-week
classis. I will try to postponed the travelling, but it is heard as I am going for
my close friend wedding.
In case if I will not able to attain the course, do I get refund for the 1 week
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks and Regards,
Your faithfully,

dear sir/madam,
i am writing this letter in the context to the advertisement published in london
times to learn tennis for two months in your esteemed sports coaching institute.
my name is dinesh, i am from India and keen interested to register myself. the
main problem is that, i am in london for my business meeting and don't carry
any equipment along with me . if you help me can you provide me racquet and
ball at your end.
further,i have one more problem i will be available to attend course after 4 p.m
for all my working days as i have to complete my project for which purpose i
have came to London. so , let me know the expenses incurred for hiring racquet
and ball and whether coaching staff will be there to teach me after 4 pm. if you
need any extra for my special time i am ready to pay for my interest.
i will be going back to my place one week before the course end as i have to
submit my project to my boss in my native country. so, you are requested to
refund money for one week for which i will no be present there.
i am looking forward to hear a favorable response from you.
thanking you
your's faithfully

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am Stephen Gore, writing to inquire some details about the tennis course you
conduct. I would specifically like to know your refund policy for people who cannot
complete the whole course.

I have recently noticed your advertisement in a daily newspaper and as a passionate

learner of this sport, I would like to get enrolled in this three-month-long program. As
the course is intended for the intermediate players of tennis, it would be a good fit for

However, there are some issues that I would like to resolve before getting into this
course. Firstly, the timing of the course, according to the adverts, it is from 4:00 to
6:00 in the evening. However, I cannot join it before 5:30 pm. Is there any option to
adjust the timing or date? I guess that would be necessary for learners who have a full-
time job. Besides, I will probably travel to Sydney, Australia during my course
schedule and would stay there for almost two months. Considering this, can I get a
refund in case I do not complete the whole course? What is the refund policy? Finally,
I would request you to email the document checklists to join the course.
Thank you in advance. A prompt response would be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,

Stephen Gore

Model Answer 2:
Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter in response to an advertisement, which was published online a

few days ago, where it shows that your tennis academy in Nottinghamshire is offering
a short tennis course for the beginners.

Given how much interested I really am in becoming a good tennis player, I had
naturally become very interested after seeing the word “short”. But, then my
excitement died down a little after noticing that the short was not really that short after
all. In fact, I would need to spend at least 4 weeks in England to finish the whole
course, which could be a bit problematic since I would need to return to my country
after three weeks. I have got three weeks vacation from my job which I am planning
to use in learning tennis.

Therefore, I was just wondering if I would be allowed to join the course with some
sort of guarantee that I would get a partial refund for my course should I go back to
my country before finishing the entire course or maybe you can make a special
arrangement so that I can finish it in three weeks.

I will wait for your response.

Yours faithfully,

Martin Freeman

The increasing popularity of so-called extreme sports such as base jumping and rock
climbing have led to backlash calling for them to be banned. Although these sports are
potentially fatal, they should not be banned as they are also fun and can be undertaken
The reason that many have demanded limits on extreme sports is their potential for
injury and death. Take for example one of the most notorious extreme sports: base
jumping. In this sport, participants jump off a given point (a cliff or building, for
example) with a parachute. There is very little time before they hit the ground so
unforeseen parachute malfunctions are possible and the fatality rate is extremely high.
Those that do not die may suffer severe, debilitating injuries such as paralysis and
brain damage. Base jumping is something of an outlier on the spectrum of dangerous
sports but all these sports involve varying degrees of danger.
Despite the aforementioned concerns, I believe the fun people have outweighs
potential injury when they are cautious. Base jumping is the most perilous extreme
sport but other sports such as skiing, deep-sea diving, and rock climbing are relatively
safe. Rock climbing is a good example of a sport that can be very safe and fun if
proper precautions are taken. You should sign up for training and go with someone
who knows how to safely rig up the harness and tie the requisite knots. Many people
who try it end up become passionate rock climbers because it is an exhilirating
experience. Most extreme sports, taken seriously, present little real danger and are an
enjoyable pasttime.
In conclusion, extreme sports are fun and do not have to be particularly dangerous.
People should take the opportunity to responsibly try out at least one extreme sport in
their lives in order to see if it is to their liking.

Extreme sports sound like extremely intimidating tasks for a portion of the world,
turns out to be pass time activities for others. Despite being mortal, and high risks, it
depends greatly on one's preference whether to do it or not. So prohibiting the extreme
sports are not neccessary.
Risk comes with every single action we make daily, and risks raises even higher when
it comes to sport. The most injuries causing sport is nowhere found to be extreme;
football is a common sport for all average poeple. Even boxing is more dangerous
than jumping out from the helicopter. With sky diving death only comes in certain
when one forgot their parachute or the huge umbrella doesn't operate accordingly. In
the same place a boxer could give a fatal blow and knock out one conscious instantly
if him or her isn't focus or vigiliance enough.
So, in short extreme sports had got it name from the extreme environment where
people usually perform these sports, like in middle of the sky with sky diving, on vast
depth of the ocean in scuba diving or in mountain sommet in skiing. And with much
modern technologies our era, it is much easier to overcome these hostile terrain, if
only the person who practices these so called "extreme sports" put aside their ego and
undertakes precautious measures. Such as avoid skiing on the day that were predicted
to have avalanche or heavy snow, or postpone a sky diving trip if an air turbulence is
In conclusion, after taking a number of methods to minimize risk posed by the
extreme condition, extreme sport shall be much less violent, and the general public
could put their personal preferences in to use whether to play or not to play these

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am interested in your advertisement for the International Adventure course, which I

saw in the weekly newspaper “Voice”. I would like to apply for the position of
I am a sixteen-year-old girl from ....( name of the city), .....(name of the country) and
am interested in organising sports activities and social events for young people. I am
fluent in English and German. I also gained some work experience last summer, while
I was working as a volunteer in the USA. I am available during the whole summer,
because I have a summer break for two months.

My reason for applying for this position is that I hope it will contribute for my CV
when I decide to go to university. I believe this work will be very interesting and I
would enjoy meeting new people.

I can be contacted at any time, which is suitable for you. I hope you will consider my

Yours faithfully,

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to inquire about the Snap Fitness sports club.
I am a first year student at Western College. I have just discovered that my college
does not provide any sports facilities as of yet. However, I found Snap Fitness to be
the nearest sports club and would like to request more information about it.
Firstly, I wonder if you could possibly give me a small overview of the available
facilities. It would be interesting to know whether the club offers some sports classes
and personal training sessions.
Secondly, I would be interested to know how big the gym area is and what types of
equipment are available.
Lastly, I wonder what kind of membership the club offers. Do you have monthly or
weekly based tickets available or do I need to sign up for a longer period?
I would appreciate it if you could send the details to my email.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Yours faithfully,
Jack Smith
Câu 2:

How far would you go?

Several science-fiction films and series have become so popular that they have
achieved cult status. Their influence continues to grow and followers and fans
remain steadfastly loyal to their imagined heroes. There are conventions, books,
magazines and websites all dedicated to these stars, their exploits and their lives.

One of the most influential TV sci-fi series of all time was Star Trek, an American
series which followed the adventures of the Starship Enterprise across galaxies for
many, many years. The characters of Captain Kirk, Doctor Spock and Engineer
Scottie, to name just a few members of the valiant crew, captured our imaginations.
Feature films brought the adventures to the big screen but even when the series
and films had finished and the ageing crew long retired loyal fans keep the
memories alive. There are regular Star Trek conventions all over the world where
fans meet to buy memorabilia, listen to talks and of course dress up as their
favourite aliens. And as with other cult shows, Star Trek also has its fair share of
eccentrics who take interest that one step further – into obsession.

One such person, Tony Adams, lives in Leicestershire, England and is so fond of
the series that he spent several years and many thousands of pounds decorating
and changing his flat into the bridge of the Starship Enterprise. It contains replicas
of all the machines and screens and even has a transporter room fitted with special
beams of light. The flat is perfect but it still functions as a living area. The owner has
ingeniously disguised essential appliances such as microwaves and sinks, and
normal entertainment equipment like TV, radio and DVD systems are carefully
hidden behind wall panels. The whole flat is bathed in an eerie blue light and you
can really imagine looking out of one of the porthole windows and seeing stars and
planets speeding past.

Perhaps the owner’s next step will be to learn Klingon, the language spoken by one
of the alien species that Kirk and friends encounter on their travels. In a quite
remarkable feat, a whole new language has been created and it is possible to
attend the Klingon Language Institute in Pennsylvania, founded by Lawrence M
Schoen. You can actually gain a qualification in Klingon. And when you have
learned the language you will be able to read Shakespeare’s Hamlet which has
already been translated!

For more interesting Star Trek obsessives, look on their website or even better, go
to one of their conventions. It will be quite an experience!

Choose the correct answers.

1. The fans of science fiction series and films

A. live in an imaginary world.
B. are members of a cult.
C. support their idols.

2. At a Star Trek convention you can

A. meet the actors.
B. buy things from the series.
C. see replicas of the starships.

3. Tony’s flat
A. has the latest technology.
B. lacks basic facilities.
C. is not what it seems.

4. Which adjective best describes Tony?

A. curious
B. wealthy
C. passionate

5. People can practise Klingon

A. by reading a play.
B. by visiting the country.
C. by studying online.
Trả lời:
1A 2B 3C 4C 5A
Câu 1:

1. In addition to his regular hours he’s working a lot of _________ to earn extra

2. Mary’s on _________ leave at the moment because she’s just had a baby.

3. If you wear a _________ , it means you don’t have to buy smart suits for work.

4. My last job was very _________ paid so I looked for another one with a better

5. I hate writing letters and reports but you can’t escape doing _________ in this

6. John surprised everyone by handing in his _________ last week.

7. To get results in this job, you have to work as part of a _________ .

8. Employees who aren’t happy with their working conditions sometimes go on

_________ .

9. Some people enjoy doing _________ work but I prefer regular hours every day.

10. Who is in _________ of this department now that Mandy has left?
Trả lời:
1. overtime 2. maternity 3. uniform 4. low 5. these 6. assignment 7. team 8. strike 9.
part-time 10. charge
Câu 3:

Imagine you have seen an advert for a two-week course for adventure sports. Write
a letter to apply for a place on the course. Use the writing guide to help you.

Paragraph 1: Say why you are writing.

Paragraph 2: Give details about yourself.

Paragraph 3: Say why you want to go on the course.

Paragraph 4: Ask some questions about the course.

Trả lời:
Dear Sir or Madam, I am Cuong. I am writing to you regarding your two-week tennis
course advertised in The Thao newspaper. I love playing sports, especially tennis. I
usually play tennis with my friends at weekends on a tennis court that locates near
my house. Although I often play tennis every week, my tennis skills, however, are
not good because I learned to play tennis with my friends instead of joining an
official course. I thus want to join a tennis course to enhance my tennis level.
However, there are some issues that I would like to ask clearly about the course
before getting into this course. That is, your tennis course, according to the adverts,
will be held in mid-October. The problem is that I cannot join it in October as I am
planning to travel to Hanoi to visit my relatives in the whole month, so is there any
option to adjust the time? I am really interested in the course, and I will join it in
order to develop and improve my weak skills. Thank you in advance. A prompt
response would be highly appreciated. Yours faithfully, Cuong

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