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Apple: Hello, Good morning. How are you?

Jimwelth:I’m fine and you?

Apple: great thankyou
Apple: so, how was the trip?
Jimwelth:We enjoy our trip , and we landed safely
Apple: oh okay ,have a seat Mr.Bucud
Apple: Mr. Bucud. Ive been following your work in the cosmetics industry and im
really impressed.
Jimwelth : oh really? Thank you, I’m flattered.
Jimwelth : I was wondering if you’d be interested in collaborating on a new line of
beauty products.
Jimwelth: What kind of beauty products are you thinking?
Apple : I was thinking of creating a line of all natural skincare products that are
eco-friendly and cruelty-free.
Jimwelth: that sound like a great idea. Im passionate about sustainable and ethical
beauty, so im definitely interested. Can you tell me more about the products you
have in mind?

apple: sure! Im thinking of starting with a basic makeup like lipstick , foundation
, contour , and blush. All of the ingredients must be natural and organic, and the
packaging will be recyclable

Jimwelth: I love it! What kind of scents are you thinking?

apple: I was thinking of essential oil for fragrance. Maybe lavender tea tree, and
chamomile for soothing effect.

Jimwelth those are great choices. Have you thought about branding and marketing?
sam: about the branding and marketing I will handle it

sam: we can name the line as luxe care, and market it to young women who are
passionate about ethical beauty.

Jimwelth: that would be amazing. I also have some contracts in the sustainable
fashion industry that we could partner with cross-promotion.

Jimwelth: Well, I think we should start by creating a social media campaign to

generate buzz around our products. We can also reach out to influencers in the
beauty space to see if they would be interested in promoting our products to their

Sam: That sounds like a good plan. What kind of budget do you have in mind for this

ann: I think we should allocate a decent budget to this campaign, as it's a

critical component of our launch strategy.

jim: I would recommend a budget of around 50,000 to cover the costs of social media
advertising and influencer partnerships

sam: Okay, that seems reasonable.

Jimwelth: What kind of collaboration agreement are you thinking?

Sam: I was thinking of 50-50 partnership, where we split the profits and expenses
jim: I have a few contacts that could help us with both. I'll send you their
apple: Perfect, thank you. I'm excited to get started on this project with you!
jim: Me too. I think we have a great idea and a solid plan.

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